The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 23, 1982-Page 3
Art school students
hear dean on budget
(Continued from Page 1) colleges across the country do not rank
lIe dean said that after the University art schools, but Bayliss said the
community becomes more aware of the Univerdsity's ranks among the best.
school's quality and its national " Budget: Should the University spend
reputation, then its students and faculty the money to maintain strong and
may "wind up the beneficiaries of the prestigious art school?
review rather than the victims of it." " Location: Is it appropriate for an art
"For one thing, the School of Art has school to be located far from major
had a brief history here," Bayliss said, cultural centers of the world?
referring to the school's young age of * Centrality: "What is the place of the
eight years. visual arts in the great panoply of
After "tentative discussions" with University offerings?" the dean said.
Vice President for Academic Affairs " And organization: An analysis of
Billy Frye, Bayliss said the review how the arts school does its business.
committee will address five topics: Daily photographer Deborah
Quality: The standard surveys of' Lewis filed a report for this story.
Shuttle soars into space
dft At 3c~U bd *d b3 lW3 1i ft- (f
Aid cuts may
make schools
elitist again,
officials say
(Continued from Page 1)
get jobs, who will they replace?" he
All three presidents said they were
worried about the government's
growing tendency to remove itself from
financial commitments to higher
According to Shapiro, Reagan may
have proposed some of the cuts to curb
abuse and defaults on the Guaranteed
Student Loan program. He said the
default rate in Michigan, however, has
been reported at 3.2 percent.
"I would put that up against the ex-
perience of most banks or other loan in-
stitutions any day," Shapiro said. "If
(financial aid) is left entirely to the
states, it would be a sub-optimal level of
investment in human capital. We are
expressing conern for the development
of the country."
(Continued from Page 1)
estimate how much the flight will cost,
because so much of the cost would be
attributed to years of pre-flight
preparation. they did, however, say
that the launch alone cost between $30
million and $40 million.
:If all goes as planned, the shuttle will
touch down at White Sands, New
Mexico Monday. the craft was
originally scheduled to land at Edwards
Wir Force base in southern California,
ut the site was changed after heavy
rains left the California strip too wet to
support the massive space craft.
Though Lousma, the shuttle's com-
ngander, is a veteran of space flight,
having spent 59 days aboard Skylab in
1973, the shuttle's pilot, Fullerton, is a
newcomer to space.
The shuttle's fourth and last test
flight is scheduled for late June. It will
reportedly carry in its van-sized
payload an undisclosed military ex-
periment, perhaps infrared recon-
naissance sensors.
After the fourth flight, space in the
shuttle's payload will be rented out to
private companies and institutions,
which will set up their own experiments
to be conducted in the zero gravity of°
Engineering students at the Univer-
sity are designing their own experiment
to be conducted on a future shuttle trip.
Daily Photo by JANET RAE
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harold Shapiro (center) outlines his concerns about the impact of proposed federal finan-
cial aid cutbacks at a news conference yesterday in Detroit. He was joined by Kalamazoo College President George
Rainsford (right) and Wayne State University President Thomas Bonner.
'U' course offers
For the student who wants to learn
something about the world outside the
United States, the University has more
to offer than just classes in foreign
language. A special campus program
offers ready-made foreign friends.
The Conversation Partner Program,
sponsored by the English Language In-
stitute, offers Americans the oppor-
tunity to meet regularly and talk with
foreign students to supplement the
students' study of the English
ALTHOUGH ELI is devoted to
teaching English to foreigners, the con-
versation program is beneficial to their
American partners as well, say ELI of-
"It's a chance to visit the world
without leaving campus," said Jo
Glass, ELI's coordinator of student ac-
The program requires that American
students meet with their ELI partners
for at least one hour each week to give
the foreign students a chance to prac-
tice their English. An "exchange" can
also be arranged in which an additional
hour would be devoted to speaking in
the foreign student's native tongue, af-
fording the American student an oppor-
tunity to brush up on his or her foreign
LEARNING another language is not
the only reason that American students
join the program. Pam Gillespie, a
graduate student in linguistics and a par
ticipant in the program wants to teach
English as a foreign language.
"Professionally, it was good for me to
get to know people from other countries
learning English as a second
language," she said.
Mike McCullough, an LSA senior
majoring in English, has had several
conversation partners from countries
such as Qatar, Iran, Korea; and
Thailand. "I always wanted to go
abroad," he said. "Speaking with
foreign students helped me to get in
touch with what that experience would
be like for me."
MCCULLOUGH added that when he
did go abroad, the effects of culture
shock were dampened as a result of his
experiences with foreign conversation
Foreign students say they also
greatly benefit from the program .Ac-
cording to Glass, most ELI students are
exposed to few Americans on the casual
level because many of them have
foreign roommates and spend a great
deal of time in the classroom.
"The best thing for my partner was
for him to get into social situations
where people spoke. English," said
ELI, SAID Glass, attempts to match
partners according to preferences for a
language, closeness - in age, and
similarity of academic, professional, or
extracurricular interests.
Consumer crusader Ralph Nader will be in town today to kick off the 10-
year anniversary of the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan. Nader
will speak at 8 p.m. in the Business School on "Incentives for Corporate
Responsibility." Afterwards, Nader will be available for conversation at a
reception at Dominick's.
