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December 03, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-03

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Graceful exit
See Editorial, Page 4

.: '

N t Y a
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Today, again, will be mostly cloudy
and unseasonably warm with a
chance of showers in the air. Tem-
peratures will hover in the mid 60s,
dipping to the lower 50s as night ap-

Vol. XCIII, No. 70

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 3, 1982

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages

earti icla
From AP and UPI
rescued a 61-year-old retired dentist
from the brink of death in surgery that
made, medical history yesterday by
substituting an artificial heart for a
diseased one that might not have lasted
another day.
As soon as the plastic heart started
beating, giving Barney Clark the blood
pressure of an 18-year-old, doctors
began to see improvement in the
patient's vital organs but were eautious
about his chances of survival.
* University of Utah officials said Clark
remained in critical condition, but had
opened his eyes and was nodding his
head in response to questions - en-
couraging news for the pioneering
surgical team.
=Clark opened his eyes hours after.
part of his diseased heart was removed




large cutback




One at a time
Santa's lap is a bit crowded as (1-r) Ann Arborites Jeff Moore, Donald Arthur, Kelly Bish, Jamie Lewis, and Helmer Ada ms
swarm on him at his stand in Briarwood Mall.

The University may be hit with
another large cutback in state aid this
month, state and University officials
said yesterday.
Top state government officials, op-
timistic about the state's economic rec-
overy only two weeks ago, have an-
nounced the state may need to trim well
over $300 million from this year's spen-
ding to keep its budget balanced, as
required by state law.
A BUDGET cutting order from the
Governor, or a delay in payment of
state aid to higher education is still in a
"tentative" stage, but either could
come quickly if the present ad-
ministration decides to handle the
problem, state officials said.
State Representative Gary-Owen (D-
Ypsilanti), a member of the house ap-
propriations committee, said the only
thing holding back a budget cutting or-
der or deferral is deciding if Governor
William Milliken or incoming Governor
James Blanchard will deal with the
"There's anywhere from a $300
million to $400 million deficit right
now," Owen said. "Its a matter of
whether we deal with it in a lame duck
session or in the next administration."
University Vice President for State
Relations Richard Kennedy said it was
too early to tell how much higher
education money the state would use to
erase its red ink, but that it would
probably be a substantial amount.

"IT'S HARD TO get word of what
part higher education will play (in
budget cuts or deferrals)," he said.
"I've got to believe we are going to the
principle factor - as we always are.";
The state could erase its deficit with
either a straight budget cut or by
deferring aid payments until next year,
depending on if they feel the state's
economy will pick up, Kennedy said.
Both strategy's were used last year.
Although University officials expec-
ted some sort of budget cut this year,
they may be caught off guard by the
size of the cuts Lansing is considering,
Kennedy said.
"ITS FAIR TO say we are not without
continuing plans for (budget cuts) . .{
(but) we have not thought in terms of
the kind of numbers they have been
talking about up there," he said.
Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Billy Frye said that any cuts implemen-
ted will not effect the University's
present budget but will be dealt with
next year.
Up until this week state officials had
hoped to wait until a study of the state
economy was released for December
until they decided whether an aid cut
was necessary, said state budget office
spokesman Glenn Preston. But now
Lansing officials seem to agree that
something will have to be done.
"The feeling was to wait for revenue
figures in December up until a week
ago," Preston said, "but now (Milliken
See 'U', Page 5

U, goals discussed, debated

Shapiro admits there are
problems in review process

The students and faculty gathered at
'Rackham Amphitheater yesterday took
a small step toward helping the Univer-
sity meet its goals and objectives in an
open fashion.
But for a forum intended to "broaden
campus view and input" into the
University's five year plan, the
gathering was seriously hampered by
poor attendance. About 50 professors
and less than 25 students attended the
panel discussion.
THE FORUM, however, did in-
troduce listeners to several new ideas
which students suggested should be
areas of high priority in the five year
It also exposed some of the rough
edges in the process used to hunt for
places to save money. In response to a
faculty member's question about the ef-
fects of a review on the morale of a
*school, University President Harold
Shapiro admitted there were problems.

"I've had some thoughts about if this
is the most effective means of going
about it," he said of the reviews. "I did
probably underestimate the strain of
being under review . . . but as to
whether this is the right method, that is
an open questioa,"he said.
SHAPRO sidhowever, that he
supports the present plan because he
has been unable to find another plan
which could do the job better.
In his short address to the crowd, Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye outlined the current priorities of
the plan, including increased financial
aid for graduate students, higher
faculty salaries, and improved resear-
ch programs.
Several students offered him new
areas for the plan's money to support.
MICHIGAN Student Assembly
President Amy Moore urged Frye to
support holding tuition costs down
because it should be one of the Univer-
See FORUM, Page 5

Hoover knew of
Pearl Harbor,
study' suggests

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
University Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye outlines the
priorities of the University's five-year plan at a redirection forum last night
at Rackham Amphitheatre.

