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October 03, 1982 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-03

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Page 4

Sunday, October 3, 1982.

The Michigan Daily


Review, old reviews fire


T HIS WEEK, students and professors put on
their heavy armor to battle the dragon
known as the budget review.
,,The three castles in danger-art, education,
and natural resources-are arming themselves
with pen, paper, ideas, and mass meetings to
slay the dragon, of the reviews before it effec-
tiely slays them.
''"n Tuesday, art school Dean George Bayliss
spoke to a gathering of roughly 100 art studen-
ts; Using the most chivalrous of a knight's

vocabulary, Bayliss said, "I urge you all to
mAintain courage and forbearance."
jhree days later, 300 supporters of the School
of Natural Resources met in Rackham
iuditorium before the review committee.
Student's, professors, and experts outside the
school urged the committee to spare natural
resources any large cutbacks.
The natural resources meeting was a direct
defense of the school before the review com-
rhittee, but the art school meeting was a forum
Thu the dean to urge students to action and to
calm the fretful.
"It's not a time to get all panicky and fret-
ful," Bayliss said. "I see this (review) as an
opportunity rather than a threat. We have to, in
a sense, strut our stuff."
Are the reviews a good opportunity or a bad
threat? The dragon, it seems, must be fought
with a double-edged sword.
Do not pass go
STUDENTS TRYING to make their way
around the board game called College

Review? Yes, the conservative wave that has
swept the country has finally hit Ann Arbor,
that mecca of liberal activism. Starting in
November, the first publication with a
noticeably conservative slant will-appear on
The paper will "challenge the existing
archaic liberal establishment," vows Review
founder Tom Fous. But, its editorial staff
promises, The Michigan Review will also in-
clude a broad range of opinion, including some
from the left.
Shunning traditional advertising at first, the
Review hopes to solicit money from conser-
vative groups and corporations. So far, money
has not been pouring in, but support has-such
conservative notables as Prof. Paul Mc-
Cracken, Russell Kirk, and Irvihg Kristol all
pledged support to the publication. Even
William F. Buckley has sent a telegram of
congratulations to the staff.
William F. Buckley patting an Ann Arbor
publication on the back? The times certainly
are a-changing.
Herpes complex
H ERE IT IS! The new, exciting controversy
over HERP-EZ!
Advertising for the drug, which is promoted
as a treatment for Herpes Simplex, has ap-
peared in college newspapers across the coun-
try-The Michigan Daily included.
The ads have sparked some sharp criticism.
While marketers of the drug claim it is the
most effective treatment around for herpes,
University doctors and researchers fear it may
be offering nothing but false hope.
The ads-which make clear that there is no
known cure for herpes-do claim that HER-
PEZ' main ingredient - 2,6-di-tert.-butyl-p-
cresol, or BHT-is a potent inactivator of the
A University pharmaceutical scientist,
however, asserts that the drug has never been





Playing by the new rules: $10 late drop/add fee

were confronted with a new rule this week.
Apparently University ad-
ministrators-playing both banker,
scorekeeper, and referee in the game-grew
fed up at students changing schedules after the
third week of classes. Fearing that a big, fat
"W" on transcripts was not discouragement
enough for late drop/adds, administrators
changed the rules-now a big fat $10 fine for
late CRISPing must be paid to the bank, uh,
Is the rule a necessity for saving time and
money for CRISP? Or is it merely a convenient
way for administrators to prod lazy students
into action? The verdict will be out on that until

this year's CRISP results reveal whether or not
the fine has led to substantial savings.
With rules like this, though, the education
game is becoming increasingly difficult and
expensive to play, as penalties pile up for
students trying to go around the board four
times-without going to jail.
Changing times
ANN ARBOR - the home of Vietnam teach-
ins, Tom Hayden, the SDS, and the staun-
chly conservative Michigan Review. Michigan

Controversial remedy
tested on humans, although it has worked on
animal cells and isolated human cells.
The drug has not been given the Food and
Drug Administration's stamp of approval.
HERP-EZ manufacturers say theyjare not ac-
tively seeking the FDA's blessing, since BHT is
already available to the public as a food
Act now, choose your side in the HERP-EZ
controversy. This is a limited offer only.
The Week in Review was compiled by
Daily staff writers Richard Campbell,
Mark Gindin, and Julie Hinds.

teb stutsat Tn atly
Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan


Vol. -XCIIINo. 22

420 Maynaro St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board


7NT's NOWUN& -
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. and the U.N.

