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February 03, 1981 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-03

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 3, 1981-Page 3
Energy woes may hit state hard

During times of national energy shortages or
economic instability, Michigan could be harder-hit
than the rest of the country, University researchers
warn in their new book Jobs and Energy in Michigan:
The Next 20 years.
In times of prolonged energy instability, the
researchers predict "we would be faced with virtual
economic stagnation in the 1990s and potential
decline in some major sectors such as manufacturing
and construction." -
THE MICHIGAN ECONOMY is hit soonest and
worst by a downturn in the national economy because
the automobile industry is the basis of the state
economy, and purchases of cars drop first when
money is tight, according to the researchers.
As the nation's energy supplies become scarce, the
automobile will be one of the first things a family
gives up buying, explain members of the Energy

Policy Group at the University Institute of Social
Study results suggest that at best, Michigan faces.
slow growth over the next two decades, say the book's
authors Mark Berg, Paul Ray, Mark Boroush, and
Mitchell Rycus.
Published "mainly as an alerting function," the
book emphasizes "the need for stability in energy
supplies" as well as the "need to diversify energy
sources," according to Berg.
THE BOOK CULMINATED a year-long study of
the relationship between jobs and energy in
Michigan. The study examined the potential risks to
the state's four million jobs resulting from the expec-
ted drastic changes in prices and availability of
energy over the next two decades.
"What are needed now are hard-headed strategies
which can be implemented at local, state, regional,
and national levels," say the researchers. Also,

"Citizens, businesses, and governments will all have
to take strong new initiatives."
Conservation is proposed as the most workable
energy-saving strategy. "Conservation offers the
fastest, lowest cost, and most reliable source of
energy for the years ahead," the book says.
Other sectors of the state economy, including
tourism, agriculture, and trucking would be directly
affected by an energy emergency. Jobs requiring
commuting would be seriously affected without mass
transit alternatives, according to the book's projec-
No specific action is recommended by the report
because "there remains considerable room for
honest and concerned citizens to differ over the 'best'
course of action,". the researchers say. The need for
definite action is still very real, but this cannot be
guaranteed by a total reliance on free-market
solutions, the book concludes.
rt Join The Daily

Retired professor of a
dies of leukemia cU 6!

Running feat AP Photo
CHRIS DEVINE, a 26 year old Chicagoan, leaves the Los Angeles City Hall
yesterday as.he starts his 3100-mile run across the country. He says that
running across the U.S. "is like a version of the American Dream."
Anthropology-Dead Birds, 7 p.m., MLB Rm. 2.
ECC & IC John Powell, "Riseof the Klan," noon, International Center.
Mich. Metallurgical Soc.-.D. E. Briggs, "Coal: An Alternative
Energy Source," noon, 3201 E. Engin.
N. Eastern & N. African Studies-Abdallah al-Muhanna, "Notes on Pre-
Islamic Concolation and Lamentation," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Psychobiology-Phillip Teitelbaum, "Subsystems in Parkinsonism and
Motivated Behavior: Some Animal Models," 12:30 p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Computing Ctr. - Forrest Hartman, "Applications of the MTS File
Editor," 3:30-5 p.m., B134 MLB.
Bioeng. - Chun-Sing George Lee, "A Research Overview of Robotics at
the University of Michigan," 4 p.m.. 1084 E. Engin. ,
Geology - Anthony Beswick, "Isotopic, Trace, and' Minor Element
Variations in Young Mafic Mahmas: System of Choas in the Upper Man-
tle?", 4p.m., 4001 CCL.
Soc. of Minority Engin. - 5th annual banquet, keynote speaker Julian
Earles, "Blacks in Engineering", 6:30-10 p.m., Michigan League.
Dharma Study Group-Intro. lecture on meditation, "Working with
Mind," 7:30 p.m., 201 S. Main, Rm. 511.
Black History Celebration - Dr. Nathan Hare, "Black Male/Female
Relationships," 7:30 p.m., South Quad, Dining Rm. 4.
Science Research Club-Robert Fogel, "Role of Fungi in the Forest
Ecosystem"; Gene Smith, "Future of the Electric and Hydrid Automotive
Vehicles," 7:30 p.m., Chrysler Ctr. Aud
Union-"Preview," Comic Opera Guild, "Naughty Marietta," 12:30 p.m.,
'U' Club.
CRLT Workshop-Alfred Storey, Speaking Skills, 3-5 p.m., 109 E. Madison.
Biological Research Review Committee-4 p.m., 3087 SPH I.
WICI -7p.m., Union, Welker Rm.
Panhellenic Assoc. -7 p.m., Alpha Delta Phi, 722 S. Forest.
His House Christian Fell. - 7:30 p.m., League.
Explorer Post - organizational meeting, 7:30 p.m., E. Quad, Rm. 126.
MSA - 7:30 p.m., 3909 Union.
Extension Service - 24th Annual Michigan Fire Chief Conf., 8 a.m.,
Weber's Inn.
SWE - Pre-Interview Program, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Mare Island Naval
Shipyard; General Dynamics, 5-7 p.m., 325 W. Engin.
Computer Ctr. - Chalk Talk, "MTS Files, Devices, and Input/Output",
12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS.
CPP - Career Conf. for Minority and Disabled Students, reps. from over
100 companies, students encouraged to bring resumes, 2-5, 7-9 p.m., League.
Book and Media Exhibit - display, 4:15-7:15 p.m.; Anne Hughes,
"Motivation and Assessment. . . They Can Be One", 7:30 p.m., Ypsi High
Rec. Sports - Squash Club Match, 6:30-9 p.m., CCRB.
UAC - Workshop, Impact Dance, 7-9 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Women's Basketball - WMU, 7 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Rec. Sports - Clinic, "Vegetarianism," 7:30-9 p.m., 1250 CCRB.
CRISP - deadline for LSA incompletes.'
Henry Ford Museum -' exhibit of model and toy trains, "Railroading in
Miniature," 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Greenfield Village.
Washtenaw County Parks and Rec. - Clinics for cros country skiing, 6:30
and 8:30 p.m., Buhr Park; register at Wash. Cty. Bldg., AA City Hall, AA
Public Library, Ypsi Public Library.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI., 48109
Thurs., Feb. 5 at Noon
Michigan League-Michigan Room

