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February 03, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-03

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy and cold today with
occastional snow flurries.
A high in the upper teens
and a low near zero.

Vol. XCI, No. 106 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 3, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages

wage cut
By UPI and AP
DETROIT - Chrysler Corp. workers
narrowly approved a $46-a-week pay
cut followed by a 20-month wage freeze
that provides $622 million in financial
help for the company, the United Auto
Workers union said yesterday.
Ratification of those concessions was
crucial to Chrysler's bid for the $400
million in federal loan guarantees
needed to avoid bankruptcy.
UAW OFFICIALS said the vote in
favor of the scaled-down contract was
26,942 to 18,859. Viewed another way, 58.8
percent of workers who voted were for
That's a smaller victory margin than
in the two previous times Chrysler
workers were asked to approve lower
wages and benefits than their peers at
General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor
"We are gratified that a majority of
Chrysler workers has chosen to keep
the Chrysler Corporation in business
and to hold onto their jobs," said Marc
Stepp, UAW vice president and director
of the union's Chrysler Department.
"IF ANY COMPANY thinks this is an
opportunity to take advantage of UAW
members and the gains they have won
over the years, they are in for a
shocking surprise," Stepp said.
Under the proposal accepted by the
workers, the average Chrysler worker
will earn $3 an hour less by September
1982 than his counterparts at GM and
The company still is trying to nail
down more than $1 billion in financial
help from bankers, suppliers and the
Canadian government. Each of these
must sign on the dotted line before
Chrysler can draw down the guaran-
teed funds.
These measures were estimated to
save $45 million, with other provisions
bringing the UAW total to $622 million.
Similar measures from other workers
were to save $161 million more.
A 15-day Congressional oversight
period following tentative approveal of
the federal aid expires today, but
Chrysler officials have said they need
more time - at least a week - to
process paperwork involved in getting
those parties to agree to the con-



targeted for

Whole lotta Shak i Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
One of the original rock-and-rollers, Jerry Lee Lewis, played last night to a full house at Second Chance. Lewis drew a
crowd whose ages ranged from 18 to 50.
Faculty divided on slated
geography dpartment cut

The "smaller, but better" philosophy
of facing the current University budget
crisis was tested rigorously at yester-
day's LSA faculty meeting as faculty
members contested discontinuance
proceedings recently brought against
the geography department.
"I'm appealing for an effort to make
the hard choices," said Acting LSA
Dean John Knott, who advocated swift
action on the matter of possible
elimination of the geography depar-
tment. "We cannot take across the
board austerity. It would be a sure road
to mediocrity."
LAST WEEK Knott announced that
the geography department will be
eliminated sometime after the 1981-82
school year pending a special review by
a four-member ad hoc committee, and
finally, approval by the University
Several faculty members echoed
Knott's remarks, and praised the LSA
Executive Committee for taking a
''courageous step'' in selective budget

But, many strongly opposed the
decision to begin proceedings against
the geography department. Several
faculty members criticized the way in
which the executive committee arrived
at and announced its decision, and
voiced objections to the manner by
which Knott and the committee have
approached program retrenchment.h]
"I AM completely mystified by the
action the committee has taken," said
sociology Prof. David Goldberg. Gold-
berg, who chaired the committee that
conducted an internal review of the
geography department in 1977, said
that the department survived two sets
of favorable reviews.
Geography Department Chairman
John Nystuen voiced his objection to
"the manner in which the initial action'
to consider discontinuance of the depar-
tment was taken by the dean and
executive committee."
Nystuen read a statement to the
faculty in which he said the department
"had no part in the first. and in our

view, crucial step in the process. We
are immediately damaged by the ac-
Nystuen said the department is
seeking a "redress from the breach of
procedure. We cannot proceed that way
on the next victim," he added,
suggesting the departments involved be
allowed to "comment on the idea,
material used, and the procedures"
before the decision to set discontinuan-
ce proceedings in motion.
"ONE OF OUR prime concerns (in
keeping secret the initial consideration
to possibly eliminate the geography
department) was not to injure the
department," said Political Science
Prof. and LSA Executive Committee
member Harold Jacobson. "If we chose
not to open the case, we feared that we
would have irreparably damaged the
Nystuen also criticized Knott's selec-
tion of the ad hoc review committee
members - all of whom are from large
social science departments. "Someone
See LSA, Page 7

Michigan Media and radio station
WUOM have been targeted for exten-
sive budget cuts which reportedly could
go as high as 40 percent.
Yesterday, WUOM made the first
move toward reducing expenditures by
cutting its broadcasting day from a 1
a.m. shut-off time to 11:30 p.m. The
change meets the minimum federal
requirement of 18 broadcasting hours to
allow the station to continue receiving
federal funds. The station begins its
broadcasts at 5:30 a.m. each day.
Schumacher, director of broadcasting,
evening hours, rather than morning,
hours, were reduced to include the 6
a.m. peak listening time.
More specific proposals to cut costs
include laying off at least one employee
at WVGR, a University-owned Grand
Rapids radio station, and cancelling a
subscription to one wire service.
Other options being investigated in-
clude reducing or charging for free ser-
vices now provided by Michigan Media,
laying off additional staff, and merging
engineering and marketing staffs of
Michigan Media and WUOM.
WUOM IS THE University-owned
public radio station and Michigan
Media is the University's audio-visual
televison production center.
Michigan Media and WUOM are just
two of a number of hon-academic
programs being examined to save
money. Schools and colleges are con-
ducting similar reviews within their
departments. The Geography Depar-
tment is the only academic program
that has been slated for possible discon-
According to Carolyne Davis, assist-
ant to the vice-president for academic
affairs, the committee formed to in-
vestigate options concerning the
Michigan Media budget cuts is in "a
process of collecting impact statemen-

