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January 27, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-27

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Page 2-Wednesday, January 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Report says research

(continued from Page 1)
high power microwave solid-state
s urces for applications in such missile
seeker transmitters as AMRAAM
(which Eynon identified as Advanced
Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles),
AIAAM (which Eynon said he could not
identify), Phoenix, and DAAMT
(Demonstration Air-to-Air Missiles) ...
The goal of this program is to develop
microwave solid-state technology to
improve performance and capabilities
of active RF (radio frequency) missile
seeker transmitters, expendable decoy
jammers, and other missile systems."
. "Electromagnetic Scattering," by
Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior.
Eynon said that Senior's work "is
designed to lead to greater understan-
ding* of Radar Absorbing
Material-material which can be used
to coat an object and render it less
visible to radar sensing...(It seems)
likely to me that the Air Force funds it
in hopes of advancing the "Stealth"
bomber... which is designed to be 'in-
visible' to radar (and) would enable
(the bomber) to penetrate enemy
defenses, drop its bombs, and escape."
*"Ocean Acoustic Tomography," by
Engineering Prof. Theodore Birdsall.
Eynon said that Birdsall's work in
detecting objects in the ocean is aiding
the Navy's anti-submarine warfare
program. Once the United States has,
the ability to detect the exact locations
of enemy, submarines, then it wil be
able to conduct a "first strike" nuclear
attack, Eynon said. The inability to
detect exact locations of submarines
armed with nuclear weapons has thus
far served as a deterrent to nuclear
war, he said.

EYNON SAID he had no personal
contact with the researchers involved
before preparing his report.
Haddad, contacted last night ssaid he
is "not involved in any guidance
systems per se. My work is involved in
basic solid state systems which can be
used in a number of applications."
Haddad's analyses can be used in
satellite and microwave com-
munications systems and a number of
radar systems, including those used in
airports and police work, he said. "The
Department of Defense has the best
available resurces for basic research in
solid state devices," Haddad said.
RESPONDING to Eynon's report,
Senior said last night it is "quite con-
ceivable that the work I do is relevant
to (the Stealth Bomber)." but added that
if he had made any significant con-
tributions to weapons systems, the Air
Force would have ' "clapped a
classification on the work." Senior has
been conducting his work for five years,
using graduate students from all over
the world, he said.
Seven students have earned doctoral
degrees while working on his project
and more than 15 articles have been
published in technical journals, Senior.
said. "If the Air Force wanted it for
the Stealth (bomber) none of these
things could have taken place," he said.
Birdsall was unavailable for com-
EYNON CALLED Research Policies
Committee Chairman Kahn's report on
defense research to the Senate Assem-
bly "inaccurate, incomplete, and
Eynon added, however, that he had
no evidence to show that Kahn's
mistakes were anything other than
The University Health Service
ad which appeared in the
Jan. 26 issue of The Daily
gave the incorrect date for
the announcement of their
winning logo design. It
should have read Feb. 26. The
deadline for entries remains
Feb. 19. We regret any incon-
veniences this may have'
The Michigan Daily

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Freon gas kills 3 sailors
on Navy nssile cruiser
SAN DIEGO- The Nagy sealed off a comartment yesterday on the
nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser USS Bainbridge where cooling gas
leaked from a ruptured pipe, killing three sailors and injuring seven others.
The three were overcome by Freon gas Monday night in an air-.
conditioning compartment four levels below the main deck of the 565-foot
warship, which was docked inSan Diego at the time, officials said.
Lt. Cmdr. Mark Baker, a Navy spokesman, said-seven others who had
tried to revive the stricken sailors with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and
other means spent 20 hours in a hospital receiving treatment for ill-effects of
the gas.
The dead were identified as Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph Durr, 26, and
fireman Stuard Fields, 20, both of San Diego, and Petty Officer Ist Class
John Sullivan, 26, of Columbus, Ohio.
.Dues paying non=Unionsts


MSA RESEARCHER BRET Eynon presents his report on defense research
at the University to MSA at last night's meeting.
Poli~sh intelecuals
protest wrkrabs

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From AP and UPI
WARSAW, Poland A new protest
letter from 27 intellectuals yesterday'
demanded Poland's martial law
authorities end "beating, maltreatment
and harassment of people deprived of
their liberty."
The letter surfaced after Parliament
approved military rule and named a
military historian to run the univer-
The protest, signed by intellectuals,
writers, and artists, said interned
workers were getting worse treatment
than intellectuals and called for
publication of a full list of internees and
the sites where they are held.
INFORMED sources estimate abut
50,000 Poles are held under the martial
law decree tht suspendedthe indepen-
dent union Solidarity Dec. 13 - more
than 10 times the number the com-
munist regime admits. Solidarity
leader Lech Walesa is believed held
somewhere outside Warsaw.
Informed sources said Walesa's wife

