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January 07, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-07

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Suspect sought
in shooting of
Ann Arbor man

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, January 7, 1982-Pa-%

An Ann Arbor man was in stable con-
dition at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
yesterday after he was shot twice in the
head and abandoned by his assailant
yesterday morning, police said.
*The victim in his 20s, was abducted
and forced into his own car at gunpoint
at Packard and Platt Road. He was ap-
parently later driven around the city
for about 20 minutes after he was shot,
according to Sue Tomlin, spokeswoman
for the Washtenaw County Sheriff's
THE BULLETS, shot from a small
caliber gun, did not penetrate the man's
skull, according to Pittsfield Township
Police Chief John Santomauro. The
apparent motive for the shooting is
robbery, he said.

The driver of a Washtenaw County
Transport Unit reportedly saw the
suspect, who is still at large, drop the
man off at the entrance to the Green-
meadows apartment complex on Car-
penter Road and Chester Drive at PI
The suspect fled on foot into the com-
plex when the van approached to in-
vestigate. The sheriff's department
and the PittsfieldsTownship police are
conducting a search of nearby
buildings, and using tracking dogs and
helicopters in the search for the
The suspect is described as a black
male, 160 pounds, 6 feet 2 inches tall,
with short hair, and possibly, a

Whee t fidfyurtconpro
This map illustrates the location of the new temporary offices of the faculty members of the economic department. The
economics professors, who were forced to relocate after a Christmas Eve fire gutted the Economics Building, have set
up new offices in the old St. Joseph's Hospital building located at the corner of Catherine and Ingalls streets.
ERA:Wareado nd buttercoissue

Help Prevent
Birth Defects -
The Nation's
Number One
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This space contributed '
by the publisher.

Toxic wastes delivered
despite demonstrators

MONTAGUE (UPI) - A former
judge was arrested and a dozen other
protesters were dispersed by state
police yesterday while atempting to
halt the dumping of toxic wastes into a
vault owned by a local chemical com-
The demonstrators, many of them
women with children in tow, thrust
placards decrying the toxic waste tran-
sfer into the air as the tractor-trailer
hauling contiminated materials from
an abandoned incinerator, site near
Flint approached the Hooker Chemical
& Plastics Corp. vault.
THE SIGNS, some emblazoned
"Don't Rape Us Twice" and "Hooker
Now, Hooker Forever; Montague Now,
Montague ?" were clutched nervously
in the sub-freezing cold as state troopers

ordered the housewives, their children
and other concerned residents to allow
the truck to pass.
"I live in Montague," said Helen
Lewis. "I've got grandchildren here.
There's no way that vault can be safe.
They've lied to us before, and they're
lying to us now, one right after
The truck was loaded with what of-
ficials said was the seventh of more
than 400 shipments of 15,000 cubic yards
of chemicals and heavy metal wastes to
be transferred from the abandoned
Berlin and Farro Liquid Waste In-
cinerator Co. near Swartz Creek some
175 miles away. Much of the waste was
produced by Hooker and transferred to
Berlin and Farro before the company
went bankrupt.

2 Shows/2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
0 $8.50 per show/$15..
0 or $12.50 both shows
4 Performers per show
Tickets at Herb David Guitar Studio
Schoolkid's Records and The Ark.
To .order by mall: stamped enve-
iope and money order to: The
Ark, 1421 Hill, Ann Arbor 48104.2

the Equal Rights Amendment's third
journey through the Oklahoma
Legislature, ERA opponents brought
homemade bread to legislatorsyester-
day and supporters co ntered by
providing butter.
Oklahoma Stop ERA proclaimed
yesterday its annual "Bread Day" at
the Capitol. Each year since 1974 the
organization has given legislators
homemade bread.
PRO ERA forces, however, tried to
top the anti-ERA ploy by going to
lawmakers during the lunch break with
butter to complement the bread.
A resolution for ratification of the
ERA was introduced Tuesday, the first
day of .the new legislative session, by

Senate President Pro Tem Marvin
York of Oklahoma City.
The amendment was ratified by the
Oklahoma Senate on a voice vote in 1972

but the House did not pass it and rejec-
ted it again in 1974 and 1975. It has not
been brought to a vote in the
Legislature since then.



