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September 17, 1980 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-17

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Page 10

Wednesday, September 17, 1980

The Michigan Daily

Explosive Carter in a league

by himself

A. rain-soaked football field invariably hampers those
players who rely on speed for effectiveness, who like to cut
sharply this way and that before spotting their opening and
sprinting for the goal line. A rain-soaked football field tends
to negate quickness. And if Michigan Stadium's Tartan
'Turf was anything last Saturday, it was rain-soaked..
:But luckily for the Wolverines, the slippery field didn't
bother the little guy wearing the number 1 on the back of his
jersey. Twice, with the score tied versus surprisingly feisty
Northwestern, quarterback Rich Hewlett sent fellow
sophomore Anthony Carter into the end zone. Twice Carter
outran the defense. And twice he untied the game, as he was
one of the few bright spots for the Blue in the 17-10 victory
over the Wildcats.
Carter's two touchdown catches gave him four receptions
on the day for a total of 84 yards. They also improved his
career total of TD grabs to nine, good for sixth on

Michigan's all-time career list. And he is only one game in-
to his sophomore season.
The 5-11, 161-pounder from Riviera Beach, Florida lit
Wolverine football fans on fire from the very start of his
freshman season with a 78-yard punt return in 1979's
opening game with the same Wildcats. (He ranked fourth
nationally in punt returns over the campaign.) Ever since
that opener, the sight of Carter with the pigskin in his hands
has brought Wolverine fans to the edge of their seats in ex-
plosive anticipation.
And as often as not, they have been satisfied. The wide
receiver performed like an All-American in the team's final
two games last season, snagging two passes for 125 yards
and a touchdown against Ohio State and four tosses for 141
yards and two scores in the Gator Bowl.
But it was on October 27th that Carter imbedded his
image in the minds of 104,832 Wolverine partisans forever.
On that game's last play, he grabbed a John Wangler pass

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in the middle of the field, broke one tackle, and avoided
more Indiana defenders while off-balance to cross the,
line and beat the Hoosiers, 27-21.
Carter had no premonitions of immediate success on
gridiron when he first came to Ann Arbor as a freshn
not with Michigan's grind-it-out image prominent ir
" Icould catch the ball pretty well, but I didn't have
in mind coming up my freshman year," Carter said yes
day. "I didn't think I could do as much as I did, sir
passed up going to places like Florida State, which
passing school."
But with Wangler's accurate throwing arm seeing a]1
action last season, Carter was able to conclude his ro
campaign with 17 catches and a 27.2 yard average.
Wangler, in competition with Hewlett for the star
quarterback position as the Wolverines prepare for Sa
day's Notre Dame slugfest, says, "A.C. is probably the t
receiver in the country." When asked how good Carte
right now, coach Bo Schembechler, never one to th
around cheap compliments about his own players, puts
his most serious face and simply states, "He's very good
Carter was a high school All-American in both foot
and basketball, and rumors spread last year that his 4.'
yard speed would be utilized by Johnny Orr's cagers
well. But he decided to concentrate totally on foot
because he is a perfectionist, as witnessed by Sch
bechler's post-game comments on Carter's touchdowns
"His first cut was beautiful, and the pass was perfe
the coach said. "Anthony has an amazing ability to get
position to catch a ball. The second cut wasn't a good c
but he was able to get the ball. In fact, Carter apologized
the cut when he came to the sidelines."
It is doubtful that Carter will be able to get open at
against the experienced Notre Dame secondary this Sat
day. Notre Dame is not Northwestern. But then ago
sophomore Anthony Carter is already in a league by hi
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AS 100,000 PLUS fans look on in br eathless anticipation,
sophomore sensation Anthony Cartei prepares to pull down
another reception against Northwe' tern last week. A4.4
sprinter, the 160-pounder is consider ed by some to be the
most exciting player ever to don the Maize and Blue.

ote: This is the-last in a
e articles examining the


1980 Big Ten season. The series was
written by Daily Sports Editor Alan
Fan ger and Executive.Sports Editor
Mark Mihanovic.
The assembled press corps at the
August 21st Michigan Picture Day
looked a bit surprised as it heard Bo
Schembechler say something totally
"I can assure you that Wisconsin will
be a much improved football team this
season," he said. "In my mind, they
will be the most improved team in this
conference, with the exception of one
On this point, Bo is getting little
While fewer and fewer people attach
any significance to pre-season
.- I

they're going to come along. I'm hoping
they show a lot of improvement,
however, because I think we are
capable of being a good football team;"
Improvement is not only anticipated,
but expected, at one position-quarter-
back. McClain is counting on the return
of John Josten to spark an offense that
cracked 'under the pressure applied by
strong opposition defenses in 1979.
Josten broke his ankle il the opening
game last year and missed the remain-W
der of the season.
The Badger backfield iscomposed of
fine blockers but mediocre runners,
and a successful team is usually
characterized by excellence in both
categories. All-Big Ten fullback Dave
Mohapp and tailback Chucky Davis will
open holes for one another, but the real
question lies in their ability to use the
open field to' their advantage. The pair
totaled slightly more than 1,000 yards
last season.
The offensive line is large in size and
experienced-center Joe Rothbauer is
expected to compete with Michigan's
George Lilja and Iowa's Jay Hilgen-
berg for all-conference honors. Roth-
bauer's talent makes the interior line
particularly strong.
The offensive concerns of McClain
are truly dwarfed by his skepticism
about the defense, which returns only
four substantially-experienced players
It is a unit that must work on improving
its dismal 1979 ranking of ninth among
conference teams in scoring defense.

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prognostications, the Badgers took a
beating at the polls. It's now up to
Coach Dave McClain to defy the
dopesters and turn his youthful unit into
something respectable.
"I really can't tell you how good
we're going to be," McClain said at the
Big Ten Kickoff Luncheon last month.
"We've got a lot of young players on our
ballclub, and I just don't know how

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Guatemala El
Churchpeo- Tuggle
Will the ene Militarily?
Phillip Berryma eaAmerican Friends Service Committee for
the past four y temala. His most recent publication is "What
Happened at Pue . in Churches and Politics in Latin America, Daniel
Levine, ed.
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Assassination on Embassy Row:
Chile's Terrorism in Wash., D.C.
John Dinges, Washington Post correspondent and co-author with Saul Landau
of the Institute for Policy Studies, of the book Assassination on Embassy Row.
This is the highly acclaimed report on the official-and the unofficial-
investigation of the bombing which killed Orlando Letlier, former Chilean
Ambassador, and Ronnie Moffitt, a colleague with IPS, in Washington, D.C.


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