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October 21, 1982 - Image 1

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~ERIE~ See Sports,
5 Page 10

Localized What?!
disasterISnow flurries or rain will be falling
disasterJ[from mostly cloudy skies today as
SeemEditorial, Page4temperatures dip to mid 40s. It's
SWbeginning to look a lot like...
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XCIII, No. 37 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 21, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

City tries to ofset

poverty fund cuts

"Human misery" is on the rise in Ann Arbor,
according to a survey of human services
programs in 55 cities across the country.
It's on the rise because federal and state
money for the city's poverty programs has
been cut drastically - by as much as 35 per-
cent, according to the Ann Arbor Community
Development Department. As a result, the
public has put increasing pressure on the city
government to step in and help the poor.
THE FEDERAL Community Development
Block Grant program was reduced by $200,000.
Although the city's Comprehensive Em-
ployment Training Act (renamed the Ann Ar-
bor Employment and Training Center) has
been promised the same amount of money as it

received last year, the effects of inflation will
cut the number of people who can be aided by
the program.
As these budget cuts are taking money away
from human services, the rate of unem-
ployment is growing and more people are sub-
sisting at or below the poverty level, according
to a report put together by the Ann Arbor
Poverty Committee.
Now, local council members feel they have to
act on the poverty problem.
The decision of the Ann Arbor City Council
last week to allocate $5,000 to emergency
hunger relief may seem like a relatively in-
significant action in the face of these extensive
cuts. To some, however, it marks the begin-
ning of a new sense of local responsibility to

alleviate the problems of, poverty - a respon-
sibility which used 'to belong to the federal
Councilmember Leslie Morris (D-Second
Ward) described this responsibility at the
Council meeting during which the hunger.
resolution was first proposed. "Over the last
year," she said, "I've seen something happen
in this community. I've seen a gradual
emergence of the consciousness of a local
responsibility for a local problem."
MOST OF THE other members agree that
the city has a responsibility to insure that its
residents have food, clothing, and shelter. The
main points of contention within the Council
are now questions of extent and permanence:
How much city money should be allocated for

poverty relief, and if that money should be in-
cluded as an item in each year's budget.
Dissension on these issues is split along par-
ty lines. Mayor Louis Belcher expressed the
Republican view by calling city money a
"safety net" to be used when all other sources of
aid provide inadequate relief.
"What the City of Ann Arbor eventually does
(to relieve poverty) should be considered a
catalyst for the community to attack the
problems ... not as the agent to deliver those
services," Belcher said.
BELCHER SAID the city should encourage
the private sector to participate more in relief
programs, such as the United Way.
Democrats on the Council agree with the
"catalyst" idea. They say they also feel,

however, that the city itself should set aside a
substantial amount of funds to be used for
poverty relief.
Lowell Peterson, (D-First Ward) said,
"We've got to start to allocate money for these
problems on a more permanent basis."
proposed that Council set up a Community
Development Fund to be administered by the
Community Development Department. The
CDD would determine, based on input -by
poverty task forces, which needs are greatest
and how much money should be devoted to them,
The Republicans oppose that proposal. they
say it would be unwise to devote a specific
See CITY, Page 6

Police doubt
suspects are
Tylenol killers

From AP and UPI
CHICAGO- New York City in-
vestigators yesterday cast doubt the
man pictured in a Sept. 29. drugstore
security photo was James Lewis, con-
sidered the prime suspect in the
cyanide-Tylenol murders of seven
Chicago-area people.
Lewis, it was found, lived with his
wife in a cheap Manhattan hotel for six
weeks, including the period when seven
people died from cyanide-poisoned cap-
sules, authorities said yesterday.
A SPECIAL squad of 100 FBI agents
and New York police officers were
searching the city in hopes the couple
might still be there, FBI agent Kenneth
Walton told reporters at a news con-
Walton said that Leann Lewis, 35, had
signed the couple into the Rutledge
Hotel on Sept. 6 and was last seen there
Oct. 16. Lewis, 36, was last seen at the
hotel on Oct. 14.
All seven cyanide victims in Chicago
swallowed the tainted capsules on Sept.
"WE DON'T think they were
traveling back and forth to Chicago
during that period of time," Chief of '

Detectives James Sullivan said.
Sullivan said Mrs. Lewis worked
regularly as a bookkeeper in Manhat-
tan and neighbors had seen her
husband walking her home after work.
"We have no evidence that directly
connects the Lewises to the Tylenol
murders," Walton emphasized. "No
evidence. No evidence."
ASKED WHY the FBI had called a
news conference to discuss-the couple's
stay at the Rutledge, Sullivan replied,
"Because it may lead to something
Lewis has been charged with attem-
pted extortion for writing a letter to
McNeil Consumer Products Co., the
manufacturer of Tylenol, demanding $1
million to prevent -future poisonings.
Lewis' fingerprint was found on the let-
ter, which was mailed from New York
City. He is also wanted for questioning
in the slayings themselves.
Investigators were hopeful they had
gotten a major break in the baffling
mystery earlier this week. It came
when a Walgreen Drug store security
photo taken Sept. 29 was released. It
showed a man bearing a striking
See EVIDENCE, Page 6

