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April 08, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-04-08

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The Creativity Ensemble Company; a theatre company consisting of
University students and recent graduates proudly announces their spring
'production of "Wine in the Wilderness," a one-act play by Alice Childress
directed by Evelyn Collins. The drama opens tonight at 8 p.m., at the Can-
terbury Loft, 332 S. State. Tickets are available at the door.
MED-The Desk Set, 7 p.m. only; Bringing Up Baby, 9 p.m., only, Nat.
Sci. Aud.
CG-The FrontPage, 7 p.m. only; His Girl Friday, 9 p.m., only, Lorch
Alt. Act. - The Wobblies, 8 p.m. only, RC Aud.
CFT-Dr. Zhivago, 4 & 8 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
AAFC - The Kirlian Witness, 7 & 8:40 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Public Health - Noontime Film Fest, Half Million Teenagers; VD; Han-
dle With Care; & When Love Needs Care, 12:05 p.nf., SPH II.
Ark - John Cunningham, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Dept. of Theatre & Drama - Studio Theatre Series, Stephen Yata's
"Passing Shots," 4:10 p.m., Trueblood Theatre.
School of Music-"Music at Midweek Series," Ronnie Bincer on trumpet,
along with a wind quartet, will be performing Torelli, and Hayden, among
- others, 12:10p.m., Pendleton Rm., Union; Percussion recital, John Zidar,
BM, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Japan Center Bag Lunches - Roger Hackett, "Historical Footnotes from
Wakayama: Trivia from Tributaries,"noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Great Lakes & Marine Environment - Rita Colwell, "Application of
Genetic Engineering in the Marine Sciences,"4 p.m., White Aud., Cooley.
Business Form on Social Issues - Panel discussion, "Business, Gover-
nment & the Clean Air Act," 5 p.m., Hale Aud., Business Admin.
Biological Sciences - Sandra Haslam, "Modulation of Steriod Receptors
During Mammary Gland Development," 12-1 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci.
Urban Planning - Kan Chen, "Technology Assessment," 11-noon, 1040,
Comp. Info. & Cont. Eng. - P. E. Caines, "Recursive Identification &
Adaptative Control of Stochastic Linear Systems," 4 p.m., 2084 E. Eng.
Museum of Zoology - Martin Daly, "Some Consequences of Paternity
Uncertainty in People," 4 p.m., MLB 2.
Medicinal Chemistry - Douglas Kalvin, "Neocaszinostatin &
auromomycin; polypeptide antitumor antibiotics which contain non-peptide
chromophores; mechanism of action, chemistry, & biology, 4 p.m., 3554 CC
Vision/Hearing - Vincent Pluvinage, "Analysis of the Coupling Between
Cones in the Turtle Retina," 12:15-1:30 p.m., 2055 MHRI.
Communication - Joey Reagon, "The Effects of News Measure on the
Selection of State Government News Sources," noon, Marsh Sem. Rm.,
Chemistry - Peter Sandusky, "Endor Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll & the
Photosynthetic Reaction Center," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem; Robert Larson,
-'Oxidation of Phenolic & Heterocyclic Amine Systems with;
'Diphenylselenium Bis (ifluroaetate)," lp.m., 1400Chem.
FLOC - Ann Arbor Support Group of Farm Labor Organizing Committee,
meeting, 7 p.m., 318 E. William.
Michigan Review - Organizational meeting for all those interested in
working and/or writing for the new paper on campus. 7:30 p.m., Union, Conf.
Rm. No. 5.
Med. Cntr. Bible Study - 12:30 p.m., Rm. F2230 Mott Children's Hosp.
Campus Crusade for Christ - 7p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship -7 p.m., Union.
Transportation Engineers - Dora Gonoulli, 12:15 p.m., 1217 E. Eng.
Michigan Ensian - yearbook portraits for 1983 graduates are being taken
in the Student Publications Building from 9-6. Do it! And be glad.
Chabad House - Passover Seder, 8:30 p.m., 715 Hill.
Integrative Studies Center - Manny Kirchheimer will present several
films, including his widely acclaimed "Stations of the Elevated," 8-10 p.m.,
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
The Travelbrary - European Travel Seminars, 7:30 p.m., 234 Nickels Ar-
Tau Beta Pi - Free tutoring in lower-level math & science courses, walk-
in, 7-11 p.m., 307 UGLi, 8-10 p.m., 2332 Bursley.

