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September 21, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-21

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


LIE iga


Showers will give way to
clearer skies and a high of
80 by afternoon. Chance of
showers tomorrow.


NoI XCI, No. 16

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 21, 1980

Ten Cents

Ten Paes



Last-second fieli
comeback, gives

d goal

foils Blue

Irish 29-2 7


Final drive caps thriller

Special to the Daily
Oliver's 51-yard field goal as
time expired capped a
dramatic seesaw battle as the
Fighting Irish of Notre Dame
nipped the Michigan
Wolverines, 29-27, before a
crowd of 59,675 at Notre Dame
Stadium yesterday.
Oliver's game-winning field
goal completed a Notre Dame
drive that started with only 41
seconds remaining in the con-
test after Michigan had just
rallied to regain the lead, 27-26
on a John Wangler touchdown
pass to tight end Craig
A controversial pass interference
call against Michigan set up the last-
second attempt. Irish quarterback
Blair Kiel, from the shotgun, threw a
pass to Tony Hunter at the Michigan 48
yard line, and the Michigan defender
was called for interference.
Then, onl third and ten, Kiel hit half-
back Phil Carter over the middle for a
nine-yard gain with 11 seconds left on
the clock. Kiel connected again with
Hunter on a fourth and one at the right

sideline for five yards, which set up
sidewinder Oliver's only field goal at-
tempt of the game. I
The kick barely cleared the crossbar,
sending the Notre Dame team and the
majority of the partisan Notre Dame
crowd into pandamonium as Michigan
defenders stood in disbelief.
"THIS IS BY FAR the greatest
moment of my life," said Oliver of only
his second field goal since joining Notre
In all likelihood, Oliver would not
have been on the field if regular place-
kicker and strong safety Steve Cichy
hadn't been injured in the Purdue game
with a chipped vertabrae in the back.
"I knew right away that it was true
and that he kicked it good," said Irish
coach Dan Devine. "I've never seen
Oliver kick one that far, but it went
through today and that's all I care
"No win was more emotional than
this one. Of course, the last one is
always the best. But this one will hang
in there with the rest of them. We beat a
good football team and we had to come
from behind to do it," continued
Devine, whose team raised its record to
bechler praised his squad after the
hard-to-swallow defeat.
"It was a great Michigan effort. We
have nothing to be ashamed of," said a

weary Schembechler. "I was proud of
the way we came back. We had as much
right to win as they did. But when it was
all said and done, they had the last shot
at it. Time just ran out," continued
"Michigan's initial comeback began
with just under five minutes remaining
in the first half after Notre Dame had
taken a seemingly commanding 14-0
lead on second period touchdowns by
Phil Carter and flanker Pete Holohan.
Rich Hewlett had guided the
Michigan offense up until that point
when Schembechler made the switch to
John Wangler and the Wolverines im-
mediately marched 68 yards in eight
With first and ten at their own 46 yard
line tailback Lawrence Ricks burst up
the middle for 28 yards. Wangler then
threaded the needle on third and nine to
Anthony Carter for 17 yards to the
Notre Dame eight yard line. On the next
play from scrimmage, Wangler tossed
a roll-out pass to Ricks for the touch-
down. Ali Haji-Sheikh converted the ex-
tra point, narrowing the Irish lead to
On Notre Dame's second play from
scrimmage following the kickoff
Michigan defensive back Marion Body
intercepted a Mike Courey pass at the
Notre Dame 47 and returned it 20 yards
See IRISH, Page 10

MICHIGAN SENIOR FULLBACK Stanley Edwards (32) tries to squeeze by Notre Dame defenders during yesterday's
game. The Wolverines mounted a comeback drive late in the game, only to be defeated by a last-second 51-yard field goal.

___ B ___-


Union control contested

As physical renovations transform
the Michigan Union into a more
student-oriented establishment, a
group of students is pusing for more in-
fluence in Union policy decisions.
But key administrator Henry John-
son, vice-president for student services,
does not seem likely to. give students a
louder voice in such policy-making.
And the committee, the Michigan
Union Student Interim Advisory Coun-
cil, must also resolve an internal con-
flict over its goal.
JOHNSON, WHOSE office must ap-
prove any new proposal regarding the
Union's control, said, "There is no
student group that governs any part of
this university, and there is no legal
mandate for it." Union policy is curren-

