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March 03, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-03

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Page 2-Wednesday, March 3, 1982-The Michigan Daily

Students crack computer secret


BERKELEY, Calif. (UPI)- Students at the
University of California, Berkeley, have discovered a
simple method of penetrating supposedly secure
computer files, prompting computer experts to im-
:prove security.
Stuart Lynn, director of computing affairs for the
Berkeley campus, said that students who discovered
the "alarmingly simple" trick did not abuse the
method, but notified authorities of the potential
security leak.
IN THEORY the technique, which causes a com-
puter to confuse signals from one terminal with those

from another, could allow unscrupulous individuals
to change or delete information from sensitive com-
puter files without knowledge of the secret code or
password normally used to gain access to such files.
The technique may force banks, government agen-
cies, research institutions-anyone using computers
to store sensitive information-to make costly
changes in their computer security systems.
Any computer system can be made invulnerable to
the technique, Lynn said, adding that he did not think
the computer trick discovered by the undergraduates

could be used to penetrate the university's ad-
ministrative records.
BUT, LYNN cautioned, "there is no such thing as
absolute security."
"I'd say this problem is one of many in the com-
puter security field," he commented. "What is alar-
ming is its simplicity."
Law enforcement agencies and private firms
around the country have been forced to hire com-
puter experts to track down the growing number of
"computer thieves" who have used their knowledge
of computers to alter business and financial records.

Annual lottery for dorm

(Continued from Page 1)
whom she talked at the Housing Infor-
mation office were "just so incon-
siderate and unsympathetic." She
believes the housing staff did not in-
form her of all her options when she lost
in the lottery.
"I think they should guarantee a spot
for all freshmen (returning to the dor-
ms) - at least for the first term,"
Gallahger said.

Because there is a chance that
students will not receive a lease in the
dorms, each dorm's system for deter-
mining priority in the lottery becomes
ACCORDING to Markley Director
Skip Doria, at most dorms, every
student has an equal chance in the lot-
tery. There is no priority for upper-
class students, he said. "It's simply a
matter of luck" when conducted on an
--- d

equal bas
lottery. F
sure eve
At Eas
Quad dir
the dorm
elude th
must bea

rooms begins again
is, Doria said. VETERAN EAST Quad residents
said that at Markley, the receive higher priority in the drawing.
staff holds a meeting for all Second-year students in the RC are
who have questions abdut the guaranteed a room in East Quad
He said his staff tries to make because they are required to live there
pry student is accomodated for two years.
re. Housing officials stress that students
should read the housing guidelines for
st Quad, the lottery is "quite their dorm very carefully before reap-
"from that of other dorms, plying.
g to Lance Morrow, East According to Doria, even students
ector. He said that because of who do not succeed in the lottery will
i's special programs which in- find housing if they are informed. "If
e Residential College and the they follow the procedure correctly,
program, the priority system most people will get back into the
altered. system somewhere," he said.