No kidding
Construction of the new business school library brings with it some unsightly in-
conveniences. Probably the most noticeable one being the remainders of Tappan
St. between Martha Cook and the law school which is being torn up for a new

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS

sewer. It's a good thing the sign is placed there for those motorists who might
have difficulty noticing this enormous pile of asphalt chunks.

his tune
In speech
It may seem odd to some people, but
Eldridge Cleaver, former leader of the
radical Black Panther Party, voiced his
support of the Reagan administration
and blasted world communism yester-
day in a speech at the Michigan Union.
Cleaver's views have undergone a
drastic change since his days as leader
of the now famous Black Panthers.
That change was so startlingly ap-
See HEY, Page 2,

Bu limia: An epidemic on campus

In what some call an epidemic, more
and more college-age women -
possibly as many as one in thr-ee - are
developing bulimia, a condition that
makes them eat excessively, and then
force themselves to vomit.
This binging and purging does not
usually affect an individual's ap-
pearance, according to Kenneth
Castagna, director of the University
Hospital's bulimia program. But the,
potential psychological and physical
damage is enormous, he said.
BULIMIA IS similar to anorexia ner-
vosa, another eating disorder, in that it
primarily affects women and is usually
brought on by a fear of being
overweight. But while anorexics deny
their condition, bulimics know their
eating patterns are abnormal,
Castagna said.

Many bulimics turn to food as a support
in times of depression or anxiety, he
said. "Food is used as a replacement
for love."
After the binge, he explained,
bulimics feel guilty and afraid of
becoming overweight, so they induce
vomiting or use laxatives. They end up
with "tremendous feelings of guilt and
disgust over what they've done,"
Castagna said.
And, because a bulimic may induce
vomiting between several times in a
week and 10 times in a single day, he
said, "the purging side of it is going to
take its toll physically." Induced
vomiting can result in sore throats,
dehydration, ruptured stomach linings,
rotten teeth, low potassium and sodium
counts, and possibly convulsions
leading to death, he said.
BULIMIA usually develops in the fir-

st years of college, according to
Castagna, because separation from the
family can be especially traumatic. An
Ohio State Univesity study in 1981
revealed that between 20 and 30 percent
of the women on that campus suffer the
Jane, (not her real name), a Univer-
sity student who has been a bulimic for
several years, said there are other
ways that being in college can lead to
the eating disorder. "So much of
socializing in college is eating, but you
have to be slim, too. The answer is
bulimia," she said.
"You can have your cake and eat it,
too, literally, and not get fat," she ex-
plained. And, she said, although she is"
disgusted by the binge/purge cycle, in a
contest between "gross" and "vanity,"
vanity wins out.
ADDING TO the problem, she said, is

the false impression many women have
that the condition is not serious enough
to warrant treatment. "You don't think~
you deserve the, help. You think it's
your problem," she said, "but it's not."
According to Castagna, this is the
chief hindrance to treating bulimia.
"Many women do this for years and
think they are the only ones who do it,
so they don't come in," he said.
An ex-bulimic agrees. When she told
several friends about her problem, she
found out that half of them were
bulimics, too. She said they used food
"to escape from things-you don't know
how to deal with in the world." Bulimia
is a warning sign that a person should
seek help with problems in relation-
ships and other aspects of personal life,
she said.
CASTAGNA stressed that,
See BULIMIA, Page 5

Reagan's way is right

Power steering
UNIVERSITY of Michigan Regent Sarah Goddard
Power will be steering in a new direction in the
future. Power recently was elected the big
wheel, er, director of the 1.28 million member

along with the van's cargo-4,000 clean cotton diapers. Ken
Peterson, a driver for the Dy-Dee diaper service, had stop-
ped at a home to make a delivery about 9 a.m. and "as he
started back to the street, the van was pulling away," said
Police Chief Robert Ferber of suburban Grosse Pointe
Farms. Dy-Dee sales manager Russ Smith said he and
other employees notified police and began searching for the
van, which was found intact in Detroit-minus the clean
diapers. Evidence inside the recovered van indicated it
may have been used during a home burglary, Detroit police
said. and the dianers annarentIv were ditched shorty aftea

often tops $2,550 a week. "We've got no comment on this," a
Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said. "It's a personal
matter for the princess. We have no idea how many clothes
she may have bought." The princess, who was voted the
best-dressed woman in Britain in a recent magazine poll, is
a trend-setter in fashion. The Sun said her ball gowns cost
the equivalent of about $1,700 on the average, her cocktail
dresses more than $468 and her day dresses around $350,
each outfit accompanied by matching shoes, hat and han-
dbag. E

The Daily almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1932, President Hoover spoke in
Olympia Stadium in Detroit seeking re-election
Also on this date:
*1955-Wolverines defended the "Little Brown Jug,
against Minnesota.
" 1966-Regents OKed revision of Vice President for
Student Affairs Richard Cutler's role. He was given all



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