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January 16, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-16

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Page 2-Saturday, January 16, 1982-The Michigan Daily

'81 inflation lowest s

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The government said yesterday
that inflation at the wholesale level totaled only 7
percent last year, the most encouraging figure since
1977. But analysts said a separate report, reflecting
sinking industrial output, showed the gains against
spiraling costs came at the expense of lost jobs and
deepening recession.
Inflation at the wholesale level edged up just 0.3
percent in December, keeping the total for 1981 to 7
percent, the Labor Department reported. That was
sharply down from 11.8 percent in 1980, and it was the
lowest since the 6.9 percent of 1977.
WHOLESALE PRICES are regarded as a good
barometer of how retail prices will move.
But the Federal Reserve Board also reported
yesterday that the nation's industrial production fell
2.1 percent in December - a drop that economists
predicted would push unemployment above already
high levels.
Industrial production - the basic output of the
nation's factories and mines - is one of the clearest
indicators of the health or sickness of the U.S.

BUSINESSES FACED with slack demand for
goods and services have now cut production for five
straight months, including a December drop that was
the biggest since the 3 percent of May 1980.
So while difficulty in selling goods has tended to
keep those businesses from raising prices much, it
also has pushed them to lay off workers.
Most analysts are forecasting slightly lower in-
flation this year.
IN STILL ANOTHER report issued yesterday,
Commerce Department officials said the value of in-
ventories held by American businesses grew 0.7 per-
cent in November, about the same as in October.
Sales declined only 0.2 percent for the month, much
better than the 2.4 percent decrase in October.
The Commerce report confirmed that business of-
ficials were having trouble with backlogs of unsold
goods two months ago. Since then they have been
trying to whittle down those- backlogs by cutting
production and offering special sales on many items.
THE MOST NOTICEABLE change in the 1981
wholesale inflation figures - as shown in the gover-

ice '77
nment's new Producer Price Index for finished goods
- was the slowing in both food and energy price in-
Good U.S. crops and a worldwide "oil glut" have
been getting a lot of the credit.
The price index shared the economic stage with the
fifth consecutive monthly decline for factory produc-
tion - a grim sign of coninued recession that pulled
the pace of employment-related industrial output to
1979 levels.
AND THE 'CURRENT severe weather raised the
possibility that food and fuel prices may go up more
sharply this year.
The Federal Reserve Board's index of industrial
production slipped to 143.3 for December, losing
whatever small expansion in factory production that
occurred since March 1979.
Auto assembly production in December dropped to
what would be an annual rate of 4.6 million units, the
report said. But the total production cutbacks among
the nation's factories were so widespread that the
auto portion only contributed a small amount of the
overall decline.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press.International reports
Democrats shorten primary


Speakers debate Econ. restoration


(Continued from Page 1)
The Economics Building "forms a
very special part of our campus," Mar-
zolf told the committee. He hailed the
structure's "small and quiet design,"
and its position adjacent to the Un-
dergraduate Library, "which often
goes under a more appropriate name."

MARZOLF described a "growing in-
terest in preservation" here in Ann Ar-
bor, state and nationwide, and the
traditional emphasis on preservation in
Europe. "There are precedents for this
sort of thing," he explained.
Economics Department Chairman


Needsa ride
out of town?'
Check the i ai1
classifieds under,

Frank Stafford told the committee "the
old building, if reconstructed, wouldn't
be sufficient" in size. Department
faculty members had reported ex-
periencing a lack of space before the
fire, and a new building would provide
even less room, since modifications
would be needed to meet modern fire
codes, according to Stafford.
Despite the lack of space, however,
the economics faculty is in favor of
restoring the building, Stafford said.
OPPOSING restoration, Tom Wieder,
a University alumnus, addressed the
committee. He explained that the
"wrong kind of symbol" would be sent
out if money was allocated for
restoration "in an era when the Univer-
sity has such tremendous financial dif-
ficulties." He questioned whether
restoration would be worth "jeopar-
dizing other functions of the Univer-
Robert Darvas, a local structural
engineer Ivho, has been hired by the
University to assess the building's

