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September 15, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-15

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Ninety-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


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Vol. XCIII, No. 6

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 15, 1982

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

'Students gain in housing race

Not long ago, many students com-
plained they were at the mercy of evil
campus landlords, but now it's the
students who have the upper hand in the
Ann Arbor housing market, say Univer-
sity housing advisers. In fact, some lan-
dlords are so desperate to rent their
apartments, they were offering
everything from scholarships to TV sets to
anyone who'll fill their vacancies.
Probably the biggest reason the city's
housing vacancy rate has soared from 0.5
percent to 13.7 percent in just the past,
few yers is that students are less picky
than beforewhen choosing their homes.
MORE SO than in past years, students
seem willing to'live farther from campus,
with more people, and in smaller apar-
tments, according to University housing
official Jo Rumsey. Above all, she said,
students are looking for cheaper homes.
Landlords who used to charge high
rents to students who wanted to live in
'to vote
on new
'with 'U'
Graduate teaching assistants will be
asked tomorrow to vote on the contract
that will set their salaries for the
coming three years. If they agree to the
contract, it will be their first since 1976,
when their last one expired.
Leaders of the TAs' union, the
Graduate Employees Organization
(GEO), said they are very confident
that the TAs will OK the proposed con-
tract when the mail ballots are tallied
in the middle of next month.
IF THE agreement is approved, it
will signal a significant turning point in
more than five years of bitter conflicts
between GEO leaders and Universit'y
When voting through the mail this
month, TAs will have the opportunity
only to accept the proposed contract as
Wit is written or to reject it entirely, ex-
plained GEO official Paul Harris.
"The University has no intention of
reopening negotiations for a discrepan-
cy over one article or some minor
point," he said. "It (the contract) will
be voted on as a package, and I expect -
it will be ratified."
According to the proposed contract:
" Salaries for TAs will go up at least
5.8 percent, bringing base pay for
assistants to $6,305 annually. Assistants
in some departments will receive even
higher pay raises.
" Salaries for library assistants will
be set at $3,770, a 6.8 percent rise.
" Until the contract expires in October,
1985, wages for graduate student
assistants will continue to rise by 30
percent of faculty salary increases.
" All University departments would
have to provide at least 13 hours of
training to new TAs and would have to
allow TAs to help in "the educational
planning for the course that they are
assigned to assist."
* Tuition for graduate student assistan-
ts would be set at no more than two-
thirds of in-state tuition levels. Current
tuition grants would be dropped.
See TAS, Page 3

larger apartments close to campus are
finding it increasingly difficult to find
tenants willing to pay the price.
"Students are looking at a lot more
things," said Rumsey. "They're not
taking the first things that they see."
For one thing, she said, students are
willing to make a longer walk to classes
each day or even drive in return for a
cheaper home. For another, they're
more willing to share a bedroom, she
ANOTHER reason why the traditional
rush for campus housing bottomed out is
that many students, still uncertain about
their budgets, had to wait until this fall -
after their financial aid was decided - to
look for homes, Rumsey added.
Landlords are using a number of
solutions to combat the high number of
vacancies, Rumsey said. Those who
were left with large houses vacant began
renting them in single-room units, tur-
ning the homes into boarding houses.
Others, she said, have been shortening

leases and cutting security deposits.
"I think the landlords might be more
inclined to negotiate an eight-month
lease," Rumsey said. In the past,
students have been forced to sign 12-
month leases and have to sublet their
apartments during the summer, usually
at a significant loss.
IN ADDITION, instead of having to
pay a 25 to 30 percent rent premium for
an eight-month lease, some landlords
may be willing to go down to 15 percent.
Those students who have rented units
farther away from campus have done so
for a number of reasons, Rumsey said.
The benefits include shorter leases,
security deposits which are only a frac-
tion of those for local off-campus
housing, and lower rents, she said.
"People seem to be more interested in
those than they have been in years past.
Those people out there are showing gim-
micks," R1umsey said.
See STUDENTS, Page 3


killed in

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Teach our kids-
Cynthia Kehrins (left) and Amanda Simons were among a group of Detroit parents who gathered at the Detroit Public
School Center to protest the lack of classes during teacher contract negotiations.
Princess Grace dies

