Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
:43 tti
Snow flurries this mor-
ning, partly clearing in the
afternoon with a high in the
Vol. XCI, No. 88 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, January 13,1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
LSA may
take action
*to cut
this term
LSA administrators may take action
this term towards eliminating several
of the liberal arts college's programs,
Acting LSA Dean John Knott said
yesterday. -
Speaking to about 125 LSA faculty
members at their monthly meeting,
Knott said the college's executive
committee had been "actively" con-
sidering programs for possible discon-
tinuance, but had not yet reached any
In response to increasingly lower
state appropriations, University adm-
inistrators and faculty members have
been discussing the possibility of
reducing or discontinuing some
programs or departments so other
programs can prosper.
"I BELIEVE very much that the
time has come to get on with (program
reduction)," Knott said.
"If we are not willing to make these
decisions at the department or college
levels we will end up sliding (in
* academic quality) more than other-
wise," he added.
Knott also said he agreed with
University 'President Harold Shapiro
and Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Bill Frye who have rejected
across-the-board budget cuts in favor of
mote selective program reductions and
SOME FACULTY members at
yesterday's meeting also argued again-"
st "shared poverty."
History Prof. Louis Orlin asked Knott
if the University would 'support areas.
"that need boosting" in addition to elim
inating programs deemed less worth-
Knott told faculty members that it is
possible that some departments would.
See LSA, Page 6
Iran takes
legal steps
to resolve
Rock and Roll veteran
In a rare nightclub ap earance last night, Chuck Berr performs for an enthusiastic crowd at Second Chance. A review
of the two sell-out performances will appear in the Daiy tomorrow.
Haig" would protect oil
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Iran took legal
steps yesterday to open the way to.
resolving the hostage crisis,-but a U.S.
negotiating team reported "serious
problems" in gaining Iranian approval
of a Carter administration plan to ex-
change frozen Iranian assets for the 52
American captives.
President Carter, asked about
prospects for a settlement, said, "It
looks better, but I can't predict success.
We've made them a reasonable
IRANIAN PRIME Minister Moham-
mad Ali Rajai was quoted by Tehran
radio as saying, "the issue is making
progress," but then added that "as long
as we consider America as an
aggressor in the world, we shall not
retreat from our position."
The speaker of Iran's Parliament,
Hashemi Rafsanjani, told a news con-
ference in Tehran that "all roads" were
open to settling the 14-month-old
hostage issue.'
The central issues are the amount of
money Iran would get when the
hostages are released and the com-
plicated problem of settling financial
claims by individuals and companies in
both countries.
Deputy Secretary of State Warren
Christopher met again Sunday with
Algerian Foreign Minister Mohamed
Benyahia in the drive to reach an
agreement by the end of the week to
free the 52 Americans and today paid a
ceremonial call on the Algerian
turned over to the Algerians, who are
acting as a go-between, replies to a
third set of Iranian questions about the.
U.S. Plan to break the deadlock. Essen-
tially, the plan would return billions of
dollars in frozen Iranian assets in ex-
change for the release of the
Americans, who have been held for
more than 14 months.
Informed sources in Washington,
D.C., said the administration was
working on a plan that would be
"legally binding" on Carter's suc-
cessor, President-elect Ronald Reagan.
It calls for releasing the hostages at the
same time as Iran receives the first of
three installments of its frozen assets.
So far, Iran has not responded to the
American plan, which was revised
slightly and transmitted to Iran of-
ficials by Algerian diplomats on Jan. 2.
ACCORDING TO the sources, who
spoke on condition their names not be
disclosed, the U.S. has said it would un-
freeze a total of $12 billion in Iranian'
assets that Carter froze in retaliation
for the seizure of the hostages and the
U.S. Embassy on Nov. 4, 1979, by
Iranian revolutionaries.
After the initial $2.5 billion payment,
a second transfer would involve about
$4 billion in assets which Iran had
deposited in subsidiaries of American
banks in London, Paris and elsewhere
overseas, the sources said. These funds
- some of which were seized to offset
loan defaults by Iran - would take
longer to deliver to Iran than those in'
the federal reserve.
