Page 2-Sunday, November 7, 1982-The Michigan Daily.
Which candidate will fill Brezhnev's shoes?1IN BRIEF
(Continued from Page
Konstantin Chernenko, 70, a four-year Politburo-
member; and Viktor Grishin, 07, head of the Com-
munist Party Organization in Moscow and an 11-year
Politburo member.
COOK GAVE these impressions of the three:
" Andropov: "The conventional-wisdom favorite to
succeed Brezhnev... Allegedly the most intelligent
and sophisticated of the candidates. Some commen-
tators even allege he may be a Soviet-style closet
liberal." Reformer is more correct. Most specialists
opine that should he succeed he could be a
progressive in foreign policy but would pursue
tightened internal discipline."
. Chernenko: "Apparently early favored by
Brezhnev, his patron for many years, as successor..
. May have generated opposition by moving too
quickly to assume power ... Perhaps Chernenko's
greatest asset is that he does not appear to threaten
is fellow elders. While he may be a moderate by
Soviet standards he is not by ours.
" Grishin: "A dark horse. He has been around a long
time and knows the Moscow ropes. Reportedly a
bright man, he seems cast in the faceless-bureaucrat
mold publicly, much in the maner of former Moscow
Party Secretary Nikita Khruschev . . . "Unlike the
others, he is not in the Secretariat and thus lacks
national-level responsibilities."
COOK CAUTIONED that in recent years, U.S.
Soviet watchers have often been far from the mark in
predicting changes in Soviet leadership.
He said Kremlinologists disregarded Khruschev in
1953 as a "faceless bureaucrat," and dismissed
Brezhnev in 1964 as a "lightweight" who was "not
serious enough to hold down the No.1 slot for long."
Cook said that because of the nature of the Soviet
leadership "the possibility of radical change early on
in a succession is low."
He attributed this to a system in which a high value
is placed on conformity, because the odds favor the
continuation of a collective style of leadership and
because the aspirants to Brezhnev's position have
been part of the process for years.
"The tendency of their style of leadership to slow.
least common denominator decisions has no doubt
been frustrating to the activist oriented," he said.
"But it has been orderly and safe and, odds are, is
likely to prevail at least at the outset of the post-
Breshnev era.
A benefit for Peace Neighborhood Center and the Michigon rheotre
GOP head says Reagan
will, run again in 1984
Michigan Thatre " Ann Arbor
When the clock strikes-midnight and Friday, November 12 turns into Sat-
urday, November 13 this great jazz marathon will begin. Come hear just a
couple of the acts or try to stay awake and hear them all, but be sure you do
not miss JAZZMATAZZ.
12:00 midnight-3;00 a.m. dance on the stage of the Michigan Theatre to
the Music of the Lyman Woodard Organization.
3:15-6:00 a.m..David Swain will lead a music jam session. Come blow your
horn or just listen to the jazz.
6:30-9:00 am. invigorate your mind and body as Joan Yocum and Kathy
Navarro lead a jazzercise aerobic dance session. Participate or sit back and
enjoy the rhythm ahd music.
9:30 a.m,-12:00 noon hear the Ann Arbor Community High School Jazz
Band, directed by Michael Grace, Peace Neighborhood Center's own jazz en-
semble, and the Monroe High School Jazz Band led by Jim Elliot.
12:30-3:30 p.m. listen to WEMU radio's jazz competition winner, the Les
Bloom-Bruce Dondero Sextet and learn about jazz as Dr. Billy Taylor leads
talented musicians in a master-class.
4:00-7:00 p.m. the Washtenaw Community College and U of M Jazz
Bands will celebrate an expectedU of M football victory over Purdue.
8:00 p.m. the Billy Taylor Trio will wrap up JAZZMATAZZ with the music
that caused the "New York Times" to write, "A jazz virtuoso. . . Taylor has
that happiest of combinations; technique, taste and imagination. Few mod-
ern pianists play the instrument as.engagingly as he does''
This event is being given as a benefit for two nationally recognized service
organizations, the Peace Neighborhood Center and the Michigan Theatre..
Make sure you are a part of JAZZMATAZZ.
Refreshments wil be available the entire twenty-four hour period. Reserva-
tions can be made by calling 668-8397 and charging your tickets to Master-
Card and Visa. For a brochure of complete information write: JAZZMA-
TAZZ, Michigan Theatre, P.O. Box 7334, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Prices
for an all event ticket are scaled from $7.50 to 537.50.
(Continued fromrPage 1)
finance laws and equal time
requirements for political broadcasts.
BY CONTRAST, should Reagan an-
nounce too soon that he is stepping
aside after one term, or even send out
signals that he is not interested in re-
election, he would lose much of the
leverage of an incumbent president.
Other Republican officials said they,
too, interpreted the choice of Laxalt,
one of the president's oldest political
allies and chairman of his 1980 election
campaign, as a sign that the president
would seek a second term.
The two-term Nevada senator would
replace Richard Richards as party
1 THE PRESIDENT'S top advisers
seem about equally divided in their ex-
pectations about what course the
president will choose and deputy White
House press secretary Larry Speakes
by Euripides
translated by Neil Curry
NOV. 10-13 & 18-20
The New Trueblood Arena
TICKETS: $3.50 PTP Office in
the Michigan League,
Department of Theatre
& Drama
said yesterday morning "he honestly
has not made up his mind."
One administration official,
discussing Reagan's decision to place
Laxalt in the chairmanship, said the
move "gears the president up to win in
'84, putting his old chairman in
"He will have the people and options
in place," said this official, asking that
he not be further identified. "It sends a
clear signal that the right people are in
place for the president to seek re-
election in 1984."
