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December 04, 1982 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-04

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Page 8-Saturday, December 4, 1982-The Michigan Daily





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Football champs crowned

Hail to the victors, the 1982 IM foot-
ball champions have been decided. To
no one's surprise; the Beaver Patrol
captured the Independent Division's
title. However, the manner in which
they did it definitely demands
Not only did the Patrol win all of their
regular season games and sweep
through the playoffs untouched, win-
ning the final game 26-0, but they also
outscored their opponents, en route to
their 7-0 record - by an amazing 250-20.
With IM games running 40 minutes,
that comes out to almost a point a
minute. The Patrol was not coached by
Hurry Up Yost, however.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon captured its
second Fraternity 'A' title in a row
when they downed the Phi Delts 10-0. In
the past two seasons, this fraternity
juggernaut has lost once.
Huntg _House, of course, blitzed
through the playoffs and claimed the
Women's division version of the football
championship, convincingly
demolishing anything that stood in their
The Residence Hall titled was gar-
nered by Kelsey Roots Blue, who
defeated Rumsey Blue in the Blue bowl
to win all the marbles.
The closest game of the champion-
ship lot was the
Graduate/Faculty/Staff title clash.
Minimum Contact prevailed over Phi
Rho Lithopedians 2-0 in a defensive
The Co-Rec crown is resting securely
on the heads of the Nitwits, that peren-
nial IM powerhouse, who defeated the
Beaver Patrol to end speculation about
their football prowess.
These, of course, are just capsulized
summaries of the big games. Keep
reading to find out who did what to
whom to win.
"It started out as a sports team, grew
to a religion, and is now a way of life."
This quotation, issued by Beaver
Patrol captain Gary Forhan, sums up
the success of the Patrol in IM
athletics. Sinde 1973, they have been
competing in IM sports, except for the
1979 and 80 seasons, and in those eight
years, they have made it to the IM foot-
ball finals all eight times, and have won
the title on six occasions.
The Patrol took on the Bruisers inside
the football training building for the
title. Tfhe Bruisers had made it to the
finals by defeating Me-off Brothers on first
downs, and the Beavers came to the
finals after bombing the Whips, Chains
and Leather Gang 32-0.
The Patrol took the lead midway
through the first half, when Steve Perry
caught a long touchdown toss from

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IM Roundup

Gary Forhan. The score was 8-0 at the
half, and after Bill Woods scored a pair
of second half touchdowns and Mike
Rucinski added one of his own, the
Patrol had a 26-0 blowout win and their
second straight title.
SAE was the other two-time title win-
ner. Their victims were the Phi Delts,
who fell to Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the
Second time this year (the other loss
coming in the Mud Bowl).
Jamie Todd scored all ten points for
SAE, who had to defeat a game group of
Sammies to reach the finals. The Phi
Delts advanced to the final round after
defeating Phi Sigma Kappa in the
semifinal round.
Jeff Harris hit Todd for the game's
only touchdown, and the SAE's wrap-
ped up the victory when Todd
registered a safety in the second half.
Minimum Contact and The Phi Rho
Lithopedians squared off in one of those
defensive struggles that usually took
place in the mud back in the 1920's.
Minimum Contact prevailed 2-0 when
lineman Clay Ottoni registered his third
safety of the season. Ottoni was left
free to roam as a result of his linemate,
huge Jim Parsons, who would gain
most of the opponents' attention, giving
Ottoni the green light to go get the
Although the Contacters had the ball
in the Lithopedians' end of the field all
game, they were unable to score. Paul
Savoldelli, who spent a year on the
UCLA varsity team, was consistent all
season, but was unable to guide his
team into the end zone.
The game ended with the
Lithopedians on Minimum Contact's
twenty, knocking on the door.
However, they were unable to get the
needed points and became yet another
answer to that age old trivia question
"Who finished second in... "
As the Daily predicted two weeks
ago, Hunt House captured the IM title
in theWomen's division. However, as
not expected, the Hunters did not have
such an easy time of it.

The Neds blasted MMB to get to the
final showdown with Hunt, who had
manhandled TKO, 22-0. The game was
close throughout, and although the
Hunt House seven prevailed, the Neds
gave them a strong challenge before
falling, 12-6.
In the 'B' bracket, the Bush Bunnies
sheared the Zeta Sheep, in the battle of
the farm animals, 8-6. This is the
second 'B' division title for Bush this
season. They also were victorious in
softball earlier this year.
The Blue Bowl would have been the
appropriate moniker for the battle
staged for the Residence Hall cham-
pionship. Kelsey Roots Blue took on
Rumsey Blue.
Both teams had been towers of.
strength all season, and the final mat-
chup showed how close the teams were.
Kelsey Blue, however, was a little large
tower than Rumsey, and they won it all
in the 'A' division, 8-0.
The 'B' segment of the title went to
the Abeng Warriors. Coach Sky

Rucnaruson wasp ieasa wmte
his team won the B title, but believes
his team could have been right in the
thick of things were it not for two early
season losses.
"Theonlyreason we didn't win the
'A' playoffs was that we didn't gell in
enough time," he commented.
The Warriors were paced by Bobby
Johnson under center, who threw all
season to a pair of capable receivers,
Kevin Stephens and Craig Norwood.
However, Richardson is quick to em-
phasize the value of the entire team.
"It was definitely a team effort,"he
The Warriors needed the entire team
to pull together in the final against the
Bartlett Binzers, when they came from
behind to take the lead late in the
second half and then held off a furious
Binzer charge in the game's waning
The Nitwits returned to the top of the
Co-Rec world with their 20-14 win over
the Beaver Patrol in the Co-Rec cham-
pionship round. After sputtering early
on in the season, the Nitwits put it all
together to beat the Mutants in the
semi-final round before defeating the
Patrol which ran over a strong Buc-
caneer squad in the semis, 22-12.
In the 'B' division, the Evans
Scholars reasoned their way to the title
by defeating Awesome 18-6.

IM Scores

Fraternity 'A'
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 10, Phi Delta Theta 0
Fraternity 'B'
Alpha Tau Omega 8, Psi Upsilon 6
Independent 'A'
Beaver Patrol 26, Bruisers 0
Independent 'B'
MMB 18, Juggernau'ts 6
Women's 'A'
Hunt 'A' 12, Neds 6

Co-Rec 'A'
Nitwits 20, Beaver Patrol 14
Co-Rec 'B'
Evans Scholars 18, Awesome 6
GF/S 'A'
Minimum Contact 2, Phi Rho Lithopedians 0
G/FI5 'B'
DSD 'B' 12, Penal Action 6
Co-Rec 'A'

Women's 'B' Hydrodynamics 12, Ann Arbor Tool & Die 7
Bush Bunnies 7, Zeta Sheep 6 Eggbeaters 7, DIRT 3 '
Residence Hall'A' Co-Rec 'B'
Kelsy Roots Blue S, Rumsey Blue 0 Nitwits 18, Gene Pool 8
Residence Hall 'B' Awesome 11, Williams 1 6


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