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January 16, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-16

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom



There is a winter storm
watch today, with blowing
and drifting resulting in
near blizzard conditions,
accumulation of from one
to three inches, and a high

Vol. XCII No. 87 C
To restore or not to restore was the
question tackled at a hearing yesterday
on the ultimate fate qf the fire-gutted
Economics Building.
Seven of the nine speakers at the
hearing recommended salvaging the
125-year-old structure, the oldest
academic building on campus, during
the short and dispassionate session in
the Fleming Administration Building.
DEFENDING the building's historic
and aesthetic value, they urged the.
-Exterior Elements Design Review
Comimittee which, along with the
University's executive officers, will
soon make a final decision on whether
to preserve the Italianate walls.
University officials must decide
within several weeks which course to
take with the Economics Building, ac-
cording to Vice Presidednt for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye, who
presided over yesterday's hearing.
The process of "freezing and
thawing" within the still-standing,-but
unsupported walls is damaging , to
them, Frye noted, and efforts to "shore
them up" must begin by the end of
SUCH AN effort would cost ap-
proximately $50,000; therefore, the
University must accompany a "shoring
up" decision with an overall commit-
ment to restore the building, Frye said.
Among those speaking in favor of
restoration were: Kingsbury Marzolf, a
School of Architecture professor;
Stuart Hilbert of the Ann Arbor
Historical, District Commission; and
Mac Collins of the local Preservation
Urban Design firm.
SeePEAKERS, Page 2

r nnear zero.
:opyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Armn Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 16, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages




"Money talks" suffered a setback
last night.
Bo Schembechler announced to a
roomful of surprised reporters and
Athletic Department officials that
he had rejected a multi-million dollar
deal to become coach and athletic d'irec-
tor of Texas A&M University to re -
main h'-ad football coach at Michigan.
AT 9:00 p.m. a misty-eyed Schem-
bechler ended the speculation of the
previous 36 hours by apologizing to
those present for delaying his decision
- which many had been expecting as
early as 11:00 a.m. - and then ex-
pressing his intention.
"There are things that are more
important than money, and one of
them is Michigan. I'm staying were I
belong," he said, prompting a spon-
taneous round of applause.


tops A&II
"I'd never been much of a guy who
looked forward to economic security
and opportunities of that nature," the
52-year-old mentor said. "It was
more than your normal job offer. I
felt that, in the best interests of my
family and myself, I had to seriously
consider it.
"BUT MICHIGAN is Michigan.
There's a special spirit here. I feel
good about the decision. It's been a
long day - and a long night."
Indeed it had been. The lure of the
long-term contract, reportedly in the
neighborhood of $2.25 million to $3
million spread over 10 years, caused
Schembechler to measure his options
carefully, as he conferred with his
family, his coaching staff, Michigan
Athletic Director Don Canham, and
University President Harold Shapiro.


I money
Talk of Schembechler's departure
became more intense after an early-
evening report from WXYZ-TV
Detroit said current Texas A&M
coach Tom Wilson, with one year
remaining on his contract, had sub-
mitted his resignation.
Among those most satisfied, with
Schembechler's choice was Canham,
who agreed to increase Schem-
bechler's salary of $60,030 to an un-
disclosed amount should the- coach
"You can't fight Texas oil money,"
Canham shrugged. "It certainly
wasn't a bidding war. We did what we
could, within the limitations of the
University's (salary) schedule. He
didn't make the decision because of
anything I said. Michigan is what
made the decision."
See TEXAS, Page 8

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
MICHIGAN FOOTBALL coach Bo Schembechler (above) ended all
speculation of whether he would leave the Wolverines, by announcing
yesterday that he would not accept a $2.5-3.0 million offer from Texas A&M
to become its new football coach and athletic director.