mittee to have a final list of priorities
and impact speculations by Feb. 15.
The committee has scheduled a
forum to be held Feb. 18 for the general
public to comment on the proposed
reductions. Those wishing to schedule a
10-minute speaking time should call
The goal of the committee is to for-
mulate a list, arranged in increments,
showing the impact of a $200,000 to
$250,000 cut from the $663,000 Michigan
Media currently receives from the
general fund.
ACCORDING TO Schumacher, who
heads both Michigan Media and
WUOM, priorities for the' cuts will be
made by returning to the center's
original objectives.
.These objectives include film and
video production, education, con-
sultation, library distribution and
marketing, audio-visual and TV
equipment distribution, and repair and
projection services.
According to Schumacher, lay-offs
would not be considered until reduc-
tions in the "vital frills" such as travel
and telephone bills are effected. "After
all," he said, "how can I lay off a long-
time employee and still go to conferen-
ces (in other parts of the nation)?"
THOUGH DEFINITE priorities have
not yet been set, Davis noted the
possibility of raising rental rates to non-
University users of the center's exten-
sive film library. "But," she noted, "if
you raise rates too high you'll drop
some users."
One committee member, who asked
to remain anonymous, said there had
been discussion of merging the
technical engineering capabilities of
Michigan Media with those of WUOM.
The committee members also said it
was suggested that the marketing staf-
fs of Michigan Media, WUOM AND
WVGR be merged.
ACCORDING TO the committee

-VSHE SAID SHE expected the com- Se WUOM, Page 7

Collegiate pressures heating up
By ANNETTE STARON ~TT 1 aWhen people call 76-GUIDE, "we just
BYouheanet Arow o BUt 'U Counse1 rs s y let them vent their feelings," said
You have an exam tomorrow, but you Denise, one of the 24-hour crisis cen-
haven't cracked the books for that classs mter's workers. "Our emphasis is on
Your parents are pressuring you to e y g 1 btI ti g helping them find their own solution,"
ourea r pres s rngyashe added

YOU FEEL BAD because you don't
have the money to pitch in for pizza-or
to take a study break at the bar.
College students face an unusual
amount of pressure, whether it be
because of school, home, or social
life-or a combination of the three.
But stress itself is neither avoidable
nor unhealthy. A person needs a "cer-
tain amount of stress to keep on top of
things and keep going," according to
Barbara Blayert, a counselor at
University Student Counseling Service.
IN FACT, SOME people "find them-
selves motivated by stress," said Sally
Talpos, an administrative assistant for
the counseling service.
"Stress is a subjective reaction to too
much tension," said Blayert. A student

may feel "overwhelmed or
overloaded" by school or work.
"Everyone has stress," said Dr.
Bruce Greyson, chief of University
Medical School Psychiatry Emergency
Services. Pressures usually come from
outside the individual, he added. This
happens most often when students want
to make their parents proud of their
academic record, he said.
STRESS MANIFESTS itself in many
ways: overeating, headaches, insom-
nia, upset stomachs, anxiety,
depression, and being unable to sit still.
Coping with stress used to be as easy
as buying new clothes or going to a
movie, but because of the economic
crunch, there is less money available to
spend on these activities.

"Most people's coping strategies
can't be utilized now," said Evie
Gauthier, supervisor of 76-GUIDE, a
-University call-in counseling service.
AND, BECAUSE most students live
away from home, support systems like
their church and family aren't readily
accessible either.
But people can learn to handle stress
in many other ways. Muscle relaxing
yoga, jogging, and exercising are some
of the more popular techniques.
One source of immediate temporary
help is talking - especially to good
friends or "someone who has more
distance from the situation and a better
perspective," said Greyson.
Talking with friends is like unloading
an emotional backpack, Blayert said.

What helps you cope with stress may
not work for a friend. Everyone has to
find their own "vital balance" - that
balance between work and play which
will keep one psychologically,
emotionally and physically healthy, ac-
cording to Blayert.
According" to University Counseling
Services director Harold Korn, studen-
ts began using the counseling services
earlier this year than in past years;
coming before midterms rather than
during midterms.
There is also an apparent increase in
the number of students using the ser-
vice, said Talpos,z but noted that
statistics are tabulated only once a

Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
"A PERSON NEEDS a certain amount of stress to keep on top of things and
keep going," according to Barbara Blayert, a counselor at the University
Student Counseling Service.


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Two for two for Saginaw
CAN YOU BELIEVE it? In two years, two Daily
editors-in-chief have come from Saginaw, an
industrial town just north of Flint. Through
Saturday, that editor was Saginaw resident Mark
Parrent. Sara Anspach, also from Saginaw, replaced him
Feb. 1. Today's Daily is the first published under the direc-
tion of the 1981 senior editors. Front row, left to right:

Wood that he had known
He could not see the forest for the trees. Even though New
Jersey stockbroker John McCloskey hadn't checked on his
30 acres of wooded property since last April, he assumed
everything was fine. Alas, when he stopped by for his
periodic visit, McCloskey found only tiretracks, a few good-
sized logs, and some sawdust. The identities of the wood
ravagers? Police suspect local homeowners in need of fuel
for their wood-burning stoves or fireplaces. "Wood's a

in Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo, came out of hibernation and
predicted an early spring. In Sun Prairie, Wis., rookie
forecaster Jimmy IV ambled out of a burrow in the Arctic
cold. In French Creek, W. Va., French Creek Freddie,
proved to be shy, staying inside. Explaining, French Creek
Game Farm Superintendent William Vanscoy said: "Some
groundhogs are dragged kicking and screaming from their
beds. If they choose to come out, fine: if they do not choose
to come out, fine." If that's the case, the groundhogs have it
easy compared to the rest' of us on these harsh winter

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