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January 13, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-13

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-Tuesday, January 13, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Begin favors June elections

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Milliken to unveil tax plan
LANSING-Gov. William Milliken's property tax reform proposal, expec-
ted to be the highlight of this year's State of the State address, will be un-
veiled today-two days before the speech, it was announced yesterday. It is
highly unusual for key elements of the State of the State address to be
discussed openly prior to the night before the speech, when details are
revealed for release the next morning.
No reason was given for the early release, although House Speaker Bobby
Crim was planning to announce his own proposal in his annual address
Milliken's plan is expected to combine a reduction in unpopular property
taxes with increases in other levies-probably the income or sales tax.
It is considered certain, however, that the state will seek to combine any
reduction in property taxes with an increase in other levies designed to make
up all or part of the loss.
Judge continues to defy
desegregation order
BUCKEYE, La.-A state judge, again defying a federal judge's
desegregation order, accompanied three white girls to all-white Buckeye
High School yesterday and ordered the principal to re-enroll them.
State Judge Richard Lee, risking $1,000-a-day fines, showed up at the prin-
cipal's office shortly after 7 a.m. and ordered principal Charles Waites to
return the students to class.
The girls are in the middle of a jursidictional tug-of-war between Lee and
U.S. District Judge Nauman Scott, who last August ordered the three girls
and 105 of their seventh and eighth grade classmates bussed to Jones Street
Junior High School 15 miles away.
Lee's action came less than a week after the state judge pledged to stop
defying Scott's desegregation order.
Skeletal remains of children
may take weeks to identify
ATLANTA, Ga.-Skeletal remains of two children found last week have
been tentatively identified as those of two of five missing black children, but
authorities said yesterday it may take weeks to make a positive iden-
tification and determine the cause of death.
Medical examiner Salen Zaki said the cause of death was not known. He
added that the decomposed condition of the bodies made them difficult to
The tentative identifications were made only after investigators returned
Sunday to where the bodies were found and discovered 11 teeth and several
bones that had been missed during a police search of the area.
Cold air still setting records
The persistent cold wave that has set records almost daily since Christmas
pushed another cloak of painful arctic air into the East yesterday, forcing
emergency measures to keep people warm.
The mercury was below zero yesterday across most of the northeastern
fourth of the nation, withOld Forge in the Adirondacks of New York repor-
ting 43 below zero, while new lows were set in nearly two dozen communities
ranging from Massachusetts to Florida.
Schools are being closed and businesses and homeowners alike are being
asked to save energy in some parts of the country. Lights flickered and went
out for a time in a few cities as increased demand for electricity over-taxed
generating facilities.
Paul Carpenter of the National Weather Service in Knsas City said the
cold wave "looks like it could continue for a while. It looks likely to continue
for a week or two," he said, "but it's impossible to say when it could
Explosion wounds writers
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-A mine explosion wrecked a car on a road
near here yesterday, wounding two American journalists and another
foreign reporter inside the car, witnesses said.
Scattered shooting broke out in El Salvador's capital and other places, but
government troops appeared to be in control after a week-end leftist offen-
sive aimed at setting up a Marxist regime. More than 200 civilians and eight
soldiers were reported killed over the week-end in guerrilla attacks aimed at
overthrowing the civilian-military junta dominated by the Christian
Democrat party.
Seven Americans have been killed in El Salvador in recent months, and a
freelance American journalist is missing and believed to be the victim of
political violence.
Rig blowout forces crew
to jump into the Gulf
LAKE CHARLES, La.-A natural gas blowout aboard an offshore drilling
rig sent 31 workers overboard into the cool waters of the Gulf of Mexico
yesterday, officials said. Two men were reported in serious condition from

One of the injured men was in the water for about half an hour and nearly
blue when wheeled into the hospital. His heart stopped en route to the
hospital, but he was revived.
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Vol. XCI, No.88
Tuesday, January 13, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); 13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International.
Pacific News Service. Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Field Newspapers Syndicate.
News room: (313) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562: Circulation: 764-0558; Classified advertising:
764-0557; Display advertising: 764-0554; Billing: 764-0550; Composing room: 764-0556.



Editor-in-Chief.....................MARK PARRENT
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Sara Anspach. Lorenzo Benet. Nancy Bilyeou. Doug
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Operations Manager............ KATHLEEN CULVER
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Hendrick. Nancy Joslin. Peter Komin. Catherine

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