Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
.I E
Sic I§UU
Partly cloudy and warmer
today with a high in the 40s.
Low tonight in the 30s.
iVol. XCI, No. 76
Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 5, 1980
Ten Cents Fourteen Pages
It may not be perfect,
but CRISP is improving
In the beginning, there was registration for classes on a fir-
st-come, first-served basis. Students descended on Water-
man Gym to spend hours in line to register for their classes.
And it was grueling.
Then the University introduced a computer-assisted
registration process called CRISP. Seniors were granted the
first crack at classes, while other students were given
registration appointments on the basis of a rotating
alphabetical schedule. And, despite computer breakdowns,
the wait in the still-lengthy registration lines became much
NOW THERE IS new, improved CRISP.
The registration process remains essentially the same, but
the terminals transmitting information through telephone
lines and heat sensitive printout paper to the central Univer-
sity computer have been replaced by cathode ray terminals
with green display screens. And the process is more efficient,
University officials say.
"We cut the number of staff, terminals, and days for
registration," said Associate University Registrar Tom'
Karunas. "With the new terminals we can process more
students in less time."
KARUNAS SAID THAT the 22 terminals previously used
have been replaced by 20 of the new terminals, the
registration period has been cut from 12 days to 10, and the
staff has been reduced by seven from last year.
"It went so fast, I didn't have time to talk to this person I
knew that was standing in front of me," said Steve Miller,
an LSA sophomore who registered yesterday.*"There was no
standing in line."
Pam Pearson, a junior, said she finished registering for
classes five minutes before she was scheduled to begin.
See CRISP, Page 3
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
THE NEW COMPUTER terminals with video display screens and direct lines to the main computer may not have
cured all of CRISP's ills, but University officials say they save time and money.
Milliken on hig
'We've cut too 4
her ed:
Special to the Daily
LANSING-Governor William Milliken hinted
yesterday that the state may have overestimated in
recent years the capacity of public colleges and
universities to maintain high standards in the face of
decreased state appropriations.
"Higher education is an area where we've cut too
deeply," Milliken told the Daily yesterday.
BUT MILLIKEN said the state's dire economic
conditions dictate that he approve the 1980-81 higher
education appropriations bill the legislature sent to
his desk Wednesday. He expressed optimism,
however, that an improved economic condition next
year would mean more money for Michigan's 13
state-supported colleges and universities.
Under the 1980-81 appropriation bill, the University
of Michigan will receive $137.4 million in state fun-
ds-a reduction of 5 percent from last year's
Double-digit inflation means this year's state ap-
propriation will actually purchase about 15 percent
less than last year's allocation.
THE STATE MONEY makes up 60 percent of the
University's general fund budget. Tuition makes up
most of the rest.
While state funding cuts are prompting midyear
tuition increases at many state schools, the Univer-
sity of Michigan is already beginning to cut its budget
to make up for the $7 million decrease in state ap-
University Vice President for Academic Affairs
Billy Frye last month asked non-teaching units to
reduce this year's budget by 3 percent while asking
all departments to cut the 1981-82 budget by 7 percent.
Such moves mean tuition probably won't increase un-
til the usual time in September.
MEETING WITH college newspaper editors in
Lansing yesterday, Milliken said he fears recession-
style . budget cuts may permanently harm
educational programs that have taken decades to
build to their present strength.
"My greatest fear is that we will have taken cuts in.-
the higher education area that will cause faculty ...
to look elsewhere in other states for their futures,"'
Milliken said.
Milliken, who has held several recent meetings
with University President Harold Shapiro, said he
"was delighted with (Shapiro's) reaction" to the
gloomy economic picture. The governor said he was
impressed with Shapiro's plan to concentrate resour-
ces in areas where the University of Michigan is
MILLIKEN SAID he has been thinking- about a
similar plan for the statewide system of colleges and
universities. "I don't exclude any possibility in the
future, even the closing down of some institutions,"
the governor said.'
Milliken said the University of Michigan is a "great'
distinction" for; the state, and not a financial burden.
"Among privaf and public institutions, the Univer-
sity of Michigan ranks among the highest in the world
by any standard," the governor said.
Milliken said the University of Michigan will even-
tually have to eliminate some of its programs and
departments because of the budgetary problems.
MILLIKEN WARNED that although the economy
is beginning to pick up again, there will not be a
"total turnaround." Some programs, including those
in higher education, will have to be dropped per-
manently, he said.
Cutting appropriations to state colleges and
universities creates incentives for those institutions
to coordinate their efforts and avoid duplication and
overlap of programs, he said.
"For one thing, we don't need new buildings,"
Milliken said. Providing for maintenance of existing
buildings would remain a priority, he said. (The
higher education appropriations bill, however, con-
tains funding for some new facilities,- including the
University of Michigan's new medical library.)
Although cooperation among institutions of higher
education is becoming more important, Milliken said
he opposes a branch system like those of New York
and California. ""That'sfa very centralized, rigid
system," he said. "In Michigan we value autonomy,
and therefore,, creativity and innovative ap-
Milliken will make his recommendations on the
1982 budget the end of next ronth; as required by the
state constitution.
"I want you to know that it (higher education) is a
high priority to me," Milliken said. "We cannot allow
the trend (of severe budget cuts) to continue."
It Checking
may hurt
1 period
nber 5. patrons.
arge for By JULIE HINDS
d atin
.A MEMBER OF the Galens Society accepts a donation, which will be used to
help fund child care health institutions, during the group's 53rd annual Tag
Day Sale. The group has set a target of $42,000 in donations this year.
