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March 05, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-05

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


l lati

Mostly cloudy today with
a chance of light snow. The
high will be in the mid-20s.



Vol. XCIL No 120

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 5, 1982

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Creationism controversy remains unsolved

To many, it seemed like the battle was over.
When a federal judge ruled earlier this year
that an Arkansas law requiring that public
schools give "balanced treatment" to evolution
and "creation science" was unconstitutional,
many observers thought the issue was settled.
But it is not.
Rather, in Michigan, the controversy over
teaching creationism is now moving out of the
state legislature and into local school districts,
where both sides on the issue say the debate
will take on a substantially different charac-
6 +Creation science proponents are saying that
local schdol boards will be able to accomplish
in their own districts what the Arkansas
legislature attempted to do throughout an en-
tire state;
" Creation science opponents claim the
change in focus to local school districts will

make fighting the inclusion of creationism in
science curricula almost impossible;
" And state education authorities are not yet
sure how-or whether-they will respond.
ALREADY, residents in at least three
Michigan school districts have persuaded their
school boards to change the schools' curricula
to instruct students in what these groups
believe to be the true history of man's origins.
Creation science advocates are hopeful that, in
the wake of the Arkansas ruling, more districts
will be added to that list.
Before the Arkansas ruling, two Michigan
legislators had plans to introduce a bill
allowing the teaching of creationism alongside
evolution in the public schools. They dropped
their plans after the ruling.
But such a law, they say, is not absolutely
necessary anyway because public schools
currently have the right to teach both versions
of man's origins, said state Rep. Alan Cropsey

of DeWitt and state Sen. Ed Fredricks of
Holland, both Republicans.
In declaring the Arkansas law uncon-
stitutional, federal judge William Overton said
the law was an attempt to impose the religious
principles of one group on an entire population
through the public schools.
SUPPORTERS OF the Arkansas law had
argued that the theory of creation, which asser-
ts that the earth and man were created over a
relatively short period of time by a supreme
being as described in the Book of Genesis, is as
viable as the theory of evolution. They argued
that the theory of creation was as scientifically
tenable as the theory of evolution, and that it
should be taught as another explanation of the
origins of man.
But Overton ruled that the theory of creation
was not based on scientific inquiry and could
not be presented in the context of a science

"It not only fails to follow the canons defining
scientific theory," he wrote, "it also fails to fit
the more general description of 'what scientists
think' and 'what scientists do.'"
BUT CROPSEY said creationism will stand
up with evolution theory if they are compared
with one another on the basis that they are both
'historical theories" for which the evidence is
not conclusive either way.
"I did not like the Arkansas bill," said Crop-
sey. The Arkansas law "required" creationism
be taught in publicschools, he said, and that
implied coercion. This raised two controversial
points-one legal, the other pragmatic.
By mandating that creationism be taught in
public schools, the constitutional issue of
academic freedom arose, he said. The
pragmatic concern is in having a non-
creationist teaching creation. It would
probably be ridiculed and derided, and the
theory would not be presented in an objective

manner, said Cropsey.
BUT THE debate over a statewide creation
law appears muted for the time being.
"We have very few laws that prescribe
curriculum in schools," Cropsey said.
Michigan local school districts are quite
autonomous in determining their own
curriculum, he said and creation science sup-
porters will take advantage of the autonomy to
increase the number of schools teaching
In at least three Michigan school districts-
Western School District in Jackson County,
Carsonville-Port Sanilac School District in
Sanilac County, and Bellaire School District in
Atrium County-parents have persuaded their
school boards to permit the teaching of
creationism alongside evolution.
IN EACH district where creationism is in-
cluded in the science curricula, local school

may raise
income tax
to offset
de icit
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William
Milliken emerged from a meeting with
key state officials yesterday and
refused to rule out any options - in-
cluding an income tax hike - to make
up an estimated $515 million 1982
budget shortfall.
Meanwhile, the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee was informed
by a Senate Fiscal Agency official that
a budget-cutting executive order of bet-
ween $417 million and $470 million is an-
THE CUT is by far the biggest in
state history.
Senate Democratic Leader William
Faust of Westland said he expects
Milliken to release a message to the
Legislature next Tuesday outlining
plans for an executive order.
* The new budget deficit estimate was
made Wednesday by Budget Director
See TAX, Page 7

to help develop
local hi-tech parks

The University will now help to
develop all Washtenaw County high-
technology research parks, not just Ann
Arbor's, said State Rep. Gary Owen (D-
Ypsilanti) yesterday.
Before Owen's meeting with Univer-
sity officials yesterday, it had been
believed that the University would aid
only those high-technology parks
situated in the Ann Arbor area. Now
those parks planned for Ypsilanti and
Superior Township will also receive Uni
versity aid in development, Owen said.
OWEN, chairperson of the House
Appropriations Committee, met with
University President Harold Shapiro
and Vice-President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy, yesterday to discuss
his findings of an investigation into the
recently signed high-technology park
land agreements. This land
agreement, which was signed last mon-
th, binds both the University and
Richard Wood, a Traverse City private
investor, to develop a high-technology
research park on a section of Wood's
Ann Arbor land.
Owen revealed that the State Depar-

tment of Commerce and Robert Law,
executive assistant to Gov. William
Milliken, had both expressed concern
that the "best efforts" clause of the
land agreement would restrict the
University to aiding the Ann Arbor
research park at the expense of those
planned in Superior Township and Yp-
silanti. The "best efforts" clause calls
for the University to use its best efforts
to lure high-technology firms on the
Ann Arbor site and develop facilities for
them there.
"The University's position is that
they can work with all parts of the high-
technology push," Owen said. "We're
all in agreement that we wanted to
bring robotics to Washtenaw County."
IN ADDITION, Owen said the "best
efforts" clause of the agreement would
have to be altered. Kennedy, however,
was not as sure as Owen. "We'll have
to talk to the University's attorneys
before deciding on what action to take,"
Kennedy said.
Owen said he had also investigated
the secrecy surrounding the high-
technology agreement. "The Univer-
sity had not done a good job in coor-