and children visited him last week.
Meanwhile, the Polish parliament
rubber-stamped a minor Cabinet
shakeup sought by military chief Gen
Wojciech Jaruzelsli yesterday and
then ended a two-day session that
legalized martial law.
IN GENEVA, Switzerland, Secretary
of State Alexander Haig met Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko for a
reportedly tough-talking session on the
tpolish crisis.
The two-day session of the Sejm, the
first since martial law was declared
Dec. 13, showed that the Polish
parliament had reverted to the rubber-
stamp body it used to be before the rise
of the Solidarity labor movemenit and
the unprecedented reforms it helped
bring, if briefly, to Poland.
Warsaw radio, reporting on
parliament's approval of two Cabinet
changes proposed by Jaruzelski, said
there was no dissent by the 460 mem-

to get strike benefits
WASHINGTON- A union must pay strike benefits to a financially con-
tributing non-member who honors a picket line but refuses to walk it, a
federal judge ruled yesterday.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge Joyce Hens Green affects workers who
contribute to a union under an agency shop agreement but declined to join.
The AFL-CIO said there are between 600,000 and one million workers who
decline to join unions but pay an equivalent amount in dues. The National
Right to Work Legal Foundation, which filed suit in the case, estimated the
figure at a minimum of seven million.
Israeli Labor Party bid
to oust Begin fails
JERUSALEM- Prime Minister MenachemBegin narrowly survived
another bid by the opposition Labor Party to oust him from office yesterday,
defeating by only three votes a no-confidence motion on compensation for
settlers being evicted from the Sinai.
The tense vote, the second attempt to topple Begin in a month, came a day
after the prime minister suffered a stunning setback when Labor succeeded
in defeating a government bill to grant $248 million in compensation to set-
tlers who will have to pack up and go when Israel returns the rest of the Sinai
to Egypt next April.
-Top Soviet ideologue dies
MOSCOW- Mikhail Suslov, the Soviet Union's top ideologue and for 30
years one of the most powerful men in the Kremlin, has died at age 79', the
Tass news agency said yesterday.
Suslov, whose brand of law-and-order communism was reflected in last
month's crackdown in Poland, was the post-Stalinist era's chief defender of
the faith and his passing raised questions about the future course of the
Soviet leadership.
British unemployment hits
3 million for first time ever




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Hai Gromyko battle
over Poland crisis-

Fromn AP and UPI,
GENEVA, Switzerland- Secretary
of State Alexander Haig ended nearly
eight hours of intense discussions with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko last night, and said martial-
law in Poland had "cast a long and dark
shadow" over their talks.
He said Gromyko, while expressing
the view that the situation in Poland
was a purely internal matter,
nonetheless took-part in a "two-sided"
discussion on the Poland crisis.
AT A NEWS conference, Haig
described the talks as "very sober and
extremely detailed," and said he told
Gromyko the United States is prepared
to begin negotiations on the reduction of
strategic nuclear weapons "when con-
ditions permit."
Haig made it clear that the Reagan
administration believes such talks can-
not take place in an atmosphere he said
is poisoned by events in Poland. And he
said Poland will not be the only factor in'
deciding when the timE is right to begin
the talks.
"I am not giving you a litmus test of
conditions but merely a broad

statement of the influence of the Polish
situation on the current environment,"
Haig said.
BEFORE THE meetings, Haig said
he planned to open the meeting by ex-
pressing "outrage" at the Soviet role in
Poland. Gromyko said he had "no in-
tention whatever" of discussing
The secretary of state said they
discussed Central America, Cuba,
Afghanistan, southern Africa, and
many issues. He called the talks
"beneficial from the standpoint of
necessary communication... between
the Soviet Union and the United
But Haig said the Polish issue was the
dominant theme of the talks and he
repeated three times the rhetorical line
that "it was clear the situation in
Poland cast a long and dark shadow
over all of the, discussions involving
He said the discussions gave him a
chance to present the U.S. position on
international concerns. In that sense,
Haig said, the "exchange of views ...
was timely and important and.

LONDON- British unemployment topped 3 million for the first time in
history, new figures showed yesterday, and opposition legislators shouted-
for the resignation of Prime Miister Margaret Thatcher.
"This is the most tragic day in peacetime that Britain has seen for half a
century," said opposition Labor Party employment spokesman Eric Varley,
reacting to announcement of government figures showig one in eight of
Britain's 24.2 million-strong workforce was without a job.
Department of Employment statistics showed a 12.7 percent unem-
ployment rate as of Jan. 14, up from last month's 12.2 percent. They said
3,070,621 people were out of work in mid-January, a rise of nearly 130,000
over December.
Vol. XCI, No. 96
Wednesday, January 27,1982
The Michigan Daily is.ecited and managed by students at The Univer-
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