The Michigan Daily Wednesday, January 27, 1982 Page 8
Firstof a two-part series strange
A Daiy Sports Analysis point of
The aura of invincibility is thick said, "I
around the Michigan football program. Iid, Ii
It extends beyond simple victory, con- ~pgr
sists of more than bowl games and huge pogr
crowds. It is a feeling, an assuredness, in the n
a conviction that can emanate only of 123-2
from those who really believe in it,
those whose words don't ring hollow
when they talk about it. Michigan foot-
ball is successful not because it wins
many more times than it loses, they tell
you; its success, rather, is a function of
how it wins. At Michigan, they believe
- no, they know - that they do it the
right way and thus, the aura is next to
And it got even thicker on that Friday
night when Bo Schembechler sat at the
press table and, with eyes a mite red
and voice a bit cracking, said "I'm
staying where I Ebelong."
tHERE WAS nothing contrived,
nothing hokey abut the moment.
tball success rooted in honesty
e emotion pervaded the room;
ly, it may have been the high
Bo Schembechler's 13 years at
An. As Schembechler recently
You finally realize that there are
out there who believe in this
m and the way it's conducted."
e are, of course, a lot of believers
man who has compiled a record
4-3 at Michigan, and Bo knows it.
has won a pair of bowl games.
BUT THE importance of winning, he
will tell you, is conditional. "The
greatest thing about the program," he
said, "is that we have had some
measure of success and have always
done it within the rules. That, to me, is
an accomplishment."
"Within the rules" is something
which Schembechler stresses over and
and check the record, he dares you,
shades of Robert Conrad appearing.
The NCAA will never catch Michigan
cheating. We're clean.
"Within the rules" is not enough, of
course. When Schembechler left Miami
of Ohio at the behest of second-year
Athletic Director Don Canham to
asume the reins at Michigan, he
inherited mediocrity-during the
E W '
The greatest thing about the program is that we have
had some measure of success and have always done it
within the rules. That, to me, is an accomplishment.'
-Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler
"IT APPEARED to me that it
(Michigan football) had gotten into a
situation where it figured that it would
be successful based solely on tradition
and reputation," Schembechler said.
"They were not as innovative. We've
worked real hard here to b'uild the type
of program that Michigan would want.
If I've done one great thing here - I've
said this a hundred times - it's that
I've hired top people to work with me."'
Now the football program at
Michigan is as established as any in the
nation. It is the only profitable venture
for an athletic director renowned as a
promotion genius. In truth, Canham's
shrewdness is contingent upon whether
or not Michigan Stadium continues to
be filled a half-dozen times each fall,
and a good case could be made that a
full stadium is contingent upon Bo.
BUT THEN, Canham has not exactly
pinched pennies when it comes to
Wolverine football. "A lot of the credit
has to go to Don Canham because he
realized that he needed new facilities,
he needed new effort in order to get it
going," Schembechler said. "It wasn't
just a matter of a staff coming in that
suddenly turned it around. Canham has
done a great job in building the
program. "
Capham explained his philosophy.
"Michigan had been down in football
for 13, 14 years, and I made up my mind
that it wasn't going to be that way, not
in my time here. I have done more for-
football that I have for any other'sport-.
around here."
Canham drives home the point,
though, that the green light which Bo
Schembechler's football program is ex- .
tended within Don Canham's athletic
department does not stray from
"within the rules".
"I don't think this institution would.
tolerate it (cheating to land recruits),"
he said. "I don't think any of our,"
coaches cheat because they don't want
to embarrass the institution. I'd fire - -
anybody I caught cheating -I'd do it
tomorrow - and I made that very clear
when I hired him (Schembechler).
"We are not interested in winning with
a stacked deck."
But they are interested in winning.
And while the deck may not be stacked
by cheating, the Wolverines are cer- :
tainly holding a powerful hand-the
trump card is Schembechler himself,
who 12 days ago stunned 'the state of.
