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November 20, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-20

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See Editorial, Page 4

.Cl t ]c

Sity it3a
Ninety,-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy today with a chance of
light rain and a high in the 5sO.

Ten Pages

Vol. XCIII, No. 63

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 20, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages





U prof
A~ ,
The economic forecast presented at
last Thursday's Economic Outlook Con-
ference is rosy, but the researchers who
came up with the good news are the fir-
st to admit that their past predictions
have not been entirely accurate.
"We've been trying to find something
good to say about the RSQE (Research
Seminar in Quantitative Economics)
forecast presented at last year's
Economic Outlook Conference," said
researcher Saul Hymans, director of
the seminar.
"A COLLEAGUE suggested that
there were two good things that could
be said: No good, and good for
nbthing," said Hymans, who was in-
volved in the preparation of both
Hymans, who is also a University
economics professor, made the
remarks before he presented the
seminar's forecase for the coming
year, predicting lower inflation, less
unemployment, and higher real per-
sonal income.
-Last year's prediction for the
economy, which forecast a substantial
recovery from the recession in the
ehrly part of this year, was for the most
Rprt, incorrect, say researchers who
ma#rked on the report.
"Last year's forecast was one of the
worst in terms of accuracy," said
Patrick 'Barkey, a research assistant,
explaining that it failed to predict ac-
curately the turning point in the
According to Hymans, the seeds of
the prolonged recession - and thus the
inaccuracy of the University's forecast
- were sown in the passage of the
See ECONOMIC, Page 2
Afxed UAC
will speak
at League
-Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose radical
views in the Middle East prompted the
University Activities Center (UAC) to
cancel his Viewpoint Lecture, will be
coining to campus after all.
Kahane's speech for UAC was abrup-
tly cancelled Tuesday night when the
organization's executive committee
-discovered the rabbi had tried to
legitimize the slaughter of Palestinians
in Lebanon in a recent speech and ad-
0 vocates the deportation of all Arabs
from Israel.
KAHANE WILL speak in the Huissey
Room at the Michigan League at 8 p.m.

Monday. The speech is being spon-
sored by Jewish Idea, a nationalistic
Jewish group organized by about 10
See RABBI, Page 2

close ISMRRD
University Regents practice the
give and take of five year plan
By BILL SPINDLE for Molecular Genetics (see story, contained gross factual inaccuracie


The Regents yesterday voted
unanimously to close the University's
Institute for the Study of Mental Retar-
dation and Related Disabilities, dealing
the final blow in the unit's long and
sometimes turbulent review.
For observers at yesterday's Regents
meeting, it was a chance to see the
University's Five Year budget plan in
At the same time the Regents made
the move to save an estimated $280,000
over the next few years by axing the in-
stitute, they also okayed an investment
of up to $250,000 to create a new Center

Page 1). Molecular genetics is con-
sidered by many to be an up-and-
coming high-technology field.
THE REGENTS' final vote to
eliminate ISMRRD ended a sometimes
rocky review of the institute begun last
The institute's director, Herbert
Grossman, and its staff members had
insisted all along that their program
was not given a fair hearing. They
claimed that the special review com-
mittee that urged that the unit be closed
was biased. The committee's report on
its findings, the ISMRRD staff claimed,

In a last-ditch effort to save his
program, Grossman spoke before the
Regents one last time Thursday arid
reiterated his claim that the whole
review process was tipped to condemn
his unit.
BUT THE Regents were seemingly
unconvinced by his arguments. After a
brief response yesterday by University
President Harold Shapiro, calliig
Grossman's complaints unfounded, all
eight Regents voted to close the in-
See REGENTS, Page 6

Regents approve funds

for new
As the second part of the University's
give and take yesterday the Regents
approved a plan to begin a molecular
genetics center at the University.
And to get the center started on the
right foot they gave Vice President for
Academic affairs Billy Frye per-
mission to fund the center with up to
$250,000 from the University's main
treasure chest, the General Fund
THE CENTER has already started to
recruit 10 top-notch faculty members
from around the nation to add to the 40

University professors who already con-
duct genetic research on campus.
The study of molecular genetics in-
volves the manipulation of genes in
organisms, and the creation of new en-
zymes and proteins. Faculty members
in the center hope to market that
research-with the help of private cor-1
porations-in practical fields such as
disease control.
But administrators said the center's
professors would concern themselves
primarily with basic research that can
be used in teaching-not with research
that only has highly specific industrial

"IT'S AN area of such basic concern
that we can't have a strong biological
science center without strength in this
field," University President Harold
Shapiro told the Regents yesterday.
The initial investment of money from
the General Fund is intended to be a
one-time boost to get the center started,
Frye said. After that,, the center will
support itself through private research
The rest of the money for the center
will come in the form of $750,000-per-
year grant for five years through the
See REGENTS, Page 6

Twelve years later Photo by Paul Engstrom
Prof. Ernest Allen, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, kicked off the
Black Student Union's teach-in "12 Years After the Black Action
Movement" in his speech last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. He
emphasized the need for each generation of blacks to know its history by
saying, "We forget what happened and make the same mistakes
tomorrow." Today's activities will take place from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at East

