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March 03, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-03-03

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Ninety-Two Years
I ditorial 'Freedom


Sit igan


Partly sunny with a high
around 30, and later a
chance of light snow.

... -

'Vol. XCII, No. 118

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 3, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages plus Supplement

. service
An inexpensive, all-night transit ser-
vice, designed to provide late-night
transportation for city residents,
beginning March 15 was approved by
the City Council at its Monday night
The year-long $89,000 contract
finalized an agreement between the
Ann Arbor Transit Authority and the
Veteran's Cab Company, which offered
the lowest bid to the city.
ACCORDING to Councilmember
Lowell Peterson (D-First Ward), the
rate will be $1.50 per person for the taxi
service. There will be two taxis
available between the hours of 11 p.m.
and 3 a.m., and one taxi between 3 a.m.
and 6 a.m., Peterson said.
The plan will not begin until March 15
because AATA needs time to research
the needs of the area, according to Lyn-
ne Cole, coordinator of the Public In-
terest Research Group in Michigan,
which has been active in the develop-
ment of the service.
"Members of PIRGIM hoped that the
fare would be set at $1 instead of $1.50,
because one of our goals* was to make
the system generally affordable," Cole
said. "Our feeling was the cheaper the
better, but the $1.50 is reasonable," she
THE GRANT will allow AATA to
operate the taxi service for one year on
an experimental basis, according to
Perry Schectman, manager of system
development for AATA. The funds were
provided by the Urban Mass Transpor-
tation Administration as well as AATA,
he said.

House reps.
protest cuts
in education

DETROIT- One robot picks up a section of a car
body and gently places it down. Another robot, holding
a paint brush, writes the logo of its parent company. At
the next booth a different robot clasps a pencil shar-
pener and asks in a space-age voice: "Is this what you
want?" If you say "yes" the robot drops it in the slot.
But if you say "no" the robot apologizes and offers you
a comb or a bottle cap.
More than 90 companies are in Detroit this week
demonstrating "state of the art" technology in robot
applications and equipment during what has been
called the largest robot show ever.
See DETROIT, Page 7

From staff and wire reports
WASHINGTON- House Republicans
balked at President Reagan's school
budget cuts yesterday as Education
Secretary Terrel Bell conceded that the
quality of education for disadvantaged
youths would slip under the program.
"Many of these proposals I can't sup-
port," declared Rep. John Ashbrook
(D-Ohio) during a House Education and
Labor Committee meeting. He
specifically assailed cuts in vocational
education and education for the han-
ASHBROOK ALSO said his "main
concern is that Republican members
had minimal impact-next to no
impact-on the decisions that are being
Rep. Augustus Hawkins (D-Calif.)
asked Bell if the quality of education for
disadvantaged children can be main-
tained with a 23 percent cut in funding.
"I couldn't make that claim," Bell
said. "When you reduce funding, you
sacrifice as far as quality is concer-
The administration budget proposal
cuts federal education funds from about
$13 billion to $10 billion and reduces the
Education Department to a foundation.
Rep. Lawrence DeNardis (R-Conn.)
told Bell, "I disagree with almost,
everything in the budget as written. I
don't know of anybody on this commit-
tee-save one or two possibly-who
could support the budget you submit-
ted. You're going to have to resign
yourself to the fact that this budget is
going to be rewritten."
Rep. Marge Roukema (R-N.J.) said
people in her district "are absolutely
appalled at the depth of the proposed
cuts for guaranteed student loans and
the Pell grants" for needy students.
SHE SAID, "It is quite doubtful any
changes can be made above and beyond
what was done last year in the student
loan program."~
Rep. William F. Goodling (R-Pa.)
told Bell, "We can't afford the defense
budget at the expense of the education
Thomas Butts, assistant to Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye, who attended the committee
meeting, said, "It is fair to say that no
one was very pleased, neither
Democrats or Republicans."
BUTTS SAID that Monday's student
financial aid rally on Capitol Hill was

... testifies on budget cuts

Daily Photos by MARK GINUIN
A UNIMATE ROBOT exchanges "bouillon-like" bars
between two pallets (top), while a small PUMA robot
picks out a magic marker yesterday at the robot ex-
position in Detroit.

Dorm lottery rites begin

It ranks with CRISP as one of the
most bewildering rituals endured by
University students. And its moment
has arrived.
Yesterday, students in dormitories
across campus began submitting ap-
plications for the University's housing
lottery - the annual drawing which
determines who will and who won't live
in a dorm next year.
AT 1:30 P.M. next tuesday, officials
in the individual dorms will begin
drawing names of participating
lter dorm
The common complaint these days is
that the dorms are too chaotic. Neigh-
bors constantly pop in and out; ram-
bunctious underclassmen throw
frisbees down the corridors at 3 a.m.,
making sure to hit as many doors as
possible; and there is, of course, that
-one room from which AC/DC emanates
constantly. Peace and quiet, some
assert, are simply incompatible with
dorm life.
But it wasn't always so. Just 20 years
ago, dorms-then ruled under the
heavy hand of a "few" restric-
See DORM, Page 7

residents out of a box, setting in motion
the complicated proces of assigning
rooms to students who wish to continue
living in on-campus housing.
The lottery system was established at
the University in the mid-seventies,
when the demand for dormitory rooms
exceeded the number of rooms the
University. had available. :"Prior to
that point," said Marlene Mantyk, a
University housing advisor, "there
were enough spots in the dorms for
everyone who requested one."
University officials say, however,
that nearly all students currently living

