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January 27, 1982 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-27

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U' leaders fight financial aid cuts

The MichiganDoiily-Wednesday, January'27, 1982-Page 7

(Continued from Page 1
The proposed budget may also ex-
clude graduate students from the
Guaranteed Student Loan Program,
leaving them only the option of taking
out a loan through the relatively new
Aiilliary Loan Program, according to
APG member Malcolm Baroway,
director of state and community
,Three types of individuals may take
oit an auxilliary loan-parents,
graduate students and independent
students, according to University
Financial Aid Director Harvey
Grotrian. Parents and graduate studen-
ts must begin to make, payments on the
lean after 60 days at 14 percent interest,
Giotrian said. Independent students,
however, may be able to defer paymen-
ts until after graduation, depending
upon the lender, Grotrian said. Under
the current GSL program, students
must begin to make payments within
Russian ci
(Continued froth Page 5)
f l1oll reality, were largely lost.
SSylvia Briffa was foppishly elegant as
,The Snob. Julie Lowe and Mario
Alonzo as the beribboned poodles con-
veyed the essence of canine romance
z complete with a bark and a visit to a
w convenient tree. The variation for the
o two Can-Can dolls rounded out the ex-
l erpts from La Boutique Fantasque; it
0 also provided the strongest dancing.
Ir. Alonze, apparently instan-
*aneously transformed from a poodle to
a man in evening dress with spats, dan-
ced.a hot Can-Can with Danna Cordova.
Miss Cordova flounced about en pointe
end managed, as all good Can-Can dan-
cers do, to give the illusion of being
e naughtier than she actually was. As
$ ith Scheheraiade, the costumes for La
Soutique Fantasque were superb.
Spectre .de la Rose was the third
llet presented by the company.
Choreographed by Michel Fokine to
Weber's "Invitation to the Dance," this
short ballet has long since attained the
hoary status of ballet war-horse. It is a
rare company indeed that does not keep
it in stock. The ballet is an audience
pleaser with a small cast (one boy, one
girl), a small set (one open window,
one wall), and two props (one chair, one
red rose). Nevertheless, the Oakland's
Lance Jlames and Carol Rheiner
managed to breathe considerable
freshness into this Spectre. Unfor-
tunately for Mr. James, his -ostume as
the rose was a very poor choice-bright
red legs fading to pale rose up the torso.
For a role that emphasizes flexibility of
the upper body and seeks to create the
illusion of weightlessness, the cboice of
red for the legs highlighted exactly the
wrong part of the bdy. Mr. James
showed off clean turns and well con-
trolled arms. He and Miss Rheiner dan-
ced well together with a lively
flowing quality to their arms.
The evening's program closed with
Rite of Spring, choreography by John
Pasqualetti, music by Stravinsky. Ef-
fectively and minimally costumed to
look au naturel, men and women
engaged in ritual dances glorifying
seduction and abduction, sacrifice, and'
evocation of the ancestors. On the whole,
the company looked its best in this

nine months of graduation at 9 percent
A GROUP OF concerned administra-
tors will continue to meet with- the
student representatives to keep them
informed of federal legislation and
other information obtained by the ad-
ministration, Grotrian said.
Trowbridge praised the ad-
ministration for its cooperation.
"They've t6tally opened their arms to
us. They've been really good."
A petition drive, calling for a halt to
financial aid cuts, co-sponsored by MSA
and PIRGIM, began on January 21 with
more than 1,000 signatures collected
during the first day, according to MSA
Administrative Coordinator Janny
"THE PETITION drive is only a
small part of the whole campaign," she
said. "It's going to turn into a national
campaign to save financial aid."
"The emphasis we'd like to put on it is

that the students are planning," said
Dan Perlman, chairman of MSA's
Legislative Relations Committee. "It's
about time we got out and spoke."
Perlman said he plans to bring the
petition and "busloads of Michigan
students" with him to lobby in
Washington D.C. on March 1, which has
been designated National Day of
Higher Education.
"IT'S A 'WE are concerned'
petition," Trowbridge said. "It's the
first step in showing Congress. that
we're not just going to let this happen to
us and that's the University's line
Both Huisman and Trowbridge said
groups from other universities will be
involved in the campaign. "I'm contac-
ting all the national and state PIRGIMs
and hopefully they'll rally to it,"
Trowbridge said.

zoreographies revived

AP Photo
Classroom blast

piece. The choreography gave the
women a chance to flaunt formidable
extensions and sleek turns, and the dif-
ficult partner work showed off the
men's ability. Standing out from all the
rest, Erin Leedom's dancing was
brilliant throughout the ballet. Never-
theless, despite the obvious gusto with
which the dancers performed Rite of
Spring, the ballet's biggest flaw seemed
to be Pasqualetti's choreography (not
the original Ballet - Russe
choreography) which became a bit'
repetitive during the second part of the
A general comment about the
Oakland Ballet Company is that

although the company gave a solid per-
formance, the dancers did not seem to
be dancing out; ;they did not take chan-
ces. This manifested itself in the
frequent "placing" by dancers for tur-
ns. Mr. James' performance in Spectre
dela Rose suffered from this but he was
hardly the only offender. The Oakland
Ballet Company has been obviously
well-trained and well-rehearsed.Now is
the time for the. company to push
beyond competence to brilliance.
The Oakland Ballet Company will be
at Power Center through Wednesday
evening. Wednesday night's program
will feature three ballets by the com-
pany's artistic director, Ronn Guidi.

A worker and official survey the damage to a classroom of the Camden (N.J.) County College after an explosion of an
undetermined origin ripped through the building Monday morning, injuring 46 people, three of whom are in critical

Gas company
lobbyist loses
job over
letter to Watt

WASHINGTON (AP) -, Timothy
Donohoe, a gas company lobbyist,
wrote Interior Secretary James Watt
asking him to explain his remark that
the country is divided between
"liberals and Americans." Watt's of-
fice wrote back, instead, to Donohoe's
boss. Guess who's now out of a job?
Donohoe, 36, said he was fired from
his $30,000-a-year post with Enserch
Corp., a Dallas-based oil and natural
gas company;for "lack of judgment" in
writing a letter to Watt.

BUT A TEXAS congressman says the
response by one of Watt's top assistants
was a blatant attempt to intimidate the
company into firing Donohoe.
Donohoe said he had written his Dec.
1 letter after reading published reports
of remarks Watt ,made to a group:ef
California farmers
Watt was quoted as describing the
House of Representatives as "riddled
with a bunch of liberals" and saying, "I
never use the words Republicans and
Democrats. It's liberals and

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(Continued. from Page 6)

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