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October 18, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-18

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy, windy and cooler
with chance of showers.
High in the upper 505.

Vol. XCl, No. 39 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 18, 1980 Ten Cents Eight Pages





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Players ordered to
stay out of local bars

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily
Three Michigan hockey players who
were involved in a hazing incident
earlier this week confirmed reports last
night that they were suspended by
University Athletic Director Don
Canham for this weekend's series
against Bowling Green University.
They also confirmed that Canham
has ordered all hockey team players to
stay out of local bars as punishment for
the hazing of five freshman team mem-
bers last Sunday.
The three players-team captain Tim
Manning, alternate captain John Blum,
The Michigan hockey team lost
the first game of the season 3-2
to Bowling Green University.
See story, Page 7.
and senior right-wing Jeff Mars-also
confirmed that Canham said players
would be suspended for the rest of the
season if they violated the bar restric-
ADDITIONALLY, THE three seniors
confirmed an earlier claim by sources
who asked to remain unidentified that
"the team leaders.,... are bearing the
brunt of the punishment for the entire
team, and were not the primary in-
stigators of the hazing incident" in
which 15 veterans reportedly par-
Manning, Blum, and Mars, reached
by telephone last night, verified reports
that the Daily received earlier yester-
The three veterans are considered in-
tegral members of the hockey team.
They said they did not make the trip to
Bowling Green yesterday and will not
be participating in tonight's game
against the Falcons.
WHEN ASKED by a reporter-early
yesterday to confirm the suspensions
and the bar restrictions, Canham said,
"If they don't play, somebody probably
held them back."
After saying that additional
disciplinary action may be taken, the

athletic director declined further com-
University President Harold Shapiro
said in a prepared statement Thursday
that no official information will be
released concerning the identities or
the punishment of the hockey team
members who were involved ins the
hazing incident Sunday night.
DURING THE hazing, one player
was stripped; had his body hair
shaved; and was abandoned drunk,
sick, cold, and incoherent at his dorm.
"Our regental bylaws contain the
overall concept of the right to privacy
of students, faculty, and staff mem-
bers. Student rights of privacy are
guaranteed by Federal law, under the
Family Education Rights and Privacy
Act, and were reinforced here at
Michigan by the University's Board of
Regents when they adopted a new
regental bylaw on Rights of Privacy
and Access to Information," Shapiro
said in the statement.
"I stated earlier this week that the
iUniversity community is shocked at the
ldeplorable disregard of the personal
safety and well-being of a fellow
student and that the University finds
such behavior totally reprehensible. We
could not support the continued
operation of any group which allowed
such practices to continue."
The victim of the hazing told the
Daily Thursday that he did not wish to
press charges.
The hockey team released a
statement Wednesday that conflcited
with reports by Markley Dormitory
Resident Adviser Steve Kralnke, who
said the unidentified player was strip-
ped, had his genital hair shaved off as
well as hair on other parts of his body.
"THE FRESHMAN involved did not
have his entire body shaved and after
being outside where he vomited twice
was brought inside to be warmed," the
statement said. "He was not, according
"to earlier newspaper accounts, left out-
side to be sick, lying on the ground for
more than an hour and a half."
"As the case was -throughout the
evening," the release said, no physical
force was involved although peer
pressure was evident."


Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY (D-Mass.) praises Kathleen O'Reilly, candidate for the Second District congressional
seat, at a local fundraiser for the candidate yesterday.