Police investigating 2 rapes
m epity over holiday season

Bring your guitar
ind f i d nl




Ann Arbor police haye no suspects in
the December rapes of two Ann Arbor,
women, police said yesterday.
A woman in her 20s was forced into
bushes on the 46 block of Miller, on the
city's west side. The assailant,
described as a male in his 30s, had ap-
parently followed her from the 700
block of that street before assaulting
her, police reported.

On Dec. 19, a woman walking home
from Plymouth1 all at 7:30 p.m. was
dragged to a wooded area near the 2300
block of Sandalwood, where she was
sexually assaulted, police said. Police
tracking dogs followed the assailant's
trail to a North Campus housing
parking lot, where police say he may
have gotten into his car and driven off.

MI ~I~Uy ur eIee smeo.f
8:30 pm. Thurs., Jan.J7
1429 HillStreet4



Technical Majors:

The Polish-American Student Association at the University will hold a pro-
Solidarity rally at noon on the Diag. The association says the following per-
sons will participate in the rally: Founder of NOWA, an underground
publishing house in Poland Miroslaw Chojecki, Ann Arbor Mayor Louis
Belcher, State Sen. Edward Pierce.
Alt. Act.-Sleuth, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
CFT-Dr. Strangelove, 4,7,8:45 & 10:30 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
CG-My Fair Lady, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Med. Center Bible Study-12:30 p.m., Rm. F2230 Mott Children's Hospital.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship-7 p.m., Union.
Campus Crusade for Christ-7 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Sailing Club-7:45 p.m., 311 W. Engineering.
Ann Arbor Ski CLub-For all interested in downhill and cross-country
skiing. Includes information and sign-up sheets for ski trips and a social
hour. 8p.m., Schwaben Hall, 217 S. Ashley.
Great Lakes & Marine Environment Seminar-W. Charles Kerfoot, "A
Quiet Revolution: Placing Freshwater Communities in Perspective," 4
p.m., White Aud., Cooley Building.
SYDA FoundationfSwami Narayanananada, "Living Meditation," 7:30
p.m., Kuenzel Rm., Michigan Union.
International Night-"China", 5 p.m.; Michigan League.
Scottish Country Dancers-7 p.m., Union. For info. call 995-8345.
UM Men's Basketball vs. Wisconsin- 8p.m., Crisler Arena.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

U.S. Steel invistesyou
to check out a creer
i nmanagement.


You're a self-starter. U.S. Steel is a company on the move, and we're
looking for people with the initiative to tackle major projects and push them

through to completion.
You're a fast thinker. While the clock ticks, you may have to make
decisions involving the future of thousands of U.S. Steel people-and the in-
vestment of millions of dollars.
You're a team player. At a dynamic place like U.S. Steel, guiding and
motivating others is likely to be an important part of your career in

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Today U.S. Steel is a whole lot more
than the nation's largest steelmaker.
We're in chemicals, with annual
sales of over $1 billion. We're in resource
development, ready to fill industry's
growing needs for coal, iron ore, ura-
nium and other vital materials. We build
complex structures all over the country.
We offer engineering services all over
the world. And that's far from all.
- Join us, and you're immediately a
full-fledged member of our manage-
ment team. Your opportunity for
advancement is as bright as you are.

Money is good. Fringe benefits are
liberal. And you can take advantage of
a variety of continuing personal-devel-
opment programs-including tuition
Visit your placement office and
check out the openings our representa-
tive plans to discuss. But don't worry if
what interests you most happens not
to be on the list. Just write us with
your qualifications: Dave Bates, College
Relations, U.S. Steel, 600 Grant St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15230. An equal
opportunity employer.

.. m m



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