Texas by turning away oil money. In so
doing, he set himself on a pedestal in
the minds of many. And whether a
coach cheats or not, recruiting, as Bear
Bryant would certainly attest,is much
easier when you are looking down from
a pedestal.
Tomorrow: Assistants, players, and
over again. "Within the rules" is as 1960's, the once-mighty Wolverines had
much a part of the Michigan program finished fifth in the Bib Ten three times,
to Schembechler as is 123-24-3. In an sixth once, seventh once, and 10th once.
era of falsified transcripts, under-the- If he had accumulated numbers similar
table cash, under-the-table cars, and to those, Schembechler's boasts about
mounds of illegal promises, "within the his clean ship wouldn't have mattered.
rules" challenges Bo Schembechler Honesty is only impressive when you
more than Ohio State does. And the 52- win. But he possessed a very clear sense
year-old coach relishes it. Go ahead of direction on what it takes to win.
Bid policy,
The Michigan Board in Control of In
tercollegiate Athletics yesterday
arrived at a consensus that it did not
favor the institution of a Big Ten policy
governing which bowl invitations in-
dividual universities could accept.
The issue, discussed at the Board's
monthly meeting, arose because
Wisconsin accepted an invitation for its
football team to play in the Garden
State Bowl, which was played on the
first day of the school's final,exam
MANY BOARD members argued
that it should be up to the individual in-
Thursday, January 28: Grad/Facul-
ty/Staff, Women's, Residence Hall,
Fraternity, Independent, and Co-
recreation swim meet entries due by\
4:30 p.m. at IMSB. All-Campus,
Fraternity, and Women's water polo
schedules ready by 2:00 p.m. at IM in-
formation center. Grad/Faculty/Staff,
Women's, Residence Hall, Fraternity,'
Independent, and Co-recreation foul-
shooting schedules ready by 5:00 p.m.
at the IM information center. Friday,
January 29: All-Campus cross-country
ski entries due by 4:30 p.m. at IMSB.1
stitution to decide whether or not to ac-
cept a bowl bid for a date which conflic-
ted with the school's examination
"No matter which way you slice it, a
bowl game is a great experience for the
kids," said Michigan Athletic Director
Don Canham. Television coverage,
Canham pointed out, dictates that some
bowls will be held on dates which con-
flict with the exam periods of many
universities. 1 The individual circum-
stances of the universities accepting
bowl bids must be considered, said
In other business, Michigan's faculty*
representative Thomas Anton reported
to the board on the proceedings of the
NCAA convention held lastDecember.
Anton discussed the NCAA convention's
plan to restructure. Division I by
creating a new NCAA football commit-
tee and various other rule phanges. An-
ton explained that it is now possible to
red-shirt freshmen and to give financial
assistance to players attending orien-.
tation programs during the summer
before their first year in college.
9lftWeekg Diga.
Thle following is a summary of some of the games played in the intramural
'A' Division.
Arbory Pirates 69, The MC's 36: With only a 28-24 lead at halftime, the Ar-
bory Pirates came out pressing in the second half to coast to an easy victory.
"They only had six guys and we substituted a lot so we were fresh and they
were tired," explained Pirates captain Rick Keith.
Uppers 48, Navy I 44:;- The first game of the season was a downer for the
Navy as they lost a game in which the score was closer than the actual con-
test. Ron Schmidt led the winning team with 10 points. "We had control the
whole way," said Uppers manager Bob Strong.
Rumsey Hall 'A' 36, Aire. White Boys 33: With 30 seconds left, Tom Sphelts
put the Ave. White Boys back on the road with a jumper. Sphelts finished the
game, which saw the lead go back and'forth, with 16 points. Teammate Paul
Chiu also poured in 10 points.
In the first half Rumsey had trouble getting their game into gear. Down
14-6 with five minutes left in the half, Rumsey rallied to lead at intermission
Guardian Angells 39, Reeves 35: Dan Moote popped in 14 points to lead the
Angells to their first victory. Even with a full court press working in the
second half, Reeves fell too far behind in the first half to catch up. "They had
a full court press which confused us but we dominated the first half which
gave us a big enough lead," said Moote.