The political parade continued yesterday as Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.) came to Ann Arbor to promote U.S.
congressional candidate Kathleen O'Reilly at a $50-a-head
The city has been a stomping ground for political figures
and their relatives in recent weeks with Jerry Ford, Edmund
Muskie, Keke Anderson, and Joan Mondale stopping in.
Yesterday, Kennedy joined much of the state's Democratic
machine to promote O'Reilly's campaign.
KENNEDY, WHO WORKED with O'Reilly during her
directorship of the Consumer Federation of America, praised
the Plymouth resident as "one of the outstanding lights in the
Democratic Party."
"The consumers' voice has never been articulated so
compassionately," he continued.
O'Reilly, a prominent consumer activist, is attempting to
oust two-term incumbent Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth) from
his Second District seat.
Nearly 200 paid guests, political dignitaries, and jour-
nalists stuffed the 126 N. Division home of attorney George
Sallade-a well-known Democratic booster-to see and hear
Kennedy. His arrival was later than expected, and the
senator spoke for only five minutes before shaking hands and
departing out a side door. He made a similar address to
another 200 people crowded outside the home beforehand.
"I HAD HOPED," Kennedy quipped, "that since George
has been such a faithful assistant to the Democrataic party,

Greets local Dems
at O'Relly party
that I could have invited him to the White House. Things
didn't quite work out that way, however, and instead, he in-
vites me over to his house."
Once he finished elaborating the virtues of an O'Reilly
victory, Kennedy restated his appeal for President Carter's
re-election. He described the Reagan candidacy as represen-
ting the "forces of negativism, reaction, and retreat," and
hailed the president as supporting forces of "hope and op-
SALLADE'S LIVING ROOM resembled a living who's
who of area Democrats: state Sen. Edward Pierce (D-Ann Ar-
bor) was present, along with state Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor). Neil Staebler, the retired 20-year Michigan
Democratic party chairman-nicknamed the "Grand old
man of Michigan politics"-also attended the fundraiser. In
addition, dozens of regional mayors, county commissioners,
school board officials, circuit court judges, and township of-
ficials-all Democrats from the Second District-joined,
together to endorse O'Reilly.
"This type of thing will bring out all past, present, and
future Democratic politicians in the area," said local lawyer
Les Seeligson. He called yesterday's event "the most suc-
cessful fundraiser anybody's seen around here in a hell of a
long time."
O'Reilly herself appeared pleased with the morning's
fundraiser. She said that "the message of '(Kennedy's) com-
ments was very helpful," and added that the fundraiser
"should keep us charged up" betweeen now and the Novem-
ber 4 election.




Six witnesses- tell of
1 977 football hazing.

Fa clsitnedraise

Although faculty members under-
stand the University's financial dif-
ficulties, they need a "substantial" pay
increase next year, a faculty
spokesman told the Regents yesterday.
The faculty is "appreciative that the
raise (in 1980-81) of 9 percent was the
highest in a decade,"- said Economics
Prof. Ronald Teigen, head of the Com-
mittee on the Economic Status of the
Faculty. Because inflation is about 13
percent, there was a decline in the
"real" wage of faculty membt , he
THE CURRENT year is the fifth con-
secutive year that the faculty has lost
purchasing power in its "real" dollar
salary, Teigen said. "This can only lead
to discouragement and disincentive to
the pursuit of the sort of activities that

will enhance this University," he said.
Faculty members have been forced
to bear more than their share of the
financial burden in good times, Teigen
said, and it may be hard for the Regents
to persuade the faculty to bear the bur-
den in hard times.
Regent Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor)
suggested that the faculty would be
wise to work to help defeat the Tisch tax
cut ballot proposal if pay raises are
desired. "It seems to me not one of
these things can be considered without
the other," she said.
IT WAS THE Regents' turn yesterday
to take a swipe at the Tisch tax cut
proposal-Proposal D. The University
would lose much of its state funding if
voters approve the tax cut, University
administrators have argued.
"It's no overstatement to say we have

a real fire at our door," said Power.
The Regents watched a 15 minute
slide show on the effects of the tax cut
on higher education. Malcolm
Baroway, University director of state
and community relations, who is coor-
dinating the University's anti-Tisch ef-
forts, said he recently read a newsletter
published by Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity in Ypsilanti that claimed EMU
would fold if Proposal D passes.
"IT'S GENERALLY agreed that if
the proposal were voted on today, it
would pass," Baroway said.
Vice President for University
Relations Michael Radock said,
"Proposal D is a . . . threat to higher
education and to the University. We
cannot wake up on November 5 and say
See FACULTY, Page 8

