Page 2-Wednesday, September 15, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Dems prepare de
Democrats, hopingto blunt President
Reagan's push for a constitutional
amendment, are preparing legislation
to encourage-but not require-a
balanced budget.
Officials said yesterday that a
Democratic task force established by
House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr.
(D-Mass.) is in general agreement on
an approach that requires the president
to submit a balanced budget to
Congress beginning with the 1984 fiscal
year. The congressional budget com-
mittees also would be required to ap-
prove budgets that are balanced.
There are, however, important
escape clauses: the president may
submit a second, out-of-balance budget
if he decides it is warranted because of
ficit legislation
"economicnecessity" or "national "realities" if supportersof
security," and the congressional corn- stitutional amendment gather
mittees may do the same. strength to force the proposal
Contrastingly, the Reagan-backed hostile Judiciary Committee.
proposed constitutional amendment In addition, House Democ
requires a balanced budget except I diin os eo
when national security is threatened or also preparing a pre-election
when three-fifths of both houses agree manifesto that looks past the
when trenis b s current woes and ignores pa
on deficit spending. calls for full employment. Ins
ha apGOP-ontroae dmenate oare ad thrust will be on long-term nve
a balanced budget. Reagan is expected in economic growth and a call t
to make such a proposal a major theme the country's transportation a
in his 1982 campaign appearances, and systems, according to Der
several sources said Democrats were sources.
determined to have a proposal of their The report stakes out a
own. political ground where party
Officials, who asked not to be iden- and conservatives alike cans
tified, said O'Neill established the the November congressional e
group to be prepared to deal with said the sources.
the con-
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rats are
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tead, the
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stand for
GB yct
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French Fries
Mon.-Fri. 2pm-5pm
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Arafat's meeting with
Pope angers Israel
Uof M ampsBand
Students who play
wind or percussion instruments
are invited to join!
If you wish to audition,
all you need to do is bring your instrument to
Revelli Hall (on.Hoover)
Wednesday, Sept.15
7:00 p.m.
The Campus Band is solely for the student who is
not majoring in music, but who wishes to continue
From AP and UPI
ROME (UPI) - Yasser Arafat's im-
minent arrival in Rome for a meeting
with Pope John Paul II sent relations
between the Vatican and Israel
plunging to a historic low yesterday and
set back Israel's attempt to discredit
the guerrilla chieftain.
The chairman of the Palestine
Liberation Organization was expected
in Rome late yesterday or early today
for a private audience with the pontiff.
Arafat's precise arrival time was not
disclosed for security reasons.
"The same church that did not say a
word about the massacre of Jews for
six years in Europe and did not say
much about the killing of Christians in
Lebanon for seven years "is ready to
meet the man who perpetrated the
crime in Lebanon and is bent on the
destruction of Israel," Begin was
quoted as telling his Cabinet on Sunday.
Arafat, forced to evacuate from
Israeli-encircled West Beirut Aug. 30
and described by Israel as a defeated
man, will be making his second visit to a
European country since leaving
Lebanon. He earlier visited Greece.
THE VATICAN says the pope's
meeting with Arafat has no political
significance and that its concern for the
Palestinians is humanitarian, not
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
DC-lo crash toll rises to 55
MALAGA, Spain - Investigators yesterday removed the charred remains
of American vacationers from the wreckage of a DC-10 charter jet and
examined the aircraft's black box for clues to the disaster that killed at least
55 people.
Officials of the Spantax charter company whose Malaga-New York flight
crashed on takeoff Monday said 49 bodies had been found by nightfall
yesterday. Four others, including three stewardesses and an American
passenger, were missing and presumed dead. Two truck drivers died on the
The pilot of the jetliner, which carried 393 people including 210 Americans,
said he believed he saved lives by aborting the flight in a sugar cane field
when he detected possible mechanical trouble. Investigators were looking
into the possibility that engine failure caused the crash.
Reagan to push tuition plan
WASHINGTON - President Reagan promised an unlikely bipartisan group
of senators yesterday that he will personally enter the fight to get his tuition
tax credit plan passed in the Senate.
The controversial plan. would allow parents who send their children to
private schools to deduct part of the tuition from their tax bills-
Opponents charge this would undermine public education, and in the case
of church schools, violate constitutional provisions for the separation of
church and state.
"I happen to believe as long as there is independent education in this cout-
try, from the lowest giade through college and university, then we have
academic freedom," Reagan told a group of editors of religious publications.
Under the current plan, the program would cost about $800 million for the
first half of fiscal 1984, the earliest date it could become effective.
