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March 05, 1982 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-05

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 5, 1982-Page 3

Count Bill of Rights

Fewer apply for summer aid

It seems as though more students think they can do
better in the job market this summer than "in the
financial aid market, said Harvey Grotrian, director
of the University's Office of Financial Aid.
The number of financial aid applications received
by the office for the Spring and Summer half-terms
has decreased from previous years, Grotrian said,
possibly indicating students think money made over
the summer would be better able to cover costs for
the upcoming Fall and Winter terms.
"I WOULD SAY it's probably down a little,"
*Grotrian said about the number of this year's ap-
plications. "The difference is not that great. It's
probably about five, six, or seven percent fewer than

last year."
The office had received 1,178 requests for aid for
the upcoming term by the Jan. 24 deadline, according
to Grotrian. This figure does not include Guaranteed
Student Loans for which students are eligible only if
they have changedgrade level.
For average Fall and Winter terms, on the other
hand, the office receives about 13,000 financial aid
applications, he said.
IT IS MORE difficult for students to obtain finan-
cial aid for Spring/Summer term, Grotrian said,
because it is the last term of the University's fiscal
year and the office can award only unexpended fun-
"In some programs, we've already spent our entire

allocation," he said, adding that there were no funds
available through the National Direct Student Loan
Program for the current term.
Applying for aid for the Spring and Summer terms
does not affect a student's chances of receiving aid
for future terms, Grotrian added, noting that un-
dergraduates are eligible for nine terms of financial
Students planning to graduate in August and those
taking required pre-requisites for entrance into a
program in the fall, are given aid priority, Grotrian
Continuing students are also given priority over en-
tering freshmen, whose chances of receiving aid
depend on the availability of funds, he said.

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College guidebook stirs campus controversy

NEW YORK (AP) - A guidebook
that gives stars to colleges as if they
were restaurants, that quips that
venerable Dartmouth College resem-
bles the film "Animal House," and that
is written by The New York Time's
education editor, was bound to create a
stir on America's campuses.

"THE NEW YORK Times Selective
Guide to Colleges," by Edward B.
Fiske, who has been on the education
beat for 8 years, has sparked more
comment and controversy than any
college guide book in memory.
The book, which provides im-
pressionistic essays on 265 top colleges,