"He opened his door and they dragged him out into
the hall and started pushing and hitting him."
"He" is a player on this year's Michigan football team,
who as a freshman in 1977 was the victim of a hazing at the
hands of 20 fellow black football players, according to six
University seniors who said they witnessed parts of
various hazing incidents.
THE MICHIGAN HOCKEY team, then, apparently is
not the only varsity team with a recent history of hazings.
The six seniors, who asked to remain anonymous, in-
dependently confirmed this week the 1977 hazings of
several freshman football players in a University dor-
mitory. The students said the hazings appeared to be ad-
ministered exclusively by black players to black fresh-
Several black football players contacted this week said
they knew of no hazing or initiation rites among the
But the six students said they witnessed specific hazing
"WE KNEW THAT they were coming. The freshman
players told us of this," one of the witnesses said. "A'
group of about 20 black football players came and started
pounding on doors until they found a black football player.
"They found (the freshman who is now a player on the
1980 team). He opened his door and they dragged him out

into the hall and started pushing and hitting him," the
witness continued.
Another witness, who said he saw the same hazing, said
the players were scorned if they didn't participate in the
ritual initiations.
"ONCE A FRESHMAN was caught, he had to accom-
pany the pack. (The current player) refused to join the
pack and they began to shout (various obscenities) at
Some of the six witnesses said one player, to avoid being
hazed, did not sleep in his dorm room for three days.
"Whenever one of the football players got beaten, there
was an instant grapevine," one of the seniors said. "All
the other black freshman players got out of there fast."
The six seniors cited several other hazing instances that
could not be confirmed.
ONE ALLEGED INCIDENT occurred when the older
players pounded on the doors of two freshman players'
rooms and got no answer. According to one of the wit-
nesses, "The athletes then went to the RA's room and
began pounding on his door. They told him three times to
open the players' doors. When he didn't, they threatened
that they would kick in his door and get him. (To avoid the
players, the Resident Adviser) went out his window."
See FOOTBALL, Page 8

From Athens With Love
FTER FACING villians such as Dr. No and
Goldfinger, whoever thought the incredible
Agent 007 would do battle with gray-bearded
Orthodox monks. It seems that a group of monks
is objecting to the filming of the new James Bond epic "For
Your Eyes Only" in their remote Athens monastery
because they find the film "thoroughly immoral." In an in-

monks' horror. The production company's legal adviser
said "the monks are being quite unreasonable. We are
paying $400 a day to the Culture Ministry for permission to
film at historic monuments. We intend to go ahead."
Perhaps Her Majesty's secret service will be called in if 007
does not triumph soon. Q
Dear Ann Landers
Nothing is more fun than taking one of Ann Landers'
famous sex and dating tests to find out if you're considered
decadent, beyond hope, prudish, inexperienced, or a gigolo.,
Unfortunately. Melanie Peck, a Houston schoolteacher, did

That's incredible
Dan Cooke of Ohio won immortality by'allowing at least,
21,000 bees to swarm on his face, chest and throat, setting a
new "beard of bees" world record. Peter Dowdeswell set a
new prune-gobbling mark by downing 144 prunes in a light-
ning 53.5 seconds in Paris. Those are two of the items con-
tained in the 1981 edition of the Guinness Book of World
Records. The collection of feats indicates that record-
seekers are going to enormous lengths to push back the
limits of human endurance, courage-and outlandishness.

Sticks and stones
Chalk one up for the name callers. For decades, parents
have been telling their children that if they don't have
something nice to say, they shouldn't say anything at all.
But a district court in Copenhagen has ruled that in some
cases it's okay to call people names. The court decided a
worker cannot be fired from his job without advance notice
or severance pay just because he calls his boss' wife qn "old
hag." Reversing a lower-court decision, the district court
said recently the name-calling came "in an isolated in-
cident under circumstances that did not justify" firing the
man. The machinist received his back pay and court costs





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