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January 06, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-06

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Vol. XCII, N

lo. 78


Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 6, 1982

Free Issue

Ten Pages

Economics Dept.

out after


Some classes will be relocated. Some
professors will use "fresh" lecture
notes. But in general, it will be
"business as usual" for economics
students and faculty after last month's
fire destroyed the department's 72-
year-old home, according to Chairman
Frank Stafford.
"It has been a madhouse getting
rgargized here," Stafford exclaimed
rom his transplanted headquarters in
the old St. Joseph's hospital, "but the
University did an excellent job of get-
ting us re-established."
ANN ARBOR Fire Department of-
ficials continue to survey the damage to
the Italianate-style structure, which
has yet to be declared a total loss.
While the scorched exterior walls
remain standing, however, most of the
interior contents - including an array
f valuable student and faculty
academic materials - are gone
Despite the discouraging, and in

some cases disastrous losses to the
professors, Stafford said "spirits are
pretty good" around the department.
"People haven't had much time to feel
sorry for themselves."
For those classes which were
scheduled for the Economics Building,
new locations have been set by the
University. (See Chart, Page 3.) The
majority of economics classes will take
place, as planned, in other University
buildings, and despite some expected
confusion and occasional inprovisation,
department professors are expected to
lead their students adequately through
the term.
"EVERYBODY IS. going to have to
prepare their courses over again, so the
teaching will improve," said
Economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld
yesterday. According to Prof. John
Cross, "A lot of new class notes will
roughen up the courses, but people will
handle them all right."
The fire caused a long and painful
night for firefighters, who battled the

blaze from Christmas Eve well into the
following day. Assistant Fire Chief
Henry Mallory said his department
paid $15,000 in overtime during the fire,
and burned 274 gallons of diesel fuel.
The cause of the fire remains un-
THE EXACT damages also are not
known, but Robert Darvas, a local con-
sulting structural engineer, estimates
that a "reconstructed" model of the
Economics Building would cost $2.5
million, as opposed to $2 million for a
completely new structure.
According to Mallory, the Ann Arbor
Fire Department was notified of the
fire when a heat detector activated just
before 10 p.m. Dec. 24. The alert went
first to the University's Department of
Safety, and officials there immediately
notified the fire department.
"Seventeen firefightes responded to
the first alarm," Mallory said.
"AS SOON AS they arrived on the
scene and had a working fire, they
automatically called back. The bat-

Faculty members lose a
.uilding, and much more

'The new offices all have brand new
desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and even
staplers. The old building was a little
dark and rather cluttered.
But aside from the new furnishings, the
T temporary quarters of the University's
economics department can hardly sub-
itute for the old building and its coun-
tless resources destroyed by a Christ-
mas Eve fire.
PROFESSOR'S offices in the old
building were lined with bookshelves
and filled with material collected over a
lifetime of work. In their new offices
yesterday on North Ingalls Street, the
faculty members had only blank white
walls and uncovered windows.
Thousands of books and volumes of
*"esearch served to decorate the old
uilding. But much of that is gone now,
and professors returning from the
holiday break could do little more than
assess the losses.

The losses to some were tremendous,
but many of the professors contacted
yesterday said the fire will just mean a
substantial amount of work in order to
complete present research and conduct
"THE LOSSES will mean a lot of
time, a lot of extra work (but it) all can
be done," Economics Prof. David Sap-
pington said.
Recovering from the losses will be
"time-consuming and inconvenient, but
that's r small thing," said Economics
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld. Some of his
colleagues lost all of their research
materials, he added.
Fusfeld, whiose new offices smelled of
smoke from the few damaged books he
has retrieved, said he lost most of his
working library.
SAPPINGTON HAD seven smoke
damaged books in his new office
yesterday, remnants of a collection of
more than 200 volumes. Some of the

remainder are in the process of being
restored, he said, but even then the
volumes may be unusable.
University preservaiaonists are using
a "freeze-drying" technique to restore
books and documents that were
damaged in the fire.
Salvage crews are still working at the
site of the blaze, lifting upper floors that
collapsed onto lower floors to uncover
any further materials which may be
restorable. One professor described
the salvaging as "sort of a treasure
Sappington and others said they must
wait to see what will be recovered and
usable but are certain much material
was destroyed.
ECONOMICS Prof. Harvey Brazer,
who witnessed the fire, said the impact
of the blaze depended on where a
professors office was in the building. In
some portions of the building, a good
See ECON. PROFS, Page 3

