Page 2-Thursday, March 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Critic slams Reagan
President Reagan telephoned Los
Angeles Times theatre critic Dan
Sullivan, he just wanted to put in a good
word for a new show by his friend
Buddy Ebsen. But, Sullivan said
yesterday, he got in a few good words of
his own -taking the president to task
for his budget cuts.
"I'm ashamed of you," Sullivan said
he told Reagan, referring to proposals
to cut in half the budget for the National
Endowment for the Arts.
"WELL, I'M SORRY you feel that
way," Sullivan said the president
replied during the conversation Mon-
But Reagan stayed on the phone and
defended his cuts in the national arts
budget, Sullivan reported in yester-
day's paper.
Sullivan admitted he felt uneasy
receiving a phone call from the
President, pointing out that he had
In Tuesday's Daily it was in-
correctly reported that the faculty
Senate Assembly had not passed a
resolution outlining faculty par-
ticipation in the University's retren-
chment process. The Assembly did
approve the resolution.
never interviewed Reagan or reviewed
his work as a film and television actor.
"'WHAT DO I SAY to this man?'
was the first thought that crossed my
mind," said Sullivan, 45, who has been
the Times' theatre critic since 1969.
Previously, he was an assistant theatre
critic with The New York Times.
During the discussion, Reagan con-
tended that officials had discovered
NEA boondoggles such as $1,500 for a
theater performance in a laundromat.
But Sullivan insisted the NEA was
tightly budgeted and administered and
suggested that Reagan could find con-
siderably greater boondoggles at the
Defense Department.
REAGAN CONCEDED that was true,
saying $4 billion had been allocated for
unnecessary or frivolous programs at
the Pentagon "and we've caught
The Pentagon was the only federal
agency to have its proposed budget in-
creased by the administration:
Sullivan said Reagan also turned
aside his protestations that the gover-
nment should fund the arts because
they are "part of the nation's spiritual
the NEA's budget was cut because it
was a matter of balancing needs, ad-
ding that Americans support the arts
more generously than anybody - but
by private means.
In proposing the cuts, Budget Direc-
tor David Stockman said theater and
music were "low priority.".,
The White House placed the call to
Sullivan the day after the critic wrote a
favorable piece about "Turn to the
Right," a nostalgic musical comedy
written and produced by Ebsen, which
celebrates the old-fashioned family
values of 1916.
Ebsen, originally a dancer in movie
musicals of the '30's, is best remem-
bered for his television roles in "Bar-
naby Jones," "The Beverly Hillbillies,"
and "Davy Crockett."
"I've written one column about the
call, and that's it,'' Sullivan said
Minority recruiting
varies within 'U'
(Continued from Page 1)
A~ tuition at the Interlochen Music Camp
in Traverse City Participating studen-
ts are usually invited to attend the
music school. Michele Johns of the
SAVE MONEY at Furniture Clearance Center...Rental Return Furniture, Minority Affairs Office describes the
Brand New Special Purchases, Manufacturer's Close-outs, Overstocks summer camp as "the best recruitment
and Discontinued Styles for every room in your home. program" within the school.
W H Y PA Y M ORE Funding is not readily available for
programs in all schools and colleges,
R ETURNED FROM R ENTALhowever. Officials at the College of Ar-
chitecture and Urban Planning and the
Schools of Art, Business Administration
A. ASSORTED $ 9and Natural Resources all complain of
HEADBOARDS.................... FROM the lack of funding necessary for com-
prehensive recruitment programs like
B. DINETTE $ that offered in the engineering college.
CH AIRS................................... FRONI$11 These schools rely on personal contacts
FOUR RAWERwith prospective minority students and
C. FOUWERdepend on the Office of Admissions for
CH ESTS.............. ........... FROM 6 referral of minorities.
D. ODD NIGHT $"The recruiting element is handled
STAN DS.FROM -through the Office of Admissions," said
STAN ....----..-:..:............:---Herbert Jone, assistant dean of the
E. ASSORTED $088 College of Architecture and Urban
LAMPS.................. FROM Planning. "We don't have any resour-
ces for high school visitations and
F. ONE-OF-A-KIND $ such."
LOVE SEATS.. ...................... FROM$6 NONE OF THE several recruitment
$99.. programs -at the School of Art is
G. ONE-OF-A IND $ specifically designed for minorities,
SOFAS.................................. FROM according to Associate Dean Wendel
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The School of Business Ad-
ministration has a Black Business
Students Association that counsels in-
terested undergraduates. Members of
the faculty conduct visits to other
universities for graduate recruitment
and look for prospective minority
students on these trips.
Visitation is also a key element of the
School of Education's recruitment
program. School representatives
visited mnore than ten states last year.
