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October 04, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-10-04

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


ifI ilQ

Look for partly cloudy
skies with a chance of
showers today. The mer-
cury should hit a high in
the low 50s.


Vol, XCI. No. 27

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 4, 1980

len Cents

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Police speculate
on activities of
murder victims


Two of three Ann Arbor women stab-
bed to death within the last six months
were driving alone: on Packard Road
prior to their murders, Ann Arbor
Police Chief William Corbett theorized
yesterday. The third victim was on foot,
walking from the Big Boy restaurant on
Washtenaw Avenue, he said.
This was the first time police officials
have released information on their
theories concerning the victims' pre-
dawn activities preceding the murders.
POLICE ALSO released yesterday a
composite sketch of a man seen within
30 to 40 yards of Huff's west-side apar-
tment complex at the time of her mur-
The man sought is a white male, 27 to
29 years old, muscular, and 5 feet, 7 in-
ches to 5 feet, 8 inches tall, police said.
He was wearing a white tank top and
dark work-type trousers.
"We're not willing to call this person
a suspect," Corbett said. "We're in-
terested in what that individual was
doing in that area at that time."
POLICE constructed the composite
Thursday night after interviewing an
unidentified witness, Corbett said.
Victims Rebecca Greer Huff andI
Glenda Richmond were driving on
Packard Road and the pedestrian was
Shirley Small, Corbett explained.
Huff, 30, was slain Sept. 14. She was

working on a master's degree in
business administration at the Univer-
THE FIRST murder victim, Shirley
Small, 17, was found dead last April 20
near her home in the Georgetown
Townhouses on Page Avenue.
On July 13 the body of Glenda Rich-
mond, 23, was discovered outside the
front door of her University Townhouse
apartment near Braeburn Circle on
Ellsworth Road.
At the time of Huff's death Corbett
said: "By evidence and associations
we've developed, they (the murders)
could all have been committed by one
person." Police maintain, however,
that they don't know whether the mur-
ders are linked.
CORBETT CITED five similarities in
all three homicides:
* The victims were stabbed in the
chest area.
* There is no evidence of sexual
*'The women were murdered in the
early Sunday morning.
" The women were young, attractive,
unescorted females who lived in large
apartment complexes with high
population densities.
"FROM EVIDENCE, all three vic-j
tims were on their way home and were
accosted in front of it," Corbett said.
Washtenaw County Prosecuting At-
torney William Delhey speculated

yesterday on what happened:
"The girls are driving alone in a car,
a guy cruises around and looks next to
him, sees a nice looking girl and follows
her home. If she drives into a residen-
tial area the man leaves. If she drives
into a highly dense apartment complex
he gets his chance.
"If I were a young woman in Ann Ar-
See POLICE, Page 2

sought in connection with slayings.

Muskie to attend Peace
Corps commemoration

Harrison said no one would be sent to replace Lillian Car-

Secretary of State Edmund Muskie will speak at the
University Oct. 14, helping mark the Peace Corps' 20th an-
niversay, a State Department official said yesterday.
However, Lillian Carter, President Carter's mother, was
forced to cancel plans to attend because of a broken hip.
The State Department confirmation of Muskie's Ann Ar-
bor appearance came after more than a week of speculation
that he would attend the anniversary celebration.
"HE'S ACCEPTING in principle," State Department
spokesman Hendrik Woods said, "which means that barring,
some major crisis" Muskie will be in town.
Meanwhile, Judy Harrison, who handles Lillian Carter's
schedule said the president's mother will not attend the
event. "She will definitely not be coming to Ann Arbor,"
Harrison said. "She will probably be in the hospital for the
next three weeks."

I -

THE PRESIDENT'S 'mother broke her hip Thursday
morning in a fall and is recovering in an Americus, Ga.
hospital following surgery.
Both Lillian Carter, a former Peace Corps volunteer, and
Muskie were looking forward to the celebration, said Don
McClure, the Peace Corps official coordinating the event.
"She (Lillian Carter) really counted on being there," Mc-
Clure said.
Muskie has been working with speechwriters on his Ann
Arbor address for several weeks and considers it to be a
"major speech" because of his personal interest in the Peace
Corps, McClure said.
Muskie will deliver his speech on the steps of the Michigan
Union, the site where John Kennedy first announced his plan
for the voluntary service organization on the campaign trail
in 1960.

SINGER BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN performed last night before an ecstatic sell-out audience of 14,000, whose members
spent much of the night standing on their seats, at Crisler Arena. Springsteen kicked off his first national tour in two
years with his appearance here.


