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November 04, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-04

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A turnout
for the better
See Editorial, Page 4

C 10

it s Eitan
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy today with a chance of
rain mixed with snow 'and a high
near 40.

Vol. XCIII, No. 49 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday November 4, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Dow hits
new high
.in record
,stock. rally
From AP and UPI
NEW YORK- The Dow Jones in-
dustrial average soared a record 43.41.
,points and closed at an all-time high of
1,065.49 yesterday in a huge post-
election stock market rally. Trading
-was the fifth heaviest in histpry.
The Dow average of 30 blue chip
-stocks shattered the old mark of
1,051.70set Jan. 11, 1973.
ANALYSTS said the market was
buoyed by investors' belief that the
Federal Reserve would encourage 'a
further drop in interest rates now that
the elections are over.
Lower interest rates make stocks
more competitive with other invest-
ments, such as money-market mutual
funds. Falling rates also brighten
prospects for an economic recovery by
making purchases cheaper for con-
sumers and lowering borrowing costs
for businesses.
Most market watchers said the big
runup in stock prices appeared to have
little relation to the outcome of
Tuesday's elections, in which the
Democrats gained about two dozen
House seats while the Republicans
retained their majority in the Senate.
"THE ELECTION, as far as the
market is concerned, was pretty much
of a non-event," said Raymond DeVoe,
an analyst at the investment firm Legg
Mason Wood Walker Inc. 'It's being in-
terpreted as neither repudication nor
an endorsement of Reaganoinics."
Several analysts and Standard &
Poor's Outlook publication pointed out
that since the 1950s the market has
scored impressive gains in the months
following mid-tbrm elections regar-
dless of the outcome.

Vote bolsters Dem.

grip on

U.S. House

From AP and UPI
Recession-troubled American voters
n have told President Reagan he will;
{ have to work with a strengthened
Democratic House and Speaker
Thomas O'Neill to solve the nation's
economic problems in the new 98th
With the vote count nearly complete
in Tuesday's election, Republicans kept
their five-yotq Senate majority, but
Democrats picked up an additional 25
seats in the House.
With unemployment at 10.1 percent,
economically distressed states like .
New Jersey and Illinois threw out
Republican House incumbents to give
Democrats a bigger margin than
predicted. Democrats won the bulk of
close California House races, even
though statewide Republicans won the
governorship and Senate seat.
.REPUBLICANS took their worst bat-
tering in governorships, losing nine
statehouses to the Democrats.
Through the bad news on other fronts,
AP Photo Republicans tenaciously held on to
Ohio's, Governor-elect Richard Celeste wades into a crowd of supporters in their Senate seats, losing only Sen.
Cleveland early yesterday morning after beating Republican Clarence Harrison Schmitt in New Mexico and an
Brown. Celeste was just one of many Democratic candidates who pushed open seat in New Jersey. Those were
Republicans out of office in Tuesday's election. Sen. Howard Cannon was defeated in

Nevada by Republican businessman
Chic Hecht and GOP Rep. Paul Trible
grabbed the Virginia seat the
Democratic Byrd machine has kept in
the family a half century.
So the 1982 congressional midterm
election, with a record pricetag expec-
ted to exceed $300 million, was not the
repudiation of the Reagan program
Democrats had hoped for, but a clear
message from the voters to the
president that a mid-course correction
is required after his first 22 months in
IT WILL be difficult for Reagan to
again forge a coalition of Republicans
and conservative Democrats to get his
programs through the House. Even
House GOP leader Bob Michel, who
narrowly survived a Democratic
challenge in Illinois, is expected to be a
less-willing rubber stamp for Reagan's
A smiling Reagan stood before repor-
ters in the Rose Garden to say he was
"gratified" the GOP had held the
Senate and sustained losses in the
House on target with White House
"We feel very good about what hap-
pened," Reagan said.
BUT SPEAKER O'Neill called the

