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November 07, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-07

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Another Reagan
See Editorial, Page 4


Sir Yiau
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly sunny, breezy, and not as
cold today, with a high in the mid-40s
to 50.

w X,
Vol. XCIII, No. 52 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 7, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages


downs Illinois,


Attract few
Student government leaders in LSA
don't know why it happened. They don't
know what it means, or what the future
will hold.
But they do know that when less than
half the number of candidates that filed
for a seat on LSA-SG last year showed
nterest in holding an office next year,
Whey were taken by surprise.
"I REALLY thought we did a pretty
good job publicizing the election," said
Margaret Talmers, current LSA-SG
president. "But, a lot of people didn't
When last Monday's deadline for
candidates to file for the Nov. 15 and 16
election passed, only six had entered
the race for presidency, and only 18 for
the 15 at-large seats available. Last
ear, 58 candidates filed for the same
umber of positions.
Election coordinator Bruce Goldman,
agreed to accept applications from four
more candidates after Monday, he said,
because a change in the deadline had
excluded them.
"I JUST think this is one year,"
Goldman said, explaining he doesn't
See FEW, Page 2

Blue halts late Illini drive
before record-setting crowd

Special to the Daily
CHAMPAIGN - For 59 minutes and 33 seconds
the two teams battled valiantly. For an entire af-
ternoon the two squads stormed up and down the
field, 869 yards worth.
But in the end, it was a single play with only a
few ticks left on the clock that decided the outcome
of Michigan's 16-10 victory over Illinois yesterday
at Memorial Stadium.
With 27 seconds left in the game, Illinois (6-3, 5-3
in Big Ten) had a fourth and goal play staring it in
the face with the ball resting on the Wolverine two-
yard line.
UNDER GRAY skies, quarterback Tony Eason
stood over center as a record-setting Memorial
Stadium crowd of 75,256 rose to its feet in nervous
anticipation of the impending play. Eason handed
off to Tailback Dwight Beverly who took the ball
off right tackle, straight into a wall of Michigan
defenders for no gain.
"There was nowhere to run," said Wolverine
head coach Bo Schembechler as he puffed conten-
tly on a victory cigar after his team had raised its
record to 7-2, 7-0 in conference play. "He could
have been (former Illinois great Red) Grange and
he wouldn't have gotten the touchdown."
"That was a helluva play," said Michigan
linebacker, Mike Boren, who recorded 17 tackles
on the afternoon. "That was the game. Our backs
wer'e against the wall and we made the play. You
don't know how satisfying it was to shut up their
"ALL WEEK (Wolverine defensive coordinator
Gary ) Moeller had said it would come down to the
last quarter," he continued. "But hell, it came

down to that last play. I don't know how much
more of this I can take."
To get to the Michigan two-yard line, the Illinois
had driven 80 yards, 43 of which came through the
air. With 1:05 left in the contest Illinois was at the
Michigan five and the situation iooked grim for the
"The odds are against you and you're scared,"
said Boren. "When they have four cracks from
the five, the odds are against you.
THREE PLAYS netted a mere three yards; set-
ting up the Illini's futile fourth down play.
"It surprised me that they ran," said Boren. "I
thought they'd roll out and throw. After the game,
I talked to a friend of mine on Illinois and he said it
was just a bad last call."
Illinois head coach, Mike White, stood by his call
after the game. 'I accept the responsibility for the
call," he said. "We needed to move the ball short.
They were thinking pass; we tried to run."
BUT THE Wolverines weren't fooled by the run,
as White had hoped.
"Once we saw the set they were in, we were an-
ticipating run," said Michigan linebacker, Paul
Girgash, who was the game's leading tackler with
19. "Until then I thought they'd pass, but the for-
mation they ran out of indicated run."
"The last play, I got the feeling they were in a
stacked defense and knew what the play was,"
said Illinois' Beverly. 'They were in a goalline
defense, the extra man stuntedand hit my leg. I
tried to lunge forward. The hole was there - at
first. After the play, all the guys from Michigan
came around shouting, 'We won, we won!'"'
ALTHOUGH THE two teams scored a total of on-
ly 26 points, the game began as though it would be
the type of offensive circus that usually trans-
See 'ILLINI', Page 8

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Michigan tailback Lawrence Ricks gains 13 yards before being hauled down by Illinois' Mark Jones
(30) and Archie Carter (84). Ricks picked up 177 yards in the 16-10 Michigan victory over Illinois yes-


Conference gives chance
to discuss medical ethics

A doctor's life isn't as easy as many
people are led to believe. Doctors face
difficult and controversial questions
almost every day. Society and patients
put a great deal of pressure on him of-
ten to perform miracles.
And then there is the patient who just
won't cooperate.
Take John Travis, for instance. He
suffers from chronic renal (kidney)
failure and other ailments because he
consistently refused to keep up with
various prescribed treatments. John
requires dialysis treatment three times
a week, but his non-compliance with
those trying to treat him has forced two
clinics to refer him elsewhere for help.
AT THE LAST treatment center
available, the doctor told John once