The third category - nearly $6 billion,
in assets in American banks - could
take weeks to sort out because most are
tied up in American claims against
IRAN'S OFFICIAL Pars news agen-
cy said the proposals will be discussed
in an open session today-and diplomatic
sources in Algiers said that often-
divided body would decide if the U.S. of-
fer was acceptable.
WASHINGTON (AP)-Alexander Haig testified yesterday
that the United States must be prepared to act-alone if
necessary-to protect the industrialized world's access to
Middle East oil.
The former NATO commander said an expanded U.S.
military presence in the area is necessary because the NATO
alliance cannot be counted on to expand its defense commit-
ments to include the oil lifelines of the Persian Gulf.
HAIG COMMENTED on his third day of testimony before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, whose attention is
divided between his foreign policy views as a prospective
secretary of state and efforts to gain access to 100 hours of
taped White House conversations between Haig and then-
President Richard Nixon.
Robert Warner, the U.S. archivist and former director of
the University's Bentley Library, told the committee he had
asked Nixon to waive legal time limits so the subpoenaed
material sought by the panel can be released at once. Warner
said the law requires that he not release any tapes or suppor-
ting documents without giving the former president time at
least five days to respond.
The committee chairman, Sen. Charles H. Percy (R-Ill.)
issued a subpoena Sunday night for the logs and indexes to
the tape recordings made in the spring and summer of 1973.
At the time, Haig was White House chief of staff and the
Watergate scandal was engulfing Nixon's presidency.
SEN. PAUL TSONGAS (D-Mass.) told Warner it was ob-
vious that only one person stands in the way of immediate
access to the subpoenaed logs, "and that one person is
Richard Nixon." Replied Warner: "You'do hit at the heart of
the matter."
Percy said issuance of the subpoena, a first step toward ob-
taining "relevant" tapes, was not intended to delay Haig's
expected confirmation by the full Senate beyond Ronald-
Reagan's inauguration as president on Jan. 20
Sen. Richard 'Lugar, (R-Ind.) said efforts by committee
Democrats to obtain the tapes may result only in damaging
Haig's effectiveness. Percy agreed and told Haig: "We want
no cloud to hang over your head." -
But Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio) said he resented the im-
plication that Democrats were somehow doing something
wrong by insisting that the tapes be subpoenaed.
Polish Nobel prize winner ' -
speaks on his life as a poet
Although he doesn't "consider myself a
Whena Sedih jurnlistphoed zesaw.novelist," Milosz wrote his novel Seizure of
Milosz at 4 a.m. one morning last fall to inform,
him that he had just won the Nobel Prize for Power in 1952 to enter a contest to relieve himself
t h of poverty. His novel, which only took two mon-
literature, the noted Polish poet told him, "It's ths to write, won the Prix Litteraire Europeen in
very early. Do you know what time of night this Geneva
is?" And he went back to sleep. Liviag in France in the 1950s, he continued to
That is how Milosz described himself and his write, with his works appearing in various
works to reporters yesterday. The 1980 Nobel weeklies and other newspapers to "keep my
lcture last i htAnn Arboro Currns the Center name on the market," he said. But he decided
for Russian nd East European Studies' festival that he was unhappy with his life. ' 'y'
of the arts and humanities. IN 1960, MILOSZ joined the faculty at the
OF HIS Nobel Prize, Milosz said: "It was an Unversity of California in Berkeley, where he
extremely warm experience." He dispelled the continued his writing and translatig.
rumor that the award was given with political Milosz accepted the fact that he was writing
motivations in view of recent rumblings in his for a limited audience. He said, "If one accepts
native Poland. Milosz said he was told in defeat, in the sense that one writes in a void, then
Stockholm that the decision was made in May, one writes truth. He added that the poet no
before any uprisings in Eastern Europe. longer has to consider outside pressures, such as
Milosz said one of the greatest advantages to pleasing a market.
