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January 31, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-31

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

e t I a


today with
snow, a high
low of 15°.


of 30°, and a


WVol. XCI, No. 104

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 31, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

11 1111 11 11 1m



to decline
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - A key barometer
of the nation's future economic health
fell 0.8 percent in December, while the
productivity of U.S. business and in-
dustry declined in 1980 for the third
straight year, the government reported
The Commerce Department's deputy
chief economist, William Cox, conceded
that the decline in the Index of Leading
Indicators - after six consecutive mon-
thly increases - signals at least a
slowdown in the nation's economic
recovery from last spring's recession.
But he said it would be "premature to
assume from one month's figures that
we're headed over the hill and onto a
downward slope again on any sustained
THE INDEX provides a broad look at
10 different economic conditions in a
way designed to predict future activity.
Seven of the 10 indicators dropped in
December, with a 0.7 percent decline in
the nation's money supply contributing
most to the overall loss. That decline,
however, could also mean less in-
flationary pressure and eventually
lower interest rates.
In its measure of labor productivity
for last year, the Labor Department
said the measure of worker output per
hour slipped 0.3 percent. In the last
quarter of the year, labor productivity.
in the private business sector fell 1.9
Worker output rose by 6.3 percent and
the number of hours worked went up 8.3
* percent, apparently reflecting a
general business posture of optimism.
But productivity fell since hours rose
faster than output.

budget to


ie pruned

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
A LAW SCHOOL Student Senate committee is trying to restrict undergraduates from use of the Law Library because of
Crowddawt Lirar
irks leg al, students

In response to complaints that the Law Library is over-
crowded, a Law School Student Senate subcommittee has
proposed several ways to keep non-law students from
studying in the library.
"Law students complain about it quite a bit," said
Margaret Leary, Law Library assistant director. "I think
they have a pretty strong case to limit access."
DESPITE A HISTORY of complaints on the same issue,
the Law Library's policy is to allow any University
student to use its facilities.
Periodically, law school student volunteers post them-
selves at the library doors and check IDs to discourage
undergraduates from using study space.
A sign standing prominently between the library's main
doors and the circulation desk reads: "Attention Please:
Because space in the reading room is extremely limited,

students from other schools should use their own libraries
unless they have an immediate need for legal materials."
Leary explained that there are 350 seats on the library's
main floor and 1,150 law students. "The Law School spen-
ds hundreds of thousands of dollars financing that
library-I'd say that's awfully expensive study space for
students not in law school," she said.
A REFERENDUM written by several members of the
Law School Student Senate contains suggestions for
stricter regulation of Law Library privileges.
Proposals include:
" Posting a guard at the door to check IDs.
. Sending law students through the reading room to ask
non-law students to leave.
" Posting law students at the door to check IDs.
* Posting signs at the door to the reading room.
See LAW, Page 2

A "major" reduction will be made in
the Matthaei Botanical Gardens'
budget by July 1, Acting LSA Dean
John Knott announced yesterday.
The University gardens, located
about five miles northeast of campus,
will not be closed, but the impact of the
proposed budget cuts could be substan-
tial, he said.
The amount of the budget reduction
has not been determined yet, but a
faculty advisory committee has been
established to study the affect of a wide
range of reductions proposed by Knott
ind the LSA Executive Committee.
"WE HAVE COME to this conclusion
reluctantly, out of a belief that we must
be prepared to take such action if we
are to preserve the strength of our
overall academic programs," Knott
said {yesterday. "We are not contem-
plating discontinuance in the case of the
Botanical Gardens."
Knott would not comment
specifically on the range of budget cuts
he has submitted to the special commit-
About $320,000 of the Botanical Gar-

dens' funds come from the University's
general fund. Most of this money is
allocated for salaries.
whom are University students, are em-
ployed by the Botanical Gardens. Some
could lose their jobs.
The review process for the Botanical
Gardens is similar to the review being
conducted of the Recreational Sports
Department. .Recreational Sports of-
ficials are preparing "impact
statements" of what would happen if-46
percent, 56 percent, or 66 percent of
that program's general fund budget is
The committee's report on the gar-
dens is expected in March. The results
will be reviewed by the LSA ad-
ministration, and finally decided upon
by the Regents.
"WE ARE HAVING to consider
possible reductions in various
programs throughout the college,"
Knott explained. "All the programs are
worthwhile. But with the University's
current financial condition, not all units
See BOTANICAL, page 2

