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January 17, 1982 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-17

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Divers explore
plane wreckage
in Potomac

WASHINGTON (AP)-Feeling their
way past jagged, debris and
treacherous ice, divers pulled 30 bodies
from the crumpled wreckage of an Air
Florida jetliner yesterday and then
turned to trying to find a way to raise
the tail section that includes the flight
But after one try at lifting the tail sec-
tion, which also included a large portion
of the fuselage, the recovery team
postponed further efforts. Another at-
tempt was expected-but not cer-
tain-today after the arrival of a more
powerful crane.
Throughout the day, the diving teams
focused their search on the rear section
since that part of the wreckage con-
tained the cockpit voice and flight data
recorders critical to the investigation of
Wednesday's crash that killed 78
THE DIVERS first emptied the rear
section of bodies to bring the total num-
ber of bodies recovered from the plane
since the crash to 47. Then divers began
to attach cables to the section, but

quickly ran into trouble. When
darkness and 22-mph winds made it
impossible to attach the cables
properly, the effort was abandoned for
the night.
Meanwhile, some federal safety of-
ficials were concerned that salvage
operations might be impossible today
because of forecast temperatures in the
teens. They emphasized, however, that
no decision had been made on what to
do today.
"We're taking everything on a slow,
controlled basis," Coast Guard Cmdr.
Mike Taylor, who heads the diving
operation, told reporters.
SHUGART EARLIER suggested the
salvage effort "may go as long as two to
three weeks" because of visibility near
zero underwater and danger to divers
from sharp, moving pieces of wreckage
and ice.
The Boeing 737 jet, bound for Florida,
hit a busy commuter bridge spanning
the Potomac River after taking off
from National Airport.

AP Photo
RECOVERY WORKERS remove another victim of Wednesday's Air
Florida jet crash from the Potomac River yesterday. The crash resulted in
78 deaths. A temporary morgue has been set up on the riverbank to accom-
modate recovery operations.

Austin voters opposehousing bias

AUSTIN, Texas (AP)-Early elec-
tion returns last night showed voters
overwhelmingly defeating a proposed
city ordinance that could be the nation's
first municipal law supporting housing
discrimination against homosexuals.
With 15 of 87 precincts reporting, the
measure was being defeated by a 6,000
to 900 vote.'
THE MEASURE, petitioned onto the
ballot by a local anti-homosexual
group, says it "shall not be unlawful to
deny housing on the basis of sexual
Austin, a fast-growing city of 346,000
people, has a reputation as the most
liberal city in Texas.
The Austin Citizens for Decency,
which promoted the. housing
discrimination ordinance, said the elec-
tion was a referendum on homosexuals,

on whether to give "special privileges
to sodomites."
"WE ORGANIZED TO protect our
children," said Dr. Steven Hotze, who
led the campaign for the ordinance.
The. Citizens for a United Austin,
working against the proposal, said the
ordinance could lead to "snooping" and
widespread housing discrimination.
Some 50 clergymen joined the cam-
:paign against the ordinance.
Citizens for a United Austin said, "If
you try to buy a home, if your children
try to rent an apartment, the landlord
will have the right to pry into your per-
sonal life. Do you want someone asking
about your children's sexual preferen-
ce? Or.yours? It would be legal. Could
you support such a law?"
Robb Southerland, a music store

owner and leader of those opposing the
ordinance, said the law could mean
discrimination against everyone
because "everyone has a sexual orien-
"It's an ordinance allowing any lan-
dlord to deny anyone housing under the
guise of sexual orientation," he said.
"If this one isn't unconstitutional then
we need to burn the Constitution."
ED SHERMAN, University of Texas
law teacher, agreed the ordinance
would have trouble standing up in
"Sexual orientation suffers from
vagueness and overbreadth, but we all
know what the ordinance was intended
to mean," Sherman said. "The prob-
lem is that it doesn't say homosexual!
and a homeowner can refuse to rent to a

heterosexual under the ordinance."
Mary Summerall, media coordinator
for the Citizens for a United Austin, said
yesterday that there were no accurate
estimates about the size of the city's
homosexual community.
petition drive-and wrote the proposed
ordinance-after the city's Human
Relations Commission proposed an or-
dinance protecting homosexuals, the
elderly and other minority groups
against housing discrimination.
City Councilman Roger Duncan said
the council was ready to approve that
amendment. But Hotze was able to get
enough signatures to force yesterday's

Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Poland eases restrictions,
but martial law to continue
WARSAW, Poland- Poland's military rulers announced yesterday the
resumption of university classes across the country and radio broadcasts of
Roman Catholic church services, but a government spokesman warned
martial law may last along time.
The government also announced its was amending a plan to raise the price
of food, heat and energy in an apparent effort to gain public support of the
military government headed by Gen. Wojciech Jarzelski.
Warsaw Radio said it would resume broadcasts of Roman Catholic church
services Sunday. Such broadcasts, suspended with the martial law crack-
down Dec. 13, were a key concession won by the Solidarity trade union and
the church in late 1980.
Meanwhile, government spokesman Jerzy Urban told the newspaper
Zycie Warzawy that martial law will last until "all fatal phenomena"
leading to its imposition are eradicated, and any talk of a timetable for
military rule to end is false.
Dozier pamphlet surfaces
ROME- The Red Brigades kidnappers of U.S. Brig. Gen. James Dozier
issued a pamphlet and a picture of him yesterday, and hundreds of
policemen searched the canals of Venice but found no trace of the 50-year-old
An editor at Rome's Il Giornale D'Italia said a journalist for the
newspaper found the pamphlet-the fourth since Dozier's kidnapping Dec.
17-in a waste basket after an anonymous caller told him where to look.
The editor said the pamphlet set no demands and contained only
ideological slogans such as "anti-imperialist civil war" was "the only
possible strategy" to overthrow the state.
The pamphlet included a photocopy of a photograph of Dozier, which ap-
peared to be the same as the photo released by the Red Brigades Dec. 27.
Copies of the leaflet also were found in Milan and northern Treviso.
Unidentified warplanes open
fire on Japanese tanker
TOKYO- A Japanese tanker loaded with highly flammable chemicals
was attacked and strafed with machine gun fire by two unidentified war-
planes in international waters off the southern Philippines, Japanese of-
ficials said yesterday. One crewman was injured.
A spokesman for the ship's owners said the incident occurred Friday af-
ternoon when two propeller-driven, single-engine planes attacked the 5,307-
ton tanker Hegg "in the open seas about 21 miles east of Mindanao, in the
The ship's cook was wounded as the planes peppered the deck and hull
with about 100 rounds of machinegun fire.
The ship's agent said yesterday the attack may have been prompted by the
tanker's khaki color, which he speculated may have caused the attacking
planes to believe it was carrying contraband and trying to elude aerial
Manila tourist hotel burns
MANILA, Philippines- A fire gutted a fully booked tourist class hotel in
Manila yesterday, forcing many guests to climb down curtains and blankets
strung from upper floor windows.
Firemen and hotel officials said there were no serious injuries.
Hotel Otani Manager Pablo Cuna, wading up to his ankles in the hotel's
flooded lobby, said shortly after the four-hour fire was under control that the
majority of his 120 guests were not in the buildingat the time.
The concrete and wood hotel is located less than 100 yards from the U.S.
Embassy, but it was not immediately known whether any Americans were
staying there.
Vol. XCII, No.88
Sunday, January 17, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
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Redistricting group
must prove plan legal



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Inter Fraternity Council

(Continued from Page 1)
with the commission," Attorney
George Sallade said. "This is an expec-
ted development, and is in accordance
with the usual procedure in cases of this
Sallade said three different plans
were reviewed by the commission: a 15-
district plan submitted by the com-
mission's only Democratic member,
Walter Scheider; a five-district plan
submitted by County Clerk Robert
Harrison; and a nine-district plan, the
one adopted by the commission and
now being appealed.
"We favor the 15-district plan,"
Sallade said. "i'm optimistic that we
may win."
Scheider said the commission will be
hard-pressed to defend its decision. "It
was a very partisan thing," he said.
"The plan is good from a Republican
Scheider said the appeals court order
to the commission gives it the oppor-
tunity to present its side of the case.

"The judge (Robert Danhof) is saying
the other party has to be given the op-
portunity to explain its point of view."
Commission member Robert Henry,
.chairman of the Washtenaw
Republican Party, said he was not
disappointed with the court's order.
"What the court is trying to do is to
speed the process (of the appeal) and to
eliminate false issues. The court wants
to show us what they're interested in
and what's significant."
Henry said he believes the nine-
district plan selected by the com-
mission was the best proposal submit-
ted. "The 15-district plan was a mess,
as far as I was concerned. In the five-
district plan, there were just too few
districts, too few commissioners. I
think nine is a happy medium."
Commission member Michael Stim-
son, county treasurer, agreed that the
nine-district plan was the best one. "Af-
ter you take all the guidelines into con-
sideration, you have to exercise com-
mon sense," he said.


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