The University Musical Society will present a performance by the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra tonight at 8:30 p.m. at Hill Aud.
Alternative Action-Monty Python & the Holy Grail, 3, 7, 8:40 & 10:20
p.m. MLB.
Cinema Guild-Eye of the Needle, 7& 9:15 p.m. Lorch Hall.
Cinema II-Tell Me a Riddle, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A., Angell Hall.
Canterbury Loft-The Stage Co. The Indian Wants the Bronx, by Israel
Horowitz, 8 p.m. & 10 p.m., 332S. State, Ad. $3.00.
Lively Friday Music Series-Mad Cat Ruth/Brubeck Band, Univ. Club,
8:30p.m. Union.
ARK-Joel Mabus, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill St., 761-1451.
School of Music-Violin Recital, James Eppinga, 8 p.m. Rackham Hall.
School of Dance-Sr. Dance Concert, "More Than Moving Feet," 8 p.m.,
Studio A,'Dance Bldg.
Netherlands America University League-Kerel Appel, Informal Dis.
film, slides, 12:30 p.m., School of Art Lecture Hall, North Campus.
Grad. Studies in Transportation-Richard Shacksond, "Fuel Alter-
natives in Automotive Transportation," 2084 E. Eng., 3p.m.
Comp. Info & Cont. Eng.-Robotics Sem., John Bairk, "General
Methods to Enable Robots with Vision to Acquire, Orient, & Transport Work
Pieces,"' 2p.m., 165 Chrysler Center, Sem., Elias Masry, "Sampling Designs
for the Detection of Signals in Noise," 8p.m., E. Eng.
Guild House-Luncheon, Tim Freeman, "Building a National Student
Movement," Noon, 802 Monroe.
Classics-History, Kelsey Museum, & Near East Cntr.-Lee. & Slides.
Clove Foss, "The End of Antiquity in Asia Minor," 4 p.m. Tappan.
Russian & E. European Studies-Jimzhi Xue, "A Survey of the Study of
Russiafl Literature in China from the 1930's to the Present," Noon, Common
Rm., Lane Hall. 1
Museum of Art-Art Break, Katherine Aldrich, "The Moral of the
Story," 12:10-12:30 p.m.
Hillel-Meekreh, T.G.I.S. (Thank God It's Shabbat) Reception with
Kiddush, Lloyd Red Carpet Lg. 5:30 p.m. Hillel, Shabbat services: Orth.,
6:10, Cons., 6:15. Dinner at 7:15. Oneg Shabbat at 8:45 p.m. with Prof. Louis
E. Loeb, "Reasons For and Against Believing in God," 1429 Hill St.
South & Southeast Asian Studies-Robert Caplan & Rama C. Tripathi,
"Models of Social Stress: Research Among University Students in India," 12
p.m., Lane Hall, Sem., Wang Jun, "Thirty Years of Work on Chinese
Minority Languages and Literature," 2 p.m., Commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Univ. Duplicate Bridge Club-Open Game. Inexperienced players
welcome, 7:30 p.m. League.
Int'l. Student Fellowship-7 p.m., 4100 Nixon Rd.
Chinese Bible Class-7:30 p.m., Univ. Reformed Church.
Nat. Res. Club-8 p.m. Union, Paul Bunyan Ball.
The Blind Pig-Chicago Pete & the Detroiters, 208S. First St.
The Statehouse-Gun Club, 9 p.m., 4:16 W. Huron.
Tau Beta Pi-TGIF, 4 p.m. Count of Antipasto.
Anti-Nuclear War Conf.-3:00-5:00 p.m., Grinning Duck Club, Willis and
Third St., Det., 831-6800.
Earth Preservation Club-Trips to South America, slide show and
speakers, 8 p.m. Ann Arbor Public Library, 343S. Fifth Ave.
UAC-Air Guitar Contest, 5 p.m. Univ. Club, Union.
Folk Dance Club-Instruction 8-9:30 p.m., Request Dancing, 9:30 p.m.-
12 a.m., M. Union.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
MSA ELECTIONS CailforCandidates
General Elections for the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) will be
held.April 8 and 7, 1982.
Executive Vice President, MSA
And Representatives from the following schools and colleges:
School or college No. representatives
Architecture and Urban Planning 1
Art 1
Business Administration 2
Dentistry 1
Education 1
Engineering 3
Law 1

and assigns from one to five stars for
academic quality, social life, and
overall "quality of life," drew praise
from some colleges: "It gave a percep-
tive and quite accurate writeup," says
Marion Kane, spokeswoman from the
tiny College of The Atlantic in Bar Har-
bor, Maine, which rated no better than
three stars.
Even on some campuses rated
favorably, there have been less kind
words. Objections have centered on the
book's occasionally wise-cracking tone,
gripes with the star rating system, the
method of gatherine information, and
occasional lapses in accuracy.
THE OVERALL reaction, Fiske said
in a recent interview, "has been very
Although awarding Dartmouth five
stars for academics and social life,
Fiske comments tha the school
sometimes approaches the "Animal
House" stereotype. "The fraternities
more than anything else set the tome of
the social life at Dartmout; rowdy and
just a bit obnoxious."
That image, Dartmout spokesman
Robert Graham said, is "totally over-
done and exaggerated."
FOR BROWN University in Rhode
Island, the book was a sweet victory
over its Ivy League rivals. Fiske gave
the school top "five-star" ratings for
both academics and "quality of life,"

and four stars for social life, edging
Harvard University which got five
stars for academics but four for quality
of life and three for social life.
Cornell Univedrsity President Frank
H. T. Rhodes was so gladdened by
Fiske's review of the Ithaca, N.Y.
school, and the five-star rating for
academics, that he recently sent a
mass-mail letter to "parents and frien-
ds" to spread the tidings.
Several schools felt they were short-
changed by the star ratings, but had no
quarrel with the book itself.
"BASICALLY I'd say the description
of our school was accurate says Dick
Conklin, a spokesman for the Univer-
sity of Notre Dame, although he felt the
school rated five stars instead of the
four Fiske gave.
Some critic's say that Fiske's method
- sending questionnaires to ad-
ministrators who in turn were asked to
give other questionnaires to randomly
selected students - was error-prone.
"If we had spent five years, and
visited every campus, some mistakes
are still inevitable," he says. "There
wasn't anything in this book that
someone on each campus didn't tell
"The New York Times Selective
Guide to Colleges," published by Times
Books, retails for $9.95.

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