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April 08, 1982 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-04-08

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Page 2-Thursday, April 8, 1982-The Michigan Doily
Yale, Michigan family

From APand UPI
YALE, Mich. - A woman and her
four children were found shot to death
yesterday at their rural home three
miles south of Yale, police said. It was
the third mass murder in Michigan in
seven weeks.
Robert Cleland, the St. Clair County
prosecutor, identified the dead as Betty
Giuliani and her children. Erick, 19,
Kathleen, 16, Cindy Joe, 13, and Dino, 9.
He said all four children were adopted.
The five people were shot to death
with a .22-caliber rifle," Detective
Bruce Lindke of the St. Clair County

Sheriff's Department said.
At a late afternoon news conference,
Cleland said police and his office had
ruled out the possibility that one of the
five victims had shot the other four,
then committed suicide, as originally
"THE INDICATIONS that we have at
this time are that the deaths are a
homicide," Cleland said. He would not
St. Clair County sheriff's deputy Ray
Gleason said police were talking to a
young male "friend of the family" who
Cleland said might have "been in a.

position to see something." C]
not describe the teen-ager as a
"All we want to do is talk to1
Earlier, Lindke had said po
investigating the slayings as a
suicide because there was no i
of forced entry at the home a
dication of robbery.
A neighbor who had plann
bowling yesterday with Mrs.
found the bodies inside the hoi
tly before 8 a.m., authorities s
neighbor, who wished to
anonymous, said she spoke
Giuliani by telephone about at

elan d before the probable time of the killing.
him," he Erick Giuliani quarterbacked the
Yale high school football team last year
lice were and his sister, Kathleen, sang in the
a murder- high school choir this year, according to
ndication Albert Kimmel, the Yale schools
nd no in- superintendent.
Cindy Joe Giuliani was an eighth-
ted to go grader at Yale Junior High School and
SGiuliani Dino was a fourth-grader at Yale
me shor- Elementary School, Kimmel said.
aid. The Assistant St. Clair County Medical
remain Examiner Benjamin C. Clyne said the
toMrs.victims appeared to have been shot in
talfour the head.
half-hour *

State Senate
proposal sent
to Milliken;o
veto expected

LANSING (UPI)- The Senate, on its second at-
tempt, narrowly approved and sent for almost cer-
tain veto by Gov. William Milliken yesterday a plan
to redraw Michigan's congressional districts accor-
ding to 1980 census figures.
The 20-16 vote to approve the measure and send it to
the governor came about five hours after the Senate
had fallen one vote short of passing the plan.
ALTHOUGH Democrats authored the plan, four
members of the party joined Republicans in opposing
the reapportionment proposal.
Democrats on the committee pushed the defeated
plan out Tuesday, while GOP members boycotted. It
was finally approved on a 56-40 party-line vote in the
House early yesterday.
The Republican Milliken has said he would veto the
plan if it arrives on his desk in its current form.
"THIS PLAN will not become law," said Senate
Republican Leader Robert VanderLaan of Kentwood.