Princess Grace, the Oscar-winning
American actress who gave up
Hollywood stardom for a dashing prin-
ce and his tiny realm, died last night of
injuries suffered in a car crash.
Monaco's palace did not specify
whether Prince Rainier was at his
wife's side when she died of a cerebral
hemorrhage, but said he had kept a
bedside vigil since the princess was
hospitalized Monday.
THE FORMER Grace Kelly, 52, was
trapped inside her car Monday when it
plunged 120 feet off a treacherous
mountain road and burst into flames.
She was driving with her youngest
child, Princess Stephanie, 17, who
remained hospitalized yesterday "for
observation," the palace said.
Word of her death shocked the
municipality on a rocky slice of the
French Riviera and stunned movie
fans, who never stopped loving her even
after she left them.
The gilded Art Nouveau casino,
which first put Monaco on the map,

closed its doors and switched off its
floodlights, as did the famous Cafe de
Paris and Hotel de Paris on Casino
"We are all still in a state of shock," a
palace spokesman said shortly after the
tragic news was announced. He said it
was too early to talk of funeral
THE PALACE had given no clue that
Princess Grace was near death. Sour-
ces had described her condition as
"stationary" yesterday afternoon.
On Monday, the palace had said
Grace suffered only a broken right leg
in the accident near the French town of
La Turbie. There had been unconfir-
med reports that Grace suffered two
broken ribs and a fractured collarbone.
Police quoted by a French news
agency said neither Grace nor
Stephanie was wearing a seatbelt when
the accident occurred. The palace
said Grace was driving, but there were
unconfirmed reports that Stephanie
was at the wheel.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -
Lebanese President-elect Beshir
Gemayel was assassinated yesterday
in a bomb explosion that demolished his
Phalange Party headquarters and
plunged Lebanon into a constitutional
At least eight people, including other
senior Phalange officials, were killed in
the explosion, which carried a force
equivalent to nearly a quarter ton of
TNT. No one claimed responsibility for
the blast.
PRIME Minister Chefik Wazzan
early yesterday confirmed Gemayel had
been killed and called the assassination
"a link in a chain of criminal con-
spiracies against Lebanon at a time
when it started to restore its strength."
GOVERNMENT sources said the
34-year-old Christian leader, scheduled
to be sworn in as president Sept. 23,
died about six hours after the blast out-
side the east Beirut building where he
was meeting senior officials of his par-
They said Gemayel's body was iden-
tified by a ring he was wearing.
IN TEL - AVIV, Israeli officials ex-
pressed sorrow and condemned the
assassination. The officials refrained
from speculation on who might be
responsible for the attack, saying it was
too early, but they said they hoped the
Lebanese people would overcome "this
continued reliance on violence."
A former commander of Lebanon's
feared Christian Phalangist militia and
a figure closely identified with Israel,
Gemayel is bitterly resented by
Lebanon's Moslem community.
His assassination was a clear challenge



... killed in blast
to Lebanon's bid to restore stability and
came amid reports of ominous tank
movements in eastern Lebanoi
following punishing Israeli air strikes
Monday against Syrian and Palestinain
THE LEFTIST As Safir newspaper
said three Syrian armored brigades
moved into the Bekaa Valley from
Syria and Israel reportedly sent 55
tanks up to the front lines in what ap-
See LEBANESE, Page 2

Princess Grace
... suffers hemorrhage

Record-breaking week
EOPLE SEEKING fame and fortune should
travel to Klagenfurt, Austria this week for a
chance to be in the Guiness Book of World
Records. Tourism officials in the European town,
w o are holding "Guiness Week nf Recnrds." are honing

Wagner, governor of the Carinthia province, set a record of
his own Sunday, by giving the shortest speech ever
delivered by a politician. "Opened," he declared to
inaugurate the festival week.
Beef cake business booming
THE COLLEGIATE beefcake calendar business has
blossomed all the way to the east coast. where a

Out of circulation
ORRY TO disappoint you marriage proposals. Federal
Budget Director David Stockman says he plans to ax him-
self from the Reagan administration's list of most eligible
bachelors. Stockman, 35, told the Benton Harbor Herald-
Palladium he will marry 27-year-old Jennifer Blei in
February. Miss Blei, who lives in Washington, D.C., is an
employee of IBM Corp. She accompanied Stockman on
Saturday at "Welcome Home Dave Stockman" festivities
in the St. Joseph area, where her future husband grew up.
Stnman Qi thea h wnhn rhtcifnr hniit three voerc SThe

Also on this day in history:
" 1957-plans were drawn up for construction of the
School of Music building and the Cyclotron-Synchrotron of
the engineering college.
" 1961-University of Michigan enrollment was 24,500,
and the first session of Nursing 100 met at 3 p.m. in the Nat.
Sci. Aud.
" 1977-Reinstatement of the Night Owl bus service
which had been discontinued in April of '77 because of a
decline in ridership.


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