Women's Studies-Battered Women: Violence Behind Closed Doors; and
Rape: A New Perspective, and Nobody's Victim, noon, 2203 Angell.
Classic Film Theatre-Red River, 4,7,9:15 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Ugetsu Monogatari, 7 p.m.; The Shout, 9 p.m.,
Major Events - The Chinese Magic Circus of Taiwan, 8 p.m., Hill
Hillel-Guest Artist Suzanne Benton (sculptor, actress), performance of
"Women of the Bible," 8p.m., 1429 Hill St.
UAC-Iipact Dance, Union Ballroom, 7-9 p.m., free workshop.
School of Music-Voice recital, John Murelle, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; Flute
recital, Gilda Hausner, 8p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Bioengineering-Susan Werness, "Parametric Analysis of Dynamic
Postural Responses," 4 p.m., 1213 E. Eng.
Judiac Studies-Anita Norich, "Portraits of the Artist: Sholem Aleichem's
Artist Novels," 4 p.m., W. Lee. Hall, 3rd floor, Rackam.
Geological Sciences-James Monger, "Stratigraphic Evolution of the Nor-
th American Cordillera," 4:30 p.m., 4001 CC Little.
Urban Planning-Stewart Marquis, "Land Resource Management," 11
a.m., 1040 Dana.
Ecumenical Campus and Int. Ctr.-Kenneth Cragg, "Middle East: Can
Religions Cooperate?" noon, Int. Ctr.
Gerontology-Reobert Atchley, "The Process of Retirement: Comparing
Men and Women," 3-5 p.m., E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Kelsey-Miranda Marvin, "Freestanding Sculpture from the Baths of
Caracalla," 4 p.m., Aud. D, Angell.
Psychobiology-Albert Bertalmio, "Stimulas Functions of Opioid Nor-
metabolites," 12:30 p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Chinese Studies-Bag lunch, "Aspects of the Modern Chinese Woodcut
Movement," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Biological Sciences-Pamela Dunsmuir, "Analyses of Transposable
Sequences in Drosophila," noon, 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg.
Museum of Art-Clark Pearce, "Pewabic Pottery," 12:10 p.m.; David
Hawkins, "Quality in Antique Furniture," 8 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Chemistry-H. H. Willard Lee., P. J. Elving, "Electroanalytical Approach
to Mechanism Deduction: The NAD System," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Arcosanti Revisited-Henryk Skolimowski, "The Achievement and the
Promis of Arcosanti," with slides, and film by Mark Spink and Paolo Soleri,
2 p.m., 1042 E. Eng.
Dept. of Human Genetics-Sam Karlin, "Applications of Anova Type
Decompositions for Comparisons of Conditional Variance Statistics In-
cluding Jackknife Estimates," 4 p.m., Mason Rm. 443.
Communication-Christopher Sterling, noon, 2035 Frieze Bldg.
Boticelli Game Players-Noon, Dominick's.
Ann Arbor Go Club-7-11 p.m., 1433 mason Hall.
Sch. of Ed.-Teacher Certification Info. Meeting-4:30 p.m., SEB Rm.
Folk Dance Club- Beginning folk dance instruction, 7-8 p.m., Union;
request dancing, 8-8:30 p.m.; Advanced beginners, 8:30-9:45 p.m., Union.
Amer. Chem. Soc./Students- Free tutoring for Chemistry, 10 a.m.-noon,
1210 Chem.
Baptist Student Union-Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., 2408 Mason.
Transportation Engineers- Field Trip, Chrysler Prcving Grounds, meet
at 12:30 p.m., 1222 E. Engin.
English Comp. Board- Sem., ECB faculty, "Workshop on Students'
Writing," 4-6 p.m., 2553 LSA.
Rec. Sports- Nutritior and Fitness Connection Clinic: Coronary Heart
One million gather to see
spectacular shuttle launch
(Continued from Page 1)
der of the shuttle. "Knowing somebody
in it is really neat."
Lousma, a University alumnus, drew
quite a crowd from the Ann Arbor area
to the lift-off. "We want to be sure he
knows the maize and blue are behind
him," said Ford engineer John LaFond,
who made the trip south with a group of
about 15 from the area. "We wanted to
hime him a U-M send-off."
Enjoying the pre-launch festivities,
University alumnus Ron Gruizinga
remembered Lousma in his youth,
when the astronaut visited his farm and
flew model airplanes - with little suc-
cess. "I hope Jack can fly the shuttle
better than model airplanes," he quip-
TOURISTS, space freaks, and press
corps gathered before the launch in
parking lots, at roadsides, and in vir-
tually every other open space in this
area, creating an atmosphere which
seemed almost capable itself of
blasting the shuttle off.
Lousma and Col. C. Gordon Fuller-
ton, the shuttle's pilot, beamed and
waved on their way to the launch site.
Once on board the shuttle, Lousma's
heartbeat registered at 132 beats per
minute - double the normal rate -
while Fullerton settled in at only 92.
With the craft safely in orbit, the
hundred of thousands of people who ,had
visited the space port for a glimpse of
what will soon be a routine event began
the long trek homeward.
First, however, they had to fight
through one of the world's largest traf-
fic jams - heavily laden with T-shirts,
hats, buttons, and posters to com-
memorate the day.
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