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January 08, 1981 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-08

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The Michigan Daily


. 4

but what's the point?

you're in a movie theatre again and
you're out of popcorn. It's hard to buy
Lily Tomlin running around a hospital
pushing a corpse on a cart, although
Tomlin's expressions are great, fren-
zied to the point that her hair's almost
on end, her eyes as big as silver dollars.
Screenwrtier and director Higgins
has gone somewhat amiss with Nine to
Five. Nevertheless, there are moments
of classicism like he showed in his first
movie, Harold and Maude, but his
latest work reeks too much of the
silliness of his later movies, Silver
Streak and Foul Play. Sure, they're all
great fun, but what do they mean? Nine
to Five suffers too much from things
not said or passed over about working
as a secretary: Instead Higgins and
Resnick play for giggles with Dolly
Parton in a dress with a finger paint
print cut down to there and with a
boozing office worker who drinks
whiskey before work "for medicinal
purposes." Trite.
As for Higgins co-writer, Patricia
Resnick, she's a disciple of Robert Alt-
man, and an author of works that por-
tray the working situations of women in
a much more realistic bent. What, is she
doing in the midst of this silliness?
Resnick even did undercover

secretarial work in a large insurance
firm to find out what its really like to be
a spcretary. And Higgins and Resnick.
went to the National Association of Of-,
fice Workers and Working Women to
get ideas for the movie. So what hay-
pened, they learned how many words a
minute the average secretary types and
left it at that?
Of the starring trio, Tomlin comes off
best. She's a virtuoso comedienne,. a
real classic, rolling with the punches of
humor, and utterly believable in
dramatic moments. Jane Fonda is_
bland but she's just sort of there. You
can't say much against her except ap-
plaud her decision of a decade ago togo
into drama and hope that she stays
there. It's nice to be political but come
on, Jane, quality comes first, and you
aren't funny.
Dolly Parton is the surprise of the
event. She's a natural although it'll take
another film or two to see if she's realliy
got something in the way of acting
Nine to Five is an entertaining movie;
which normally says a lot. But there's
so much more that could be said ablt)(
secretaries. Oh, well, that's anotiet,

Rose Bowl blues for royalty
(Continued from Page 1) said it was a move designed to avoid it down to prejudice," she said.

ACCORDING TO King, a black
woman has never ridden on the float.
She said she recalled seeing a black
pompon girl running alongside the float
last year.
"There was no royalty in being the
king and queen," she said. "We didn't
even get crowned. There was more
work, upsets, and letdowns than
However, she did say that the ex-
citement of the Rose Bowl game itself
"paid for it all."
festivities were reinstated two years
ago after being abolished'more than a
decade ago.
King said she was tired of all the "bad
publicity" because it is taking away
from the Homecoming experience. "I
would really feel bad if they took away
Homecoming again, especially after I
was the queen," she said. She said she.
would continue to "work for a suc-
cessful Homecoming next year."
But not everyone feels that
Homecoming is such a worthwhile ac-
tivity. Student services administrator
Thomas Easthope said that the event
often includes "self-aggrandizement"
on the part of those in-
volved-something he said "I don't
want any part of."
"We have different traditions than
those of other Big Ten schools," he said.
"Should we change ours to reflect
LEE EXPRESSED similar sen-
timents, saying: "I don't care what
they do for next year. Everything
worked out to my satisfaction and as
far as I'm concerned, the case is
Attenborough was confident that
there would be a Homecoming next
year, perhaps one that will run more
" 4 Barbers
* No Waiting
Liberty off State.. 668-9529
East U. at So. U....662-0354
Arborland........ 971-9975
Maple Village..... 761-2733

... found queen "persuasive"

U.S. envoy
sent to
(Continued from Page 1)
Tuesday night but U.S. officials said the
American and Algerian governments
decided that a face-to-face meeting=
between Christopher and Benyihia was
THEY SAID THAT Christopher was
prepared to elaborate on the U.9:
responses sent to Iran Tuesday night.
Christopher's trip was arranged after
a State Department meeting yesterda
involving Secretary of State Edmund
Muskie, Christopher, White House
Counsel Lloyd Cutler, and presidential
press secretary Jody Powell.

r~ ~r



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