(J~brrbU~tr~bp *uczn


Serving the Campus for 39 Years (Catholic)
Robet Kaasch Pa~or,331 Thompson-463-0557
Robert Kavasch, Pastor. Weelyl asses.
1511 Washtenaw between Hill St. and W:Ms
S. University. Thurs-Fri -12:10. m.
Sunday services 9:15 and 10:30 am. Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Bible Study: Sunday-9:15 a.m Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Up
Wednesday- 10 p.m., Thursday-10 and downstairs) .
p.m. 12 noon and 5 p.m. (upstair.
* * * downstairs)
NEW GRACE APOSTOLIC CHURCH North Campus Mass at 9:30 a.
632 N. Fourth Ave. Bursley Hall (Fall and Winter Ter
Rev. Avery Dumas Jr., Pastor Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5
9:45 a.m. Sunday School. on Friday only; any other time b
11:45 Morning Worship pointment.
7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service. * *«
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m. CAMPUS CHAPEL
For rides call 761-1530 1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
UNIVERSITY CH URCH Christian Reformed Church
OF THE NAZARENE Reverend Don Postema
409 South Division
Ann Arbor, Michigan 10:00 a.m. Service of Holy
Rev. SteveBringardner, 761-5941 munion.
Christian Education-9:45 a.m. 6:00pm Evening Worship.
ServiceofWorship-711:00a.m. Wednesday, 10:00 p.m. Ev
"Time of Meeting," 6:00 pm. Prayers.
She is a true and noble artist.
- Chicago Tribune

502 East Huron 663-0376
Jitsuo Morikawa, Pastor
'x10:00 a.m.-Sunday Wokship. Child
care prov i
Jan. 17th: "Are Baptists Catholic?"
stairs Sunday: Church Loyalty Dinner 12
s and 11:00 a.m.-Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
.m. in Class for graduates and faculty.
,is) Also:
5 p.m. Choir Thursday 7:00 p.m., John Reed
by ap- director; Janice Beck, organist.
Student Study Group. Thurs., 6:00
Support group for bereaved students,
alternate Weds. 7p.m.
11:00 Brunch, second Sunday of each
Ministry Assistants: Nadean Bishop,
Terry Ging, Barbara Griffin, Jerry
Com- Rees.
120S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 am (First Sunday of Every Mon-
th)-Holy Communion in the Chapel.
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Dec. 17th: "On Being One's Own
Worst Enemy" by Dr. Donald B.
Church School for all ages-9 30 a.m.
and 11 a.m. J
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors:
Rose McLean and Carol Bennington
* * *
(The Campus Ministry
of the LCA-ALC-AELC)
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Choir practice.
Jan. 26: Volleyball
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-6624466
Service of Worship:
Sunday 9:30and 11:00 a.m.
Student Fellowship meets at 5:30
College Students Fellowship Sunday

prospects for restoration, estimated
that a restored structure would cost $2.5
million, as opposed to $2 million for a
completely new facility.
The building is insured by the In-
dustrial Risk Insurers company, and it
is unclear what the claim restrictions
will be. Negotiations for such a set-
tlement are continuing, University of-
ficials say.
University alumnus Joseph Pelava
also told the committee he opposes
restoration. Urging officials to
"suspend nostalgia" in their con-
siderations, Pelava, a former student
government member, asked it to "con-
sider creativity that could rise out of
the rubble."
Frye concluded the meeting by
reasserting the need for prompt action
on the building's future, inviting local
residents to continue speaking out, and
promising them they will be informed
of administration decisions.
Gay man
(Continued from Page 1)
week to ask them to get the fraternity to
Executiva Vice President of the IFC
Gary Naeyaert said the action of the
fraternity appears to be a violation of
the University's anti-discrimination
THE POLICY states that a person
cannot be discriminated against or
harassed on the basis of sexual
preference, and that an individual's ac-
cess to housing cannot be limited.
Although Nowak had already left the
house, he is claiming that he has been
kept from participating in activities
and that he has been harassed in the
Naeyaert said possible sanctions
against Delta Sigma Phi include
suspension from voting in the Inter-
Fraternity Council and retracting the
Council's recognition as a fraternity.
"The house doesn't feel the (anti-
discrimintion) policy is appropriate to
them,, because they're a private
organization - but they are under the
jurisdiction of the policy," Naeyaert
said. "I personally feel the suspension
is a violation of human rights."
Jim Toy, supervisor of the Human
Sexuality Office at the University of
Michigan, said, "I'm not aware of
anything like this happening here."
University of Michigan Inter-Frater-
nity Council President Bill Hogan said a
situation like the one at MSU would be
handled differently here. "Any in-
cidents like that are usually handled in
that particular chapter," he said. "In-
ternal policies are their own business. I
know of fraternities having homosexual
members here and it hasn't caused any
great conflict," he added.