Murray Jackson, head of the Minority
Affairs Office in the education school,
said that the school "had not paid that
much attention to the metropolitan
Detroit area," which he described as an
"untapped source of students."
NOT ALL THE difficulties in building
recruitment programs stem solely
from financial constraints. Some
schools have had problems presenting
an environment attractive to minority
At the business school, Assistant
Dean William Moeller found problems
with the school's image. "Business ad-
ministration has had a stigma as being
a career path for minorities," he said.
The School of Natural Resburces has
a similar problem, according to Prof.
John Bassett. The school has
traditionally had one of the lowest per-
centages of minority enrollment in the
University, Bassett said.
"The black kids, their fathers and
grandfathers did manual labor,"
Bassett said. "Forestry especially is
viewed as a step back for them."
The natural resources school has no
separate minority recruitment
program. Bassett said 375 recruitment
letters were sent recently to minority
high school students, but only 3 replies
were returned.
"If we get just one, it's worth the
postage," Bassett said.
Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Japan orders auto makers
to curb exports to U.S.
TOKYO-Japan said yesterday it will order automobile companies to curb
exports to the United States, where nearly one out of every four cars bought
last year was made in Japan.
Rokusuke Tanaka, minister of international trade and industry, told
parliament the government was not considering legislation but would rely
instead on "administrative guidance" to resolve what has become the major
source of trade friction between the world's two largest trading partners.
Meanwhile, Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan said flatly yesterday the
Reagan administration.will not impose restrictions on Japanese car impor-
Miners stage wildcat strikes
More than 7,700 coal miners in Alabama, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio,
Pennsylvania and Illinois staged wildcat walkouts yesterday, but the leader
of their 160,000-member union reportedly sought to revive contract talks that
could avert a nationwide strike midnight March 26.
United Mine Workers union President Sam Church said the UMW was
ready to bargain again, a union source in Washington said.
The unauthorized walkouts by nearly 4,400 of the miners apparently came
in response to the collapse of contract talks in Washington, according to
spokesmen for the UMW and coal companies. By lateafternoon, 1,200 Ohio
miners had returned to work.
Israel rejects demand to
remove Lebanese soldiers
TEL AVIV, Israel-Israel said yesterday it rejected a demand to pull
Lebanese Christian militia out of southern Lebanon at a "tense" meeting
between an Israeli general and the tough-speaking new Irish commander of
U.N. peacekeeping forces. A U.N. spokesman denied the meeting was tense,
but another U.N. official described it as "not exactly jolly."
The meeting of the two generals followed a flareup Monday in which
Christian tank and artillery fire killed two Nigerian soldiers of the
~peacekeeping force.
Israel's deputy defense minister, Mordecai Zippori, told Israel Radio that
Israel would continue to oppose attempts to deploy Lebanese regulars in the
southern zone. "We shall not let them change the status quo," he said.
Alaskan food supply periled
SEATTLE-A strike by 1,000 tugboat crewmen in Washington state has
brought shipping to a near standstill, and officials warned yesterday that the
walkout could cut food supplies to parts of Alaska and spread to other West
Coast ports.
The strike could cut off food supplies to southeast Alaska, which gets much
of its food via tug-towed barge from Seattle, according to a spokesman for
Foss Alaska Line, a struck tugboat company in Juneau.
And if a settlement is not reached quickly, the walkout could spread to San
Francisco, said Barry Binsky, an IBU strike coordinator from that city.
Tugboat crews there are working without a contract and will vote today on
their next action.
Transit workers continue
strike in-Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA-Striking city transit workers, bitterly vowing a long
walkout and irked at commuters' quick adjustment, shut down a suburban
bus and rail line yesterday leaving 160 non-striking drivers and mechanics
under suspension for refusal to cross picket lines.
Chief mediator Edward Feehan called both sides back to the bargaining
table at 5 p.m. EST for the first time since the strike began Sunday.
Feehan said neither side appeared to have softened its rigid stand.
The chief issues are the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation
Authority's proposal to fill 5 percent of its jobs with part-time workers and
withhold benefits from new employees for 30 months.
Committee increases budget
cuts proposed by Reagan
WASINGTON-The Senate Budget Committee, in virtual lockstep with
President Reagan's economic program, called for billions of dollars in cuts
yesterday in welfare, unemployment and Social Security benefits and
recommended an end to the $3.6 billion public service jobs program.
In all, the committee voted reductions of $8.8 billion in security and health
programs-about $200 million in cuts beyond those proposed by Reagan.
Meanwhile, Budget Director David Stockman, in an appearance before
the Senate Finance Committee, again defended the president's economic
forecasts and discounted an estimate by congressional economists who said
the administration has underestimated 1982 federal spending by as much as
$25 billion.
Vol. SCI, No. 136
Thursday, March 19, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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