SOME CRITICS charge that the
United Nations has become as im-
potent and ineffective as the League of
Nations was in the 1930s.
Well, the diplomats at this vear's
session of the U.N. General Assembly
certainly have squelched those rumors
and shown those skeptics. They've got-
ten right down to that decisive, for-
thright action that is the U.N.'s
trademark these days.
The U.N. has come out strongly in
support of that great humanitarian,
that controversial peacemaker -
Steven Spielberg. -
Yes, Spielberg was lauded by the U.N.
for his efforts for peace. He, in fact,
Vas given a nifty little peace medal.
Why? He has accomplished a lot of
impressive feats. He's grossed
millons (the U.N. certainly lauds
initiative); he's gone on location
throughout the world (an impressive
'how of international egalitarianism);
and, of course, he's created a lovable
space creature (E.T.'s about as
peaceful as peaceful gets).
But more important than why
Spielberg was singled out is why the
U.N. turned its attention to him in the
first place.
Perhaps it's petty to quibble over
whether or not Spielberg should have
gotten the medal or not. Picking on the
U.N. for indulging in a little levity is un-
fair, but the fact is the U.N. is growing
increasingly useless, except where
levity is concerned.
The U.N. seems to become less and
less influential each year. Its man-

dates are continually ignored or
defied; several nations refuse even to
bring their problems to its halls. For
what aspires to be a worldwide peace-
keeping body, its power is pitifully
limited to lower-level diplomatic cir-
cles that inhabit New York.
The most important conflicts-the
ones that demand and merit im-
mediate attention-often are not even
brought before the General Assembly.
Like the League of Nations before it,
the collection of states in the United
Nations seem intent on resolving their
conflicts only on their terms. They con-
tinue to refuse to sacrifice the smallest
bit of their sovereignty; they fear that
U.N. deliberation will lead to another
failure-either deadlock or outright
Instead of addressing its ineffec-
tiveness or redefining its role or pur-
pose, the U.N.'s diplomats are drawing
their ranks closer and turning to the
easier issues, the safe, vacuous issues
on which everyone can agree to agree.
It's a trend that eventually will turn
the U.N. into a nice little club in Manhat-
tan that occasionally hands out a slap
on the wrist or an innocuous medal-to
nobody's interest or concern.
Steven Spielberg is nice. Handing out
peace medals is nice. But the U.N. is not
meant to be a pleasant body, it's sup-
posed to be a forum for the rational
'discussion of the crises and conflict
that threaten the entire world. It's
supposed to be a body that effectively
promotes world peace.
That would be nice.


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Blame for massacre unfairly placed


To the Daily:
As a Jew myself I have to speak
out against some of the opinions
expressed by David Spak in his
article "Now is truly a time for
atonement" (Daily, Sept. 29).
The beginning of his article is
directly on target, but he deviates
in the middle, especially when he
places the Israeli government at
total fault.
First, by no means do we all
feel guilty because we are Jews-
we do not have feelings because
of our religion. No, we have
feelings because we are all
human beings.
Just how much is in some of us,
though? The massacre which
recently occurred is by no means
the first in Lebanon. For seven
years the city of Beirut has been
plagued with a civil war. This

an area which has been in the
news. Had they occurred a few
months later, after tensions had
died down, the coverage of this
event would not have been so ex-
tensive and in-depth.
As a journalist I am sure that
Mr. Spak is fair in his judgmen-
ts. If this is true, I find it difficult
to accept his harsh statements
against the Israeli government. A
formal inquiry is going to be
made soon. When the results of it
are released, and only then, can
the guilt be placed on the respon-
sible party. It is quite unfair to
call Israel guilty until proven in-
nocent-this violates the Con-
stitution of the United States and
journalistic rules as well.
A second point I wish to make is
that it is humanly, impossible to
be everywhere at once. The

Report quotes a former U.S. Ar- we are all qui
my captain who served in Viet- one has any ri
nam as stating, "When we tried we impose
Lt. Calley for the My Lai stipulations or
atrocities, no one demanded the not place upot
resignations of General West- truly a timet
moreland or President Johnson. involve ever'
If some Israeli officer in the field planet, forN
knew this was happening and terrible, inhu
stood by, can we demand the too many tir
resignation of Begin?" places over th
I am sorry Mr. Spak, but you
have overextended yourself. The
preceding quote has shown that
A total rag

ite hypocritical. No
ight to demand that
conditions or
n others that we do
n ourselves. If it is
to repent, it should
y human on this
we have let this
mane event occur
mes in too many
e years.
-Eric Gould
Sept. 30

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To the Daily:
Abandon all hope, ye who read
this paper.
What is going on at the Daily?
Have you hired Bob Talbert to
write your articles? The column

subversion of values-values of.
language, taste, and intelligence.
Why do you include horoscopes
in your paper? Horoscopes are
games. They are superstitious.
They are mindless. They do not


ials appearing
4 .1 r" 7

on the left
: r I *

side of the
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