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March 10, 1982 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-10

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'U,' MSU promote

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 10, 1982-Page 3

Both the University and Michigan
State University, faced with the
prospect of declining student
populations, have adbpted more
aggressive marketing plans to per-
suade students to continue living in
university dorms rather than moving
off campus.
At Michigan State University in East
Lansing, university housing officials
have decided to reinstitute a policy
which requires undergraduates to live
in university housing for their first two
years of school. The requirement has

been on the books for seven years, but
university officials did not enforce it
because there were always enough
students to fill open spaces in dor-
NOW, HOWEVER, facing declining
enrollment and severe budget cut-
backs, MSU officials plan to start en-
forcing the plan in the fall of 1983 to
keep the dorms filled, said Robert Un-
derwood, the manager of MSU's dorms.
In Ann Arbor, University officials say
they have no problem yet finding
enough students to fill dorm rooms. But
they too have decided to make a greater

effort to attract students to the dorms.
University housing officials said,
however, wlile there may be no shor-
tage of students in the immediate
future, the student population might
shrink in the long run enough that dorm
rooms be left empty.
"WE SEE THE writing on the wall,"
said Leroy Williams, the director of
residence hall operations for the
University. "We have a great program
here and are having no problems now,
but we want to avoid the difficulties
(Michigan) State is having."
"We are not at a point where we are
begging for occupants. We still have to
monitor re-entry into the University
housing in order to have room for each
incoming freshperson," he said, noting
that since the University has fewer
dorms than MSU the problem in Ann
Arbor will probably never be as severe
as it is in East Lansing.

TO PLAY IT safe, however, Univer-
sity housing officials have come up with
new pamphlets which stress the
benefits of living in University housing
and have extended meal hours and
started serving breakfast in some dor-
mitories in an effort to attract more
students, Williams said.
"We are aware that University
housing and the different types of
private housing are all going after the
same student population," he said.
"We'll just have to keep pushing harder
to let students know about the benefits
of living in University housing."
MSU officials have takn much the
same approach in marketing their
dorms. "The last thing we want to do is
take a defeatist attitude," said Under-
wood. "We have good, reasonably
priced, conveniently located housing,
and are attempting to actively attract
students by making the halls better
adapted to varying student needs."

