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September 23, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-23

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


Lt t iga

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Look for plenty of sun, but
the high should be only in
the upper 60s with the low
near 40.

&oI. XCI, No. 17

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 23, 1980

Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Rape victim describes traumatic experience

It was early one afternoon in April
two years ago when the 23-year-old
University graduate student finished
her shift at work. She was tired, and
when a co-worker she had known for
more than a year offered her a ride
home, she accepted.
"Most of the time he was friendly,
sometimes he flirted," she said. "We
were always kidding around at work."
WHEN THEY arrived at her apar-
tment near campus, they went inside.
"I needed to change and get my books
*or class," she explained, "He said he
needed to make a phone call to his

She showed him to the phone, which'
was located in her bedroom. She then
sat down on the bed and began to fidget
with her ring. Her class didn't start for
another half hour. Maybe she'd make
some coffee, she thought. But since she
felt uncomfortable in the work clothes
she had been wearing for the past ten
hours, she decided she would change
once he left the room.
Without looking at her co-worker, she
asked him to speed up his call. There
was no response. She looked up and saw
him standing over her, his whole body
trembling uncontrollably.
"What's the matter?"

"I'm going to rape you."
reach the door several times, but he
kept throwing her back onto the bed.
"He was too strong-I couldn't get him
off me. He kept threatening to cut me
up if I didn't cooperate."
Twenty minutes later it was over.
"I remember I was just staring at the
ceiling. My room was a mess. I couldn't
really say anything-I was in shock."
He began to get dressed. "Now see
what you made me do. If you had just
let me do it, none of this would have'
happened. Now go get ready. I'm going
to drive you to class."
SHE SLOWLY GOT UP from her bed.

Her body acped. She went in to the
bathroom to wash.
"Now remember-you have to act as
if nothing happened. Just pretend it
never happened."
"Okay, okay."
Beth (not her real name) did not go to
the police right away. "I didn't know
whether to tell anyone because I wasn't
sure if it was rape. I wasn't laying there
half dead, beaten, or bleeding or
anything. I just couldn't get away from
him. I felt that maybe I was just lucky
to be alive. I thought it was just
something women have to put up with
because they're women." ,
RAPE IS ANY FORM of genital con-

tact a person imposes on another un-
willing person by using deception,
social blackmail, threat, or physical
violence, according to Judy Price,
education coordinator for the Assault
Crisis Center, a 24-hour crisis interven-
tion service for domestic violence and
sexual assault.
"During the center's first three years
of operation 397 rape victims from
Washtenaw County contacted us,"
Price said. "We estimate that figure is
only one-third of the actual number of
rapes that occurred in that time span."
Price noted the Center receives the
heaviest number of calls in the months
of August, September, and October.

"WE'RE NOT REALLY sure why
that is, but it's been that way for the
past five years," she said.
Price also said 45 percent of the cen-
ter's victims knew their assailants. Fif-
ty-four percent of the victims are bet-
ween the ages of 14 and 25, although the
center has serviced victims as young as
three and as old as 90. In the past year
the center has had two cases involving
male victims, Price said.
This past summer the center conduc-
ted a support group program for vic-
tims of sexual assault. The eight-week
session allowed participants to share
the emotions and problems they ex-
See RAPE, Page 7


and Iraq







Doily Photo by JIM KL
CONSUMER ACTIVIST RALPHNADER speaks harshly against standardized tests in his lecture in Rackham Audi-
WtoriumFlast night.

I0 a e call1s
Standardized tests designed to measure intelligence or
educational aptitude-such as the Scholastic Aptitude
Test-are in most cases no more accurate in predicting
academic success than "a role of the dice," according to con-
sumer advocate Ralph Nader.
Nader, who spoke during a Detroit news conference
yesterday and later to 400 people in Rackham Auditorium,
said the tests, usually developed by the Educational Testingg
Service in Princeton, N.J., are culturally and economically
biased and are ultimately "a test of... values."
"TRUTH IN TESTING" laws, which require standardized
test corporations like ETS to release both the questions on the
examinations and the corresponding correct answers
following the 'testing period, are a first step towards

SAT faulty.
eliminating such imbalances, said Nader. "Truth in Testing"
laws are on the books in New York, and similar legislation is
pending in 12 states, including Michigan, he added.
"Standardized tests reflect the cultural and economic
background of the student and "proceed to perpetuate those
inequities," Nader said. "If you want to do well on these
tests-you must come from an affluent background."
In addition to lacking accuracy in predicting future
academic performance, Nader attacked the tests as having
deeper, more subtle psychological effects on students.
Students who did poorly on the tests "internalized their test
scores as a measure of their self-esteem . . . of their self-
worth," Nader said.
HE ALSO ARGUED that "the tests are given a widly exag-
See NADER, Page 7

By the Associated Press
Iran claimed it destroyed 11 Iraqi
fighters and four gunboats, and Iraq
launched surprise air attacks on at"
least seven Iranian air installations, in-
cluding Tehrans international airport,
as a border dispute between the two
nations flared yesterday.
Iraq said it shot down six Iranian jet
fighters, and President Saddam
Hussein issued a statement that Iranian
threats to ships in the Strait of Hormuz,
meeting point of the Persian and Oman
Secretary of State Edmund Muskie of-
fers 'respect,' but no apology to Iran.
See Story, Page 2.
gulfs, constituted a declaration of war.
ter Iran declared its coast on the Per-
sian Gulf a war zone and warned ships
against carrying supplies to Iraqi ports.
British officials said a British merchan-
tman was fired on, with no casualties
reported, and other British vessels

were believed trapped at the Iraqi port
of $asra.,
Tehran Radio reported tanks battling
in Khuzestan province, north of the
disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway,
where it claimed Iranian artillery fire,
destroyed Iraqi oil installations and a
gas refinery at al-Faw.
Months of sparring along the borders
exploded last week after Iraq canceled
a 1975 treaty putting 60 miles of the
Iran-Iraq border in the middle of the
Shatt al-Arab waterway that provides
both nations access to the Persian Gulf.
Iraq now claims sovereignty over the
eastern shore of the passage.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and
President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr
claimed yesterday that Iraq was "in-
cited" by the United States and was ac-
ting as an American "mercenary."
The airport raids came a day after
both countries said they inflicted heavy
damage on each other in naval and ar-
tillery battles at the head of the Persian
Iraq said its warplanes struck 11


