Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
LiE tn
Freezing rain and light
snow, with a high near 30.
Vol., XCII, No. 96 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 27, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Report says
'U' research
may violate
University research contributes to improved defense
department weapons systems and, therefore, violates " the
spirit, if not the letter, of the Regents' Guidelines on
Classified Research," a Michigan Student Assembly in-
vestigator reported last night.
Bret Eynon-brought in last fall by MSA to research defen-
se-sponsored work on campus--said that despite reforms
made in the early 1970s to eliminate most classified defense
research, much ongoing unclassified work may contribute to
the destruction of human life.
,THE UNIVERSITY guidelines, which apply strictly to
classified work, state that no researcher on campus may en-
ter into any contract "the clearly forseeable and probable
result of which, . . , or any specific purpose of which is to
destroy human life."
The defense research issue, reopened by the faculty Senate
Assembly in November, has prompted the University's
executive officiers to review the guidelines, possibly to in-
clude provisions for unclassified work.
The faculty and student Research Policies Committee will
discuss the issue at its Feb. 1 meeting, according to commit-
tee chairman Raymond Kahn, Professor of Anatomy.
EYNON-A University graduate and local historian-
assailed the University's present review system for un-
classified work as inadequate.
"In his report to. MSA last night, Eynon cited a number of
ongoing faculty projects sponsored by the defense depar-
tment as questionable in nature;
'"Analytical Study of High Power Diodes," by Electrical
and Computer Engineering Chairman George Haddad. Had-
dad said in his research proposal that the military requires
See REPORT, Page 2
-Ragn Reagan: SI
WASHINGTON (AP) - President "I will not ask y
Reagan 'asked Congress yesterday the pudget on t
night to join' in "a single, bold stroke" American taxpaye
by transferring $47 billion worth of fed- speech, given at 9 p
eral social programs - and the taxes to He vowed to t
pay for them - from Washington to state Congress and a na
and local governments. audience to "put th
He said his plan, including the slump and put u
gradual shift over the next decade of prosperity."
the welfare and food-stamp programs, Reagan said the
is designed "to make government again budget deficit wil
accountable to the people, to make our billionand that"th
system of federalism work again." place will reduce
It was the centerpiece proposal in a surely and, in time;
State of the Union message that The president
promised.better times-"much better," program as "a
if 'the nation continues on Reagan's initiative that I be]
course of budget and tax reduction as face of Americ
the cure for recession and inflation. outlined a 'seco
Reagan declared he will "seek no tax program in which
increases this year and I have no inten- many federal chor
tion of retreating from our basic plays a centralrole
program of tax relief." At the same tim
discuss state
budget strategy
with UPI wire reports
A group of college and university presidents,
meeting with state budget officials in Lansing
yesterday, were warned that they must accept a
$225 million temporary budget balancing plan or
face permanent cuts in state appropriations.
State budget Director Gerald Miller, meeting
with members of the Michigan Council of State
College Presidents, promised that the state will
seek to guarantee repayment of the $33.9 million
being slashed from the University's summer aid
payments by requiring the legislature to pass the
fiscal 1983 budget before acting on the cuts.
THE MILLIKEN-backed proposal was un-
veiled Monday as part of the Governor's $5
billion budget for the 1983 fiscal year that begins
October 1.
Under the budget, $225 million in summer aid
payments for universities, community colleges
and local governmental units would be
eliminated during July, August, and September
of this year. The money would be paid back by
fhe state, however, early in the next fiscal year.
Although there was disagreement as to
whether the temporary cuts would result in
eventual increases in state aid, University vice-
president for state relations Richard Kennedy
called the state's plan "novel and imaginative,"
adding that "the alternative is appalling."
"WHAT THEY'RE doing is buying time,
Kennedy said of the state's plan.
According to James Brinkerhoff, University
vice-president and chief financial officer, the
plan is a last minute financial maneuver to
balance the state's budget and still maintain
some funds for higher education.
"The question is whether the state can approve
or continue to appropriate funding in 1983,"
Brinkerhoff said, adding that the plan is still con-
tingent upon state legislative approval.