Galens Society starts
annual tag day sae
Incoming foreign stude
ousing proposal rafte
Ninety-eight University medical
students and six of their faculty ad-"
*visors will spend a good portion of the
next two days out on the streets of Ann
Arbor in search of warm hearty and
cold cash.
Members of the Galens Society, clad
in bright red ponchos, are soliciting
funds for their 53rd annual tag day. The
society has set a target of $42,000 in
collections this year, which will be
donated primarily to child care health
institutions, according to tag day co-
chairman and society president Dan
Havelchek. .
"ALL OF THE money goes back to
the community in one way or another,"
Havelchek said. Most of' the money
collected by the group is allocated ,to
the Galens Workshop, which was
established in 1928 to help tutor Univ'er-
sity Hospital child patients. Last year,
Havelchek said, the society donated
more than $22,000 to the workshop to
help pay for school supplies and tutor
The society also contributes to the
C.S. Mott Hospital emergency fund,
which provides money to pay for over-
night accommodations for out-of-town
parents with children in the hospital.
Other donations go to a Children's
Psychiatric Hospital recreation fund,
and a collection for a Christmas party
for adolescent patients in the Neuro-
Psychiatric Institute.
This.past year, Havelchek said, the
society also donated $16,793 to help
finance a summer camp for children
suffering from hemophilia, another
See GALENS, Page 2
University Housing Director,
Robert Hughes has drafted a
proposal designed. to alleviate a
shortage of temporary housing
space for incomingforeign students.
If approved by University Vice-
President for Student Services
Henry Johnson, the proposal would
reserve at least 100 spaces in a
University dormitory for foreign
students arriving in the late summer
who do not have living arrangemen-
THE LOW-COST dorm rooms
would be available throughout most
of August and early September for
incoming international students un-
til they can locate permament
The proposal, to be presented to
Johnson on Monday, was spurred by
concern voiced since September by
the Michigan Student Assembly and
some staff members of the Inter-
national Center, the University's,
liaison with foreign students.
Hughes refused to release details
of the proposal until Monday, but
confirmed that it includes
provisions for at least 100 reserved
spaces in a central campus dorm.
Hughes also said more space could
be allocated if the need arose.
JOHNSON SAID he has not yet
seen the plan and could, not
speculate on its chances for ap-
MSA Vice-President for Inter-
national Student Affairs Amy Har-
tmann had worked with several
University administrators, in-
cluding Hughes and Johnson, and
had appeared before the Regents in
an effort to guarantee temporary
space for incoming foreign students.
Hartmann said Hughes told her in
a meeting yesterday that the
proposal provided at least 100 reser-
ved spaces in South Quad, in
low-cost meals at the dorm c
during most of the arriva
between August 3 and Septer
calls for a $7.50 a night cha
double-occupancy rooms and
night charge for single-oc
Hartmann said she is plea
Hughes' proposal and sa
believes, if approved,
significantly improve,
eliminate, the temporary
shortage for foreign students
Johnson praised Hartma
the international .studen
pushing for the change
initiative for it (the proposa
from the international s
themselves," Johnson s
brought it up to the execu
ficers and told the pr
See 'U', Page 14
sed with
aid she
it will
if not
inn and
nts for
l) came
aid. "I
utive of-
At first glance a new federal law
allowing banks to offer interest on
checking accounts sounds like a money-
making proposition for most account
holders. But local bankers agree that
checking with interest could prove
more costly than regular checking for
patrons-including many students with
small accounts.
When the law goes into effect
January 1, banks will offer 51/4 percent
interest on certain checking accounts,
along with regular, no-interest
checking accounts.
TO AVOID LOSING money through
interest payments, local banks will
raise both the minimum balance
See CHECKING, Page 14
Union to close for holiday
THE MICHIGAN Union will close for the University's
holiday recess on Tues., Dec. 23. It will re-open Sun.,
Jan. 4. Bus and limousine service will maintain regularly
scheduled departures from the Union, but it is suggested
that tickets be purchased before the building closes. Tickets
will otherwise be available from drivers. The University
Cellar will be open, with access through the north entrance
of the Union on Union Drive. i v
water all the time." Police said the baby has no previous
water all the time." Police said the baby has no previous
arrest record. H
Crabby cop
Remember the old joke about the customer who sits
down at a restaurant and asks' the waiter if he serves
crabs? The waiter replies, "Yes, sir. We serve anybody."
Well, some eateries may have difficulty serving crabs
because a thief stole 34,000 pounds of frozen Alaskan King
crab legs from a refrigerator trailer in Chicago. The FBI,
investigating the cool caper, said the thief apparently hit-
tle siblings for Christmas? The Consumer Affairs Commit-
tee of Americans for Democratic Action has a few
suggestions on presents that you should take out of con-
sideration. The committee released this week a list of 18
toys that should be relegated to the "trash box." Topping
the list is a baby doll with a smell that doesn't go away.
Says the group of Remco's "Baby Cry and Dr ": "Take her
out of the box - she smells - and the odor doesn't go
away." Mothers and children assessed 2,112 toys for the
committee's ninth annual report. The classification of
"trash box" toys was based on safety, good play value,
durability, and realistic packaging and advertising. Some
.anything they touch."
" "Slime Worms" by Mattel - "Such a trashy toy, it
even comesin its own garbage can.
* And, of course, "Baby Cries for You" by Mattel
"the tears don't just drip out, they whoosh out in a three-
foot jet stream."
Douglas Thomson, president of the Toy Manufacturers
Association, said the committee's comments are "their
opinions. They don't reflect the opinions of 220 million
Americans." But then again, no one ever went broke un-
derestimating the taste of the American public.