Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
it igan
Showers likely this mor-
ning with temperatures
dropping throughout the
day from an early high in
the mid-50s to a low tonight
around 20.
Vol. XCIU, No. 145
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 3, 1982
Ten Cents
MSA presidential hopefuls reveal party platforms
Candidates from three campus political parties are com-
peting for the Michigan Student Assembly presidency in elec-
tions to be held next week.
The list of parties includes two newly-formed groups-the
British Humor Party and Voice-which are attempting to
oust the People's Action Coalition from the MSA presidency
it has held for the past two years.
EIGHTY-TWO candidates are running for the 37 seats on
the assembly, the campus-wide student government. Twen-
ty-seven of the candidates are independents, while the
remaining 55 belong to one of the three parties. No indepen-
dent candidates are running for president.
PAC is the largest of the three with 29 candidates. PAC
candidates are running unopposed in the Schools of Medicine,
Nursing and Public Health. Voice is the next largest party
with 19 candidates, including an unopposed candidate in the
School of Dentistry. The smallest of the parties is the British
Humour Party, which will have seven candidates on the
No candidates are running for seats in the Schools of Ar-
chitecture and Urban Planning, Education, Library Science,
and Music. Also, there will be only a write-in candidate for
the position on the Board for Student Publications, because
the original candidate was disqualified.
British Humour Party
BHP presidential candidate Duane Kuizema wants to bring
"student government back down to the student level" and
wants MSA to spend its time and money on issues that effect
students more directly.
Kuizema and his running-mate, George DeMuth, say their
number-one priority if elected would be improving campus
TO FIGHT security problems, they have proposed creating
a student force to work in cooperation with the present
security staff. They think people in the group could be paid
either through work-study programs or by the revenues from
a registration tax on students.
Kuizema criticized the current MSA administration for ac-
tions he feels don't really help students. "MSA spends too
much time and money on issues away from students. They
should concentrate on things that effect students directly,"
he said.
"For instance," he continued, "I don't see the benefit to
most students from a bus ride to Washington with the Latin-
American Solidarity Committee. They could have put the
same effort into something like financial aid, and students
would have benefited more."
BHP SUPPORTS military research on campus so long as
the projects have civilian applications. They oppose any
See MSA, Page 2
Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
MSA candidates (left to right) Stephan Johnson, vice president, Voice; Amy Moore, president, Voice; Duane Kuizema,
president, British Humour Party; Ruste Fischer, vice president, PAC; George DeMuth, vice president, British Humour
Party; Dave Guttchen, president, PAC.
Number of
rises to
9 percent
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Unemploy-
ment rose in March to equal the post-
World War II peak of 9 percent, the
Labor Department reported yesterday
- and a key government official in-
dicated it finight go higher. The rate
matched the peak of the 1974-75
recession, which saw the highest
unemployment since the United States
entered World War II.,
More than 9.9mi"lin Americans
were officially listed as unemployed, an
increase of 280,000. the Labor Depar-
tment said a record 1.3 million others
also were. out .of work but too
discouraged to seek a new job.
IN MICHIGAN, the unemployment
rate hit a record 17 percent in March
with nearly three-quarters of a million
people without jobs, state officials
The Michigan Employment Security
Commission said a record 725,000
people were unemployed last month, an
increase of 41,000 from February when
the jobless rate was 16.1 percent.
MESC Director S. Martin Taylor
noted that the number of jobless
workers in the state has set a new high
for each of the past three months.
Michigan, once again, had the nation's
highest unemployment rate.
"THE HIGH interest rates are
causing the economy to collapse, and
Daily Photo by AVI PELOSSOF'
MARTY SMITH (left) and a companion lead a group of marchers through central campus yesterday in support of a
United Nations resolution advocating disarmament. Participants began the transcontinental trek in San Francisco.
Labeled a "World Peace March," it will end at U.N. headquarters in New York sometime during June.
International peace movement
marches th rough Ann Arbor
From AP and UPI
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Several
thousand Argentine troops. led by
marines seized the Falkland Islands from
Britain yesterday. The government
claimed the South Atlantic islands'
governor "surrendered uncon-
"The Argentine flag flies again in the
Malvinas. Mission accomplished," the,
communique said. Jubilant Argentines
cheered, waved flags, tooted horns and
sounded sirens. Church bells pealed.
A BRITISH reporter who was in the
Falkland Islands when Argentine
troops invaded said the attack "hap-
pened so quickly that everyone was
"They had gone to bed British and
woken up Argentine" said William
Langley, a London Daily Mail reporter
who was in Port Stanley, the capital of
the South Atlantic islands held by
Britain for 149 years.
He said the Argentine troops quickly
overcame the small force of British
marines and claimed the territory.
About 1,800 people, mostly sheep far-
mers of British descent, live on the
bleak islands, about 250 miles off the
Argentine coast.
"THERE WAS a lot of noise and
shooting in the pre-dawn darkness on
the outskirs of Port Stanley, but
whatever resistance there was from the
80 Royal .Marines here, it did not last
long," Langley said.