Gay MSU man appeals fraternity ruling

A Michigan State University junior
who claims he has been discriminated
against because he is a homosexual
yesterday appealed his suspension
from his fraternity.
John Nowak, a member of Delta
Sigma Phi fraternity, filed charges
with MSU's - Anti-Discrimination
Judicial Board after his fraternity
suspended him, allegedly for being gay.
NOWAK, FROM Westland; Mich.,.
was suspended Sunday night, .after a
vote of the fraternity.
Nowak said the problem began on
Dec. 7 when he found a piece of his mail
had been opened. "I went to the
treasurer, Eric Drooker, to complain
about that, and also to tell him I was

thinking of moving out of the house,"
Nowak said. "I felt uncomfortable
bringing my friends over.
"Eric said it would be a good idea to
move out, but there were no direct
threats against me. On Dec. 8, the
(fraternity) president, Scott Pauley,
suggested possible expulsion to me. At
the time, I was under so much pressure
from the rumors going around about
me and from finals, I just agreed, and I
moved out. Over vacation, I decided I
would appeal it, and when I got back, I
was told I would not be expelled, just
Pauley said Nowak was suspended
because "his lifestyle was incompatible
with the members of the house and he
was getting extensively involved with

an organization whose goals and
methods we don't agree with,"
referring to MSU's Lesbian-Gay Coun-
NOWAK SAID Pauley was trying to
deny the real reason Nbwak was
suspended. "I'm gay, and that's why I
got suspended," he said.
Nowak wants a public written
apology and all his rights in the frater-
nity reinstated. "I wouldn't go back and
live there, but I'd like to continue to
work and help the house. That's why I
joined the frat in the first place."
Nowak said he realizes it will be dif-
ficult for him to go back with the
fraternity, but said, "I'm willing to give
it a try. I guess they couldn't deal with
the homosexuality. I think they thought

that if people heard about me, they
wouldn't rush the frat, and it would lose
its good reputation."
PAULEY SAID suspension entails
losing voting rights, and the right to at-
tend meetings and social activities of
the house. He said Delta Sigma Phi in-
tends to follow through with Nowak's
suspension and fight his appeal. "We're
going to fight it through the system,"
Pauley said.
Matt Gatson, director of MSU's
Lesbian-Gay Council, said, "We feel
that there's more support foryJohn than
is known within the fraternity and the
fraternity system, but people are afraid
to say anything. They're afraid of
recrimination," Gatson said.
Nowak's fraternity brothers learned

he was gay in November from a man
who works in the Associated Students of
MSU Business office. The man gave
Nowak the key to the Lesbian-Gay
Council office, where Nowak is a volun-
teer, and then told a member of the
fraternity that Nowak had requested
the key, and that he was gay, Nowak
said. According to Gatson, key requests
from the business office are supposed to
be confidential.
THE DELTA Sigma Phi Alumni Con-
trol Board is scheduled to meet Monday
to determine an official policy on the
incident, Pauley said.
Paul Reising, president of. MSU's In-
ter-Fraternity Council said, "We're
going before the Alumni oard next
See GAY, Page 2

Students review health insurance

In an attempt to lower the cost of the
University's student health insurance
plan, the Michigan Student Assembly is
comparing its plan with those of other
By studying insurance policies at
other schools, the committee hopes to
create amore useful policy for Univer-
sity students, said Beth Friedlander, a
graduate student in actuary science.
Actuaries, set insurance policy
APPROXIMATELY 10 percent df.
University students presently carry the
University-approved student health in-
surance policy. Most of the policy
holders are comparatively, older
The committee -is also considering.

requiring students with University in-
surance policies to go to Health Service
before another doctor or clinic unless
emergency care is needed after regular
hours. "We want to make the policy
more supplemental to Health Service,"
said Friedlander.r
The involvement of Health Service
would lower insurance costs because.
the service already covers many of the
costs the policy would cover.
APPEALING TO a larger number of
potential applicants would also lower
premiums because as more people hold
policies, premiums would be reduced,
said Friedlander.
Other schools have different methods
of acquiring insurance policies, the
committee reported. Northwestern,
University and the University of

Colorado at Boulder automatically bill
students for insurance unless the
student waives the fee. Other in-
stitutions, including Ohio State Univer-
sity, require students to carry the
university insurance policy unless they
carry other insurance.
The plans at these other schools can
cost students who carry the policies less
because more students will carry the
plan if they don't have to deal with the
paperwork, Friedlander said. The
committee members said they didn't
know whether a refusable plan would
be feasible at this University.
ANOTHER proposal the committee'is
considering is instituting a waiting
period for polfcy applicants who

already need medical attention. This
would prevent people who would collect
immediately from applying' for a
The committee will send packages to
various insurance companies for bids
by the end of January so the committee
can begin reviewing them by the end of
the term, said MSA President Jon
The review committee was formed
last month as an advisory body to
gather information for MSA, which
must approve the new policy before it
can be offered to students, Feiger said.
Any new policy will not be available un-
til after next fall, he added.

