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September 23, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-23

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Page 2 -Tuesday, September 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily
U.S. offers respect,,
no apologies to Iran

From AP and UPI
prompt release of the American
hostages, Secretary of State Edmund
Muskie offered respect but no apology
yesterday to Iran, saying its own
security and Persian Gulf stability
depend on a settlement.
"We are prepared to do our part in
resolving fairly the issues between us,"
Muskie said in a speech to the U.N.
General Assembly. He said Iran could
end its isolation "from those nations
that live in accordance with inter-
national law" and have world sanctions
ended by freeing the 52 Americans held
ten months.
MUSKIE'S CAREFUL language ap-
peared to suggest a sequence in which
Iran would first pledge to release the
hostages. This could be followed by the
convening of an international forum,

perhaps by the United Nations, in which
Iran's grievances would be aired and
the United States would pledge nonin-
terference in Iran's affairs.
The United States would play a direct
role in the international forum, and not
be simply a spectator, as was the case
last February when a U.N.-backed
commission failed to achieve the
release of the hostages.
While promising not to intervene, he
did not recant past U.S. support for the
late pro-U.S. Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi. And yet, Muskie emphasized
that the Carter administration
recognizes the reality of the Iranian
revolution that deposed the ruler.
"I URGE THE nation of Iran, its
Parliament and its people also to con-
sider the human face of the hostage
problem," Muskie said.
"These innocent people and their
families have experienced acute suf-
fering. I ask this community of nations
to join us in urging that their ordeal be
brought to a safe, honorable, and
prompt end."
There was no immediate reaction to
the secretary's remarks from Tehran,
where a number of members of
parliament visited the U.S. Embassy
and inspected various parts "of the spy
nest and observed from close quarters
U.S. espionage equipment," Tehran
Radio reported.

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AP Photo
FRANTIC RUNNERS ON the Chicago Mercantile Exchange watch as the
price of gold bullion soars over the $700-an-ounce mark for the first time in
seven months. Fears of an all-out war between Iran and Iraq sent the price
of the precious metal skyrocketing.
Full-scale war nears
between Iraq, Iran
Con)ft inuf r ioimPage 1
mediately after the "incident" there. Secretary John Sawhill told a Senate
In Los Angeles, President Carter said hearing in Washington that any halt of
the United States will not take sides in oil shipments from Iraq or Iran would
the fighting, and he hoped the border have negligible effect on the United
dispute could be resolved peacefully. States.
Top administration officials refused Meanwhile, fears of full-scale war
comment on the possible effect of the between Iran and Iraq sent gold prices
fighting on the fate of 52 American soaring past the $700-an-ounce mark
hostages, held in Iran since Nov. 4. yesterday for the first time in seven
The rapidly escalating border war months.
between Iraq and Iran apparently is not The price surge was fueled by heavy
having any major impact on oil ship- buying among Middle Eastern in-
ments from the Persian Gulf, the area vestors seeking gold as a hedge against
supplying 40 per cent of the non- political unrest in the region, dealers
Communist world's petroleum, U.S. oil said.
industry sources said yesterday. InLondon, gold hit $718 a troy ounce
Recalling how the shutoff of Iranian at the end ofnregular trading. That is up
oil exports in late 1978 and early last $40 from Friday. On New York's Com-
year touched off a wild oil price spiral, modity Exchange, gold for September
the sources said high world oil inven- delivery ended trading yesterday at
tories could help cushion the blow of a $715 an ounce, up $26.80 from Friday's
Persian Gulf oil cutoff. The sources close of $688.20. Republic National
asked not to be identified. Bank, of New York, quoted gold at $710
MEANWHILE, DEPUTY Energy an ounce, up $27.
S. Quad female stabbed