Photo by BOB KALMBACH, University Information Services

win erases
bowl jinx

One bowl win merely provided the man with tem-
porary relief, but after his team closed out 1981 with
another post-season victory, Bo Schembechler can
rest assured that talk of a bowl jinx has been shelved.
Michigan's 33-14 Bluebonnet Bowl trouncing of
UCLA provided a measure of retribution to Bo and
his 1981 squad which began the season atop both
national polls, but failed to capture a Big Ten title
that was easy to win.
SCHEMBECHLER wasn't pondering the might-
have-beens of 1981 on New Year's Eve, though. "Two
bowl game wins in one year-that will shock the foot-
ball world," the beaming coach said amid a jubilant
group of gridders in the locker room. "I was as proud
as I could be of our club."
In several ways the Wolverines' Bluebonnet win
paralleled its 23-6 Rose Bowl triumph over
Washington one year ago. Tailback Butch Woolfolk
won the Bluebonnet's Most Valuable Player award
with 186 yards and a touchdown (he won the same
honor in the Rose Bowl by notching 182 and a score);
in both games, .Michigan's defensive play was
devastating; and, for the second straight year, post-

game comments reflected the feeling that Michigan's
strenuous conditioning program left them stronger
than its Pac-10 counterpart as the game reached its
later stages.
"Our coaches did an excellent job in scouting
UCLA," explained inside linebacker Mike Boren,
who totaled 10 tackles. "I felt conditioning was the
key, and we wore them down at the end of the game."
OFFENSIVE TACKLE Ed Muransky, who an-
nounced his intention of passing up his final year of
collegiate eligibility for a shot at the NFL, pointed to
the teams' contrasting late-night activities as a fac-
tor. "We out-conditioned them," he stated. "We had
curfew the whole time, and UCLA didn't. They were
out having a good time. We had our good time out
there tonight."
While the fact that Michigan outscored the Bruins
in the fourth quarter, 20-7, supports the claims of
superior conditioning, Michigan's quick-strike
capability proved just as significant early in the
game. With his team ahead, 3-0, on a 24-yard Ali Haji-
Sheikh field goal, Wolverine quarterback Steve Smith
did what everybody knew he would do, hitting An-
See TWO, Page 8

'therapy program
may relocate in Flint

The University Physical Therapy
program may be transferred to the
Flint campus next fall pending ap-
proval of a relocation proposal by
faculty in Flint and by the Regents.
The Medical School recommended
last May that the program be discon-
tinued after a review of its quality and
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Billy Frye informed the Regents
at their December meeting of his
plans to make the formal proposal in

Nelson said Flint faculty members
have commented favorably on the
proposal and he expects it to be ap-
proved when they meet next Monday.
"We are extremely happy with the
proposal," Nelson said.
Physical Therapy program mem-
bers are also satisfiedrwith the
proposed move to Flint, according to
Curriculum Director Richard Dar-
nell, expecially because of the im-
provements in the program the tran-
sfer would provide.
THE PROGRAM has been under
See THERAPY, Page 7


Spicy arrival

University Hospital now. More specifically, University
Hospital is now called The University of Michigan
Hospitals. The Regents approved the name change last
month on the recommendation of the hospital's executive
board. The board noted that the hospital is no longer a
single entity but is "now functioning as a set of hospitals,
tailored to distinct patient populations." The Hospitals
have evolved and expanded over the years into seven
hospital-sized units with a total of 965 beds clustered on the
Medical Campus. The Hospitals units are: Main Hospital
(adult medical-surgical), C.S. Mott Children's Hospital,
Women's Hospital, Holden Perinatal Hospital, Children's
Acnhint..ri Anni e~l lAe,,n aeant cnhiai.

developed male hormone derivative will make women want
the wearer badly for the next several days. The spray has a
"secret ingredient," androsterone, one of a family of
chemicals called pheromones, which "broadcasts a power-
ful subconscious sexual call to women in the area," the
company claims. "Just a tiny amount," it says, can have a
"huge effect." Company officials said androsterone' is
found in human skin and hair. It is also present in most
animals, Bodywise said. World Medicine magazine said it
is used on pigs to attract "difficult" sows. The spray is
"normally odorless. A woman wouldn't know why she's at-
tracted, just that she wants to know the man better," the
nnrmnann. na a ,,,Q C ... . ^.. " - 6-.... n .. .....a.- I - - . L

them to the jail "for the amount that had been budgeted for
food alone," according to Chief Jack Hughes. "This saved
the cost of labor for preparing the food, as well as the main-
tenance of the kitchen facilities." So the jail now gets its
breakfasts from the fast food restaurant McDonald's, and
the other meals from another local restaurant, Duff's.
Hughes said it now costs the city only about $6 a day to feed
the two or three inmates the jail usually houses at a given
time. "It's going to save us somewhere in the neighborhood
of $5,000 to $6,000 a year," Hughes said. There's no word yet
on whether the prisoners will sue claiming cruel and
unusual punishment. -

AST FOOD connoisseurs can expect to have a
happy new year- as soon as the new Taco Bell
opens on campus. The restaurant, which will be
located on Church Street next to Stop-N-Go, will
1 nnen within the next 60 days, according to Glen Gale.


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