"THE LEGISLATURE will have to determine
what options they have and what options are the
best course for this state," said Douglas Roberts,
of the State Office of Management and the
Budget. He said, However, that legislative ap-
proval cannot be guaranteed.
According to Fred Whims, director of higher
education in the State Budget Office, some in-
stitutions will have trouble borrowing money on
the open market to meet operating expenses
during the three month period specified in the
state's plan.
"I think we will find that institutions such as
the University of Michigan and Michigan State
will be- able to borrow internally," Whims said,
referring to the reallocation of an institution's
own reserve funds.
"I doubt seriously we would do that (reallocate:
funds internally) when we have our internal fun-,
ds invested at 18 percent interest," Brinkerhoff
said, adding "We can borrow (on the open,
market) at 12 percent interest."
\ di.
P rotest Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
A sign bearing the mandate "U.S. Military Out of El Salvador" hangs
across an entrance to the Graduate Library yesterday. There has been
considerable controversy surrounding the posting of these signs on Univer-
sity grounds since last summer.
hift burden to states
ou to try to balance
the backs of the
rs," he said in the
'.m. EST.,
he joint session of
ationwide broadcast
he economy out of its_,
us on the road to
fiscal 1983 federal
1 be less than $10
e policies we have in
the deficit steadily,
, ; describing his
bold and spirited
ieve can change the
an government,"
nd-year economic
his goal of 'turning
es over to the states
ne, he defended his
decision not to try to stop the ballooning
federal deficit by increasing taxes.
"Higher taxes would not mean lower
deficits," the president said. "Raising
taxes won't balance the budget."
Reagan said that a "grassroots trust
fund," filled by federal revenues, would
distribute $28 billion a year to the 50
states to pay for the additional respon-
sibilities handed over to them.
"The economy will face difficult
moments in the months ahead,"
Reagan stated. "But, the program for
economic recovery that is in place will
pull the economy out of its slump and
put us on the road to prosperity and
stable growth by the latter half of this
Reviewing his first year in office, the
president said "we have made a new
beginning, but we have only begun."
He said that had he not pursued a
policy of tax and spending cuts, "things
would be far worse for all Americans
than they are today. Inflation, taxes
and interest rates would all be higher."
"I believe history will remember this
an an era of American renewal;
remember this administration as an
administration of change; and remem-
ber this Congress as a Congress of
destiny," he said.
"What we do and say here will make
all the difference to autoworkers in
Detroit, lumberjacks in the Northwest,
and steelworkers in Steubenville who
are in the unemployment lines; to black
teen-agers in Newark and Chicago; to
hard-pressed farmers and small
businessmen; and to millions of
everyday Americans who harbor the
simple wish of a safe and financially
secure future for their children,"
Reagan said.
Vacations galore for 'U' students
If you have dallied in making spring break vacation
plans, don't panic. Whether you prefer lounging in the
sun or mastering the slopes, you can still sign up for a
spot on one of several group vacations offered 'to
University students.
Couzens and West Quadrangle are co-sponsoring
the Second Annual Spring Break in Daytona Beach to
raise money for the student governments of both
residence halls.
FOR THOSE who haven't had enough of the cold
Ann Arbor weather, the University Ski Club is spon-
soring a five-day bus trip to Steamboat Springs,
The Florida trip costs $199 per student in a four-
person room; or $187 in a six-person room. The price
includes round-trip motor coach transportation,
seven nights' accommodation at a beach-front hotel,
and discounts at local bars and restaurants.
Hal Mueller, a sophomore at West Quad and one of
the trip's representatives, said the package is
especially worthwhile because both the price and the
activities are geared for students.'
AMONG THE advantages, Mueller said, is the op-
portunity to be with other students. "You don't have
to drive," he said."You can party as much as you
The group will stay at the Plaza Hotel on North
Atlantic Avenue, which is commonly known as "the
strip" and is the center of college activity during the
spring migration.
The trip, arranged by Echo Travel, brings West
Quad and Couzens six dollars for every student who
THE SKI vacation, sponsored by the University ski
club, includes five days of skiing, four nights' lodging
in a four-person room, and round-trip bus transpor-
tation, for $389 per person.
