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September 28, 1980 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-28

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Page 6-Sunday, September 28, 980--The Michigan Daily
At The MICHIGAN THEATRE-i1,37. & 9:00
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Reagan's ERA,
cost him suppor

abortion views

From AP and UPI
Ronald Reagan's opposition to the
Equal Rights Amendment and abortion
appears to be costing him votes in his
quest for the White House, particularly
the votes of women.
The latest Associated Press-NBC
News poll says Reagan draws less sup-
port from women than, from men. And
Jimmy Carter is the beneficiary of that
difference, drawing much of the sup-
port among women that Reagan fails to
AT LEAST PART of that weakness in
Reagan's appeal to women comes
from his stands against both the
proposed Equal Rights Amendment
and abortion. Support for both is
significant among all likely voters
And Reagan does the worst among
women who disagree with his positions
on the two issues.
Interestingly; independent John An-
derson, a strong supporter of the ERA
and opponent of efforts to ban abortion,
benefits only marginally from his
policy differences with Reagan and
CARTER, SPENDING the weekend
at Camp David, Md., was preparing for
a week of campaigning in the Northeast
and Midwest. Reagan, taking a break in

the middle of a two-week coast-to-coast
swing, was staying at his California
ranch near Santa Barbara.
Anderson, in a 12-hour blitz, spoke to
students at the University of Maine at
Orono, then went to Bangor,
Burlington, Vt., and Boston.
Reagan planned to leave his ranch
tomorrow en route east to Des Moines
and other stops, reaching Washington
at the end of the week.
CARTER HAS scheduled an excur-
sion tomorrow to New York, and visits

later in the week to Detroit
Dayton, Ohio, and Philadelph
The AP-NBC poll, taken
through Wednesday, says Rea
choice of 45 percent of the m
voters, while Carter is the ci
percent-a 14-point edge. Inc
candidate Anderson is the ch
percent and the rest were uni
named others.
In contrast, the women am
voters split their votes wit)
getting 39 percent and Cart

and Flint, cent, with Anderson garnering 13 per-
ia. cent. Thus, Reagan enjoys a clear
Monday margin among men and only a rough
agan is-the split among women.
iale likely REAGAN IS strongly opposed to
hoice of 31 abortion and opposes ratification of the
dependent ERA. Carter and Anderson support the
ioice of 13 ERA. Carter personally opposes abor-
decided or tion, but he has said he does not support
a constitutional amendment to bai
Long likely a bortion. Anderson has come ou
h Reagan strongly for the right of a woman to
er 36 per- have an abortion.
Both abortion and ERA are backed
by people likely to cast ballots on Nov.
4, the AP-NBC poll said.
A woman's right to an abortion is
favored by a 72-24 margin among likely
voters, with the remainder not sure.
The ERA is backed by a 41-28 edge, with
13 percent saying they are not sure and
18 percent saying they haven't heard of
ON BOTH ISSUES, Reagan does bes
among those who agree with him.
Those who oppose the ERA favor
Reagan over Carter by a 60-24 edge,
with Anderson drawing 7 percent. In
contrast, those who back the amen-
dment give Carter 38 percent; Reagan,
29 percent; and Anderson, 21 percent.

Reagan Carter
... loses some ... wins some

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Polls hod ey further debates

An AP News Analysis
LOS ANGELES-Ronald Reagan
says he'll debate President Carter if the
circumstances are right-but the only
thing that seems likely to end his reluc-
tance is a drop in his standing in the
As he heads into the final month of the
presidential campaign, the Republican
nominee has a nine-point lead over Car-
ter in the latest Associated Press-NBC
News poll.
AND THE prevailing feeling among
Reagan's political advisers is that
there's no need to run the risk of a,
debate unless it takes place under the
most favorable conditions for Reagan.
That means a guarantee that the in-
cumbent Democratic president would
agree to a one-on-one debate with in-
dependent presidential candidate John
Reagan had his confrontation with
Anderson last Sunday in Baltimore and
the Illinois congresman laced into the
Republican nominee for his stands on
several issues, particularly energy and
ANDERSON IS a debater whose
skills have been honed on the floor of
the House of Representatives. He's
quick and he can be savage.
Having come out of his debate with
Anderson with no apparent lasting
damage, Reagan feels Carter ought to
undergo the same trial by fire.
The public position of the Reagan
camp is that fairness requires that An-
derson get a shot at debating the
president, who turned down the League

