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March 19, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-19

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom




Snow showers today with a
high in the mid to upper

0 Vol. XCI, No. 136

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 19, 1981

Ten Cents

Teri Pages

Concerned members of the Universi
inunity are preparing to battle the pe
0 problem of declining black enrollment
University Regents take a look at the
minority enrollment report today.
The report shows that black enrolln
been falling since 1976 with a record dec
fall of 5.6 percent - the lowest figure s
report was first compiled in 1972.
declining enrollment is caused by severa
- many of which, they say, the Universit
little to remedy.
Many black campus leaders, however,
University must place a higher prir
recruiting and retaining minority studen
they worry that educationally disadv
plans vary
ithn 'U'
A survey of the various schools and
colleges at the University reveals wide
disparities in the size and scope of
minority recruitment programs.
The programs range from the exten-
sive effort in the College of
Engineering, involving hundreds of
high school students in pre-college
training programs, to the virtual ab-
sence of minority recruitment in the
School of Natural Resources, which
cites both lack of funding and low ap-
peal to minority students as problems.
EACH OF THE University's 17
schools and colleges plans its minority
recruitment efforts independently, with
no'.central authority coordinating all
The lack of coordination has
frustrated some officials.
"Everyone is doinig their own thing*
(on recruitment). There ought to be a
way, though, for everyone to know what
that thing is," said Prof. Murray
Jackson, head of the School of
Education's Office of Minority Affairs.
The school that has been doing its
own tling with recruitment most exten-
sively is the College of Engineering.
With a combination of University funds,
federal grants and support from Ford
Motor Co., the college accomodates
roughly 800 minority high school
students from 15 schools.
THE COLLEGE HAS two high school
programs - the Detroit Area Pre-
College Engineering Program and the
Engineering Industrial Support
Progam in the Washtenaw County area.
The programs offer Saturday academic
enrichment classes and summer
sessions on campus for minority
students in grades 7-12.
Because the college has diversified
the funding sources for these programs,
possible University budget cuts aren't
that much of a threat, according to
Derrick Scott, director of the
Washtenaw County program. He ad-
ded, however, that the college is
worried about funds from the auto
companies, considering their financial
Another strong recruitment program
is found in the College of Pharmacy.
The college, which admits students at

the junior level, has some $48,000 in
federal funding for a two-week summer
seminar, in which pre-pharmacy
students are tutored in biology and
O chemistry. Ten students participated
last summer and expansion of the
program is planned for this year.
THE SCHOOL OF Music also offers a
two-week summer minority recruit-
inent program that provides 25
minority high school students with free
See MINORITY, Page 2

ts get grim minorit news
students will be hard hit by the current budget- choose to go to schools closer to home. * Visits to Detroit area high schools three ti


cutting fervor.
Assistant Director of the Undergraduate Ad-
missions Office Lance Erikson said that his office
would like to bring more prospective minority
students to see the campus, but that the budget
will not allow for it.
Robinson said that while the University's many
programs are "somewhat successful," the
University is fighting more than the problem of
contacting prospective students.
"The pool of students we're looking for is dwin-
dling, and the competition is fierce," Robinson
Robinson also blamed the state's poor economy
for the University's declining black enrollment.
When finances are tight, he said, students often

TO COMPENSATE FOR the less-than-perfect
recruiting environment, the University has
beefed up its recruiting, support, and retention
services for minority students in the past decade,
and has made a particularly strong push in the
past three years.
Although most schools and colleges on campus
have their own recruiting programs, the Un-
dergraduate Admissions Office is the primary
recruiting source for most undergraduate
programs, especially those in LSA.
Erickson said the admissions office does most of
its minority recruiting through the following
" Campus visitation programs, designed to
bring minority students into Ann Arbor to
familiarize them with the campus;

* Financial aid workshops and counseling
available through the University's Adjunct Ad-
missions Office in Detroit;
* The Minority Call-Out program, in which
currently enrolled minority students call students
who have been admitted to answer questions
about the University; and,
* Each One Reach One, which uses current
minority students to contact high school students
who might be interested in coming to the Univer-:
GETTING ADMITTED IS just one of the
barriers a minority student faces. Once on cam-
pus, problems can multiply rapidly.
See REGENTS, Page 7

or a GSL?
Is it a good idea to file a
Guaranteed Student loon opp
plication right away and try to
beat the Reagan cutbacks? Or
could rushing out now actually
jeopardize your chances' for a
loan? Find out what legislators
on Capitol Hill and financial aid
counselors here on campus have
to say in tomorrow's Daily.

State Senate
OKs compromise

LANSING (UPI) - The Senate ap-
proved by a narrow margin yesterday a
compromise tax reform proposal
backed by Governor William Milliken
and legislative leaders that would slash
property levies but raise the sales tax.
A decision was pending on whether
the so-called "Tisch III" measure also
should go on a proposed May 19 special
election ballot. The House has voted
that it should not.
TWENTY-SIX votes, or two-thirds
of the Senate, were required.
The compromise proposal - ap-
proved 27-8 - now returns to the House
for action on Senate amendments.
Lawmakers face a midnight deadline
tonight for mustering the two-thirds"
votes required to place any tax plan on
the ballot for needed voter approval.
But Senate alterations - aided by a

