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September 12, 1982 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-12

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Page 8--Sunday, September 12, 192-The Michigan Daily

mass mec

J c
Sept. 15
5:30-7:30 pm
Aud. B
Angell Hall
New Ushers
For those who
would like to
usher at Major
Events concerts.

Sept. 14
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Aud. B
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Veteran Ushers
For those who
have ushered
Major Events concerts
in the past.

NEW YORK (AP) - A woman approaches an office
desk, pad in hand. "Mr. Secretary?" she says. "Sir,
you've been getting calls all morning from an irate
bird watcher. He's upset about the proposed transfer
of the Matagorda refuge."
"What for?" a voice says.
"He claims it could lead to the extinction of four
different species of North American birds," the
woman says.
"SO WHAT? We'll still have millions of pigeons. I
run over 'em in the parking lot all the time," the un-
seen cabinet member says.
"Pigeons, sir?"
"Birds are birds, Miss Dempsey. This is what I
mean by extremism."
INTERIOR 'Secretary James Watt probably has
never run over the squat feathery creatures in his
Washington parking lot. But his cartoon self once did
in the amusing and often irreverent panels of
But for the next 20 months or so, the controversial
and outspoken cabinet member will have a reprieve
from the comic abuse of cartoonist Garry Trudeau,
who has announced that he will stop drawing the
Pulitzer-winning strip next January so that he can
give himself a "breather."
Over the years, his amusing and sometimes
poignant array of characters-Zonker Harris, Mark
Slackmeyer, Joanie Caucus, B.D., Michael J.
Doonesbury, the Rev. W.S. Sloan, Jr. and Uncle
Duke-have delighted and bristled readers with their
exploits and thoughts on everything from women's
rights to drugs to tanning.
BUT, TRUDEAU now says, they have largely
remained in the mindset of another era. "For almost
15 years, the main characters have been trapped in a
time warp, and so find themselves carrying the

I'm heartbroken. Garry Trudeau
is going to leave us destitute. '
-Former President
Jimmy Carter
colors and the soars of two separate generations," he
said in his statement.
"it was unfair to stretch their formative years to
embrace both Vietnam and preppy."
"Garry Trudeau has always been more critical of
himself than his readers and editors have been and
that is why he is taking this sabbatical," said Univer-
sal president John McMeel. "He feels his characters
have not grown as fast as he would like to see."
THE ANNOUNCEMENT stunned some of the more
celebrated subjects Trudeau has parodied in the past
12 years.
"I'm heartbroken," former President Jimmy Car-
ter said in a telephone interview from Plains, Ga.
"Garry Trudeau is going to leave us destitute.
"I've always admired him and saw him as someone
who could give a very incisive analysis of world even-
ts," he said. "Even when it hurt to be criticized on oc-
casion, I listened to him."
REP. MILLICENT Fenwick (R-N.J.) has been
immortalized by the 34-year old cartoonist in the pen
and ink persona of Lacey Davenport, the intrepid and
unassuming congresswoman whose nose is turned up
in permanent noblesse oblige.

Trudeau: War, p reps don't mix

"Oh, isn't it sad," the feisty Mrs. Fenwick said.
"I'm so sorry to lose Lacey. She's such a nice
woman-so unimpressed with herself."dint
Mrs. Fenwick -has never met Trudeau and dd'
know beforehand that she was to be a subject of a car-
toon strip.
"I don't know if I'll ever find out why he chose me,"
she said. "But the strip apparently drives my op-
ponents crazy. I don't think anybody's going to vote
for me because of Lacey Davenport."
But in making fun of. the nation's-and the
world's-power brokers, Trudeau sometimes went
too far for some of his followers. During the last
presidential election, several of the 700 newspapersa
that carry the strip decided not to print panels ,of a
cartoon trip to "the mysterious world of Ronald
Reagan's brain."
The story line had "Doonesbury's" dimwitted
television newsman, Roland Hedley III, leading
viewers through the president's "memory vault," a
"storehouse of images of an idyllic America, with 5-
cent Cokes, Burma Shave signs and hard-working
white people."
While Joanie Caucus brings up her baby and Lacey
Davenport tries to get re-elected, Trudeau will com-
plete a screenplay on the new political right and4
collaborate with Elizabeth Swados on a musical ver-
sion of "Doonesbury."
But what of Uncle Duke, the drugged-out maniacal
misanthrope based on "gonzo" journalist Hunter
Thompson? And will Zonker's perpetual search for
the perfect tan fade?
We'll have to wait until 1984, the year Trudeau says
the strip will continue, unless the thousands of
readers who have deluged the Universal offices with
phone calls and letters have their way,

On September

24 1



Thousands party at mudb owl mash

you can have, a bit*

(Continued from Page 1)
front of the fraternity. The victim was
treated and released that night at St.
Joseph's Hospital, hospital emergency
room spokesman said.
Police caught the assault suspect
later that night, according to Sgt.
Richad DeGrand, and he was released
pending a formal complaint from the

"Apparently, it was an argument
over a girlfriend. Someone (thie victim)
knew hit him over the head with a beer
bottle," DeGrand said. "He was hit on
the left side of the head, and the bottle
broke, and really laid into it. Due to the
extent of the injury, he'll probably be
charged with felonious assualt.

Weekend every day.


1 Y 4 ll\ !i .


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Liquid Paper

"They (the fraternities) have done a
fine job of keeping things in control,"
DeGrand said shortly after the music
stopped. "We certainly don't blame
people for having a good time," he said.
UNTIL THE fights broke out, the
main concern of the police was to keep
people out of the streets. "I was sur-
prised to see that nobody got hit by a
car," DeGrand said yesterday.
"When you see something like this,
you think of the guy that got tired of the
noise at the party and got into his car,
and drove straight into it," he said.
To help get 'the message across that
the party was over, police wrote out
about 20 tickets to people drinking
alcohol in the street, and to minors with
"I DON'T believe in the police just
throwing their hands in the air in ti4
kind of situation," DeGrand said. "Do
you know what a car coming down
Washtenaw at 60 miles an hour could
have done?"
Both offenses are misdemeanors, he
said, and carry a penalty of up to .90
days in jail or a fine of $100.
Students complaining about being
randomly, ticketed when hundreds *of
others were "doing the same thing".
received no sympathy.
"If we asked every one of you herewt
line up and dump out your beers, would
you do it?" one patrolman asked. "No,
you wouldn't. So we just go out and do a
little random sampling.";

Regular Price.: 8r5C
There's a lot in a name,
When the name is-

Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


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Ap ail.

Of fer!



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Weekend, the Daily's new arts and enter-
tainment weekly magazine, premieres
Friday, September 24. With The List-a

do. Plus stories on upcoming plays.
Features on visiting artists. Reviews of
current books. Information on area

Thac'c n mnt in n nnma



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