NOW comes of age
See Editorial, Page 4
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
43Iai i
Patchy fog should lift by this mor-
ning, remaining mostly cloudy with
a chance of light rain. Temperatures
should reach into the low 60s.
Vol. XCIO, No. 29
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 12, 1982
Ten Cents
Ten Pages;
Shapiro calls
unity in hard
While the burden of budget cuts has lan-
ded most heavily on a few departments,
the University must avoid dissension in
these hard times, President Harold
Shapiro said last night.
"It's a time of sacrifice and commit-
ment," Shapiro said to a crowd of about
300 people who gathered at Rackham
Auditorium for the president's State of the
University speech. "The sacrifices are not
always uniformly distributed. Such a
situation can create serious tensions."
THE CAUSE of these tensions can be
quickly discovered: The University's
critical financial position must take most
of the blame, Shapiro said.
Over the past four years, the Univer-
sity's budget has declined by 23 percent,
while over the past decade, student fees
have risen by an average of 11.7 percent
per year, Shapiro said. Despite the in-
creases in tuition, the University has un-
dertaken a program to trim $20 million
from its budget by cutting funds from
targeted departments.
This process of reduction, Shapiro said,
has been very painful.
"The human and emotional costs have
been very real," Shapiro admitted. "The
fact that some respected and admired
colleagues, at all job levels, who were
among us last year are not among us this
year is very troubling."
DESPITE THE morale and budget
problems, Shapiro did point to some bright
signs for the University. In response to
declining state aid, the amount of private
funds donated to the University rose to
more than $45 million last year, a 40 per-
cent increase over 1980.
Shapiro also pointed to the University's
faculty as a sign of strength: Sit
professors received Guggenheim
Fellowships this year, and three weie ap-
pointed Senior Fulbright Scholars.
SHAPIRO granted that solutions to the
problem of mixing fairness and budget
cuts are hard to come by: "This is proving
to be a complex task, a task for which no
simple recipe is available, whether it is
'smaller but better,' 'bigger is better,' or
'status quo is best,' " Shapiro said.
But Shapiro pointed out that other
schools are currently facing far worse
problems. The Univeristy of Bristol in
England has had to reduce its faculty from
800 to 600 in two years, he said, referring to
a conversation he had recently with an of-
ficial of that school.
The night, however, opened on a positive
note, with $18,750 in awards given out to 17
See SHAPIRO, Page 7
DoHv hcm!c by F EUZAlBE i ~
In his annual State of the University speech, President Harold Shapiro said last night that recent budget cuts are
causing tension in the community.
Apartment vacancies still
Renters searching for the ultimate in campus
living can afford to be pickier this year, as campus
area vacancy rates remain high foi the second year
in a row.
Figures from the University Housing Office show a
13.21 percent vacancy rate as of last Sept. 10, down
only slightly from last year's 13.7 percent rate, in a
survey of 21 of the larger management companies
registered with the office.
HOUSING Advisor Brenda Herman said yesterday
that although the figures reflect only the vacancies of
the larger management companies and are restric-
ted to an area bounded by Main St., Fuller Rd., Ox-
ford St., and Burns Park, they still indicate some new
trends in student living habits.
For example, students have decided to give up
their single rooms and switch to doubles this year as
a means of coping with the dismal economy and
rising tuition bills, Herman said. "The one area
students find they can save money in is housing," she
Herman said the doubling up in rooms is one of the
major reasons for the area's high vacancy rate.
HERMAN ALSO said that the economy has left
more vacancies in buildings further from campus,
which are sometimes offering financial breaks such
as a rent-free month to draw students further from
central campus.
The drop in the University's enrollment over the
past few years may also be affecting the campus area
vacancy rate, she said. The drop has been attributed
largely to a decrease in the number of graduate stud-
ents coming to the University, Herman said, and
graduate students are more likely to seek off-campus
housing than undergraduates.
In addition, the higher vacancy rate may have for-
ced campus area landlords to work harder to capture
the renters' interest, as the traditional 12-month lease
has given way to four-to-eight month leases, and ren-
ts have stayed the same or dropped in many of those
cases, Herman added.
ANN ARBOR Tenant's Union Director Dale Cohen
agreed that the current housing market has given the
renters advantages that they could not have expected
several years ago, including lower rents and a better
position to negotiate lease terms.
"If you've got a landlord who wants to see his mor-
tgage paid, he'd rather take a slight cash flow loss
than leave an apartment empty," Cohen said.
See VACANCY, Page 2
Polish order,
strikes shipyard
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Founding
members of Solidarity at the Lenin
Shipyard in Gdansk defied the Com-
munist government's new ban on
strikes with a sit-in yesterday deman-
ding reinstatement of the outlawed in-
dependent union and the release of
union chief Lech Walesa.
Western reporters who left the Baltic
port city six hours after the eight-hour
strike started said the police had taken
no action by then. But Polish television
reported the police used "means of
coercion" on "several groups" of
onlookers who defied orders to disperse
after dusk fell.
THE OFFICIAL news agency PAP
said workers went home peacefully but
several groups 'disturbing the peace"
outside the shipyard and at the Gdansk
railway station were dispersed by
police using force.