111 EC.I it _______
36 Governors
r lEDDemocrats
M0 J Republicans
E Undecided
33 Senators
UI HED emocrats
3) Republicans
LQJ Other
435 Representatives
f241 D Democrats

M After

[L92 10 Republicans
E Undecided
* 2 Vacanc'es

outcome "a disastrous defeat for the
president" and looked with relish at the
prospect of leading a more powerful
Democratic majority in the House.
As after every election, defeated
stars will fade from the scene, some
See DEMS, Page 7

Nuclear freeze advocates claim victory
From AP and UPI

WASHINGTON- Approval of nuclear
weapons freeze referendum in eight states out of
nine was welcomed by freeze advocates yester-
day as a public repudiation of President
Reagan's arms control policies and his missile
buildup plans.
The White House, taking a turn-the-other-
cheek stance, said it, too, welcomed the results,
but merely as "an expression of concern and a
desire to achieve progress on arms control."
STRICTLY advisory, the referendums called
for negotiations with the Soviets on halting

production, deployment and testing of nuclear
weapons and the missiles, submarines, and
planes that carry them-a scheme the ad-
ministration says would lock America into
military inferiority, especially in Europe.
The only state in which the referendum lost
was Arizona, where it was rejected by a 3-2
In Michigan, the referendum won by a 3-2
margin. With 99 percent of the vote counted, the
vote was 1,565,087 in favor to 1,197,321 opposed.
A TALLY by the Nuclear Weapons Freeze

Campaign said nationwide the referendums
carried by a 3-2 margin, with 10,765,000 votes
cast in favor and 7,170,000 against.
The vote was the biggest ballot test of sen-
timent on a public policy issue in U.S. history.
Vote totals showed the proposal won by
margins of roughly 3-1 in Massachusetts, New
Jersey, Chicago and Philadelphia County, Pa.;
by 7-3 in Washington, D.C. and populous Suffolk
County, N.Y.; by 3-2 in North Dakota, Oregon,
Rhode Island, Dade County, Fla. and Reno,
Nev.; and by about 5-4 in Montana.

"I'M HERE to claim a dramatic victory," said
John Isaacs, legislative director of the Council
for a Livable World, which'funnelled campaign
funds to pro-freeze candidates and claimed par-
tial credit for defeating 11 House members who
opposed the freeze.
In August, the House rejected a freeze
resolution 204-202. Isaacs claimed Tuesday's
election produced a 30-vote margin for the freeze
plan in the House. But he said nothing about im-
proved prospects in the Senate.

Officials say
no more food
for thought in
library lounges
Beginning next term, students will be unable to purchase,
food and drinks in the lounges of the two most popular
libraries on campus, according to Richard Dougherty, direc-
tor of University Libraries.
In an attempt to reduce the flow of food and drink into the
stacks of the University's two largest libraries, library of-
ficials yesterday announced that the vending machines in the
Graduate and Undergraduate Libraries will be removed by
the end of next month.
ALTHOUGH THE machines will be removed, Dougherty
said the 4th floor lounge of the UGLi would still be used for
* study breaks and quiet conversation. The first floor lounge in
the Graduate Library will be converted into a quiet study
area with 100 additional seats, he added.
The lounges in the Graduate Library and the UGLi were in-
troduced following building renovations in 1974. Since then,
the study environment has changed, said Jim Cruse, head of
circulation services in the Grad. "We're trying to turn the
library from a social center back to a study center," he said.
Library officials said the food problem has intensified sin-
ce renovations began in the Michigan Union. "We have a real
problem. The library is now a social area since the Union
I ceased to provide that function," said Robert Starring, coor-
dinator of the social science library in the Grad. "The basic
idea to have vending machines is okay. It's just that people
are abusing them," he said.
STUDENTS USING the lounge were generally opposed to
the proposed change. "I would be upset about it," said Ingrid
Gould, an LSA freshwoman. "I'll have to go sit in the dorm to
See 'U', Page 3
Pig in the pen
RISSY THE pampered pig is still in the pokey.
The 70-pound pet pig is waiting for her owner to
pay a $210 fine and gain their release from jail.