Math anxiety adds up to
problems for some students

For some people, math is not as easy
as 1-2-3.
Psychologists, counselors, and those
who have a problem with math
problems sometimes call the fear of
numbers and equations "math
"I think I have the aptitude to be good
at math, but I have this fear. . ." ex-
plained one student trying to cope with
math anxiety. "I think I was socialized
to believe that math was a masculine
exactly how many people have this
problem, they know it is more common
in women and they can name several
possible causes.
"It is not a disease with any single
cause," said University Mathematics
Prof. Jack Goldberg, who said having a
poor math teacher early in a student's
career could lead to later problems.
He informally defined math anxiety
as "an exaggerated fear-like reac-
tion-akin to having stage
fright--which cripples a person's
ability to learn or do math." In the past,
Goldberg had taught classes for studen-
ts who have math anxiety.
THE FEAR OF math is more
prevalent in women, Psychology Prof.
James Papsdorf said, partially because
of "society." Women are encouraged to
take "more humanistic courses," he
Echoing Papsdorf, Washtenaw

Community College Psychology Prof.
Ester Grossman said, "Women are told
to take cooking instead." When female
students get to college, find they must
take math, and experience difficulties
with the course work, she said, they
sometimes become anxious.
"Students will say to themselves 'I
can't do it, I'm lousy at it," and it's a
self-fulfilling prophecy," she said.

A COURSE designed for students who
have a fear of math will be offered at
WCC next month. It will be taught by
both math and psychology instructors
"to attack the problem from both
sides," said Janet Hastings, the math
instructor in the course.
"The best way is to give a com-
bination of anxiety training plus
See MATH, Page 3

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
CARL PROFFER, a University professor of Slavic languages, is the largest publisher of Russian literature and

criticism outside the Soviet Union.
pu blish in
Ann Arbor

From the outside, the house doesn't
reveal the international culture and
renown it actually contains.
In the midst of a typical upper middle
class Ann Arbor neighborhood, Ardis
Inc. quietly goes about its business. Ar-
dis is the largest publisher of Russian
literature and criticism - including the
work of dissidents - outside the Soviet
University Slavic Language Prof.
Carl Proffer began this unusual
publishing venture a decade ago

because of "a series of accidents." On-
ce the initial connection with Russian
authors had been made, the work came
out fast and heavy.
IN TEN YEARS he has published
more than 225 books, more than 90 per-
cent of which were written by or about
Russian authors and critics.
"You can overwork for a decade,"
Proffer said, adding that now he would
like to sleep for the same period of time.
With more than 130 manuscripts
either already in his hands, or being
See RUSSIANS, Page 3



Beauty is in the eye
SHRISTO,THE ARTIST, envisions Central Park
lined with miles of gates each with a golden
banner drifting in the breeze. The Central Park
-Community Fund envisions a park ruined by
"11,000 shower curtains flapping in the wind." So New York
City Parks Commissioner Gordon Davis must decide
whether Christo, the artist, who once built a 24 mile-long
fence across two California counties, will be allowed to con-
ctrtin 11 (1M c ,n_ fn a with -nch ian sn han

massive, obnoxious intrusion on the park that has ever been
A hot time in the cold town
Dick Bacon thought he would catch a few rays. He went
out in his backyard, and lay down in his bathing suit to soak
up some Milwaukee sun. Nothing unusual about that, ex-
cept last wekend was a little chilly. Well, maybe more than
a little. The mercury was near zero and the strong winds

Getting the runaround

It doesn't hurt any more to run than it does to sit, says
Sufibonnet Sue. And she should know. Marilla Salisbury,
73-who got her nickname from the wide-brimmed hat she
wears while running-started running and working out with
weights three years ago when she got tired of listening to
her elderly friends complain about their aches and pains. "I
kept on running around the block. Then they told me about a
6.2 mile race in San Juan, Capistrano and I went and ran
that in 93 minutes." The speedy senior citizen now holds
world records in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1,500, 5,000 and 10.000-


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