THE 60-YEAR-OLD Laxalt has been
a major force in Nevada politics for
nearly two decades..
Few students
file for
(Continued from Page 1)
think the poor showing is an indication
of a new trend in student politics. "It's
"It has a lot to do with student
apathy," he said. "I think it's going to
have a real negative effect on voter
Talmers, however, said the problem
isn't that students aren't interested.
"There are the same number, if not
more, who want to be active," she said.
"A lot of people feel burned out after
working on the (Nov. 2) election."
A POSITIVE aspect of this year's
LSA-SG race, according to Talmers, is
that there are no "joke" parties run-
ning. Last year, Elliott Erbas cam-
paigned with promises of allocating one
Izod shirt to each student, eliminating
all morning classes, and replacing the
North Campus buses with "1,500 little
red wagons."
This year, students can go to the
Fishbowl, the Union, the UGLi,
Mosher-Jordan, Alice Lloyd, Couzens,
Markley, East Quad, South Quad, West
Quad, or Bursley to vote.
Goldman said he intends to extend
the hours for voting, in an attempt to
increase turnout. "Hopefully, we can
give people as much of a chance to vote
as possible," he said.
[7'~ A ARBOR :
Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Anti-Klan protesters rally
WASHINGTON- A small, suburban Ku Klux Klan rally and fears of a
proposed Klan march down Pennsylvania Avenue sparked a peaceful but
angry demonstration of about 800 anti-Klan activists on the Capitol steps
Speaking at the rally were Rep. Parren Mitchell (D-Md.), Rep. Walter
Fauntroy, the congressional delegate for Washington, D.C., and a widow of
one of five anti-Klan protesters killed in Greensboro, N.C. three years ago.
Mitchell, Fauntroy and several speakers indicated the reason the Klan
plans a 300-member Washington march Nov. 27 is that the Reagan ad-
ministration climate is hospitable for Klan activity.
"I cheer you today because you march against the symbols of meanness
and misplaced priorities," said Fauntroy, referring to the administration.
The speakers said administration attempts to modify the Voting Rights
Act and allow tax breaks for segregated private schools encouraged the
Vietnam vets to gather
in Washington this week
WASHINGTON- Tens of thousands of former servicemen and members
of their families will gather in Washington this week for a National Salute to
Vietnam Veterans-and for the welcome home that they never got.
Ex-infantryman Jan Scruggs, president of the sponsoring Vietnam
Veterans Memorial Fund, says the response to the invitations has been
overwhelming. He predicts 250,000 will participate.
The central event in the four-day observation is the dedication next Satur-
day of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, on the mall near the Lincoln
Memorial-a monument built largely through Scruggs' effort.
It honors the 2.5 million Americans who served in Vietnam and the 57,939
who died there or are still listed as missing.
The parade down Constitution Avenue will be the biggest Washington has
seen since John Kennedy's inauguration, Scruggs says. At least 15,000 Viet-
nam veterans will march-in uniform or out of it-in units from each of the
states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Israelis, Lebanese plan talks
Lebanese Prime Minister Chefik Wazzan said yesterday negotiations on
the withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Lebanon would begin next
week, the first Israeli-Lebanese meeting arranged as a result of U.S. envoy
Morris Draper's peace mission.
Diplomatic sources said Draper, who has been shuttling among Mideast
capitals to arrange the withdrawal talks, would act as a mediator in the
Israel-Lebanese negotiations.
The face-to-face talks will be the first held under U.S. mediation since the
invasion June 6 and reflect Draper's increasingly important role in ridding
Lebanon of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian troops. Lebanese and Israeli of-
ficials have held previous meetings under the supervision of the United
The focus on withdrawal talks came after a truce took hold in the Shouf
mountains east of Beirut where Druze Moslem gunmen and Christian
Phalangist forces have been fighting for days.
Begin to visit U.S.
JERUSALEM- The image of war-torn Lebanon and the massacre of
Palestinian refugees will haunt Prime Minister Menachem Begin's visit to
the United States this week.
Begin will present Israel's case to audiences in Los Angeles and Dallas
and in private talks with Reagan administration and congressional leaders
in Washington.
The 10-day trip begins Thursday, highlighted by a White House meeting
with President Reagan Nov. 19.
Before leaving Israel, Begin will testify Monday before the commission
investigating the Sept. 16-18 slaughter at Palestinian refugee camps by
Lebanese Phalangists. The key questions are what he knew about it and
what he did about it.
Soviets prepare m'ltary parade
MOSCOW- Moscow was ablaze with red flags and patriotic banners
yesterday and shoppers stocked up on food and vodka in anticipation of the
military parade marking the 65th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
President Leonid Brezhnev's portrait disappeared from a key boulevard
for several hours, prompting speculation of a major political upheaval. But a
new poster of Brezhnev was put up and the rumors quickly subsided.
Brezhnev and other Kremlin officials were expected to review troops, ar-
tillery and missiles today from atop the red marble tomb of Vladimir Lenin,
mastermind of the world's first Communist state.
More than 3,000 troops and several hundred weapons were to be shown in
the 45-minute military review, which traditionally includes a short speech by
Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov.
Western sources said an armored infantry vehicle that is the workhorse of
Soviet troops in Afghanistan will be displayed in the parade for the first
0 be Atcigun BatIVy
Vol. XCIII, No. 52
Sunday, November 7, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily'Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturdaymor-
nings. Subscription rates: $7.50 in Ann Arbor; $8 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-
bor, MI. 48109.
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5th Ave o lberty 761-9700
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