In his speech on East European poetry last ~"
his winning the award is "after 30 years spent in n is pid tEat E 7r o lis poets
exile . . . suddenly a reversal took place. I have night, Milosz said that 1970s Polish poets
"demonstrate freedom," more similar to ~
been embraced by the (Polish) government. One' west rpt-mrn p oets.
hundred thousand copies (of my book) sold in a western orTpost-modern poets.
wdys ,, HE SAID THFE East European poets are con-
few days." 7ly
Besides turning "everything upside down" - centrating on tackling their own problems,
thereby expressing more freedom. Milosz said
in terms of his acceptance in Poland the he feels his Nobel award symbolizes a "victory
award prompted congratulatory telegrams from over censorshi " Al
the Pope, the Polish government, a leader of the oecnsrhp.
tradPo , te unions, and President Carter. His award also has prompted many tran- Daily Photo by JIM KRUz
Polish t T saLEFT Poland in 1951 Cfor France, slations of his work. A student of language, CZESLAW MILOSZ, WINNER of the 1980 Nobel Prize for literature, talks to
andHE POET Ftr n was, o ever' Milosz always has been concerned with proper reporters yesterday before giving the opening lecture for Cross Currents,
and hean honorary degree from a Polis translations of poetry to convey the proper the festival of the arts and humanities sponsored by the Center for Russian
university, and he plans to pick it up personally. See NOBEL, Page 9 and East European Studies.
City gambles with
odds and evens
ofS sow removal
Recipe for confusion: Take one little-known, seldom enfor-
ced ordinance, enforce it city-wide with only 14 hours public
notification, add city officials'who misquote the ordinance, and
ticket violators. Makes one batch very confused citizens.
The confusion arose during the first "snow emergency" of
the season last week when a previously unused ordinance con-
cerning snow removal on "secondary" streets - those main
thoroughfares not designated "Snow Emergency Routes"-
was enforced.
During a declared emergency, parking is prohibited on the
uneven-numbered sides of these streets on uneven days. Con-
versely, cars parked on the even-numbered side of the street on
even days can be ticketed.
BUT A NUMBER of residents have complained that they
did not receive enough notification of the upcoming enforcement
of the law. Others say that, upon calling various city offices,
they were misinformed as to which side of the street they were
supposed to park on for the day.
Even Ann Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher managed to get
caught up in the confusion. "On odd-numbered days, you park
on the odd-numbered side of the street," he told the Daily last
night, misquoting the ordinance. "On even-numbered days, you
park on the even-numbered side of the street."
The mayor was quickly corrected by Assistant City Ad-
See SNOW, Page 6
How cdo you spell 'huge?'
THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan, apparently, is
not the only home for great minds. Julius Bar-
banel, who teaches mathematics at Union
College in Schenectedy, N.Y., has come up with a
scientific theory of what is huge and what isn't. Barbanel
explained at a recent American Mathematical Society con-
vention that his theory stems partly from the fact that some
infinite numbers are larger than other infinite numbers.
Battle Hymn of Philadelphia
Some people just never seem to be able to outgrow their
"I-want-to-be-a-soldier" days. Witness the case of former
Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo, who, according to his
immediate predecessor James Tate, asked the city for an
army tank for the police force. Rizzo asked for the tank
when he was the city's police commissioner, before serving
as a two-term mayor, Tate said in an interview in The
Philadelphia Inquirer. " 'A tank?' I said. He said there was
a city in Mississippi that had one: I asked what they used it
For instance, people's food choices can help save fuel
energy, says agricultural scientist David Pimentel. The
Cornell University professor says, for example, the energy
input of a vegetarian dinner is less than one-third that of a
beef dinner. Even fish and chicken represent savings.
More than twice the amount of energy is needed to produce
a serving of beef than a serving of either chicken or fish,
Pimentel told a symposium in Toronto on the national im-
pacts of recommended dietary changes. Pimentel said a
reduction by half in consumption of meat and other animal
products would save half the energy, mineral resources,
and land, and one-third the water used in animal produc-
of imaginary ticks in their hair. The man talked his way in-
to women's homes and then told them they had bugs in their
hair, police said. Some women told him to leave, and he did,
according to authorities, but others allowed him to go
through their hair picking imaginary ticks. Police say they
have finally arrested the man believed to be the culprit.
Authorities said Joseph Smietana, 35, was arrested near his
home on a misdemeanor assault warrant alleging that he is
the "tick-picker," and it seems they have succeeded in
washing that man right out of the hair of the Great Falls