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November 13, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-11-13

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 13, 1980-Page 3

FLOC bucks
rightward trend

The nation's apparent' swing
toward conservatism has not had a
negative effect on public response to
the activities of the Farm Labor
Organizing Committee, according to
local FLOC support group members.
Since 1979 FLOC has urged con-
sumers to boycott products if they
say "Libby's on the label," along
with products of the Campbell's
Soup Co. FLOC initiated the boycotts
to pressure the corporations to
negotiate with farm workers who
have been on strike in Ohio since
"It really seems to be moving,"
local support group member Bob
Rice said of the organization's ac-
tivities. In its first Ann Arbor bucket
drive last week, FLOC collected
more than $1,200, Rice said.
LOCALLY, THE group spreads in-
formation about the boycotts and
raises funds for the strikers through
bake sales, literature distributions;
and concerts featuring Latino music
at the Ark.
The strikers in Ohio have asked
for improved living conditions, a
guarantee of at least 28 hours of
work per week; and a minimum
wage of $3.50 per hour, Rice said.
They also have asked to be trained
in other-areas of food production so
they will not lose their jobs once
mechanization fully replaces
workers in the fields, he added.
ALTHOUGH THE strike is impor-
tant, the companies "won't feel the
pressure of a few canneries having

depressed activities," Rice said.
"Support of the boycott and letters
(to the companies) are very impor-
tant," he said.
The strike and boycott, however,
have had "zero effect" on Cam-
pbell's, according to Rodger Dun-
can, the corporation's director of
public relations.
"Our growers use machines," he
explained. "The strikers have not
blocked any movement of the
trucks, so the strike has had no ef-
fect on our production."
A spokesperson for Libby's could
not be reached for comment.
BUT FOOD production in Ohio is
"way down" for Campbell's, accor-
ding to Sarita Rios, a member of the
central FLOC office in that state.
"It was very visible that there was
less of a line-up of trucks than there
had been in the past, because the
amount of tomatoes was less," she
"The machines are not as effec-
tive as workers," Rios continued.
"Rain bogs them down, and they
pick rotten tomatoes as well as good
ones, so many farmers still use
workers instead."
IN ADDITION to appealing to in-
dividuals for support, local FLOC
workers are turning to organizations
for help.
"There is a lot of emphasis on get-
ting the labels for education
program out of the schools," said
Kathy Yih, a local support group
See FLOC, Page 10

Floods hit
locals drift
nto bars
KEY WEST, Fla. (UPI) - A record
23-inch rainfall left parts of Key West
under five feet of water yesterday and
brought patrons floating into Sloppy
Joe's bar on rafts.
One adventuresome citizen water
skied down main street, towed by a
pickup truck.
"ADULTS WERE out playing in the
water like kids," said Rose Elmore,
bartender at Sloppy Joe's, author Er-
nest Hemingway's old haunt. "Water
was kneedeep in the bar. Everybody
was just basically partying. Four guys
in wet suits and diving masks rowed up,
in a raft, tossed an anchor out and or-
dered rum-and-coke."
"I've never seen anything like it,"
said Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy,
referring to the deluge that hit the city
Tuesday afternoon and continued
through the evening. "Sometimes you
couldn't see two feet in front of you."
The National Weather Service said an
upper-atmosphere storm, held
stationary by the moving edge of
Hurricane Jeanne in the Gulf of
Mexico, was responsible for the record
rainfall. Key West's wettest previous 24
hours was Nov. 13-14, 1954, when 19.88
inches fell.

AP Photo
TWO YOUNG KEY West, Fla. residents, 1.5-year-old Fred Thompson (right) and Mike Bethel, 8, use a small rubber raft
to navigate between stalled cars in a downtown residential section of the city yesterday. Key West was hit by a 24-hour

record rainfall of 23 inches.
At the height of the downpour cars
drifted down streets, Key West Inter=
national Airport closed, most of the
island lost electric power, and water
sloshed through hundreds of low-lying
homes, hotels and other buildings.
Veterans Day, didn't open yesterday.