Students plan
protest for
IF _ Haig, Ford visit

A coalition of students is planning a
march and protest against next week's
visit of former President Gerald Ford,
former Secretary of State Alexander
Haig, and several other top government
Leaders of the student group say they
will take advantage of the national
press coverage of next week's foreign
policy conference to protest what they
call national militarism.
FORD AND Haig will be joined by an
impressive roster of national political
figures in the conference at the Univer-
sity's North Campus, including former
secretaries of state Dean Rusk, William
Rogers, Edmund Muskie, and former
National Security Adviser Zbiegniew
"Basically, in these people coming
here you have a history of planning and
executing militarism," said Steve
Austin, a student helping to organize
the protest. "Hopefully, they will be
confronted by people."
The protest is being organized by the
Progressive Student Network, a liberal
student group. Several other campus
groups also plan to support the rally,
including the Black Student Union and

the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Registration and the Draft.
The LSA student government last night
promised to help support the rally
financially, without actually endorsing
its purpose.
LEADERS OF the protest coalition
said students will gather at the
Graduate Library at 2 p.m. on Nov. 10,
the day of the foreign policy conferen-
ce, and march to the Gerald Ford
Presidential Library on North Cam-
pus, where the dignitaries will be
meeting. Organizers say they hope to
rally outside the library by 3 p.m. that
At the conference, the former gover-
nment officials will discuss 'the
relationship between the White House
and the Congress in developing the
nation's foreign policy. But, even
though defense policy will not be on the.
agenda, the student protesters say the
conference is still an appropriate place
for a demonstration.
"Their (the dignitaries') presence
symbolizes increasing militarism,"
claimed Tom Marx, an LSA senior who
is also helping to plan the rally. "We
figure there's going to be national press
coverage, we want people to know our

Sitting in judgm ent Daily Photo by MARY CASSARD
Prof. William Pierce (left), student Barbara Greenfield, and Prof. John Romani, members of the
School of Education review committee, listen to school supporters comments at the fourth and final
review hearing last night. See story, Page 3

Chocolate bard
U UNDER THE GAZE of a Shakespeare carved in
chocolate, 160 art patrons and food lovers gathered for
a benefit feast prepared by a dozen of Los Angeles' top
chefs. The 11-course, $200-a-plate dinner netted about
$20,000 for the city's Craft and Folk Art Museum.
Organizers said it also was intended to alert the public to
the craft of cuisine. "It is a folk art," said dinner co-
chairman Suzanne Labiner, noting the huge sculptures cut
from 300-pound blocks of ice. Other culinary artworks in-
cluded a ca~rriage of nteinP rrivphn by I r' ..l ,%1111 ,.ai.j

has been banished by school officials who want his ice
cream business for themselves. Farral, a daily fixture sin-
ce 1963, made his last visit to the campus Saturday, victim
of a ruling by a school concessions committee that bars
vendors from university grounds. "For 19 years, it was all
right," Farral said. "Now, all of a sudden, they don't need
me. If I'm not needed, then what are all these kids doing in
front of my truck." Committee officials and food service
director Matthew Sheriff said the new policy was not aimed
at Farral, although he is the only vendor who has been
visiting the campus daily. They said duplication of services

Also on this date in history:
* 1942-Marshal Erwin Rommel's Axis desert forces
were officially declared in full and disordered retreat
across the sands of Egypt;
* 1954-The U.S. Senate announced they would open
debate on a censure resolution against Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy (R-Wis.);
" 1954-College men could take their favorite sweetheart
on a cheap date to see Irving Berlin's "White Christmas"
for 65 cents at a matinee or 90 cents in the evening at the
Michigan Theatre.Q0


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