Diag signs vandalized, stolen

Competitiveness is a fact of life at the
University. And this "highly com-
petitive atmosphere" may explain the
recent outbreak of destruction of Diag
boards and banners which advertise
student groups on campus.
Since the beginning of the year, an in-
creasing number of students have com-
plained that their organization's adver-,
tisements have been stolen from the
Diag, according to Elizabeth Mitchell-
Yellin, staff supervisor of the Michigan
Advertising Works, which registers and
rents out all Diag boards and banners.
0 "THE. HIGHLY competitive at-
mosphere" at the University may have
something to do with the vandalism,
she said. "Student organizations may
be competing for the student audien-
ce," she said.
The Union of Students for Israel had a
banner stolen from the Diag between 9

'It's really immature ... These people (the
vandals) must have nothing better to do.'
-Dawn Szewc,
student coordinator,
Michigan Advertising Workshop

activities without this kind of destruc-
tion," he said.
Jaffe was equally disturbed. "No one
has the right, but someone did it," she
MARKUS SAID he was particularly
upset because the artists had spent so
much time on the banners, as well as
about $100 on materials for the project.
Dawn Szewc, student coordinator of
MAW, said the organization can't be
responsible for the vandalized signs.
She added, "It's really immature. I
don't know what you can do about it.
These people (the vandals) must have
nothing better to do."
Mitchell-Yellin agreed. "People
should be aware that they are hurting
the student groups and the Michigan
Advertising Workshop by their ac-
tions," she said. "It becomes a har-
dship on the groups plus a burden and
inconvenience to MAW and there is
nothing we can do about it."

From Staff and Wire Reports
EAST LANSING - Two Michigan
State University researchers say they
have evidence suggesting former FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover had infor-
mation pointing to an attack on Pearl
Harbor, but failed to pass it on.
John Bratzel and Leslie Rout, who
are writing a book about the influence
of espionage in history, said Hoover's
racism and an obsession with self-
promotion may have stopped him from
passing on the potentially vital infor-
The. researchers said two months
before the sneak attack on Dec. 7, 1941,
Hoover caught a German double agent
with a small microdot which contained.
among other things, a series of tac-
tical questions about Pearl Harbor.
Included were questions posed by the
Germans' Japanese allies concerning
Army bases and fields in Pearl Harbor
as well as an order for sketches of the
"Most of these things are not impor-
tant," said retired University History
Prof. John Bowditch, adding that
Hoover simply may have doubted the
validity of the information.'"There's
this much you can say about intelligen-
ce; you get alot of information,
especially during a war, but do you
believe it all?"

ACCORDING to the researchers,
Hoover valued the find enough to report
it personally to FDR, although he failed
to mention the Japanese interest in
Pearl Harbor.
"We do not believe in some great con-
spiracy," said Rout, a history
professor. "Hoover's main interest
was scoring points for himself."
The researchers believe Hoover
neglected to inform Roosevelt about the
Pearl Harbor questions because he was
more concerned with impressing FDR
with the microdot find.
A MICRODOT is a message reduced
hundreds of times and hidden on a spot
of paper smaller than the dot of an "I."
They referred to the incident as "a
poverty of judgment on his part.'
They also believe he might have had
"the racist presumption" that the
Japanese were incapable of bombing
Pearl Harbor and therefore ignored the
"HOOVER WAS certainly a racist
bigot with unsightly sides to him, butlie
ran a very efficient organization,"
Bowditch said.
Bratzel agreed that Hoover was an
effective administrator but said he ob-
viously erred in his handling of the in-
formation which he didn't pass on.
"It is indeed curious it never saw the
light of day," Bratzel said.

a.m. and 10 a.m. on Nov. 29, not long af-
ter they put it up, said Sarah Jaffe, a
member of the group.
The University Activities Center's
banner advertising the Soph Show
production of "Bye, Bye Birdie," which
was put up Tuesday evening, was
discovered missing Wednesday at
about 9 a.m., along with two diag boar-
ds announcing the production, accor-

ding to the show's producer Rob
MARKUS NOTED the Diag boards
advertising UAC/Musket's production
of "Runaways" were also stolen last
Markus said he was "appalled"
something like this could happen. "It's
too bad student groups can't promote


Horizon broadening
HEUNIVERSITY'S International Center, in an
effort to expose Ann Arbor to everywhere else, is
offering numerous foreign languages to whoever
wants them. For $35, students get once-a-week
courses in Spanish, French, Persian, Swedish, Turkish,
Hindi, Norwegian, Latin, and Japanese. The class time, ac-
cording to Program Administrator Bill Marion, will be
determined according to the wishes of interested enrollees.
Morning. afternoon, and evening classes can be formed by


showcases at natural foods shaped like steak, pot pies, and
frosted cupcakes. Selections are served in bowls set on little
white tables, complete with napkins and a vase of flowers-
or the food can be bought to go, ready-to-eat, or frozen.
A menu of culinary suggestions includes:
" Appetizers: Liver pate, tuna treat, cheese logs. $1.50
" Entrees: Sheperd's pie (baked ground beef in a.
casserole molded into a pastry shell of mashed potatoes);
Steak and kidney ragout (bites of beef and kidney braised in
a sauce); Vita Loaf (fresh ground beef blended with egg,
garlic, cheese, whole wheat bread crumbs and a nutritional
eil a90 fnnh

were broken up in front of the President's house.
Also on this date in history:
A 1942-100 hospital employees, mostly doctors and nur-
ses, suddenly became ill after eating in the cafeteria,
leaving the hospital dangerously understaffed.
* 1947-One dozen college yearbooks were thrown off the
top of the Union Tower to prove that the Michiganesian was
"bound" to be a success. The test was devised to show that
the Michigan book had the strongest bindings.
" 1965-The University decided to expand the Pilot
Program experiment, and to place special emphasis on


I ;. n

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