again that he must follow the
prescribed regimen to be able to live a
relatively normal life. But John's con-
duct at the clinic became progressively
worse. He threatened patients and the
staff 'when he showed up for treat-
ment-if he showed up at all. Often, he
skipped his treatment until the sym-
ptoms became unbearable, and then
showed up drunk. Once, the staff found
him injecting an unidentified drug into
his system.
The problem became so bad that
John's doctor confronted him several
times, the last time asking, "How do
you expect me to care for you when you
don't care for yourslef?" To which John
said, "You've got to give me dialysis
when I want it, doctor, because there
isn't anyone else who will do it, and I
need it to live.''
What should the doctor do? Can he

ethically refuse to treat a patient?
This is one hypothetical case
discussed at the tenth Conference on
Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine held
yesterday at the School of Public
Health Building.
THE CONFERENCE is designed to
promote "a little more awareness of
what is involved in the area of
biomedical ethics in a University set-
ting," according to Gwynedd Warren,
the program director for the conferen-
But the conference is not designed to
provide definitive answers to the
questions raised. Instead, the time is
designed for "an exercise in analytical
thinking," Warren said.
To do this, participants are only
allowed to choose two of the four topics
offered each conference. They have

GOP head is certain Reagan
" will seek re-election in 1984

Daily Photo by LISA CHRISTIE

Save the whales

Kyle Heger (left), Jennifer Leehey (center), and Linda Schendler (right), man the checkpoint booth for participants
in yesterday's Greenpeace Walkathon.

Laxalt, selected by President Reagan
to head the Republican National Com-
mittee, said yesterday he is convinced
that Reagan will seek re-election in
1984. ,
"I got a clear enough signal to satisfy
me," Laxalt told an administration of-
ficial. That "signal," the senator said,
followed his declaration to the
president that he would refuse the post
if Reagan would not run again.
EMERGING from the White House
with Richards yesterday, Laxalt said
he told the luncheon guests that while
Reagan had given him no formal com-
mitment, "my political instincts told
me he would be a candidate."

The president's response, "He
smiled," Laxalt said.
But Laxalt acknowledged that uncer-
tainty over the nation's unemployment
rate, now at a 42-year record of 10.4
percent, could stay the president's
THE CHOICE of Laxalt was seen by
one administration official as evidence
the president was assembling a re-
election team, and the senator's com-
ments sent the strongest signal yet that
Reagan would run again.
As he entered the White House
grounds for a lunch with the president,
Laxalt said the president had not told
him what political course would be

"I'll be frank to tell you that if I per-
sonally didn't think that he was going to
be a candidate, I wouldn't be accepting
this position."
WHILE REAGAN has never stated
that he intends to seek re-election in two
years, the 71-year-old president has
been sending out signals that he might
decide to seek a second term.
However, Reagan is following a
cautious path.
An early declaration of re-election
bid would risk tainting every step he
takes with allegations of political
motives and force many activities into
categories regulated by campaign
See GOP, Page 2

Who willfill Brezhnev's shoes
Expert picks three candidates


WASHINGTON (AP) - The cloak of
leadership now worn by ailing and
aging Soviet President Leonid
Brezhnev is likely to drop soon on the
shoulders of a Soviet bureaucrat named
Andropov or Chernenko or Grishin,
says one of the U.S. government's top
Kremlin watchers.
The the chances are that Brezhnev's
successor, likely to be chosen from the
elderly band of men at the top of the

Soviet leadership, will not rule longer
than the end of the decade, said State
Department Soviet expert Paul Cook.
APPEARING to imply that the 75-
year-old Soviet leader wil be president
until his death, Cook said, "The odds
are that when Brezhnev will depart the
scene he will do so with his boots on,"
not by stepping into voluntary
retirement, Cook said.
In a report prepared for publication

by the Congressional Joint Economic
Committee, Cook said the odds are also
that Brezhnev's successor will be
chosen from the ranks of the 12 men -
averaging 69 years of age - who serve as
full members of the Soviet Politburo.
Of those 12, Cook listed three men as
prime candidates: Yuriy Adnropov, 68,
who resigned as head of the KGB in
May to return to the party Secretariat;
See WHICH, Page 2


Rising star
W HO IS YON EBON troubadour in syntl
coat and eye-catching shoes? Why, it
Jake, of course-Ann Arbor cultural
beloved by all. And who are those
tvmpc hmrdpneclbyheanvelectronn

Video coke
B UY A COKE and play a video game. Buy two and get a
discount-or maybe even a cents-off coupon-from a
sophisticated new line of vending machines that do a lot
more than swallow coins. Coca-Cola USA says its new
generation of robotic vendors will play video games, give
coupons, offer discounts on multiple purchases and sell
cans and liter or two-liter bottles, all the while making
change for naner money. "They go beyond talking." com-

at the delivery man," said Tortorici. The first com-
puterized Coke machine came out a year ago-one that
talks in a synchronized computer voice. About 3,500 are now
in service.
The Daily almanac
l u AT LTO l TZ, . «...«..l«. . . . . ..7..,, ..

the formerly all-male Varsity Debating Squad. The topic of
the year's debates: "Resolved: The U.S. should cooperate
in Establishing and Maintaining an International Police
Force Upon Defeat of The Axis Powers."
" 1946 - Female University students were lured by ads
for post-game dinners at the Cottage Inn, featuring entree
choices including T-bone steak at $1.60, Spaghetti at 60 cen-
ts, and a vegetable plate for 70 cents. All dinners included
soup or juice, a salad, vegetables, potatoes, and bread and

is Shaky
ti gear.

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