in dorms who want to live in University-
operated housing will be able to find
something - it just may not be the room
they want.
LATE LAST monthi, the University
Housing Office sent out instructions to
explain to all present dormitory
residents how to reapply for housing.
According to housing officials, the lot-
tery system differs slightly from dorm
to dorm, but some basic rules apply.
Students must pick up their ap-
plications sometime this week and
return them to their respective dorms
by noon on Tuesday. The order in

which the names are drawn from the
box determines the order in which
students will be offered leases on
various rooms in dorms. Leases will be
signed throughout next week until all of
the rooms which are not reserved for
freshpersons are assigned.
Students who sign a lease but did not
get the room type or dorm of their
choice can put their names on a waiting
list on Friday, March 12.
STUDENTS WHO did not receive any
lease at all may apply for a spot in "non-
traditional" housing such as Baits,
Cambridge House, Fletcher Hall, or
Oxford Housing on March 31.
For students who do not "win" in
their dorm lotteries, the procedures to
get a' room can be very confusing.
Housing officials claim, however, that
few dorm residents who reapply do not
receive leases to some kind of Univer-
sity housing.
Mantyk said that, last year, housing
officials "felt comfortable that students
got what they wanted."
BUT IN SPITE of the assurances of
officials, there are students who are
less than satisfied with the lottery.
Katie Donohue, an LSA sophomore, did
not get a room in the Couzens lottery
last year. She had to sign a lease for a
spot in Oxford Housing until there was
space available in Couzens.
Although her story has a happy en-
ding, Donohue said she.was scared at
first. "I thought I would be living in a
tent in the Arb," she said.
Another student with lottery
problems, Kathleen Gallagher, said she
tried to get a room in the South Quad
lottery last year but failed. She said her
housing dificulties made her "go
through a lot of mental torment."
GALLAGHER said that the people with
See ANNUAL, Page 2

extremely effective in influencing
House representatives.
"Seeing over 5,000 students demon-
strating against budget cuts really
boosted the congressmens' morale who
stayed with opposition to education
budget cuts," Butts added.
Commenting on the effects the
proposed budget cuts would have on the
Title I education program for disadvan-
taged children, Bell said he felt he had
no choice but to reduce funding for it to
$1.9 million because of overall budget
THE PROPOSED cuts would reduce
spending from $525 per student to $400,
he said. "I don't want to say I've found
a magical solution," he added, but "we
do know of programs that are suc-
cessful at the $400-a-child level."
Bell said in his prepared testimony:
"We antieipate that many of these
reductions infederal funds will be par-
tially offset by increased state, local,
and individual contributions that will be
possible if a revitalized economy im-
proves tax bases for property,\ sales,
and state income taxes by 1983 and
school year 1983-84. Of the $181 billion
spent nationally on education, only
about 10 percent comes directly from
the federal government."

Proposed bill lessens
draft violations fines

Violators of the March 1 deadline fdr
draft registration will be slapped with a
$5,000 fine or a five-year prison senten-
ce, federal officials say. However, if
Congress passes a recently introduced
bill, this offense will be reduced from a
felony to a misdemeanor.
Local post offices, still accepting late
registrants, report that 43 men over 18
years of age have registered since Sun-
day's deadline.
THE' BILL, introduced by
Congressman Les Aspen (D-
Wisconsin), would eliminate the prison
term, and reduce the fine to $200.
"We want to make the penalty fit the
crime," said Warren Nelson, an ad-
ministrative assistant to Aspen. Com-
pared to draft evasion, non-registration

is "an extremely minor crime," he ad-
The official national estimate of
violators of the deadline is about
927,000. The Selective Service has
'referred only 183 names to the Justice
Department, and no action has yet been
taken against any of the offenders.
"I DON'T THINK they ever will,"
Nelson said. "They just used it as a
threat to goose more people to
The bill also proposes that, if the
draft is put into effect,' the current
penalties be reinstated with a 21-day
grace period after induction begins.
Nelson said he doesn't know how
Capital Hill will receive the bill. "It is
still too soon to get a feel for it," he said,
adding tht he is optimistic that the
response will be positive.

Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
IT USED TO BE that when women entered the University they were given
copies of "Judy Be Good" to instruct them in the finer points of dorm
etiquette. My, how times have changed.

A different approach
GROUP OF University students calling
themselves "The Not The Spartacus Youth
League" will stage a "die-in" at 2:45 p.m. today
in front of the LSA Building. When the monthly
Nuclear attack warning siren goes off at 2:45, the par-

moment last Friday night to scold a theatergoer who put his
feet on the stage where Hepburn was starring in the
Broadway production of "The West Side Waltz." "You
must take your feet off the stage," the actress said to the
man in the front row center seat, who had just crossed his
legs and put his feet on the rim of the stage. She picked up
her lines and the show went on, but during her curtain call,
according to company manager David Hedges, the same
man stood up and let go with a camera equipped with a
flash bulb. Cameras are forbidden in Broadway theaters.
"You must never again do a thing like that in the theater,"

mobile home. While cleaning her living room Monday, she
almost swept up a hungry, six-foot boa constrictor. Gosch
said that she and her family have been unwittingly rooming
with the snake since last July, when they moved into the
Salt Lake City suburb. The former owners of the mobile
home thought theyhad lost their pet snake but instead it ap-
parently took up residence in a heating vent that opened
near an artificial fireplace, Gosch said. "I found the snake
curled up behind an artificial fireplace which I had moved
to clean up under it," she said. "I was kind of shocked."
Gosch said her husband called the police departnent, and

1920- Ban lifted on political speeches given in Hill
1965- The University announced a $2.4 million expansion
project at the Flint campus.
1976- Scientists from the University, Harvard, MIT, and
the University of Alabama met in Ann Arbor to discuss and
debate the values and dangers of genetic engineering.
1977- 400 students planned a rent strike against the city's
biggest landlord-the University.




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