tly determined by the Office of Student
Services. J
The issue of student control over the
Union has been discussed for years, but
the question has become more im-
mediate now that the building is un-
dergoing both physical and
philosophical restructuring. The
Union's front steps were renovated
over the summer, and a new student
lounge, replacing the old art gallery on
the first floor, opened last week.
Committee member David Schaper
says the group does not want to assume,
all administrative duties of running the
Union, but does want to ensure that
students will have some authority on an
executive board.
"We don't want to decide whether the
janitor gets a pay raise this week. We
hopefully want to let students do what
they are good at doing-deciding what
students want and need in terms of a
Union-and let administrators do what
administrators are good at-running
the building, hiring the staff, and han-
dling the administrative respon-
sibilities," Schaper said.
NOT ALL STUDENTS on the com-
mittee feel that students on the board
must have the loudest voice to have a
positive effect, however. "Just because
a board is advisory doesn't mean it has
no impact," explained committee
member Jeff Lebow.
"The students have been able to have
an impact on the future of the Union
already by the solicitation (Union
Director) Frank (Cianciola) has done.
He has gone out of his way to consult
with students on every decision,"
Lebow said.
Cianciola is currently coordinating
various aspects of the Union renovation
program, which began this summer.
The director has been consulting with
students to determine their wants and

needs for the revamped building.
said he thinks the students should serve
on a board with limited authority over
the Union's future. "I think most
students on the committee would lean
toward a limited authority board so
that interested students will have some
motivation to work for the Union," he
"Having worked with Frank, I know
that an authority board won't be
necessary for student input while he is
the director. But he won't always be the
director," Lewitz said.
The committee is proposing a gover-
nance structure for the Union that
would give all 18 seats on the Union
executive committee to students.
According to the proposed charter the
executive committee would have
authority over space usage, budget and
financial planning, director evaluation,
programming and planning, and
university relations.
Budget and financial planning would
include a review of financial reports
and capital planning. Director
evaluation would involve performance
review and recommendation of
dismissal to the office of student ser-
vices, if necessary.
The committee plans to put the char-
ter before the Michigan Student
Assembly at the assembly's Oct. 7
meeting, following a series of open
hearings on Sept. 29, Oct. 2, and Oct. 3.
The committee will meet Monday
night to try to work out its own struc-
ture for the interim period of the
Union-until the renovations are com-
After obtaining MSA approval,
Schaper said the committee hopes to
hammer out its differences with the
See STUDENTS, Page 5

in pasture
DAMASCUS, Ark. (AP)-Air Force
rescue workers had to search through
debris-strewn pastures before finding a
nuclear warhead after a Titan II
missile silo exploded in Arkansas, ac-
cording to a local sheriff and others who
monitored military radio tran-
Conway County Sheriff Carl Stobaugh
said yesterday he learned from .
military radio transmissions that the
warhead atop the intercontinental
ballistic missile was, hurled several
hundred feet in the pre-dawn blast
Friday that killed one Air Force
sergeant and injured 21 other main-
tenance workers. He said he learned
the warhead had not been moved by
last night
NEITHER THE Pentagon nor the
Strategic Air Command in Omaha,
Neb., would comment on location of the
warhead or even that the missile was
armed with a nuclear weapon.
Transcripts of radio transmissions
monitored by the Arkansas Gazette
while rescue workers were searching
for the injured indicate the warhead
was clearly lost for a time. At one point
came this exchange:
"Air Force to Command . One.
Anybody that goes along that area now,
have them look around to see if they can
pinpoint the warhead."
"ROGER, I understand. Is there any
danger as far as approaching it and
See NUCLEAR, Page 2

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
He went that-a-way
Dennis Farmer, an employee of Arbor Hobbies, organizes an American
Revolution miniatures games at the fifth annual wargames tournament,
SIMCON V. The tournament, sponsored by the Michigan Gamer's Council,
was held yesterday at the Michigan Union. See story, Page 3

... says policy delegated
to OSS

Alternative religion


THE CHURCH of Fatter Day Sots is a "shim-
mering ray of hope" for the world, according
to several black-cassocked young men in the
Modern Languages Building Friday evening.
The "clergymen" handed flyers to moviegoers waiting in
line, inviting them to join the new church. The letter written
by Revs. 0. 0. Overholt and E. Bombay urged readers to

added after Wednesday, the fee assessment is based on
total credit hours including added courses. No appointment
is necessary for CRISP which is open to all students 8-11:45
a.m. and 1-4:45 p.m. O
Warm or woolly winter weather
Caterpillars in New England are inching north for the

even winter with no extremes," explained southern Illinois
prognosticator James Gillihan.
R is for rampage
Northern Calloway, who plays David on television's
"Sesame Street," says he "can't remember" anything

The value of J.R.
Ever since J.R. Ewing moved into the homes of millions
of Americans, J.R. Duncan has had a more complicated
life. Duncan owns the Texas ranch used as a setting for the
television series "Dallas," and he says he'has been annoyed
by gawkers who disturb his family. But Duncan reportedly
has an idea for capitalizing on his fame. According to the
Boston Globe, the rancher plans to sell four acres of his
ranch in square foot chunks, at $20-$25 per plot. The sale of
all four acres, at that rate, would net him $3.5 million. As



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