The Western reporters said leaders of
the protest decided to strike again
today for eight hours. They told the
shipyard's 17,000 workers to assemble
outside the gates if the government
closed the yard.
The government television, service
admited "a section of the work force at
the Gdansk shipyard stopped work" but
claimed pictures taken in the yard
showed there was "not much interest"
among other workers. However, the
telecast said the pictures were taken
between 3 and 3:30 p.m., after the strike
was scheduled to end for the day.
WITNESSES said about 8,000
workers at Lenin shipyard as well as
workers at the nearby Northern and
Repair shipyard stopped work at 6 a.m.
with the start of the first shift, locking
the shipyard gates and refusing to let
anyone in or out.
Near the end of the strike, however,
policd staged a show of force by driving
a convoy of four armored vehicles in-
cluding a water cannon, past the
shipyard gate, the witness said.
The government cut all telex and
telephone communications with the
coast at 11 a.m., and highways to the
area were blocked to incoming traffic.
THE STRIKE in the giant shipyard
where Solidarity was born August 1980
had been scheduled to last only two
hours. But the Western reporters said
the workers decided it would continue
six hours longer, until the end of the day
shift at 2 p.m.
PAP reported that "the workers of
the first shift left the shipyard in
peace," indicating that the strike ended
as scheduled.
One official source in Warsaw said
privately there could be trouble in all
five of the coastal provinces and two in
Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK:
Sen. Mark Hatfield argues for a nuclear arms freeze to a standing room only
crowd at Rackham Amphitheatre Sunday night.
Hatfield blasts armS
racebefore hundreds
While the Reagan administration is
claiming that the United States does
not have enough money for social ser-
vice programs, it wastes billions each
year on the arms race, Sen. Mark
Hatfield (R-Ore.) told a packed house
at Rackham Amphitheatre, Sunday
"We are a confused people when we
say megatons are the only measure of
our strength. It's a question of
misappropriation of resources," Hat-
field told the crowd of more than 1,000
nuclear feeze supporters, less than a
third of whom were students.
HATFIELD, co-sponsor of the
nuclear freeze resolution in the Senate
and one of the first senators to speak
out against the Vietnam War, said the
current emphasis on building more
and more weapons is creating im-
balances in the national economy. The
arms buildup takes away productive
capacity from civilian industries,
thereby forcing the U.S. to import
more goods, he explained.
"If we are really concerned, let us
realize the sacrifice we are making
for this nuclear madness," Hatfield
said, suggesting that the nation put
more of its resources into health,
education, and transportation
The crowd, many sporting buttons
advocating the freeze proposal, which
is on the state's November ballot, in-
terrupted Hatfield nearly a dozen
times with enthusiastic applause.
ONE OF THE more terrifying
aspects of the nuclear arms race, he
said, is the possibility that an accident
could cause a nuclear holocaust. 1n
only 20 months, Hatfieldsaid U.S.
warning systems were falsely
triggered over 4,000 times, once by a
See SEN., Page 7
Remembering a friend
Placing a plaque in memory of Jodi Spiers, a University student killed in an
auto accident, are her cousin Steve Katz, left, and LSA Student Government
President Margaret Talmers. The tree in the background was planted shor-
tly after Spiers' death. See story, Page 3.
Reckless driving
LEONARD AND Lillian Gioia of Westbury, N.Y.
discovered a prowler in their den at 2:15 a.m.
Saturday. He was driving a Ford at the time.
Police arrested John Knaust, 18, of Westbury, and
charged him with driving a car across the Gioias' lawn,
ramming their 1972 Buick, barreling into their garage door,
slamming into a second car, knocking that car through a-
they are beginning to show different personalities. "We
Baffling babies
IT TOOK FANCY footwork by a police detective in Fort
Walton Beach, Fla. to solve the case of the baffling
babies. Rona and Mark Hater, both 22, called the Okaloosa
County Sheriff's office last week because they couldn't tell
which of their identical 7-week-old twins was Jessica and
which was Alaina. Investigator Jules Borio cracked the
case by taking each girl's footprint and comparing them
with footprints on their birth certificates-no easy task
heazue the nrints were nearlv idential. The twins were
they are beginning to show different personalities. "We
needed help."
Just hanging out .
EMPLOYEES IN a row of stores in Mission Viejo, Calif.
have finally found out what has been making the attic
go bump in the daytime for the past two months. "It was
definitely a swishing type noise, kind of like water running
through pipes," said Barbara Bartnick, an agent at Realty
World, one of the companies in the row of stores on Alicia
Parkway. The noise whispered across the attic in the after-
.......... ...l
The Daily almanac
O~N THIS date in 1967, Student Government Council
voted to recognize "the right of freshman women in in-
dividual residences to make their own hours." The vote was
a response to a resolution passed in Markley which
eliminated the punishment for curfew violations.
Also on this date in history:
" 1971 Actor James Earl Jones returned to Ann Arbor to
accept an honorary doctorate, and to reminisce about his
wild college days.
1966 - The state legislature announced that it was n-