Today Laughtrack presents a Richard Pryor comedy celebration in the U-
Club at 9 p.m. A joke contest and drawings will run all night long, and the
-featured comic is Sheila Kay.
Cinema Guild-The 20th Ann Arbor Film Festival, 7, 9, and 11 p.m.,
Michigan Theatre.
Cinema II-Witness for the Prosecution, 7 p.m.; Scarlet Street, 9 p.m.,
MLB 3.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Opening of Misty Beethoven, 7, 8:40, & 10:15
p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Students Right to Life-A Matter of Choice, 7:30 p.m., 126 E. Quad.
Ark--Open Mike Night, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Studio Theatre Series-"The Confederacy," 4:10 p.m., Trueblood Theatre,
Frieze Bldg.
School of Music-Brown bag concerts, Carla Connors, soprano; Tim
Hoekman, piano; 12:10 p.m., First Congregational Church, State and
Canterbury Loft-An evening of storytelling, W. Loren Niemi, 8 p.m., Can-
terbury Loft.
School of Music-University Choir, "Music of South and North America,"
featuring works by Villa-Lobos, Ginastera, Bassett, 8 p.m., Hill.
School of Music-Oboe Recital, Nancy Summers, 8 p.m., Recital Hall;
Violin Recital, Cynthia Birdgenaw, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Second Chance-First Annual Ann Arbor Rhythm and Blues Music
Festival, 9p.m., Second Chance. R
Afroamerican & African Studies-Colloquium, Walter Allen, "Black
Students on White Campuses: Statuses, Experiences, and Outcomes," noon,
246 Lorch Hall.
Industrial and Operations Engineering-Donald Shaw, "O.R. Techniques
ini Small Scale Enterprise," 4-5 p.m., 243 W. Eng.
American Culture/Communication-Daniel Czitrom, "An Intellectual
Historian Examines the American Media and Mind," noon, 364 Lorch.
Russian & East European Studies-Brown bag lec., Alfred G. Meyer,
"Women & Socialism in the USSR & Eastern Europe," noon, Commons Rm.,
Lane Hall.
Museum of Art-Art Break, Margaret Coudron, "Beauty in a Dark
World," 12:10-12:30 p.m., Museum of Art.
Chemistry- Inorganic Seminar, Patricia DeLaive, "Electron Transfer
Reactions in Blue Copper Proteins," 3 p.m., 1200 Chem., Organic Seminar,
Juan Carlos Jaen, "Oxycyclopropanes: Versatile Synthetic Intermediates,"
4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Biological Sciences-David Gates, "Regulation of Gas Exchange in
European Mediterranean Sclerophylls," 4 p.m., MLB Lee. Rm. 1.
Thermkal-Fluids Science-Keshav Varde. "Penetration of High
Pressure Diesel Fuel Spray," 4 p.m., 2042 GG Brown Lab.
CRLT-Workshop, Timothy Walters, "Learning Skills," 7-9:30 p.m.,
Reading & Learning Skills Center.
Near Eastern Studies-Prof. William Hallo, Third George G. Cameron
Lecture, 4:00, Rackham Ampitheatre.
ECB Mini-Lecture- Phyllis Lassner, "Organizing the Research Paper," 4-
5:00 p.m., 2203 Angell.
Brown Bag, Lecture Series-Peter Forbes, "Ceremonies and Orders,"
12:30 p.m., Art & Architecture Aud.
School of Natural Resources-Robert Prescott-Allen, "The Earth's Living
Resources: Conservation for Sustainable Development," 7 p.m., Rackham
Science Fiction Club-"Stilyagi Air Corps," 8:15 p.m., Ground Floor Conf.
Rm., Union.
Commission for Women-Noon, 2549 LSA.
Academic Alcoholics-1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Polish American Student Association-7 p.m., Rm. D, League.
International Center-Brown Bag Travel Series, Germany, noon, Rec.
Rm., International Center.
Latin American Solidarity Committee-Mass meeting for Washington
demonstration sign-up, 7:30 p.m., International Center.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates-9 p.m., call 763-4186.
MSA - Women's Crisis Center Rape Prevention Seminar, 7:00 p.m.,
Assembly Hall, Michigan Union.
WCBN- "Radio Free Lawyer: Discussion of Legal Issues," 6 p.m., 88.3,
Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring in lower-level math & science courses, 7-11
p.m., 307 UGLi & Alice Lloyd; 8-10 p.m., 2332 Bursley.
Hillel-Jewish Joggers of Ann Arbor, run in the Arb, 6:30 p.m., Markley
Front Entrance.
Ann Arbor Handweavers' Guild-Eleventh Annual Exhibition, 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., North Campus Commons.
WEMU-"The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy," 11 a.m.; "America's

Defense: What Price Security?" 7 p.m., 89.1 FM.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
A challenging experience working with children. Camp posi-
tions for counselors, specialists, supervisors, administrative
and service staff.

Count Bill of Rights
Article kJ
An Act to Make Your Life Whole Again.
Wholly Molly
Whole Pan
The Wholly Molly Whole Pan Pizza
$2.00 Off Whole Pans of Count-za
Every Wednesday Night 5-12 Midnight
1140 S. University at Church
Data Machines Co.
of Ann Arbor
Cordially Invites You to a Showing of the New Commodore Business Machines
Super Petcomputer
The only micro with five resident languages
On March 10, 1982 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
To be located in room C, of the Michigan League
Personnel from the Commodore computer division will be in attendance
to answer questions on all Commodore Computer Products.
Demonstrations are scheduled as follows to provide convenient times
for you and your staff to attend.

Cocaine bust
MIAMI (AP)- Nearly two tons of
high-grade Colombian cocaine was
seized yesterday at Miami Inter-
national Airport by U.S. Customs and
Drug Enforcement Administration
agents and officials said it was the
largest cocaine seizure in history.
About 3,748 pounds of cocaine, worth
an estimated $175 million on the street,
was found in a shipment of clothing that
arrived from Colombia aboard a Tam-
pa-Colombia International Airways
cargo plane, said Robert Battard,
regional commissioner of Customs in
HE AND OTHER Customs and DEA
officers described it as the nation's
largest cocaine seizure. Federal of-
ficials previously had said the largest
amount seized was 826 pounds, con-
fiscated in February 1981 in Miami.
DEA officials interviewed the crew of
the plane and many of the airline's em-
ployees, but no arrests were made, Bat-
tard said.
"We've been working (watching) this
particular carrier for at least the last 12
months and we've suspected them of
carrying contraband," Battard said.
Custom inspectors met the Boeing 707
cargo jet as it arrived and began
checking its cargo, Battard said. At
least 22 unconcealed boxes of cocaine

largest ever
were found among 22 other boxes of
dresses and suits from Medellin,
Colombia, he said.
According to Battard, the airline is
about 3 or 4 years old and has daily
flights between Miami and Colombia.
by Swami Chetanananda
"Secret of