Standard Deviants 47, Thunder Chickens 44: Down by nine points with six
minutes to go the Deviants put on a relentless press for a come from behind
victory. "We kept rotating people inand out so as to keep pressure on defen-
se," explained manager Andre Biane.
Sigina Phi Epsilon 60, Triangle 39: The theory that two is always better
than one worked to a charm in this game between two fraternities. "Triangle
had one guy who was 6'7" but our ' two big guys Bob
Eichenelow and John Bednarski who are both 6'5" counteracted him," said
Epsilon manager Al Guarneri. "Overall, we played really well in the first
half which put us ahead for the rest of the game."
i I
IM Score's
Torts Ilustrated 63, Losers 28
Sobs 43, AM Gems 31
The Ann Arbor Y Is now accepting
applications for staff positions at
the following camps:
CAMP AL-GON-QUIAN: a resident
camp for boys and girls located on Burt Lake in
northern Mich. Camp dates are June 21 to
August 7. Senior staff positions, ages 18 and
above are available in6the following areas:
horseback riding, sailing, canoeing, arts and.
crafts, trips director, archery, nature, woodwork-
ing, riflery, land sports, swimming, water skiing.
and camp nurse. Salary plus room and board.
CAMP BIRKEft:c A day camp for boys and
girls located on Silver Lake near Pinckney. Camp
dates are June 21-Augst 20. Senior staff post-
tions, ages 18 and above are available in the
following areas: Archery, swimming, sailing.
canoeing, arts and crafts, nature, and general
Applications and additional infor-
mation regarding positions at
both camps may be obtained by
contacting the Ann Arbor Y r350
South Fifth Ave.. Ann Arbor.
Mich. 48104 or calling (313) 663-
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Residence Hall
Kelsey 'A' 54, Trotters 36
Wenley 61, Jo Mammas 45
Ambatana Cagers 45, Couzens 30
Guardian Angelis 39, Reeves 35
Chicago Blue 35, Fisher 'B' 12
Kelsey'B' 28, Wetiley'B' 27.
Y "
16 r
1. PURPLE COWS (2-0) (G/F/S)
2. BalIBurnishers (2-0) (G/F/S)
3. Lewis House (2-0) (R.H.)
4. Legal Ease (2-0) (IND)
5. Excaliber (2-0) (IND)
6. Psi Upsilon (2-0) (FRAT)
7. Group Function (2-0) (GIF/S)
8. Vanilla Thunder (2-0) (IND)
9. Mt. Rainer (2-0) (IND)
10. Spuds (2-0) (IND)
11. Sigma Nu(2-0) (FRAT)
12. Users (2-0) (IND)
13: Abeng (2-0) (R.H.)
14. Elliott (1-0) (R.H.)
15. TINs of Tuna (1-0) (IND)
16. Arbory Pirates (1-0) (IND)
17. Mash (1-0) (IND)
18. Big Dogs (1-0) (IND)
19. Spasms (1-0) (G/F/S)
20. Nitwits (2-0) (Co-Rec)
Staf fing N OW f or Summer 1982
With strong skills & ability to teach one or more of the following activities:
chery " Arts & Crafts " Athletics " Baseball " Basketball " Boat Driver " Canoeing "
mputer Science " Dance " Dramatics " Drums. Fencing " General Counselors
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Photography " Piano " Riding (English) " Riflery " Rocketry " Sailing " Scuba."
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deo Tape \Water Skiing " Woodwork " RN's " Secretaries " Dining Rm Supervisor
Top salary, room, board, laundry and aliowances.
ite to any one or all of the camps listed below ... specify activity(s) applying for. ...give full details
of background and qualifications. Act quickly... openings are being filled continuously.
IyThe IM Digest breifly relates the activities of the Michigan Intramural
~I11 1II'program during the previous week. This week's information was
6, 7:30,9, 10:30 compiled by Daily sportswriter Randy Berger.
Study in London and Stockholm'
Uly 3-AUg. 2. 1982
I x . L
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