The major advantage of the trip is the "club en-%
vironment," said Neil Meisel, one of the sponsors.-
"Everybody (will be) skiing together and partying
together," he said.
"There's unbelievably great skiing at Steamboat'
Springs," said Larry Deziel, another member of the
ski club. "There's a lot for everyone. It's not just for
advanced (skiers) or beginners."
THE CONDOMINIUM where the students will be
staying is at the foot of the mountain, in the midst of
a small village, Deziel said.
Spaces in both programs are limited on a first-
come, first-serve basis.
For those who prefer something other, than trips to
America's beaches or slopes, Great Places Travel in
Ann Arbor offers a seven-day Caribbean cruise to
Cancun, Cozumel, and Key West.
The cost is $699 per person, which includes plane
fare to Tampa, a four-person room on the cruise, six
meals per day, live entertainment, cocktail parties,
movies, a ticket to the Captain's farewell party, and
other ship benefits. The price for the cruise minus air
fare is $409.
Another option for sun-seekers is the regular super-
saver fazes to California, which must be booked two
weeks in advance and cost around $350 for a round-
trip day time flight to Los Angeles, or $301 for a night
trip to Los Angeles or San Francisco.
Members of the Automobile Association of
America can also get discounts at AAA approved
hotels and motels across the country.
Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR of Financial Aid Harvey Grotrian is assisting in
the drive to maintain financial aid programs.
Student group aimsto
lultfnancialaid cuts
Although still awaiting the official
release of President Reagan's fiscal
1983 budget, University officials and
student leaders have already begun the
fight against expected cuts in financial
Michigan Student Assembly
President Jon Feiger, PIRGIM
representative Cor Trowbridge and
other members of the Awareness Plan-
ning Group met on Jan. 12 to discuss
plans to alert students about projected
cuts, according to Financial Aid Direc-
tor Harvey Grotrian. Members were
appointed early this term by Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy
THE COLLEGE Work Study and
National Direct Student Loan programs
are expected to be among the hardest
hit by the federal cutbacks. Reductions
in both Pell and Supplementary
Educational Opportunity Grants are
also projected.
See 'U', Page 7
Unbeaten Buckeyes
T'S QUIZ TIME! What has several thousand chairs, a
catchy tune, an 18-acre park, and takes four hours to
finish? Give up? A really big game of musical chairs.
A group of Ohio State University students hopes to
play the game to break the university's own record for the
world's-largat musicn1 chairs anme Tn thran honr. A
Super fake
How does a $40 Super Bowl ticket end up costing $200,and
turn out to be a forgery, to boot? Unfortunately, there are aj
number of ways for such a dismal thing to happen. Just ask
the five Grand Rapids residents, two Lansing residents,
and two Texans who drove to Pontiac for Sunday's ex-
travaganza only to find their seats occupied and security
personnel waiting for them. A total of nine people received
stolen tickets through Ja-Mor Tours, Inc., which apparently
hnuaht the hvan tickets indveantl rnm a hnrker thez
won them." Ja-Mar vice president Jill Skinner was right;
"Doggonit," she said. "We got skunked." 0 E
Ronald McDonald decapitated
Police in Huntsville got a break the other day. They found
the missing Ronald McDonald-not the actual clown, but a
missing statue of the hamburger peddler. Officers said they
found the smiling, seven-foot McDonaldland resident stan-
ding in the middle of a city street Monday. The hollow,
papier mache statue was taken from its stand outside one of
LL. -0 . .- _L P J1 ___ 7. .- -?1 __ ff- _ . .L! .1
judge,,leaving a piece of advice for her sisters in the
profession: "Get out of Broward County." In frustration
over her numerous court appearances, Circuit Judge
Robert Andrews ordered the woman banished from
Broward County for at least five years. As she boarded her
flight Monday, she said she might return--"someday." An-
drews agreed to let the Broward Sheriff's Department use
money King paid in fines for a $159 one-way ticket to Los
Angeles, $42 to ship her cat, and $100 in, spending money. In
exchange, King pleaded guilty to 20 recent charges and was'
sentenced to the maximum 90 days in jail on each count--