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February 01, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-01

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


41 igan


High today will be in the
mid 20s with a low tonight
of 12°.

Vol. XCI, No. 105

Copyright 1981 The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 1, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


talking tough to Soviets
Haig, Kissinger echo
hard-line position

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-A few weeks ago, it was a
commonly accepted view among Carter ad-
ministration officials that President Reagan
would conclude that the risks of unconstrained
rivalry with the Soviet Union outweigh the rewar-
But after less than two weeks in office, there is
every indication that the new administration has
decided to opt for a confrontational policy, convin-
ced that a constructive relationship is not possible
because of Soviet behavior worldwide.
THIS ATTITUDE contrasts sharply with that
which has prevailed under Democratic and
Republican administrations over the past 20
years. These administrations have believed that
competition with the Soviets must be coupled with
policies that ensure peaceful coexistence.
The tone of the new administration's approach
was set this past week when Reagan and
Secretary of State Alexander Haig held their first
news conferences.
On Wednesday, Haig said the world has been
witnessing "an unprecedented-at least in
character and scope-risk-taking mode on the
part of the Soviet Union" in terms of "training,
funding and equipping international terrorism."
ON THURSDAY, Reagan added a new dimen-
sion to th'e administration's criticism with some of
the strongest anti-Soviet language heard since the
Cold War era.
He said the Soviets have reserved for them-
selves "the right to commit any crime, to lie, to
cheat" in order to achieve their goal of "world
Another signal of the new hard-line attitude
toward the Soviets came on Jan. 14 during Haig's
confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, when he was asked about
Soviet aims and policies.
"I have never been anything but convinced that
the Soviet leadership is more influenced by tough,
clear, concise Western policies," he replied.
"They understand them. I would also suggest that
they are never influenced by Western rhetoric ...
They are influenced by Western deeds."
THE NEW MILITANCY has evoked strong ex-
pressions:of support from some officials who
believe Moscow for too long has been trying to
take advantage of unstable situations in the Mid-
dle East, Central America and Africa by
providing arms and other support to rebel forces.
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,
speaking in Boston yesterday, said blunt criticism

of the Soviets by Reagan and Haig shows that the
United States means to restore the military and
political balance of world power. That balance, he
said, has undergone a "dramatic deterioration" in
the past few years.
"PEACE MUST BE coupled with justice and
freedom, because if it isn't, the desire for peace
becomes an instrument in the hands of the most
ruthless," Kissinger said.
"I predict that before the Reagan ad-
ministration is over ... there is a better chance for
meaningful negotiations than there was in the
previous administration," he added,
One official, who asked not to be identified,
credited the administration with a "new realism"
in addressing Soviet activities.
'I have never been anything but
convinced that the Soviet

leadership is

more influenced

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
Sophomore Jo Babitch does her share by preparing dinner at the Michigan House co-op on Central Campus.
Coope ratives-offer ix

o pers les
By DEBI DAVIS House treasurer Randy Schwartz announ- the house.

by tough, clear, concise
Western policies. '-Secretary
of State A lexander Haig.
But a dissenting official, who also requested
anonymity, said the U.S. government has been
taken over by "a bunch of hard-liners who are ac-
ting like nothing has changed in the past 30
THE SOVIET PRESS has also reacted strongly
to the Reagan administration comments. A com-
mentary appearing in yesterday's edition of the
Soviet government newspaper Izvestia said initial
steps taken by the Reagan administration "are far
from indicative of constructive intentions."
The article, signed by the newspapers' political
analyst, Stanislav Kondrasov, took issue with
Haig's statement Wednesday that the Kremlin
supports policies that "foster, support and ex-
pand" international terrorism.
Izvestia characterized Haig's comments as a
"fresh invention for the same anti-Soviet purposes
which were served (under former President Jim-
my Carter)."
The commentary accused Haig of "malicious
libel" in his criticism of Soviet support for
"terrorist" groups, which the commentary said
are actually national liberation movements.

When considering alternatives to dorm
living, students often dismiss cooperative
housing as a relic of the 1960s.
"We have the image of a radical
organization," laments Russ Lyons, a
member of the Inter-Cooperative Council
and resident of, Bag-end Co-op on North
But a visit to the conservatively-named
Michigan House on Central Campus reveals
residents who are eager to show off the
radical atmosphere of their dwelling.
Asked what he does for a living, Michigan

ces, "I'm a communist."
Each of the 22 houses in the Inter-
Cooperative Council has a character all its
own, but all are owned and controlled by the
members who live in them.
For example, Minnies, a North State
Street co-op, was finally repainted last
summer folloW ig numerous house
meetings to decide on the color-not of the
house itself, which under the Minnies con-
stitution must be purple, but on the shade of
purple and whether the green fire escape
should be color-coordinated with the rest of

