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November 06, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-06

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Crime pays
See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Oh, brother
Mostly cloudy and breezy today with
occasional snow flurries, the high
should reach the mid 40's.

Vol. XCiI, No. 51 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 6, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Jobless rate
surges to
10.4 percent

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON- The unemployment
rate surged to-a new post-Depression
high of 10.4 percent in October, with 11.6
million Americans out of work and
business and labor officials forecasting
more gloom in coming months.
More than 290,000 workers were ad-
ded to the jobless rolls during the mon-
th, pushing up the unemployment total,
which does not include 1.6 million more
people too discouraged to seek a new
THE RATE climbed 0.3 percent for
the second consecutive month, marking
the worst unemployment situation in
the United States since 1940.
In Michigan, unemployment rose to
an October record of 14.9 percent last
month, surprising Milliken ad-
ministration fiscal experts but failing Ito
shake their belief that things will im-
Rep. Henry Reuss (D-Wis.), chair-
man of the congressional Joint
Economic Committee, called the latest
figures "devastating." He announced
that in the coming lame-duck session of
Congress, Democrats will propose a
multibillion-dollar public works
program. The AFL-CIO reiterated its
call for such a program.
REUSS indicated that Democratic
victories in Tuesday's election suggest
that President Reagan could accept the
program,idesigned to address both "the
immediate hardships of the recession
and the economy's longer-term needs."
However, White House deputy press
secretary Larry Speakes said that
while President Reagan was "sym-
pathetic and concerned about the dif-
ficulties of those who are unemployed,"
he will continue to oppose any new
government-subsidized jobs program.
The Labor Department's report
revealed yesterday that for the first
time since the government began com-
piling monthly statistics in 1948, the
percentage of unemployed full-time

workers eclipsed that of part-time em-
ployees. That dramatized dwindling job
opportunities in sectors, particularly
heavy manufacturing, that have
provided the bulwark of jobs.
UNEMPLOYMENT among construc-
tion workers alone reached a high of 23
percent. Among blue-collar workers, it
reached a record 15.9 percent.
Joblessness reached new highs for
adult males and females, at 9.8 percent
and 8.6 percent respectively. Hispanic
unemployed moved to a new high of 15.2
percent. Black unemployment was 20.2
percent, unchanged since September.
S. Martin Taylor, director of the
Michigan Employment Security Com-
mission, said layoffs in the auto in-
dustry resulting from continued weak
sales were primarily to blame for the
rise in the state's joblessness.
September's state unemployment
rate was 14.5 percent.
DEPUTY Budget Director Doug
Roberts said the administration was
not expecting any increase during Oc-
tober, but said he still is not convinced
the deepening recession will force new
budget cuts as Democrats are predic-
James Barrett, chief of the State
Chamber of Commerce, said he still
sees "reasons'for optimism" about the
economy due to falling, interest rates'
and inflation.
The unadjusted unemployment rate
of 14.9 percent was the, highest ever
recorded for October and well above
the 11.6 percent notched last year.
While the number of jobless workers
increased by 13,000 to 637,000, the num-
ber of people in the labor force declined
by 28,000 to 4,279,000-a bad sign.
Taylor said the decline in the labor
force is a bad sign "because it indicates
a continuing weakness in the economy.
"People are becoming discouraged
about the long-term unemployment and
dropping out of the labor force or
migrating to other states."


It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas yesterday as Shelly Young walks through Regents Plaza.
The big white flakes cover a tree area (inset) near the Diag, displaying Michigan's inconsistent weather.

* WMU to close two dormitories

Western Michigan University announced yesterday
that it will close two of its 18 dormitories at the end of
this academic term, in mid-December.
Eicher-Lefevre and Vandercook dormitories
currently house just over 300 students, although they
have a total capacity of 735, according to Robert
Peterson, manager of WMU's residential halls. The
students living in those dorms will be relocated in
other campus dorms, he said.
THE CLOSINGS came as no real surprise to WMU
housing officials, according to Albert Laaksonen,
director of WMU's off-campus housing division. "It
was obviously expected," he said. "We have seen a
definite increase in vacancies over the last four