... announces agreement change

dinating or presenting the facts to state
officials,"Owen said.fle found th~tathe
University was "too cautious" because
they were dealing with a private in-
vestor - Wood - for the first time.
University President Shapiro admit-
ted, "It was a guestion of how well we

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
University President Harold Shapiro leaves the State Capitol after meeting
with State Representative Gary Owen (D-Ypsilanti) to discuss the Univer-
sity's new high-technology land development agreement.

Realtor targets profs
in targeted 'U' program

Edward Hudge was out "prospec-
ting" this week. Not for gold, exac-
tly. For professors in the Univer-
sity's Institute for Labor and In-
dustrial Relations, to be precise.
Hudge, a realtor with the Charles
Reinhart Realty Company in Ann
Arbor, sent letters Wednesday to
ILIR professors and administrators
offering to help them sell their
THE ILIR IS one of three Univer-
sity units targeted by ad-
ministrators last month for review
and possible reduction or
elimination as part of the budget-'
cutting process.
But the institute has scarcely been
doomed yet. The University confir-
med only last week that the program
*would come up for review, and
whether it will actually be cut is far
from decided. So, ILIR faculty
members and administrators

thought Hudge's suggestion that
they sell their homes a bit
"It's so outrageous and in such
poor taste," said Malcolm Cohen,
ILIR acting dcirector. "I'm cer-
tainly going to write a letter and in-
dicate how displeased I am with this
unprofessional activity," Cohen
"IF YOU WANTto know people's
reaction in one word, it's outrage,"
said George Fulton, a research
scientist at the institute. "I cer-
tainly don't plan on moving, and if I
'do, I'll get a different realtor,"
Fulton added.
In his letter, Hudge told the ILIR
staff membes that he wanted "to
help you by making a competitive
market analysis of your home and
suggest thebest price, terms, and
strategies to best market your home.
See REALTOR, Page 9

Panel looks at higher ed crisis
The proposed Reagan budget will
have disastrous effects on the state of
Michigan, and the hardest hit programs
will be those in the area of financial aid, -- e
a University Regent said last night.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
outlined the effects of President
Reagan's newly proposed federal
budget on higher education at a forum
on higher education held at the Ann Ar-
bor Public Library sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Democratic Party.
"I'M DISSATISFIED with the erosion
of public institutions," Roach said.
"The effects of declining state support
and Reagan's cuts will be critical," he
"So far," Roach said, "the impact of
higher tuition rates hasn't had a
significant effect on University
enrollment," but he predicted that the
people who are going to be effected
most are those from lower and middle
income ranges, and the result will be a
reduction in the diversity of the student
"The loss of diversity would hurt
students, since we (the Regents) feel Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
students should go to a school -with- a_
diverse group of people," Roach said.-- REGENT THOMAS ROACH (D-Saline) as a member of the panel of higher education, speaks to the Washtenaw County
ROACH SAID the harshest impact of Democratic Party on the crisis in higher education last evening at the Ann Arbor Public Library.
See HIGHER, Page 5

Barnyard love in bloom
EXAS LONGHORN and his cow, Brenda, can
again munch pizzas together at the local pizzeria.
Longhorn handed a butcher $400 in exchange for
sbeloved cow and a rcipt marked "Payment in full
for the rest of Brenda's life." The exchange ended two
Weeks of desperation for Longhorn, whose affection for his
cows has made him something of a legend in the Quaker-

da from slaughter. "You're beautiful, you're just
beautiful," Longhorn told everybody who contributed.
Brenda had no immediate comment. Ql
Take my car, pease
Iowa car dealers are offering more than just rebates in an
effort to drum up business. One Waterloo car dealer will
contribute $2,000 to an Individual Retirement Account with
the purchase of a new Cadillac. In Mason City, an auto

creative." One Des Moines dealership is capitalizing on the
bad winter. It's offering free roundtrip tickets for two to
Hawaii with the purchase of a new car. "It's really starting
to pick up now that the word is getting out," said Bob Com-
bs, a salesman at Dave Ostrem Imports. "We're trying to
give people an emotional incentive to come in and buy a
car. I know that I'd like to be taking off for Hawaii about
now after the winter we've been having." O
'The eyes. have it

The Daily Almanac

On this date in 1972 the Michigan State Supreme Court
declared marijuana temporarily legal in Ann Arbor
Also on this date:
" 1956- Two South Quad RAs compete to lose as much
weight as possible in five weeks, the prize being a $50
scholarship if they lose 10 pounds.
* 1968-University medical students arrange- a rally
protesting the Vietnam War.




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