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September 28, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-28

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Page 2-Sunday, September 28, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Self-proclaimed spokeswoman
says extremists set Munich blast
.inn~hn hnnnnr I.;ahtcsrincs fairorouinds was a terr ic tattackb hit o h 01 i;h(ir n


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports

CmmAa On

From AP and UPI
MUNICH, West Germany-A woman
claiming to speak for right-wing ex-
tremists said yesterday they were
responsible for the Oktoberfest bomb
blast that tore through a crowd of beer
festival revelers here, killing 12 and
wounding 144, authorities said.
The Munich-based weekly magazine
Quick reported yesterday that among
the dead, police found the mutilated
body of Gundolf Koehler, 21, a known
member of a banned neo-Nazi group.
police had evidence that a member of

anotner oanned rignt-wing
organization, the "Hoffmann Defense
Group," was among the suspects and
that several members of the neo-Nazi
group were arrested as they tried to
cross the border into Austria. ,
There were unconfirmed reports
police searched the lavish, castle-like
Nuernberg home of Karl-Heinz Hof-
fmann, a painter who reportedly affects
Nazi-type uniforms on occasion.
Police refused comment on the repor-
ts, and the federal prosecutor's office in
Karlsruhe ordered a news ban.
THE 146-YEAR-OLD Oktoberfest
celebration has its roots in ancient har-
vest rituals, but is usually held in Sep-
tember. Tens of thousands of people,
undaunted by Friday's incident,
shouldered their way onto the Oktober-
fest grounds yesterday to sample car-
nival rides, sausages, and liters of beer.
Police said they assumed Friday
night's explosion at the Oktoberfest

LULg rorsb il a LFO75LaCK DUL
expressed some doubts about the
woman's claim, which also indicated
the group was behind last month's
Bologna, Italy, bomb massacre.
"We don't have any firm lead," a
police spokesperson said.
THE WOMAN, speaking with a heavy
French accent, called two newspapers
in Munich and said "this is the Right of
Bologna, we have struck again," ac-
cording to Bavarian state police.
Authorities felt the claim "doesn't
mean all that much," a police
spokesperson said, but pointed out that
the Bologna railroad station explosion
and the Oktoberfest bombing appeared
aimed at the public instead of at a
single prominent public figure as is the
case with most organized terrorism.
It was the worst bomb attack ever in
West Germany and the bloodiest act of
terrorism on its soil since a Palestinian
terrorist attack killed 11 Israeli athletes

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at the 1972 munich Olympics. Some tau
people were killed in the Bologna blast.
BAVARIAN STATE Interior Minister
Gerold Tandler said the device, hidden
in a trash can attached to a traffic sign,
was triggered by electric means, and
blasted in all directions. Police
estimated 1,000 people were in the im-
mediate vicinity at the time of the blast.
The bomb, a cast-iron tube holding,
between 2 and 6.5 pounds of explosives,
hurled bodies more than 20 yards
across the street outside the festival
The explosion came only hours after
Rolf Clemens Wagner, one of West
Germany's most wanted terrorists, was
sentenced to life imprisonment by a
Swiss court for a murder committed
during a Zurich bank robbery in 1979. It
was not known if there was any like
between the sentencing and the blast.
Police said the dead in Friday's bom-
bing included two Austrians, one Swiss,
one Briton, and that the others were-
Germans. "We have no indication that
any of the victims were Americans," a
spokesperson said. The wounded were
being treated at five local hospitals.
Thousands of tourists and local
residents crowded the Theresien
Meadow despite the attack the night
before, and authorities announced the
festival would continue as scheduled
through Oct.5 because so manyadvan-
ce tourism commitments had been
Man. still
critical after
car Mishap
(Continued from Page 1)
and Richards was caught underneath
the vehicle as it left the intersection,
Ann Arbor Police Lt. Harold Rady said.
After Richards became disentangled
from the car near the corner of State
and Stinson Streets, it sped away.
Richards was taken to University
Hospital where he underwent surgery
yesterday. He continues to recover in
the hospital's burn unit.
Rady said the car was described as
"dark, shaped like Plymouth Duster.
"I don't recall ever hearing about an
incident like this one," Rady said. He
said it was "unreal" that Richards
managed to survive.
An investigation has ib n concer-
ning the Friday night incident, Lt. Rady
said. The as-yet unidentified vehicle
will be sought by police, who will then
attempt to establish whether any
criminal charges are warranted-i.e. if
the driver was aware that Richards
was being dragged by the car.