of Women Voters' invitation to par-
ticipate in the Baltimore debate.
FOR A WHILE, Reagan felt very
comfortable allied with the non-
partisan league. At first, the
organization talked about placing an
empty chair on the stage to give added
emphasis to Carter's refusal to join the,
debate. But the league got cold feet
about that idea and dropped it.
Then the league announced last
Thursday that it was inviting Carter
and Reagan to a one-on-one debate to be
followed by a three-way debate in
which Anderson would join the other
two presidential candidates.
That proposal was what Carter wan-
ted all along and it infuriated many
Reagan aides. That anger was reflected
in Reagan aid James Baker III's
response to Ruth Hinerfeld, chair-
woman of the league's education fund:
"YOUR SACRIFICE of this principle
of fairness in succumbing to White
House pressure is unseemly and will
not reflect favorably upon the league,"
wrote Baker.
The league issued yesterday an ap-
peal for the three candidates-Carter,
Reagan and Anderson-to settle their
differences so that further debates can
be held between now and Election Day
4 on Nov. 4.
"We publicly call upon the candidates
to give and take and to come to an
agreement," Hinerfeld said in a
statement. "The American people1
should not lose the opportunity to see
and hear their candidates discuss the

BUT WHILE all the talk about fair-
ness sounds good, both Carter and
Reagan put greater weight on the polls.
The Republican candidate was spen-
ding the weekend in Los Angeles
resting and also planned to take a close
look at the latest polling data compiled
by Richard Wirthlin, his chief pollster.
That data will help determine
whether there will be any change in the
Reagan position on debates. It also will
be a key factor in determining where
the former California governor spends
his campaign time in October.
schedule has been left very loose for the
last three weeks in October in order to
give him the flexibility to campaign in
areas where it can do the most good.

Even before examining the polling
data, it's a good bet that Ohio, Illinois,
New York, and Pennsylvania will see a
lot of Reagan as the autumn leaves turn
gold in October.
Those are obvious states to conce
trate his effort in this close election. Bu
there also will be questions such as
whether Carter really is threatening
Reagan's hold on California's 45 elec-
toral votes, and how realistic is the
prospect of cutting into Carter's
Southern strength.
There also is the expectation, that
many democrats, unhappy with Car-
ter's handling of the economy or other
issues, and who are saying they wil
vote for Reagan of Anderson, wil
revert to their traditional party loyalty
when it gets closer to Election Day.

OIran calls Iraqi claim
of oil city capture 'a lie'

(Continued from Page 1)

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Japan and were heading to the Indian
Ocean to join U.S. Navy ships there in a
joint task force to patrol the Gulf.
The Task Force plan, proposed by
President Carter, has been effectively
turned down by such nations as West
Germany and Japan.
BAGHDAD RADIO said Iraqi troops
captured Ahwaz, capital of Iran's oil-
rich Khuzestan Province, and that the
city's ethnic Arab population welcomed
Iraqi troops with embraces. The radio
told the people of Iraq the army ws in
Ahwaz and "your Arab brothers there
are now under our protection." The city
is 70 miles northeast of Abadan and 330
miles southwest of the Iranian capital.
Tehran Radio said Baghdad's claim
Iggy s'.n
Continued from Page 7)
vival "Knocking 'em Down (In the
City)." From the past, we got "T.V.
Eye," "Lust for Life," "Funtime,"
"Niteclubbing" and more. Iggy threw
in the caberet chestnut, "One for My
Baby," and his sinuous phrasing in-
dicates that he can play Holiday Inns
and Vegas lounges if his rock ardor
ever wanes.
The single unifying factor that ties all
of these disparate songs together is that
Iggy delivers his vocal with total com-
mittment and the band encourages him
to reach deep by playing these songs as

to have caputred the city was "a greatO
lie" by Iraqi President Saddam
Husseain. "This deranged man claims
tonight that he has entered the city of
Ahwaz," the radio said, but "the true
situation in Ahwaz is a decisive respon-
se to this vile lie." The radio said
Iranian forces were "still launching at-
tacks from Ahwaz."
Iran reported heavy casualties in
Iraqi air raids on the city earlier in the
IRAQI MILITARY communiques
said warplanes inflicted heavy losses
on Iranian forces in a series of strikes
that ranged from Ahwaz in the south to
Rizaiyeh in the north, only 100 miles
from the Soviet Union's border. Iraq
said it lost two planes in the far-ranging
?. w values.
well as they have ever been played.
Keyed by the grinding yet melodic
guitar of Rod DuPree, the rhythm sec-
tion of Michael Page on electric bass
and Douglas Bowne on drums powered
everything along, matching Iggy move
for move. The excellent Kral (ex-Patti
Smith Group) rounds out the band,
doubling on guitar and (inaudible1
You've got the picture by now. Thur-
sday night's show was hot. This band
delivered the "Heavy Music" that Bob
Seger sings about and used to play. This
was the magical Motor City rock and
roll that I'd heardi about but never ex-
perienced-I had figured it for provin-
cialism. But Iggy delivered the real
McCoy and it was wonderful. After all,
the lions are still unbeaten and who
knows, maybe I'll learn to enjoy Ver-
nor's (aargh). - 0


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