season, revamp rules
WASHINGTON- The Democratic Party decided yesterday to shorten its
presidential primary season and to remove requirements that bind
delegates to the candidate winning in primaries or caucuses.
The new rules make exceptions for New Hampshire and Iowa and apply
only to the Democratic Party and the process of picking delegates to
presidential conventions. The so-called "beauty contest" primaries, which
let voters express a preference but do not affect the nominating process, are
not subject to the time limits.
The exceptions for Iowa and New Hampshire mean the two states will still
be the first to begin the 13-week-long process that leaids to the party's
presidential nomination, preserving the news media attention for their con-
NAACP asks court to rule
on tax-exemption case
WASHINGTON- The NAACP, clashing head-on with the Reagan ad-y
ministration, urged the Supreme Court yesterday not to drop a major test
case on whether religious schools that practice racial discrimination should
be tax-exempt.
The NAACP filed papers asking the high court to reject the ad-
ministration's suggestion that it drop a case involving tax exemptions for
Bob Jones University at Greenville, South Carolina, and Goldsboro Christiar
Schools in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
The Treasury Department announced last week it was reversing a 1.2-year-
old policy that empowered the Internal Revenue Service to strip
discriminatory schools of tax exemptions.
But on Monday,; with protests over that announcement still blaring,
President Reagan said he would propose legislation to turn the 12-year-old
IRS policy into law.
Haig will returnto Mideast
TEL AVIV, Israel- Secretary of State Alexander Haig said yesterday he
expects to make another swing through Egypt and Israel at the end of the
month to promote a Palestinian autonomy plan.
Haig told reporters before he flew back to Washington that he was "op-
timistic and hopeful, but not unmindful of the great obstacles that lie ahead"
in fulfilling the Palestinian self-rule provisions of the Camp David accords.
The secretary spent two days in both Egypt and Israel, talking to each
country's leaders on their position on Palestinian autonomy. Egyptian and
Israeli officials said Haig left the impression that Washington would like to
see an agreement reached before April 25 when Israel withdraws from the
last sectors of the Sinai captured during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
Divers search Potomac
for flight recorder
WASHINGTON- Divers explored a frozen and "extremely treacherous"
Potomac River yesterday in an effort to recover voice and instrument
recorders from a sunken Air Florida jetliner as suspicion mounted that an
ice buildup may have caused the crash that took 78 lives.
Washington Police Inspector James Shugart said instruments had shown
the flight and voice recorders were intact, but another official said com-
plications could prevent the rubber-suited divers from recovering the so-
called "black boxes" yesterday as previously hoped.
Authorities continued to investigate the theory that the crash may have
been caused by an excessive build-up of ice on the aircraft. One federal
safety official saidiyesterday that the jetliner may have waited up to 40
minutes after it was last de-iced before taking off.
A Braniff Airlines pilot who taxied for takeoff alongside the jetliner
minutes before-it crashed told investigators yesterday he saw a buildup of
ice on the aircraft's wings and fuselage.
The report backed the investigators' theory that ice may have made the
plane too heavy to climb as it lifted off from National Airport Wednesday in a
blinding snowstorm.