The declining enrollment could be attributed to the
increasingly difficult financial times, Peterson said.
"Some students can no longer afford the rising costs
of an education."
The decreasing number of students living in WMU
housing has also forced the university to close the
cafeteria in another dorm, Peterson said.
PETERSON said that some of the students that will
be relocated are upset, but they have not responded
too negatively.
"Certainly some students would like to remain, but
they realize the problem the university faces,"
Peterson said.
Some off-campus realtors are experiencing the

same sort of vacancy problems, Laaksonen said. Ten
percent of all available rental dwellings were not ren-
ted this September, compared to a 6 percent vacancy
rate two years ago, he said.
THIS TREND is due to a combination of factors
and not one specific occurance, he said.
"Students are definitely shying away from (off-
campus) houses because of increasing utility rates,"
Laaksonen said. "The government-subsidized
housing is putting more units on the market."
One landlord who built a new apartment complex
this summer saw it sit totally vacant because he was
charging "exorbitant rates," Laaksonen said. Some
landlords have actually held auctions to help rent
See WMU, Page 2

Humanities review
committee selected

University officials have appointed
six faculty members from the College
of Engineering and the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts to
review the engineering humanities
The review committee will be asked to
evaluate the preliminary decision of the
engineering college to transfer its
humanities instruction to LSA, and to
recommend the methods of making the
transfer if they find it necessary, ac-
cording to review charges released
COMMITTEE members also will ex-
plore the possibility of maintaining a
rhetoric and technical communication
department within the college, even if
the other humanities classes may be
moved to LSA. "There is a belief that
the technical component may be
unique (to the engineering college),"
Duderstadt said.
The charges also direct the commit-
tee to make a "good faith effort" to

relocate the tenured humanities faculty
if the review recommends closing the
THE REVIEW process will include
faculty members from both schools,
Duderstadt said, as both could play a
"major role" in the results of the
review. Also, engineering will be
reviewing some areas in which the LSA
faculty members may have the!
greater expertise..
Duderstadt said that he soon will be
appointing a student member to the
committee through recommendations
from the Engineering Council and Tau
Beta Pi, the college honor society.
Several students had been recom-
mended to the college but were found to
be unavailable because of time or
academic conflicts.
APPOINTED jointly by Duderstadt
and University Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye, the com-
mittee includes chairman William
Kuhn of atmospheric and oceanic
science, aerospace engineering Prof.
See ENGIN., Page 3

strike in
From AP and UPI
TORONTO- Chrysler Canada's
10,000 autoworkers, ignoring war-
nings they could put the company
out of business, went on strike
yesterday in a move that could force
the layoff of 2,500 U.S. autoworkers
at 16 U.S. Chrysler plants by the end
of next week.
In a last minute appeal to the
autoworkers, Chrysler Chairman
Lee Iacocca said in a letter, "We will
take a strike if we must, even though
we are aware it could put us out of
CANADIAN United Auto Workers
members set up picket lines in Win-
dsor, Etobicoke and Ajax, Ontario,
and jeered Iacocca's warning. The
See CHRYSLER, Page 7

AP Photo
About 10,000 strikers walked off the line yesterday at Chrysler Canada Ltd., which will force layoffs in the United States
and imperil the company's fragile recovery.

Gaudy garb
W HEN HE THREW his gaudy old golf pants into a
charity clothing box last month, Roanoke, Va. prose-
cutor Don Wolthuis thought he'd seen the last of them. But
soon afterward the commonwealth's assistant attorney
found they'd been used to commit a crime. The

defense and convicted him. Wolthuis didn't tell the judge
until after the hearing that the pants had been his. They
may be ugly, he said, but at least "they fit me better." E
A foot in the door
T'S THE BEST thing since How to Win Friends and
Influence People. Yes, authors Susan Sackett and
Cheryl Blythe have come up with a sure-fire winner, in the
form of their new book: You Can be a Game Show Con-

procedures ("offering helpful hints and advice for the in-
terviews with the contestant coordinator and producer, and
describing what really goes on behind the scenes") to rules
of the games, eligibility requirements, and prizes. Sample
questions and answers also are given, and tips on
preparation strategy. "The final section gives helpful ad-
vice to contestants on taxes and winnings," Dell says. "It
also suggests ways of coping with unusual prizes like 96
boxes of Grape Nuts or 44 cases of Eskimo Pies." What
game show hopeful can go without this gem? D

- 1946-The University decided in favor of upholding the
tradition of allowing women access to the Michigan Union
only through the side door, stating as a reason that the
Union was built with the idea of providing a club for men.
. 1954-Deputy Premier M.Z. Saburov of Moscow stated
that capitalistic and communist nations could live.
peacefully together in the same world, but added that
Russia stood ready to maintain its interests by force of ar-
ms if necessary.
" 1970-A survey published in The Michigan Daily
predicted a decline in student unrest on campus.






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