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Poland's independent trade
unions approve charter
WARSAW, Poland-Organizers of Poland's new independent trade unions
approved a charter for their movement yesterday, the first day in nearly
three months that no workers were on strike, a spokesman for the dissident
Workers Defense Committee said.
In the Baltic port of Gdansk, focus of the labor walkouts that rocked the
Communist nation beginning July 3, independent trade union organizers
from all over the country met and approved the common set of statutes for
their growing movement. The new charter will be presented for legal
registration in Warsaw later this week.
Carter opens campaign swing
SPRINGFIELD, Ill.-President Carter, lashing out at Republicans for
wanting to "turn the oil companies loose," declared yesterday his aim is
"nothing less than changing the way America produces, uses, and even
thinks about energy."
Beginning a two-day, cross-country campaign swing through four states
he lost in 1976, Carter also drew a rousing cheer from 150 local party officials
and candidates when he asked, "How many of you believe the Democrats
are going to whip the Republicans in Illinois?"
"All over the country I think that is going to be true," he declared after his
audience's enthusiastic response.
Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan indicated yesterday he would not be in-
terested in another one-on-one debate with John Anderson and then
borrowed a page from Jimmy Carter's 1976 campaign book to create a
"Family Suffering Index" to criticize the president's handling of the
Louisiana prisoners deprived
of basic necessities
EDGARD, La.-When some prisoners at the St. John Parish jail tore the
place up demanding better food, the sheriff said no soap. He also said no
mattresses, no clothing, no toilet paper, and almost nothing to eat but bread
and water.
"When someone's already in jail and they act up, you can't threaten to put
them in jail. You got to do something," said Sheriff Lloyd Johnson.
Johnson said yesterday the punishments have been in effect since Sept. 12,
when 10 prisoners in the east section of the jail broke their dinner plates,
then tore up mattresses and burned parish-issued uniforms.
Lawyer Barry Landry said he discovered the conditions when he visited an
inmate client.
"He was wearing a dirty pair of drawers," Landry said. "They're sleeping
in their drawers on iron springs with the air conditioning running."
Landry said he would decide this week whether to file a civil rights suit
over the conditions.
Four men murdered in Boston
BOSTON-Safecrackers invading a bowling alley minutes before opening
time yesterday lined up four employees in a back room, bound them, and
then shot them to death, police said.
The employees, two janitors and two managers, had been shot in the back
of the head when a policeman discovered them in a repair shop filled with
pin-setting equipment. Three were already dead, and the fourth died at a
The hands of three of the men were bound behind their backs with han-"
dcuffs; one of them was restrained with a belt.
Names of the victims were not immediately released.
The holdup men cleaned out the safe and fled, apparently in a stolen car,
police said. They declined to say how much money was taken, although unof-
ficial reports put the total at $10,000.
Opposition to Tisch swells
LANSING-Organized opposition to the Tisch amendment was swelled
yesterday by a new coalition claiming to represent three million Michigan
residents and boosting the potential anti-Tisch warchest to about $1 million.
Shiawassee County Drain Commissioner Robert Tisch, badly outspent in
his unsuccessful 1978 campaign, seems likely to have the same problem this
year as civic, labor, consumer and government groups pitch in to beat his
property tax slashing plan.
EPA denies it killed
Ford's 1.3 liter engine
DETROIT-Environmental Protection Agency officials denied yesterday
government regulations killed Ford Motor Co.'s fuel-stingy 1.3-liter engine.
EPA administrator Douglas Costle and top aides agreed with Ford's ex-

planation of why the engine project was canceled-another, slightly larger
1.6-liter engine had better performance and was equal irfuel economy.
The company announced Friday it is canceling the 1.3-liter powerplant af-
ter investing heavily in production tooling, but denied there were any
problems in having the engine certified by the EPA.
u1wrlJttrbstn DUuij
Volume XCI, No. 17
Tuesday, September 23, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters), $13 by mail
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Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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ionlInted f t om Page
SHE SAID SHE approached him
to see what he was doing. "Sud--
denly, he swung around with a knife
and stepped toward me and aimed at
my stomach," she explained. "All I
could think of was to block the knife, so
I blocked it with my arm."
She added that he "ran away and left
the knife in my arm."
The knife was a small, pocket
variety, police said.
assailant as being around six feet tall,
clean shaven, white, average build,
dark hair, and mid-to-late twenties. She
said he wore blue jeans and a jacket.
"He didn't look like a bum or
anything," she explained.
In some halls of South Quad leaflets
have been posted warning residents of

the stabbing and cautioning women to
be extra careful.
POLICE HAVE NO further develop-
ments in the murder investigation of
Rebecca Greer Huff. Huff, who was
working on a master's degree in
Business Administration at the Univer-
sity, was the third Ann Arbor woman to
be brutally murdered in the past five
The first victim, Shirley Small, 17,
was found dead last April 20, and the
second victim, Glenda Richmond, 23,
was found dead on July 13. All three vic-
tims were stabbed to death.
The Ann Arbor Police Department is
asking anyone who has knowledge of
these crimes, or anyone who believes
he or she is witnessing an assault in
progress, to notify the department at

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Editor-in-Chief.. MARK PARREt+T~
Managing Editor ........ MITCH CANTOR
City Editor ..................... PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor .................. TOMAS MIRGA
Opinion Page Editors ................ JOSHUA PECK
Magazine Editors ................ ELISA ISAACSON
Arts Editors .................... MARK COLEMAN

Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Sales Manager................ KRISTINA PETERSON
Operations Manager...........KATHLEEN CULVER
CO-Display Manager .............. DONNA DREBIN
Co-Display Manager..........ROBERT THOMPSON
Classified Manager................ SUSAN KLING
Finance Manager................ GREGG HADDAD
Nationals Manager.................LISA JORDAN
Circulation Manager ......... TERRY DEAN REDOING
Soles Coonrdinator...... E. ANDREW PETERSEN


* Woo





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