Vol. XCII, No. 87
Saturday, January 16, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during
the University year at~420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER.: Send
address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-
bor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Laily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
Pacific'News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Field Newspapers Syndicate.
News room: (313) 764-0552; 76-DAILY, Sports desk, 764-0562; Circulation, 764-0558; Classified Advertising.
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Editor-in-chief ... .... SARA ANSPACH
Managing Editor.. . JULIE ENGEBRECHT
University Editor LORENZO GENET
News Editor ....DAVID MEYER
Opinion Page Editors . . CHARLES THOMSON
Sports Editor .. MARK MIHANOVIC
Associate Sports Editors ..... ....GREG DeGULIS
Chief Photographer ..PAUL ENGSTROM
PHOTOGRAPHERS-Jackie Bell, Kim Hill. Deborah
Lewis. Mike Lucas. Brian Mosck.
ARTISTS Robert Lence. Jonathon Stewart. Richard
Walk. Norm Christiansen.
Arts Editors........ ..............MICHAEL HUGET
ARTS STAFF: Jane Carl, James Clinton, Mark Dighton,
Adam Knee, Pam Kramer, Gail Negbour, Carol
Ponemon. Ben Ticho.
NEWS STAFF: John Adam, Beth Allen, Andrew Chap-
man, Perry Clark, David Crawford, Liso Crumrine,
Ann Marie Fazio, Pam Fickinger, Joyce Frieden, Mark
Gindin, Julie Hinds, Steve Hook, Kathlyn Hoover,
Harlan Kahn, Mindy Layne, Mike McIntyre, Jennifer
Miller, Nancy Newman, Don Oberrofman, Stacy
Powell, Janet Rae, Sean Ross. Susan Sharon, David
Spok, Fannie Weinstein, Barry Witt.

SPORTS STAFF: Barb Barker, Jesse Aarkin, Tam Ben-
tley. Randy Berger, Mark Borowski, Joe Chapelle,
Loura Clark, Martha Croll, Jim Dworman, Karen Floch.
Larry Freed, Matt Henehon, Chuck Joffe. John Kerr,
Doug Levy, Jim Lombard, Larry Mishkin, Dan
Ne'wmon, Andrew Oakes, Ron Pollock, Jeff
jQuicksilver. Sarah Sherber, Kenny Shore James
Thompson, Josie VonVoigtlander, Kent Wolley; Karl
Wheatley, Chris Wilson, Bob Wojnowski.

Business Manager.......
Sales Manager
Operations manager....
Display Manager........
Clossifieds Manager.
Finance Manager .
Assistant Display Manager.
Nationals Manager .....
Circulation Manager...
Sales Coordinator

Hope Barron. Alan Blum.

A recital of music by Scarlatti,
Handel, Purcell, Mahler, Vaughan
Williams, and others.
6w ,5nuar1 17 a4:OO
7-ll SCLYIZlum

Daniel Bowen, Lindsay Bray, Joseph Broda. Glen Can-
tor, Alexander DePillis. Susan Epps. Wendy. Fox.
Sebastian Frcka, Mark Freeman. Marci Gittelmon.
Pamelo Gould, Kathryn Hendrick. Anthony Interronte.
Indre Liutkus, Beth Kovinsky. Coryn Notiss. Felice
Oper. Jodi Pollock. Ann Sochor. Michael Sovitt,
Michael Seltzer. Karen Silverstein. Sam Slaughter.
Nancy Thompson, Jeffrey Voight.

Cash and Coke stolen
Thieves pried open the lock on a
storage room in the 700 block of East
University between Dec. 15 and Jan. 5,
police said yesterday. Some cash and
two cases of Coca Cola worth a total of
approximately $120 were taken from
the room.
Pedestrian injured
Ann Arbor youth was injured Thur-
sday night when he attempted to cross a
busy intersection against the light,
according to police reports.

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