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Compiled from Associated Press and.
United Press international reports
Williams defense team vows
to continue probe into slaymgs
ATLANTA- Investigators for Wayne Williams' defense team yesterday
vowed to continue their probe into Atlanta's slayings of young blacks in an
attempt to exonerate their client, saying they were "getting pretty close" to
solving several cases.
A defense detective who asked not to be identified said Williams was sad-
dened by authorities' decision Monday to blame 23 slayings on him and close
the special task force that investigated the 22-month string of deaths.
"I don't think you will find anyone in the black community who believes
Wayne Williams committed all those murders alone," said Joseph Lowery,
director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Supreme Court declares case m
involving issue of bail 'moot'
WASHINGTON- The Supreme Court passed up a chance yesterday to.
rule on an issue that goes to the heart of the nation's law-and-order debate-
whether accused rapists and other violent offenders have a right to bail
before trial.
The justices voted 8-1 to declare "moot"-legally dead-a case that tested
Nebraska's "preventive detention" law.
The case involved convicted child rapist Eugene Hunt, who claimed he
was unconstitutionally denied bail before trial by a municipal judge in
Omaha, Neb.
In an unsigned opinion, the court said it dismissed the case because
"Hunt's constitutional claim to pretrial bail became moot following his con-
victions in state court."
Israelis vote to evacuate Sinai
JERUSALEM- Prime Minister Menachem Begin's government,
declaring that it will begin removing stubborn squatters from the Sinai
Peninsula, soundly defeated a no-confidence vote on the Sinai issue yester-
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, a onetime patron of the Sinai settlers,
defended the government against the motion and said the evacuation "was
one of the hardest things I've had to deal with in my life."
Guatemalan Indians escape
across Mexican border
LA SOMBRA, Mexico- Thousands of Guatemalan Indians fleeing terror
at home are crossing the border to live in makeshift refugee camps in huts of
sticks and mud. Most are malnourished, sick and dreading the approaching
rainy season.
The camps started springing up along the 500-mile Mexican-Guatemalan
frontier in December. Thousands more refugees have moved to the interior.
Most keep a low profile, in part because of Mexican efforts to drive them
back across the border, so reliable statistics are unavailable.
Proctor & Gamble sued
in first toxic shock case
DENVER- An 18-year-old woman who says she suffered toxic shock syn-
drome because of tampon use will be the lead-off witness in a $25 million suit
against Procter & Gamble Co., maker of the 'Rely" tampon, the woman's
attorney said yesterday.
The suit, which originally asked $2 million in damages but was amended
last week, was filed by Deletha Lampshire of Littleton, Colo., and her paren-
ts. She contends her use of Rely tampons caused her to get toxic shock syn-
drome, a rare disease that was only discovered in 197.
,Procter & Gamble attorneys are expected, to poipt out that men and
children also have contracted toxic shock syndrome, a disease that initially
has flu-like symptoms but has led to the deaths of about 80 people.
The suit, scheduled to begin today in U.S District Court, is expected to set
a precedent for more than 400 other actions filed against Procter & Gamble.
Vol. XCII, No. 118
Wednesday, March 3,1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during
the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-
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Editor-in-Chief ......... ............. DAVID MEYER
Managing Editor ........ . . . .. . ..PAMELA KRAMER
Executive Editor............. CHARLES THOMSON
Student Affairs Editor .... . ...... ANN MARIE FAZIO
University Editor ............ ... .... MARK GINDIN
Opinion Page Editors ..-....... . ANDREW CHAPMAN
Arts Editors.................. RICHARD CAMPBELL
Sports Editor..................BOB WOJNOWSKI
Associate Sports Editors.............BARB BARKER
ChiefPhotographer...............PAUL ENGSTROM
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Jackie Bell, Kim Hill. Deborah
Lewis, Mike Lucas. Brion Mosck.
ARTISTS: Norm Christiansen, Robert Lence. 'onothan
Stewart.Richard Wolk.
LIBRARIANS: Bonnie Hawkins, Gory Schmitz
NEWS STAFF: John Adam, George Adams, .,ason
Adkins, Beth Allen, Perry Clark, Poe Coughlin, David
Crawford, Lisa Crumrine, Pam Fickinger, Lou Fintor,
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Liutkus, Nancy Malich, Mike McIntyre, Jenny Miller,
Amy Moon, Anne Mytych, Noncy Newman, Dan
Oberrotman, Stacy Powell, Janet Roe, Lauren
Rousseau, Chris Soloto, Jim Schreitmueller, Susan
Sharon, David Spok, Lisa Spector, Bill Spindle, Kristin
Stapleton, Fannie Weinstein, Barry Witt.
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ARTS STAFF: Tonio Blanich. Jane Carlb James Clinton,
Mark Dighton, Adam Knee, Gail Negbaur, Carol
Poneman. Ben Ticho.
SPORTS STAFF: Jesse, Barkin, Tom Bentley, Jeff
Bergido, Randy Berger. Mark Borowski, Joe Chapelle,
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Foinblatt, Mark Fischer, David Forman. Chris Gerbasi,
Paul Helgren, Matt Henehon. C uck Jaffe, Steve
KamenT Josh Kaplan, Robin Kopilnick. Doug Levy,
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Oakes, Jeff Quicksilver. Sarah Sherber, George
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Wilson, Chuck Whittman.
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BUSINESS STAFF: Hope Barron, Fran Bell, Molly
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Horita, Karen Johnson, Ado Kusnetz, Gita Pillai, Don
Quandt, Pete Rowley, Leah Stanley, Hildy Stone,
Tracy Summerwill, Joseph Trulik, Mary Ellen



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