In describing the character of Michigan
House, four-year resident Paul Chernoff is
quick to say, "This house is famous for its-
bats." He goes on to describe the "bat net".
they used to keep in the corner to catch the
flying rodents.
Michigan House comes complete with
pool table, coffee table-a door resting on
four cinder blocks-and a cast iron "head
press," which Chernoff jokes is used on "co-
opers" who balk at doing their chores.
Vacancy rates for co-ops are high. Long-
time ICC staffer Luther Buchele said, "Most
See CO-OP, Page 2

U' gardens: More than
.just another bed of roses

It's likely that the only location in the area where people
pollinate trees, birds swoop about the rooms unhindered, and
a great deal of serious botanical research takes place is the
University's Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
Although the 250-acre facility's primary responsibility is to
provide University faculty and students with horticultural,
biological, and natural history research facilities, its collec-
tion of tropical and botanically valuable plants attracts hun-
dreds of visitors each year. A major reduction in the gardens'
budget was announced Friday by Acting LSA Dean John
THE FACILITY, located about five miles northeast of the
University, will not be closed, but the impact of the budget
cuts could be substantial, Knott said.
The gardens' conservatory runs the gamut of the world's
climates, including tropical, temperate and desert areas.
A number of "economic" flora grow in the tropical area,
such as the annatto tree. The plant produces an orange-
colored dye that is used to make butter golden and cheese
yellow. Sap from the chicle tree, which also grows in tropical
climates, is a basic component in chewing gum.
Although most of the flowers and trees in the tropical room
are pollin1ated by birds, the sausage tree, named for its

sausage-shaped fruit, is usually pollinated by bats.
"WE DON'T HAVE any bats here at the conservatory,"
said Patricia Pachuta, who supervises care of the plants at
the garden. She explained that a gardner must climb up into
the sausage tree and pollenate it.
The conservatory isn't a home for plants alone. Sparrows
fly in through skylights during the fall and stay on during the
winter. They are welcome guests, Pachuta explained,
because they eat aphids, white flies, and other insects
dangerous to plants.
The conservatory's desert room contains a large collection
of cacti from the western hemisphere. Among these is the
rock plant, which is practically unrecognizable inside the bed
of stones in which it grows.
Flowering plants and trees are the primary inhabitants of
the conservatory's temperate room. One of these is the
jasmine tree. Its white blossoms open at night and fill the
room with a sweet fragrance.
Research on plant species, their growing habits, and their
relationships with other plants are at the heart of the gar-
dens' purpose. One project taking place there involves the
acacia tree, which grows in Mexico. The tree prov ides a
home and food for ants, which keep the base of the tree free
from debris in return.

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
AN ELDERLY WOMAN records for posterity several cacti growing in the desert area of the University's Matthaei
Botanical Gardens. The Gardens have been threatened by a major budget reduction.

Dance the night away
T'S TIME TO put on those dancing shoes, because
Ann Arbor may soon boast another dance floor.
Dooley's plans to begin catering to Fred Astaire and
Ginger Rogers types by providing dancing facilities
to its patrons. "Many people have asked why we don't have
a dance floor," said Gary Foltz, general manager of the
local watering hole. If the city approves of a request for a
dance nermit. Foltz said there will not be any structural

the court clerk who received the payment, had the granite
appraised by a local stonemaker and found the check was
worth more than $200. Nolette then paid McBride's ticket
and decided to keep the rock herself as "a memorial." Mc-
Bride recalled that he once protested a Virginia sales tax by
writing a check in stone. "They kept my check and a couple
of years later the sales tax was repealed and I got a
refund," hesaid. ad
Please Mr. Postman
David and Olga Kinsey of Akron, Ohio were puzzled whenj

patrolmen identified the substance as cocaine-$50,000 wor-
th. The Kinsey's-cleared of any involvement in the
scheme-were allowed to keep the other 14 volumes of the
encyclopedia. "We have grandchildren and we thought the
books were a nice surprise," Kinsey said of the windfall. 7
Sub-age subwaymman
Most 15-year-old boys don't know where to stop (ask any
15-year-old girl), but one youth had things under control
recently in New York. When the youth took control of a
subway line "he did a better job than most of the motor-

Whatever happens, don't stop driving. Morgantown's Town
Marshall Kenneth Zook had his gasoline allocation cut
almost in half, down to seven gallons a day for his patrol
car. He said that until the town board, gets a chance to
review the- problem next month, he is answering emergen-
cy calls in his personal car and purchasing the gas himself.
"I drive a little Chevette, so it doesn't use too much gas"
Zook said, "but this isn't going to solve our problem."
Would-be thieves in Morgantown had better be using gas
guzzlers during their getaways, otherwise police protection
in that town might run out of gas.
On the inside



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