Students: Anderson
won war of words

Iranian airstrips with a loss of two
Soviet-made Mig jets. A top Iranian
military official said "several" air
bases were attacked, ° and a
revolutionary guard commander said
six MiGs hit seven installations.
IRAN'S. FOREIGN Ministery con-
demned Iraqi attacks on "airports and
residential areas" that killed "innocent
people," Radio Tehran reported, ad-
ding that nine ambulances rushed to the
Tehran's Mehrabad Airport im-
See FULL-SCALE, Page 2
S. Quad,
with knife
A University student, stabbed
Friday night outside her South Quad
residence, suffered only minor in-
juries that required four stitches,
police said yesterday. They said
there are no suspects in the knifing.
Police said they do not think the
incident was related to the Sept. 14
slaying of Rebecca Greer Huff.
"WE JUST THINK the woman
startled a man trying to break into
the dorm," Police Chief William
Corbett said. "He probably got ner-
vous, jabbed her with the knife, and
took off," Corbett said.
The victim of last Friday's 10:30
p.m. knifing, a 19-year-old LSA
junior, said she left to grocery shop
but forgot her checkbook. She retur-
ned to the dorm and saw a man "fid-
dling" with the lock on the door out-
side Kelsey House located on
Monroe Street.
The woman said she didn't think
anything of the man's presence
because she believed the lock was
stuck-a' common _occurence at
South Quad.
See S. QUAD, Page 2

John Anderson and Ronald Reagan
debated Sunday night, but the movie
Midnight Express got most University
student's votes.
The only sign of politics on Dooley's
big T.V. screen was Carter campaign
commercials. About 50 residents wat-
ched the polor T.V. in the Markley Hall
'University political experts express
their views on Sunday night's presiden-
tial debate between Ronald Reagan and
John Anderson. See Story, Page 5.
lounge which was tuned to the movie,
while 25 others were glued to a set
downstairs broadcasting the debates.
OF THE STUDENTS watching the
televised debates, most said they felt
This story was written by City
Editor Patricia Hagen and Kevin
.Tottis with files by Lorenzo Benet,
Claudia Centomini, A ida Eisenstat,
Wilfredo Ramirez, and Barry Witt.

Andeson gave the better performance
of the two candidates, according to a
spot check of several residence halls, a
local bar, and an Anderson campaign
committee debate party.
In the Markley snack bar a pro-
Anderson group commented freely
during the hour-long verbal match.
"Reagan's problem is he's too cor-
ny," said School of Natural Resources
freshman Eric Richter, after Reagan
made a pun with the words "conser-
vative" and "conservation."
"REAGAN BLEW IT," added Alison
Zirn, an LSA freshwoman, after
Reagan said Alaskan land should be
used for oil production.
Reagan suppporter Julie Salzman
countered the partisan crowd with her
comment that Anderson "never an-
swers any questions."
During Reagan's patriotic, con-
cluding remarks, some of the watchers
See STUDENTS, Page 5

UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (1. to r.) David Vincent, Buck Marks, and Bahman Ross amuse themselves as they tune in
to the League of Women Voters' debate between presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and John Anderson Sunday

No. 2 tries harder
STUDENTS WHO 'gain admission to Michigan's
undergraduate business school couldn't do much
better, according to a consensus of college deans
nationwide. Yesterday's Wall Street Journal
quoted a survey of college deans conducted by the Univer-
sity of Virginia, and the University of Michigan un-
dergraduate business school was rated below only the
TT-.-- o.. ann ~ ri nnrti..c..fn the a u the


Gesfor Pres
With the 1980 presidential campaign in full swing, can-
didates like James Gesualdi are looking to the future. He
hopes the slogan of "Ges for Pres" soon will be heard from
coast to coast. "I'd like to be the youngest president ever,
the greatest president ever," says the confident candidate.
Although the 18-year-old Gesualdi is still shy of the Con-
stitutional age requirement of 35, he has begun organizing
his campaign with the hope of having a large enough staff to
hold down the rising costs of running for office. Even with

elections many Americans are wondering what should be;
done to brighten the outlook for this year's election. Larry
Cox, a radio show host in Denver, thinks he has found the
answer: a fifth term for Franklin Roosevelt. Although FDR
died in 1945, Cox sees him as a more deserving candidate
than the living contenders. Cox cites the recent Democratic
and Republican conventions where FDR was often quoted.
Who would be better able to turn these quoted words into
action than the man who spoke them, Cox reasons. Cox says, ,
"I think they (the candidates) heard he was going to be
.__ ._ .. _ _ __ . _a ' .. . . . . . . . . . __ ._ l ..

neighbor insists. "But that's not real coffee," Frank
protests, but he is interrupted by his neighbor: "Oh yes it is.
It has the full, rich flavor of the best coffee beans without
the caffeine that makes you nervous," the neighbor respon-
ds triumphantly. "Well, I'd rather be nervous than full of a
suspected carcinogen!" Frank shoots back. Prevention
magazine says the solvent commonly used to extract caf-
feine from coffee beans is methylene chloride, a suspected
carcinogen. The magazine says a pure water solvent
process has been developed in Switzerland, but Prevention




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