"I think the three-judge panel will be more respon-
sive to the people of this state than the what I call
'political hacks' that authored this plan.''
Senate Democratic Leader William Faust of
Westland said he believes the problem will be
resolved by U.S. District Court judges no matter
what happens with it in the Legislature.
The Michigan Democratic Party already has asked
the three-judge panel, two of whom have Democratic
political backgrounds, to take the issue from the
Legislature and come up with a plan by May 4.
FAUST SAID if Milliken vetoes the bill, the court
will assume control. If the Legislature fails to act
before it leaves for Easter break later this week,
"they'll take it away from us," he said.
Democrats say their plan is fair because it would
provide for nine mostly Democratic seats, eight GOP
seats and one which could go either way, as opposed
to the current 12 Democrats and seven Republicans
now representing the state.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Reagan enjoys tropical vacation
KINGSTON, Jamaica- President Reagan, escaping a bitter Washington
cold spell, flew to the sunny Caribbean yesterday for a five-day working
vacation to promote his plan for developing the region's depressed
Reagan, the first American president to visit Jamaica, arranged to spend
the day in Kingston for talks with Prime Minister Edward Seaga before
flying today to Bridgetown, Barbados.
In Barbados, Reagan will meet with Prime Minister Tom Adams and then
lunch with the leaders of Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, St. Vin-
cent and the Grenadines and St. Kitts-Nevis.
Administration officials say Reagan's $350 million Caribbean Basin
Initiative is designed to revive the islands' economies through the power of
the free enterprise system and to make the lure of communism unattractive
to the region's poor.
There was some dispute among Reagan's staff on the political wisdom of
traveling to a tropical island at a time of recession across the country and
record post-winter snowstorms in much of the Northeast.
Japan admits wartime atrocities
TOKYO- The Japanese government yesterday confirmed the existence of
a secret World War II Imperial Army unit that allegedly killed more than
3,000 people-perhaps including American GI's-in chemical and biological
The victims were mostly Chinese, Koreans, Mongolians and Russians. But
there have been persistent rumors a small number of American prisoners of
war also died in the experiments to produce weapons for chemical and
biological warfare.
"The atrocities occurred during the most extraordinary wartime con-
ditions," State Minister Kunio Tanabe told the lower house of parliament.
"It's most regrettable from the point of view of humanity," he added.
Tanabe, who reports directly to Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki, was the fir-
st to indicate the Japanese government had knowledge of the atrocities
committed by the Imperial Army's unit No. 731.
Poland invites Pope to visit
WARSAW, Poland- A government minister said yesterday that Pope
John Paul II was welcome to visit Poland late this summer and asserted that
martial law had not affected church-state relations.
The pope had hoped to proceed with the visit despite the imposition of mar-
tial law Dec. 13. But Poland's Archbishop Jozef Glemp, after talks with the
pope,. has since made the restoration of workers' rights a condition for the
Taking issue with Archbishop Glemp, the Polish governmentis Religious
Affairs Minister Jerzy Kuberski said there was no reason why the pontiff
should not proceed with plans to visit his homeland in August.
The martial law government appears to be hoping the visit will help
legitimize its status in the eyes of Poles. Church-state negotiations over the
visit are currently under way.
Grenade hurts nun in Nablus
TEL AVIV, Israel- A grenade hurled at a holy site inNablus wounded a
Greek Orthodox nun on Passover eve yesterday and police defused a bomb
before it exploded at another religious landmark in the occupied West Bank
In Nablus, the grenade was hurled at a group of tourists in a cave under
the Greek Orthodox church at Jacob's Well, wounding a nun who worked at
the site and a Nablus Arab, the Israeli military said.
The incident came during one of the heaviest tourist seasons in the Holy
Land with the start of the Jewish Passover at sundownand Easter weekend
two days later. Officials said some 105,000 Jews and Christian pilgrimshad
arrived for their respective holy days.
Citing a recent escalation of guerrilla border activity, Israeli army Chief
of Staff Lt. Gen. Raphael Eitan did not rule out a confrontation with the
Palestinians in south Lebanon, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and abroad.

The E

State cuts amount of funds
to be withheld from 'U'
(Continued from Page 1)




sword of micnigan
. -7

Besides withholding a total of $80
million from the state's four-year
colleges, the executive order calls for
cuts of $125.8 million from state depar-
tments, $7.1 million from home heating
aid, and $200,000 from the $800,000 Pon-
tiac Silverdome subsidy.
Under the original order, all final
quarter appropriations to the state's
colleges and universities would have
been cut. Planning called for those
funds to be repaid to the schools at the
beginning of the new fiscal year.
The order is part of an overal budget
plan to fill a $611 million state shortfall.
Other parts of the plan include a six-
month hike in the 4.6 percent state in-
come tax to 5.6 percent, a new set of

taxes on entertainment activities, and a
10-cent-per-package increase in the
state's cigarette tax. The cigarette tax
hike was approved by the Senate
Legislature is still considering the other
tax plans.
University officials, most of whom
said they were not expecting the
revised executive order, declined ex-
tensive comment until they could study
the new plan more closely.
Also yesterday, Budget Director
Gerald Miller called off a key meeting
scheduled for this morning with Wall
Street financial houses, admitting the
prospects for agreement on resolving
the state's fiscal crisis are too uncer-

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Vol. XCII, No. 149
Thursday, April 8, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
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