Owners board up stores or OSUgame

Special to the Daily
COLUMBUS - City merchants here
were boarding up their store fronts in
anticipation of rowdy football fans after
Columbus police officers walked off
their jobs in a pay dispute yesterday, a
day before the always-fierce Michigan -
Ohio State rivalry hits high gear.
Last-minute politicking by city
council members yesterday gave police
officers the 5 percent raise they wanted
and averted a sick-out again today, on
the day of the big game. But even
though officers returned to their jobs
last night after a one-day absence, city
merchants were still nervous.
TRADITIONALLY, the end-of-the-
season rivalry has caused problems for
campus-area store owners and city
traffic. After the Buckeyes 1979 victory
fans celebrated, by causing several
thousand dollars worth of property
damage. One year, overzealous fans
set a car on fire in elation.
The steady noise of pounding ham-
mers, and whizzing saws prevailed
yesterday on High Street, the main
drag through the Ohio State campus, as
many entrepreneurs prepared for
another possible victory celebration
Tom Cashing, the manager of State
Discount store on High Street, was busy
yesterday afternoon supervising his
employees as they fitted huge sheets of
plywood over his store front.
"ACCORDING to the papers, the
police have settled and will be out there
Saturday (today)," said Cashing, who
moved from Ann Arbor recently.
"But I've seen films showing how
rowdy the people could get, even with
police protection. They showed a car on
fire being paraded down High Street,
and I heard some other stories too."

Though Cashing, who once managed
the State Discount store in Ann Arbor,
is relieved that the usual detail of 300
police officers will be back on the street
today, he is not feeling overly secure.
"I don't think you're going to see the
breaking and the looting now with the
police out there," he said, "but there
could be some broken glass. There
might still be some throwing of bottles
and bricks."
"WHEN I was in Ann Arbor, I don't
even remember this type of reaction
(among football fans)," he said, "but
this is a violent city."
Peter Noseworthy, owner of

Noseworthy Antique Clothing Store on
High Street, was also busy yesterday
protecting his store and the bar he owns
next door.
"We just board up our store every
Michigan weekend, away or at home,"
he explained. "I've been on campus for
five years now and the first year I
didn't bother with it. I ended up losing
five windows. Win or lose, the people
get crazy, and the police just can't be
In fact, campus-area merchants are
banding together for common defense
against Buckeye fans. Before police

Michigan-OSU battle
still the Big Game'

Special to the Daily
COLUMBUS - If not for the oc-
casional Rose Bowl T-shirt flaunted by
the occasional Michigan fan, there
would be no doubting the importance
that still surrounds today's Michigan-
Ohio State battle.
There has been all of the same
emotional buildup and hoopla that has
marked this game since it became one
of the country's great rivalries some 14
years ago. It will be televised for the
11th consecutive year, as CBS will
showcase the game to the rest of the
nation beginning at 12:35 p.m.
YES, THE pep rallies have been
staged and the fight songs have been
sung, but sadly for the Buckeyes the

roses already have been won.
There is no Big Ten championship
and no Rose Bowl bid on the line. For
the first time since 1971, the annual
season-ending bash between the
Buckeyes and the Wolverines will have
no bearing on the Big Ten race.
"Michigan and Ohio State has always
been the game," said Wolverine head
coach Bo Schembechler. "It's different
this year but it's still Michigan and Ohio
State, it's still the best two teams in the
conference. They point for us and we
point for them."
REGARDLESS of what happens
today, all roads point to Pasadena for
the Wolverines, who wrapped up the
title with a 52-21 victory over Purdue
last week. Michigan is 8-0 in Big Ten
See ROSES, Page 9

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Employees of Noteworthy's Fine Antique Clothing, situated on the main
street of OSU's campus, worked yesterday to board up the store's windows.
Anticipating violence from this weekend's football crowd, many businesses
in the area took similar precautions and some plan to curtail liquor sales.


Cleaned to a crisp
HILE GOOD help may be hard to find these
days, most people would not resort to burning
dnwn their hnmet n gt nut nf pleaning them.

for the house was a total loss. In addition to destroying the
house, the blaze killed her two cats. Sanford is currently
under observation at the Nassau County Medical Center. Q
Tainted love
NOT ONLY does Michael Morgenstern know how to
make love to a woman. but he also knows how to slug

The Daily almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1953, University senior Milo
Radulovich, a member of the Air Force reserve, was
under investigation for dismissal from the force as a poor
security risk because of his close and continuous
association with his father and sister-alleged Com-
Also on this date in history:

" 1943-Michigan Bell urged students to refrain from
making social long-distance calls on Thanksgiving day so
the wires would be free for servicemen to call home;
" 1954-A random survey of University students showed
them to be unconcerned over Michigan's lack of a mascot.
The last wolverine had died 4 years earlier;
* 1976-The Michigan football team defeated Ohio State
22-0, giving thefn a Rose Bowl berth. Michigan had been
...:_ ecaa int haR- :rnn.ci n10 1



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