See FALKLAND, Page 7
They've been walking across the country since last Oct-
ober - starting off from San Francisco and stopping in
Denver, Wounded Knee, DeMoines, Chicago, Kalamazoo,
and' every place in between - in support of nuclear-
disarmament. And yesterday, 15 "hard core"~participan-
ts in the March for World Peace passed through Ann Ar-
The group left San Francisco on United Nations Day,
Oct. 24, and its members plan to arrive at the United
Nations on June 7, at the start of the U.N.'s Second Special
Session on Disarmament.
ALTHOUGH THE march will end in June, the peace
movement will not be over, according to Marty Smith, one
of the marchers who has been on the trek since its
begining. "There is no 'organization' in the peace
movement. It's a spiritual expression," Smith said.
See PEACE, Page 7
U.Skills Nicaraguan
Fifth ard candidates-
difer on priorities
Both candidates for the Fifth Ward
seat on City Council agree. about many
of the short-term needs of Ann Arbor,
but they differ sharply over several of
the city's long-run problems.
Incumbent Republican Joyce
city elections '82
Chesbrough will be challenged in the
April 5 election by Democrat Katherine
Edgren to represent the downtown
ward on City Council.
CHESBROUGH, 50, said that if she
is elected for another term, her first
priority will be long-term planning for
improvement of the city's streets and
"My main thrust is that people pay
high taxes, and I think they want to see
good public works," she said. Other
goals include establishing a city-wide
recycling program, and a downtown
development plan.
Now a civics teacher at Slauson
See FIFTH, Page 7
non-i nterrention
UNITED NATIONS (AP)- The Uganda, Jord
United States vetoed a Security Council Panama voted
resolution last night that called for non- U.S. Ambas
intervention in Nicaragua, casting the steih said the U
sole vote against it. the resolution u
The resolution, sponsored by tive" of establi
Panama, had been watered down to in- conciliation ofd
struct all states merely to ,"refrain states, includin
from the direct, indirect, overt or D'ESCOTOT
covert use of force against any country Council he wa
of Central America and the Carib- today for a mee
bean." non-aligned cou
AS THE 15-nation council met to con- "Upon our r
sider the resolution, Nicaraguan 15th of April,
Foreign Minister Miguel D'Escoto ready to hold
proposed that high-level, direct talks nment of the U
between Managua and Washington so," the Nicar
begin in mid-April. said.
Britain and Zaire abstained on the Daniel Orteg
resolution. France, China, the Soviet leftist junta,i
Union, Poland, Ireland, Spain, Togo,
an, Guyana, Japan and
for it.
sador Charles Lichen-
United States did not feel
was "in any way suppor-
ished arrangements for
disputes among member
ng those in the region.
TOLD the U.N. Security
as departing for Kuwait
eting of the movement of
eturn, beginning on the
we will once again be
meetings if the gover-
nited States decides to do
raguan foreign minister
ga, leader of Nicaragua's
urgently requested the
... supports underprivileged
... stresses public works
's in trouble now
THE CHANCELLOR OF Bob Jones University has
urged students to pray that the Lord "smite"
Secretary of State Alexander Haig and "destroy
him quickly and utterly." "I am going to pray that
God will get rid of that man," said Chancellor Bob Jones,
son of the school's founder, after the State Department
rejected a request by Northern Irish Protestant leader Ian
Paisley for permission to enter the United States was rejec-
ted Paislev wa tn have snoken at the Fundamentalist
Making the grade
Once again, it's that time of the year where the tables are
turned and the students get to grade the teachers. The
Michigan Student Assembly's Course and Instructor
Evaluation Guide (formerly known as Course Encounters),
has hit campus, complete with its faculty honors and
probation list. David Kuehn, project coordinator of MSA's
Course Evaluation Committee, defends the guide's ac-
curacy. "I think they (the evaluations) are accurate within
statistical average because it is a random sample," he
said. Kuehn admitted it would help if more students filled
Kuehn said. He added that the committee is also con-
sidering providing monetary awards for professors who are
rated highly. C
And you thought Ma Bell was bad
After waiting 13 years, a 63-year-old man has given up
hope of getting a telephone installed at home and has asked
the telephone company to put one in his grave instead. The
Daily Milliyet reported that Ahmet Derehoy of Istanbul,
Turkey first made his application for a telephone to the
postal authority, which handles such requests, 13 years ago.
He was given a number-but no phone-and told to wait his
Esch's house to present him with a 3,000 signature petition
urging the ex-president's impeachment.
Also on this date:
1968- About 400 University students marched from the
Diag to the Ann Arbor Selective Service Board to read a
statement repudiating the draft to the local board officials.
The walk followed a draft resistance rally at noon the same
day in the Diag.
1953- Former University faculty member Dr. Jonas Salk
announced the discovery of a new vaccine which promised
immunity against the principal types' of influenza for as
long as one to two years with a single injection. 4