rare tie-breaking vote cast by Lt. promise measure.
Governor James Brickley - could for- Tisch, the author o
ce the plan into a joint legislative con- plans, looked on as
ference committee. agreed to let the Sen
AS APPROVED BY the Senate, the plan, which would cut p
Milliken plan allowed a maximum about 33 percent over
$1,800 in combined property and city in- later visited the Senat
come tax relief - up from a House ap- for the measure.
proved $1,400. The compromise pla
An angry Senate Democratic Leader Milliken and legislative
William Faust of Westland chastized the House Tuesday nig
Brickley, saying '.I wish you would table margin, but was
consult your governor on what you ex- Senate committee. The
pect us to do with this bill." tie it to the Tisch pla
The Senate Finance Committee voted 67-36 yesterday a
earlier approved the Milliken- the more radical plan.
legislative proposal on a 6-1 vote and The plan cuts prope
also approved the Tisch plan 5-2. percent up to a maxi
ATthoughs'iievwanrted to keep the'more raises the sales tak by
radical plan off the Senate floor, they points and cuts local i
apparently changed their minds in a bid half. It is expected to pr
to win more support for the com- in government revenue

of two previous
the committee
ate vote on his
roperty taxes by
two years. He
e floor to lobby
n worked out by
e leaders passed
ght on a comfor-
altered by the
House refused to
an Tuesday and
gainst taking up
rty taxes by 50
mum of $1,400,
1.5 percentage
ncome taxes in
roduce a net loss
of $225 million.

:RT TISCH, sponsor of Tisch III tax cut proposal, waits outside
gan Senate chambers yesterday as Senators approved a compromise
elief proposal to appear on the May 19 ballot. The proposal slashes
rty and income taxes in half, and raises the sales tax by 1.5 percentage


-- a

Budget cuts to-gagr
WU O~Mcomme ntators

Budget cuts have pulled the plug on radio station
WUOM's "critic/commentators" program. The
last of the five-minute general interest broadcasts
on FM 91.7 will be aired Saturday, April 4.
The program, which features segments aired
throughout the broadcast day, provided a forum
for commentary by 17 area specialists in a variety
of fields.
Hazen Schumacher, most of the critic commen-
tators are faculty members providing background
information in areas ranging from law and
business to African and Asian studies.
Although some of the commentators, who are
paid $30 a spot, offered to volunteer their services,
Schumacher said station policy does not allow for
such an arrangement.

signing off."
"It's a beneficial program," he added. "But I
don't feel as if I know enough about other fiscal
programs at the University to say anything about
setting priority."
"Their line-up has been just marvelous,"
Schumacher said of the commentators. But he ex-
plained that, in the face of other reductions, "we
felt that this should go first."
STATION PERSONNEL hope to continue using
the commentators' expertise occasionally for
news broadcasts and analysis. "We've gotten
awfully used to having these experts around,"
Associate Producer for Broadcasting Bob Whit-
man said. "Some of them are known all over the
Besides facing cuts in its $350,000 University
general fund budget, "we have discovered there
will be cuts in federal funds ... a recision of funds
that were already appropriated," Schumacher
According to Schumacher, as much as 25 per-
cent may be cut from the $110,000 the station
presently receives from the federal government.
In addition to federal and University dollars,
WUOM is operating on a record $150,000 in listener
contributions received during a recent fund-
raising drive.

Faculty members who are involved in1
program include professors Frank Beaver
films, Allen Whiting on China, Ali Mazrui
Africa, and Ross Wilhelm on business.


JIM LOUDON, A freelance astronomy
specialist who produced a monthly space update
through the program, will have one of the final,
broadcasts on April 4. After 27 consecutive repor-
ts, he said he feels "a little like Walter Cronkite

Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN
.Mud-slinging beauties?
Referee "Peaches & Cream" signals a reversal for grappler "A Taste of Honey" over opponent
"Misty Blue." These-women are part of a nine-member mud-wrestling group, "The Chicago
Knockers." The touring feminine wrestlers demonstrated their talents at Second Chance
Tuesday night.

laborers, and pinky rings
OMOSEXUALS AND construction workers are
the best, although people who wear diamond
pinky rings run a close second. And other great
tippers include those who rely on tips themselves
for a living. Bartender Magazine surveyed 250 bartenders
on the day before St. Patrick's Day and compiled its annaul
list of potential good and bad tippers. "Guys who work in
gay bars always make a lot of money," says publisher fay
i nlan . An o a 4 ,Inr.nrc arc tho wnrc . t r .nnr.c UnI

memorandum really bugged a few public officials. As chief
lobbyist for the powerful District Council 37, Adler issued a
statement declaring the union's opposition to a recent bill
designed to make the ladybug the official state insect of
New York. "District Council 37 represents 110,000 workers,
over 60 percent of whom are women ... it is because of this
that we must object to the use of the obsolete and sexist
term 'lady' in describing the state bug," the memo states.
Adler's statement explained that the union had nothing
against the Ceratomegilla fuscilabris itself, but "cannot
endorse the proposed legislation unless the appellation
ladv hwu' is changed to 'woman bug' as a sign of honor and

to mail them all early. The devoted grandmother who lives
in Pembroke Pines, Fla., has been mailing this year's quota
of cards and letters in the past two weeks. She plans to get
them all mailed before the postage rates go up and hopes
others will join her protest. "We're suffering increases on
all sides-taxes, food, maintenance, everything," she said.
This increase "was the final straw," she added. E
Impatient patient
When two ambulance attendants from Lake Stevens,
Washington went to load their patient into the back of the
ambulance they noticed the vehicle was missing. That was

_. -'

Immoral salvation
Salvation is in sight for those who cringe at the thought of
the Moral Majority. The Immoral Minority was formed on
March 7, 1981, and is dedicated to "life, liberty and the pur-
suit of happiness, with no moral limitations," according to
the first newsletter. The new organization-whose motto is
"Lust is a must"-is actively seeking new members. The
none-too-scrupulous promoters charge $5 for an official
membership kit, which includes an immoral minority
bumper sticker, a certificate of the immoral minority
gospel (suitable for framing), and two buttons with the





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