for stat~e

From staff and wire reports
Authorities yesterday issued a winter
storm warning for, Ann Arbor for all
day today, as a once-in-a-century win-
ter storm roared out of Canada for the
second time in a week.
The National Weather Service said
that temperatures in Ann Arbor would
climb no higher than zero today, and
that strong winds and snow would com-
bine to make near blizzard conditions.
A NATIONWIDE survey showed at
least 224 people had died in the wave of
cold and snow that began its siege last
weekend and produced the coldest
weather of the 20th Century.
Forecasters predicted Minnesota
temperatures to bottom as low as 45
below zero and push windchill levels to
100 below. Slightly warmer windchills

in the 60-to-80-below zero range were
predicted from South Dakota to Illinois
and Michigan.
TEMPERATURES in much of the
ice-encrusted Deep South climbed
above freezing and into the 40s for the
first time in nearly a week yesterday.
Forecasters said the new deep deep
freeze-relatively speaking-would
sting the heart of Dixie by today. The'
Dixie death toll stood at more than 60.
Much of Northern Europe shivered
yesterday after a second week of bitter
cold and snow, but.a thaw spread in the
south and the sun shone warmly in
Europe's coldest temperatures in-
cluded 9 in Frankfurt, 14 in Berlin and
18 in Amsterdam and Belgrade.
The worst weather appeared to be in

Poland, where the local Red Cross ap-
pealed for aid in caring for 80,000 people
evacuated after heavy floods in the cen-
ter and northeast of the country.
One forecaster said the succession of
winter storms which have hit the
United States in the last two weeks is
virtually unprecedented. "It's one of
these things that is almost unheard of,"
said Allan Morrison, lead forecaster for
the National Weather Service in
Chicago. "You don't look for a 125-year-
old record to be broken or tied in a
The only hope, he said, was that win-
ds might not maintain their intensity
throughout the weekend to push win-
dchill factors down to Siberian depths.

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Frozen motion
Water dripping from a trough on Fourth Avenue is halted in mid-stream by
sub-zero temperatures during the recent cold wave.

Struggling with logarithms?
-TAU BETA PI, the engineering honor society, will
offer free tutoring again this term to students in
lower-level math and science courses. The society,
which was founded in the mid-1800s, has offered
the tutoring session for several years. For this term, the
sessions began earlier this week and will be held each Mon-
day. Wedensday. and Thursday until April 15. Tutors will be

of income during the 1979 blizzard and happened upon a
bonanza of hubcaps. "Two of the hubcaps I picked up were
off Volvos, and since my wife had a Volvo, I figured they'd
come in handy," Wilkinson said. "And then I "started
noticing how many hubcaps there were along the roadsides,
and I just started picking 'em up. Some nights I'd be driving
home ... and I'd find 10 or 12 in a four-block area. It wasn't
long before I had several hundred." Today, he has two hub-
cap stores and an inventory of about 15,000. He now buys
hubcaps-"A good day is finding 80 caps at a Salvation Ar-
my outlet for a quarter a piece," he said-and he relies on
,plnivp... u. n tnA e n n c Ri h Pc anvhP dill

What's in a name?
To Archie Outlaw, who faces charges of heroin
possession, a name may mean the difference between con-
viction or acquittal. Acting State Supreme Court Justice
Robert Haft allowed Outlaw Thursday to change his name
for the duration of the trial on charges stemming from his
Aug. 26 arrest. Outlaw claimed his last name would make it
impossible to get a fair trial. Haft adjourned the case until
Jan. 22 to give the defendant a chance to choose a suitable
name even though Outlaw has said one of the new names he
ha. rnnuci.r.a isthe iua4ni' nn-nhnrt Haft. n

coach Paul "Bear" Bryant. "A man said a bomb had been
left in the power company office," said Watts. "Bryant
thought he said fire company, so he called us." Firefighters
found the briefcase and called police detonation experts.
Then, in front of the station, the briefcase was surrounded
with sandbags and blasted to' smithereens. Bailey said he
laughed when he heard about the incident, but then he
"remembered that I had left a clip of M-14 rifle rounds in
the case. Fortunately they didn't go off, as they have a
range of 4 or 5 miles." No bomb was found at the power
company. EO




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