Richard Wilt, professor of art, died Saturday night after
suffering from leukemia. Wilt had been a professor of pain-
ting and drawing at the Uniyersity since 1947. He was 65.
No memorial service is planned.
Wilt had been a "popular teacher, a fixture in the Ann Ar-
bor art community, and one of the most prolific artist-
teachers on the University art faculty," said George Bayliss,
art school dean.
Bayliss said yesterday Wilt had been confined to a
wheelchair this past year and had officially retired.
However, that did not stop students from coming to him at his
Liberty Street studio to seek instruction. "He had quite a
student following," Bayliss said.

Wilt was considered a "social comment" painter and
produced drawings, oils, watercolors, and other works
dealing with such themes as World War II, the black
revolution, the Vietnam protests, and landscapes.
The art professor's paintings have hung in many per-
manent collections throughout the country. In 1951-52 he was
selected as one of six American painters whose works were
circulated by the American Federation of Art.
Before coming to the University, Wilt taught at the Car-
negie Institute of Technology, the University of West
Virginia, and other art schools. He also worked as a
magazine illustrator, a writer and illustrator of children's
books, advertising designer, and leather goods designer and

Uncertain revenues
plague city budget

City administrators told City Council
last night the yfeel "comfortable" with
the state of the 1980-81 general and in-
ternal service fund budgets, despite a
projected second quarter general fund
deficit of $400,000.
But during the next fiscal year the
city will have to tighten its money belt
to cut expenditures and increase
revenues, City Budget Director Patrick
Kenney told Council.
THE 1980-81 budget planned a deficit
of $395,700 to be paid through prior sur-
plus money. The total surplus at the
beginning of this fiscal year was about
$1.8 million, according to Kenney.
City officials are also worried about
the costs of a possible special election in
June,Kenney said. Estimated costs for
the election, proposed by Gov. William
Milliken, are from $45,000 to $50,000,
and has not been included in this year's
budget. Aside from that possibility,
overspending of about $11,000 is an-
The revenue side of the budget poses-
more serious problems, according to
Kenney. A "serious revenue shortfall"
is expected this year because the
budget included a payment of about
$178,000 from the state for fire protec-
tion services provided by the city to the
THE COUNCIL recently authorized
the city to sue the state under the
Headlee amendment for its refusal to
make that payment. But even if the city
wins the case, restoration will not be
made during the current fiscal year.
Also, the city administrators are not
expecting the reimbursement of $29,000
for last November's state primary to be
made during this fiscal year.
But other revenue sources, including
federal revenue sharing, interest
revenues, landfill fees, and delinquent
property tax interest charges, will
slightly exceed budgeted levels, accor-
ding to Kenney. Total revenue shortfall
is expected to be about $67,000.
"THE MAJOR uncertainty still
facing us . . . involves the final amount
for state-shared revenues which is
dependent upon the state of the
economy," the financial report said.
unanimously approved a resolution
Boyne Country
Ski Weekends
CAMP SEA-GULL in Charlevoix
offers economical group accommo
1981 weekend prices
per person)
20-40 people... $32.00/weekend
41.80 people. .. $30.00/weekend
81-100 people.. $ 28.00 /weekend
Friday and Saturday night lodging
2 breakfasts. 1 dinner nightly

proposed by Councilman David Fisher
(R-Fourth Ward) requesting the state
amend laws governing the withdrawal
of candiates from local elections.
Several weeks ago, Fisher explained,
Council candidate Kenneth Newble
asked to be removed from the Fifth
Ward ballot, eliminating the need for a
Republican primary in that ward. The
Republican majority approved the
request, but it was vetoed a week later
by Mayor Louis Belcher because the
action violated a state law regarding
withdrawal deadlines.
"The state election law is set up
around state elections," Fisher said.
"The state is saying, no, you can't
Directions Ensemble
FEB. 7-8 p.m.
Rackham Auditorium
Quintet, 1980
...... Timothy Greatbatch
LaCreation du Monde, 1923
............- .-M ilhaud
Symphony, 1968
............. Rzewski
First Stratum of Empyrean,
1977 .. Christopher Rouse
OGoun Badagris, 1976
.......Christopher Rouse
Pre-concert discussion of composi-
tions being performed on the eve-
ning's concert.
HOST: George Cacioppo of WUOM
GUEST: Prof. Christopher Rouse
from the University of Michigan
School of Music as featured com-
poser of the evening.

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