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Tampon makers agree to
inform consumers of recall
The manufacturer of Rely tampons has agreed to launch a massive
media campaign warning women not to use the tampons because of the
product's link with the sometimes fatal toxic shock syndrome. The
agreement signed Friday night by the company with the Food and Drug
Administration binds the Proctor and Gamble Co. to one of the largest con-
sumer product recalls ever undertaken, according to FDA spokesman
Wayne Pines.
A company spokesman said 85 percent of Rely taripons will be off the
shelves by tomorrow. The agreement spells out how consumers can get
refunds for unused supplies of the product and outlines how the product will
be removed from the market.
Both the company and the FDA will be conducting spot checks to insure
that the product has been removed from store shelves. The media campaign
is scheduled to begin October 6, according to Pines. Advertisements will be
seen on 600 television stations, 350 radio stations, and in 1200 newspapers.
Libya to build highrise
NEW YORK-The government of Libya has announced plans to build
a 24-story highrise to house the 15 members ofits United Nations delegation
and their families.
Thebuilding, which will be located about three blocks away from the
United Nations complex on Manhattan's east side, will be the tallest
diplomatic building in the city and will occupy a quarter acre site on East
48th Street.
Besides offices and apartments, the building will have a cafeteria,
library, and recreation facilities. Neighbring the site for the building are
two discotheques, a Lebanese gourmet shop, and a Chinese restaurant.
Seven protesters stage
'chain-in' in front of Pieta
VATICAN CITY-Seven members of Italy's Radical Party chained
themselves to an iron bar in front of Michelangelo's statue, the Pieta, in St.
Peter's basilica yesterday to protest the Roman Catholic Church's op-
position to abortion. The protesters, five women and two men, were removed
from the basilica by Vatican police within 30 minutes.
Vatican officials expressed concern that the basilica is becoming an
arena for protests. Last month, a group of Iranians chained themselves to
guard rails outside the basilica to protest the arrest of Iranian students in the
United States. -
Italian government falls
ROME-Italian Premier Francesco Cossiga lost a major vote on
economic policy yesterday and resigned for the second time in six months,
bringing to an end Italy's 39th'government since World War II
Cossiga, a Christian Democrat, tendered his resignation to Acting
President Amintore Fanfani after a one vote defeat in the lower house of
parliament on his austerity economic program.
The defeat was the result of defections from the ranks of the coalition of
Christian Democrats, Socialists, and Republicans who have kept Cossiga in
office since the collapse of his first government last spring.-
'Gang of Four' to be tried
China announced yesterday it would start a public prosecution of the
"Gang of Four" and followers of the late Defense Minister Lin Piso on
charges of conspiring to overthrow the government and murder the late
Chairman Mao Tse-tung.
The "Gang," a radical group led by Mao's widow, Jiang Qing, has been
blamed for causing a 1966-76 decade of disaster for China's economy, scien-
ce, education, and morals as it pushed a purge of veteran leaders in an effort
to seize power for itself.
China's chief prosecutor, Huang Hoqing, said the "Gang" and the "Lin
clique" were being prosecuted together because the two groups "acted in
collusion" during the first five years of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.
Chinese leaders have said the trial would not be open to the foreign press
because state and Communist Party secrets were involved. The trial has
long been awaited since the "Gang" was arrested in 1976, but there is still no
indication of the exact date it will start.

Volume XCI, No. 22
Sunday, September 28, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday,
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Doily is o member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International.
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News room: (313) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk:'764-0562; Circulation: 764-0558; Classified advertising:
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