Viewpoint lectures going broke
. A A


The empty lecture hall that greeted Viewpoint
lecturer Perry Bullard Thursday night represents a
trend in declining attendance that could force
Viewpoint Lectures-the student body's only lecture
program-out of business.
"We are losing our shirts," Viewpoint Lecture
Chairwoman Michele Carter said yesterday. "If this
continues, Viewpoint is not going to be here any
more." I '
VIEWPOINT IS A student-run program and part of
the University Activities Center. The three-year-old
group sponsors both free and paid-admission lectures
and has brought celebrities such as Jane Fonda,
Gloria Steinem, and Bella Abzug to campus.
Attendance at the lecture series has been steadily
declining, Carter said. "Winter term last year was
bad," she said, "but not as bad as this year so far."

For example, consumer activist Ralph Nader
spoke to an audience of 1,600 last spring. Only 136 at-
tended his Sept. 22 campus lecture.
AND THURSDAY night, State Rep. Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) was scheduled to speak in the Michigan
Union Ballroom on student issues. The lone spectator
wandered in five minutes after the lecture was to
Shana Alexander and James Kilpatrick, known for
their appearances on CBS' "60 Minutes" will be in
Ann Arbor Tuesday for a "Point/Counterpoint" style
debate on the presidential elections. Only 145 tickets
had been sold as of yesterday afternoon. Viewpoint
needs to sell about 3,500 tickets to break even, Carter
"That could be the turning point," Carter said. If
enough people don't show for the Alexander/Kil-

patrick lecture, the program could fold. She
estimated that Tuesday's lecture will cost Viewpoint
$11,000-including speakers fees, the rent for Hill
Auditorium, and printing for posters and tickets.
UAC IS ALLOCATED $1 per student each term to
sponsor its student entertainment programs, in-
cluding Mediatrics films, the annual Soph Show, two
Musket musicals, and the Michigras festival.
Some of its programs produce revenue and can bail
out those, such as Viewpoint Lectures, that don't.
A program that lacks both funds and student sup-
port, however, will not continue to receive support
from UAC. Carter declined to say how much
Viewpoint lost last year, but said it was a "large
RISING COSTS prompted the lecture sponsor to
raise its advance ticket price from $2 last year to $3

Cioty police to warn
noisy party-goers
By DAVID MEYER "there were quite a few tickets (for
City police will again issue war- noisy parties) issued, and most of
nings to excessively noisy partiers them were issued without warning."
before handing them citations, Ann A shortage of personnel and an
Arbor Police Chief William Corbett overload of calls made repeated
said yesterday, responding to con- warnings time-consuming, he ad-
cerns voiced earlier this week by the ded.
Michigan Student Assembly. Under the new policy, police will
Police has been issuing tickets for warn ordinance violators before
noisy parties without informing writing a ticket, Corbett said. In
violators that a complaint had been cases of clear misconduct, however,
made. MSA members said this an officer can issue a citation on the
police represented a change from first visit, he said.
previous years' practice of first Corbett agreed Wednesday to
warning party-goers that they were review the no-warning practice after
being too loud. an MSA delegation-sounding the
CORBETT SAID in September, See ANN ARBOR, Page 2

Jerry Ford on campus
ONFUSION OVER University scheduling policies
has caused a change in the location of a Tuesday
rally featuring former President Gerald Ford.
Ford, who is making a campaign stop for Rep.
-Carl Pursell, has been scheduled for a stop on the Diag, but
University officials said yesterday the rally has been
rescheduled for 4:15 p.m. at the Regents Plaza just east of
the Administration Building. n

The laziness factor
A New York firm says misspent time by America
employees costs the economy some $98 billion per
year-substantially more than the $40 billion bill listed for
embezzlement, arson, and the like. The Robert Half
organization says it has added up the costs of lost wages for
such things as extended lunch hours and coffee breaks
daydreaming on the job, excessive socializing, and per-
sonal phone calls and errands. Q
The Oops Report

cluded is Reagan's condemnation of Medicare: "Medical
care for the aged is a foot in the door of a government
takeover of all medicine." A Carter aide said that the
report was published to "remind people that what sounds
good on the dinner circuit %ould be disastrous from the
Oval Office. D
A glance at pecking orders
Just as chickens establish their social structure accord-
ing to their "pecking order," we humans help determine
our own social status by means of a "glancing order," ac-
cording to a Washington State Universitv studv. The

through iron bars or climbing over the prison wall. It sim-
ply required pedaling fast on the warden's bike. Officials at
the Colorado Federal Correctional Institution said Patter-
son, who was serving a five-year term for theft, was on a
minimum security work detail outside the prison grounds
when he disappeared on the warden's ten-speed. Prison
Assistant Administrator Art Espinosa shrugged off the
escape as "no big thing." After all, Patteron was con-
sidered "low-risk" and the warden's bicycle was recovered
at a nearby shopping center where the liberated prisoner
apparently abandoned it. "We're not too concerned about
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