Folk Dance Club - Ballroom dancing, 7 -8:30 p.m., League.
Scottish Country Dancers - Beginning class, 7 p.m., Intermediate class, 8
p.m., Union.
League - International night, Middle East, 5 -7:15 p.m.
WCBN - 88.3 FM - Minority Student Services, 6-6:30 p.m.; Chicago Dink
Festivities Part 3: Freddie Keppard & Fess Williams, 7 -8 p.m.
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences - Sem., Term project in computer ap-
plication introduced by Roland Drayson, presented by students of A&OS 606,
4 p.m., 2233 Space Res.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 8, 1982-Page 3
Last year's BUrsley
shooting remembered

(Continued from Page 1)

"The idea of a scholarship came up
and so we set up an endowment fund
through the University from donations
we had received from concerned in-
dividuals," he said. So far, the fund has
collected $3,000.
The scholarships will be offered to
seniors from the high schools of the two
students "to provide some remem-
brance within the home communities,'
committee member Collinson said.
"BASICALLY, we're leaving it up to
the high school to choose the scholar-
ship recipient," he said. Criteria in-
clude leadership and citizenship
qualities, and involvement in com-
munity work. Applicants also must
provide recommendations from.coun-
selors, teachers, and peers, and write
an essay about what the scholarship
means to them.
Additional money for the fund will
come from a meal sacrifice April 16.

Three-quarters of the. dorm's residen-
ts-940 students-have agreed to go
without a meal to raise about $1,150.
"I think it's great that they're doing
something about it and not putting the
memory behind," said Jeff Forman, a
resident on McGreaham's floor last
year. "I thought Doug was a great per-
son, and I hope that by giving the
scholarship to someone in his. high
school, his memory will be retained."
TO FURTHER commemorate the
event, the committee will sell ribbons
on campus April 15 and 16. "1 think that
preserving Doug and Ward's memory
is very important because if you forget
they existed, it's as if they never did,
said John Shapiro, a member of the
committee. "Also, it's important to
remember the facts of the event.
People should realize that there are
guns in people's rooms. Again," he
said, "if you forget that this happened,
it might happen again.

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
THOUGH THE siren didn't sound, more than 100 students participated in a
die-in yesterday afternoon on State Street to show their opposition -to the
nuclear arms race.

Second 'd

despi~te sir
Although the emergency alert siren
perched atop the LSA Building failed to
go off yesterday for its monthly test,
about 100 anti-nuclear activists went on
with their "die-in" on State Street.
Liz Galst, coordinator of the monthly
event, urged the crowd to try to make
as much noise as the siren would have.
A tremendous scream went out as par-
ticipants released hundreds of black
balloons, and then fell to the ground
protesting the spread of nuclear arms.
The 3 p.m. die-in lasted only a few
minutes as students, police, and
motorists looked on, before the crowd
peacefully dispersed.
GALST ACCUSED the city of attem-
pting to sabotage the event by not
testing the LSA siren.-"The citydoesn't
~want us to make a big fuss, but as long
as our money is going to nuclear,
weapons we will be here next month
and every month," she told the crowd.
According to City Administrator
Terry Sprenkel, however, the protest
had nothing to do with why the siren on
the LSA Building didn't blast. "The
siren on LSA did not go off because of a
malfunction found ... in the batteries,"
Sprenkel said. He said the malfunction
will be corrected today.
As for sirens in other parts of the city,


e- in'held
'en falilure,
'according to Sprenkel, the one located
at Fifth and Catherine streets went off
with no sound, and all of the others fun-
ctioned as scheduled.
SEVERAL observers had charged
that last month's die-in was a freak
show because of the painted faces and
bizarre costumes sported by many par-
ticipants. But coordinator Galst
dismissed the charge, explaining that
the costuming was their way of showing
a sense of humor.
"You should never lose your sense of
humor, even when you're dealing with
something as serious as nuclear
weapons," she said.
Galst explained to the crowd that one
of the goals of the die-ins is to show
people that they can make a difference
if they are rerea y. "It's very impor-
tant that we make people aware that
every second we are only 15 minutes
from destruction," she said.
Michael Fisher, a participant in
yesterday's protest, praised the die-in.
"I think it's a good idea. It kills a few
minutes, nobody gets hurt, and that's
cool," he said.
An observer, Michael Fields, said
that although the protestors may have
"some good points, this country needs
to have security."
City Administrator Sprenkel said
testing of the siren will go on as
scheduled in the future.



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MSA ballots
to be tallied
by Friday
(Continued from Page 1)
students voted on the first day of the
elections. He predicted that the turnout
will be slightly higher than last year's
total of 4,300. Yesterday's voting, ac-
cording to Lazar, was "about the
same" as Tuesday's, but he said late
last night the exact numbers still were
not known.
Lazar also said the races for
president and vice president were "ex-
tremely close."
Three parties-British Humour,
PAC, and Voice--ran in the elections to
fill the two executive offices. Members
of these parties and independent can-
didates vied for 35 representative
positions of MSA, the campus-wide
student government.

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Applications for Fall Semester 1982
Winter Semester 1983
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