9:00am - 9:30am
9:30am - 10:30am
10:30am - 11:00am

Saturday, March 13, 9 am-1 pm
Fee: $25 (lunch provided)

Rudrananda Ashram
640 Oxford, Ann Arbor
For information and registration call:

11:00am -
1:0opm -
1:30pm -
3:00pm -


Super Pet Demonstration
Open Demonstration
Super Pet Demonstration
Demonstration ofIntelligent CRT
terminal on MTS
Open Demonstrations
Super Pet demonstration
Open Demonstration
Super Pet Demonstration
Demonstration of Intelligent CRT
Terminal on MTS

All Languages
Question & Answer Period
All Languages
Question & Answer Period
Basic & Fortran
Question and Answer Period
APL, Assembler, PASCAL


Plan Now on attending this informative seminar


_ ,1




Given By
March 10-

Women's Crisis Center'

Assembly Hall
Mich. Union.



U U .4

Parsons School of Design
Summer in France/Italyllapan

Parsons in Paris " June 30-August 13
Paint on the Left Bank, explore prehistoric caves in the
Dordogne, visit the masterpieces of Renaissance Art in
Courses include: Painting, Drawing, French History,
Language & Literature, Landscape Painting &
Prehistoric Anthropology.
Cost for the 6-week program including 9 credits of study,
round trip airfare and double occupancy accommoda-
tions with continental breakfast is $2475.
Photography in Paris * June, 30-July 31
Study the practice of the medium in the "City of Light"
with American and French photographers. Extensive
darkroom facilities are available on the Parsons
campus. The program is co-sponsored by the Interna-
tional Center of Photography and coincides with the
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Aries.
Program costs including 6 credits of study, round trip
airfare and double-occupancy accommodations with
continental breakfast are $1975.
Studies in the History of Architecture,
Interior Design and
European Decorative Arts " June 30-July 31
This program is offered in collaboration with the world
famous Musee des Arts Decoratifs. The museum's staff
supplements the Parsons faculty with specialized
presentations that include aspects of the museum's
collection normally not available to the general public.
Excursions to points outside of Paris include Versailles,
Fountainebleau and Vaux le Vicomte.
Courses offered: The History of French Architecture;
Stud ies in European Decorative Arts.
The program costs, including 6 credits of study, round
trip airfare and double-occupancy accommodations in a
4-star hotel are $2475.

Fashion Design in Paris " June 30-July 31
Study the history and contemporary trends of French
fashion design in Paris under the supervision of
museum staff and practicing designers. The curriculum
includes visits to textile showrooms and presentations
of fashion collections.
Courses offered: The History of European Costume,
Contemporary Trends in French Fashion.
Program costs, including 6 credits of study, round trip air-
fare and double-occupancy accommodations are $1975.
Italian Architectural History and
Contemporary Design " June 30-July 31
The architectural past and present of Italy is studied in
Rome, Florence and Venice where on-site presentations
are made by Parsons faculty. Contemporary Italian archi-
tectural, interior and industrial design are studied through
guest presentations made by leading Italian designers.
Courses offered: The History of Italian Architecture,
Studies in Contemporary Italian Design.
The program costs, including 6 credits of study, round
trip airfare and double-occupancy housing in first class
hotels including continental breakfast and all land
transfers are $2975.
Summer Workshops in Japan
Clay/Ceramics, Fibers/Textiles,
Metals/Jewelry " July 21-August 28
The long and venerated history of Japanese crafts
will be studied in intensive studio classes, with
special presentations by Japanese mastercafts-
men in Tokyo and Kyoto. Classes are held in the
studios of Bunka University.
Cost of the 5-week program, including 6 credits of
study, round trip airfare and deluxe, double-
occupancy housing accommodations is $2975
from New York and $2775 from Los Angeles.


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