But power was restored to most of the
Damage, however, "isn't too exten-
sive," McCoy said. "A lot of individual
homes are inundated. It doesn't seem to
be too monumental. There's an awful
lot of cleaning up to be done."
There were no known injuries from
the storm, but many apparent good

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Hoffman ridicules

AAFC-Brink of Life, 7,9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-IConfess, guest speaker cancelled, 7,9p.m., Lorch Hall.
Mediatrics-She Done Him Wrong, 7:30 p.m.; Sextette, 9 p.m., Nat. Sci.
A-V Services-Having Twins, Pregnancy after 35, 12:10 p.m., SPH II Aud.
Ann Arbor Public Library-The Power to Change, 12:10, 7:30 p.m., Ann
Arbor Public Library.
Biology-Bag lunch sem., Philip Filner, "Regulation of Assembly and
Disassembly of Flagell of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii," noon, 1139 Nat.
CJS-Bag lunch lec., Frank Upham, "Morality or Law: Tactical Choices
in Japanese Social Movements," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Museum of Anthro-Bag lunch sem., Claire Mchale, "Patheolithic
Sequence in Southern Jordan Chronology, Geology Typology," noon, 2009
Theater & Drama-Bag lunch lec., Peter Ferrang, "Dramatology:
Remedy for Bonehead Theater," noon, 200 Lane Hall.
Computing Ctr.-Chalk Talk, "Record Handling Using MVC," 12:10 p.m.,
1011 MUBS.
MHRI-R. M. Gaze, "The Paths Taken By Retinal Axons in Xenophs,"
3:45p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Chemistry-Robin Garrell, "Kant, Coleridge, and the Corpuscularian
Inheritance," 4p.m., 1200 Chem.
Hillel-Mitchell Dahood, "The Ebla Talbets and the Biblical Philology," 4
p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Women's Studies-Natalie Davis, "Making a Film on Relations between
the Sexes in 16th Century France," 4 p.m., 2549 LSA.
Comp. Lit.-Patricia Merivale, "One Endless Round: Joseph Heller's
"Something Happened and the Purgatorial Novel," 4:10 p.m., Rackham E.
Econ. Society-Saul Hymans, Harold Spapiro, "Economic Outlook for the
Michigan Economy," 5 p.m., Bus. Ad., Michigan Room.
Bush Prog. & School of Ed.-Michael Katz, "Historical Perspectives in
Educational Reform," 4 p.m., Schorling Aud.
S. & S.E. Asian Studies-Dante Simbulan, "Elite-Oriented Development
and its Impact on Human Rights in the Philippines," 8 p.m., Lane Hall
Colloquium-"Polymer Compatibility and Phase Transitions," Dr. Lud-
wik Leibler, 4 p.m., Whote Aud., Cooley Bldg.
A Advocates for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth-Mary Schuman and Sue
McMillan, "Caesarian Birth," and slide show", 7:30 p.m., Wesley Found.
Lounge, 602 E. Huron.
Dept. of Mech. Engin. and Appl. Mech.-Yoram Koren, "Industrial
Robots," noon, 325 E. Engin. Bldg.
College of Engin.-Darsh Wasan, "Enhanced Oil Recovery with Chemical
Additives," 11 a.m., 2084 E. Engin.
Studio Theater-Esqurial, 4:10 p.m., Arena Theater, Frieze Bldg.
Stage Co.-"Sizwe Banze is Dead," Canterbury Loft, 8 p.m.
U. Musical Society-Murray Perahia, pianist, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Aud.
Ark-Irish Band Barde, 9p.m., 1421 Hill.
Guild House-Poetry reading, Richard McMullen, Howard McCord, 7:30
p.m., 802 Monroe.
UAC-Soundstage Coffeehouse, 8 p.m.-midnight, Union U. Club.
Campus Weight Watchers-5:30 p.m., League Project Room.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fell.-7 p.m., League & Union.
Al. Anon-8:30 p.m., N21815U. Hosp.
Sailing Club-7:45 p.m., 311 W. Engin.
MSA-Task Force, 3909 Union, 7 p.m.
Studio Theater-Escurial, 4:10p.m., Arena Theater, Frieze Bldg.
WCCAA-Coalition Against Apartheid, 8 p.m., Trotter House.
Biomedical Research Council-The University is sponsoring its third
Research Forum to be held Sat., March 21, 1981. Six to eight speakers will be
selected by their abstracts. The deadline for submission is Jan. 2. Contact
Office of Biomedical Research, 763-1127.
Rec. Sports-Clinic, "Setting up a Weight Training Program," 7:30-9:30