UAW, Chrysler race
to meet contract deadline
DETROIT- Racing to meet a 12:01 a.m. deadline today, Chrysler Corp.
and United Auto Workers bargainers yesterday attempted to "piece
together" a contract for 60,600 hourly workers to avoid a promised union
Negotiators worked into the early morning hours yesterday, then broke for
a few hours sleep and resumed talks around 9 a.m. A mountain of work
remained on basic contract issues before the two sides could agree on a new
UAW President Douglas Fraser had warned the union will strike if there
was no settlement by midnight last night, but added the prospect was
"horrifying," especially in light of the past cooperation between the union
and the company.
The UAW is seeking pay increases and the restoration of cost of living
allowances to make up for the concessions it granted Chrysler last year in its
brush with bankruptcy.
Surprise storm buries Rockies
A blinding storm that buried the northern Rockies under 18 inches of wet
snow pushed into its second day yesterday, blocking highways and snapping
power lines under its weight.
The surprise storm plastered the mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and
Montana Monday and continued yesterday-weeks before leaves take on
their autumn colors.
By midday yesterday the two-day snowstorm piled up two feet of snow in
some mountain areas of Montana, with up to 12 inches in the Helena area. In
Billings, the snow was coming down at the rate of an inch an hour with five
inches already on the ground.
The snow, falling on ripe tomatoes and fresh corn, built drifts cartop deep
in many places. The Wyoming Highway Patrol said hundreds of travelers
were trapped, including about 100 that took refuge at a motel at Hell's Half
Acre near Casper, Wyo.
Hemingway brother kills self
MIAMI BEACH, Fla.- The brother of Ernest Hemingway committed
suicide with a gun, just as his father and famed brother did before him, of-
ficials said yesterday. 4
Leicester Hemingway, a 67-year-old writer, was found dead of a wound to
the head in his Miami Beach home Monday. Family members, who said he
used a borrowed pistol, reported he had been depressed because of health
Ernest Hemingway, author of such works as "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
and "The Sun Also Rises," shot himself in the head with a shotgun in 1961.
The father of the two writers, Dr. Edmonds Hemingway, also took his life
with a gun he had inherited from his father.
Illness was the apparent reason in all three instances.
"His (Leicester's) family said he had been despondent because of past
operations and the prospect of more operations," said police spokesman
Tom Hoolahan.
to ploy.
The band meets one day per week for 2
Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
... visit irks Italians, too
His two-day visit to Italy also has
strained Italy's ruling coalition gover-
nment with several parties charging tht
Arafat's planned meeting with Italian
President Sandro Pertini would imply
Italy's recognition of the PLO.
S SlU LT .
By James M. Ennes, Jr. <
In 1967an American naval vessel, USS LIBERTY, was attacked in interna-
tional waters by air and naval forces of Israel. The prolonged, carefully orchestrated
assault killed 34 crewmen and wounded 171, but the entire matter was brushed
aside by our government despite evidence that it was deliberate. Now a ship's
officer who survived the attack reveals the full story for the first time.
Mr. Ennes will be speaking in Ann arbor
about his book and the pending investigations into the attack.
HUSSEY ROOM (2nd Floor)
September 16, 1982 (Thursday)
SPONSORED BY Ecumenical Campus Center, American-Arab Anti-Discrimina-
tion Committee (Detroit Chapter), Association of Arab-American University
Graduates (Detroit Chapter).
Lebanese president-elect
assassinated in bomb attack
(Continued from Page 1)
peared to be a prelude to a major
Gemayel's aides originally said the
controversial leader narrowly survived
the blast, which buried him in rubble.
But hours after Gemayel was said to
have been released from a hospital with
minor injuries, his whereabouts and the
details of his physical condition were a
HOURS LATER, government sour-
ces said he died of injuries suffered in
the blast.
Meanwhile, U.S. envoy Morris
Draper arrived in Israel to start
discussions with Foreign .Minister Yit-
zhak Shamir on securing an Israeli and
Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon.
In a story in Saturday's Daily, "At-
torney hints Arroyo may plead in-
sanity," the Daily failed to attribute a
statement which identified the source
of an anonymous call to city police. The
story should have pointed out that Ar-
thur Arroyo's attorney claimed,
without producing proof, that it was
Roger Keller who made the call to
But Chief of Staff Gen. Rafael Eitan
told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and
Defense Committee Israeli troops in
Lebanon-estimated by U.S. intelligen-
ce at 75,000-were preparing to stay for
the winter.
Man charged with
indecent exposure
A 24-year-old Flint man was charged
with indecent exposure Monday, after
allegedly exposing himself on August 24
while riding in the rear of a Fiat to
three females driving behind the car on
the 100 block of Washtenaw Place. The
suspect was arrested and handcuffed
on the night of the indicent, but he
refused to get out of the car and identify
himself to the officers.
-Greg Brusstar
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Vol. XCIII, No. 6
Wednesday, September 15, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satursay mor-
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.SPORTS STAFF: Jesse Barkin, Tam Bentley, Randy
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