Reagan, g
(Continued from Page 1)
WITH A showing of just 550 at the ap-
pearance, which Viewpoint staffer
Tony Weiss descrived as "less than we
expected," the beleaguered lecture
series remains in serious financial
Chairwoman Michele Carter had
stated that the Hoffman lecture was a
do-or-die venture for Viewpoint, and a
near-capacity crowd was anticipated.
Instead, 1,200 seats were empty -
Viewpoint will have to use University
Activities Center funds to cover costs,
bringing total losses for the fall term to
more than $1,300.
After working in the early 1960s civQ
rights movement, Hoffman migrated to
Manhattan's Lower East side and was
an early member of the rapidly
growing counter-culture.

DURING THE late 60s, Hoffman took
part in street theatre. His crowning
street performance, however, took
place in Chicago during the riots out-
side 1968 Democratic National Conven-
tion. Hoffman was a member of the
Chicago Seven - the group charged
with conspiracy for organizing the
After being charged with selling
three pounds of cocaine to undercover
agents, Hoffman went underground in
1974. Under New York state narcotics
laws, he faces a possible life sentence if
Hoffman (or Barry Freid, his alias)
settled on a St. Lawrence River island
in upstate New York and soon became a
community organizer. He got along so
well with island residents that many
suggested that he run for Congress.

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Milliken outlines cuts in
plans for balancing budget

(Continued from Page 1)
economy and the mood of voters who
last week rejected radical tax-slashing
at his request.
THE REDUCTIONS "represent a
determined attempt on the part of your
state government to live within our own
means and to keep faith with the in-
dividual taxpayers," the governor said
in the evening address.
The Milliken administration earlier
this fall proposed raising revenue
through levies on cigarette, capital
gains, military pay and deregulation of
The governor's cuts included:
$65 million from state school aid,

bringing the total since January to $223
" $60 million from higher education.
" $20 million in revenue sharing fun-
ds to local communities.
* $12.4 million from the Department
of Natural Resources, which could
mean the closing of state parks and in-
cludes severe cutbacks in the forest fire
and solid waste disposal programs.
The cuts will have to be made by a
joint House-Senate conference commit-
tee working on 1980-81 budget bills
already approved, and then passed
again by the legislature as a whole.



wool sweaters
Q -
ves ts

A. Tofu-Miso Soup ...........72-
Light Broth With Tofu & Miso
B. Wakame-.Miso Soup....... 72°
Light Broth With Sea Weed
1.R TANIN DONBURI-.........................$1.92
Beef, onions, eggs.'RICE
2.R OYAKO DONBURI.....................$1.92
Chicken, onions, eggs, RICE
3. IRIDA MA DONBURI..----.....................$1.92
Bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, white &
green onions. to fu, shirataki, eggs, RICE
4.R KATSUDONBURI .........................$1.92
Fried veal cutlet, onions, eggs, RICE
5.R TEMPUR A DONBURI....................$.1.92
fried vegetables in light batter,
shrimp, eggs, RICE
6. TONKATS . ................................$1.92
Fried veal cutlet with shredded cabbage & sauce
7 CHICKEN TERIYAKI........... ............ $1.92
Broiled breast of chicken, marinated. sauce, RICE'F
8. KUSHIKATSU .............................................$81.92
Skewered and breaded fried Beef with onions
cabbage & sauce
9. SUKIYAKI-BEEF..........................................$81.92
White & green onions, Japanese vegetables in
sukiyaki sauce with beef & RICE
10. SUKIYAKI-CHICKEN.................................... $1.92
As above with chicken, RICE

. ,
w. 4

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